View Full Version : Wow, Just...wow

09-26-06, 03:11 AM
For all of you guys who thought they had seen everything, this will phase you. This mentions game systems I didn't even know existed!


Its based off FF6 so anyone who's played that had better be accepting, otherwise probably best not to watch it, as it takes form a few of the scenes in there.

09-26-06, 06:03 AM
Hehe, that was pretty cool. I always thought I had at least *heard* of most of the game systems out there but there were still a bunch in there that threw me for a loop.

09-26-06, 07:06 AM
Wow indeed...

I nearly broke down watching the ending scenes...

Poor Grampa Gameboy... *sob*

Storm Veritas
09-26-06, 08:04 AM
This thing is freakin' LONG.

Didn't know I was settling in for a 45 minute feature.

Very entertaining, if too long.

09-27-06, 03:09 AM
Yeah probably should have warned on that.

Anyways yeah guys you should be totally ready to spend osme time watching it. It's pretty good and indepth, probably took rpgmaker 2k and made this, wish they had released it.