View Full Version : A Dance for Voryan. [Closed]

07-16-14, 05:56 PM
Everyday, Nosdyn Krotar returned to The Citadel.

In a roundabout sort of way, Nosdyn had discovered a part of his purpose in The Citadel halls. As a member of his race, as a DEMON, Nosdyn's very nature was warlike. He was part of a conquering race, and it was a very angry one at that. They still held their grudges from their ultimate loss in the first Demon War. A loss which could have likely been avoided with a more careful and well thought out plan for the conquest of Althanas. The effects of The Demon War on Althanas still lingered, and Demon society was forever changed as a result. There were the leaders of course, like Overlord Zieg. Those were folks that Nosdyn looked up to and admired. Zieg especially who was revered as a Demon champion.

Nosdyn thought a lot about home those days. There was a lot of geopolitical upheaval, and many of the more modern day incarnations of his people were disenfranchised with the world. They were out of touch with themselves, and lost sight of what made a proud Demon. Nosdyn was going to someday take charge and help usher in a new era of prosperity for Haidia and ALL Demons everywhere. That was Nosdyn's true calling, not just petty conquest and siege warfare on greater Althanas. But rather, the corruption of what made Althanas Heroes prosper in general.

Nosdyn schemed in silence as he stood on the steps of The Citadel's main edifice structure.

It was deep in the heart of enemy territory.

It gave Heroes hope for a better, brighter tomorrow. It was both a lovely structure, and at the same time a hideous and ugly one. To Nosdyn, it represented the very corrupt ideas of the races of the surface dwellers. They could both worship and hate the old gods in general as a result of The Citadel. The Citadel had become a place where people could vent frustrations, but to Nosdyn, it was something else entirely. It was a place he would find his purpose. A fancy robed monk suddenly approached Nosdyn. Nosdyn turned towards the man, he did not move away from the Demon like so many of the other monks often had. Nosdyn folded his arms across his chest.

"You are my new Handler, I take it?" Nosdyn asked.

The Hume was an aging Human warrior that seemed ageless. He had long, platinum coloured hair and a pair of harsh green eyes. He also had copper skintone. His robes were more elegant than the simple robes that his previous Handler, the Orc wore. Nosdyn deduced that this man was higher up in whatever was the monk's pecking order. Further, the old monk had power. Nosdyn could see a gold light surrounding the monk, as if that was somehow supposed to intimidate Nosdyn. Nosdyn waited for the answer to come.

"I am. But know something...if you attempt what you pulled on Rrok'Tash to me...you will have a very bad day. Am I understood?" The monk threatened.

Nosdyn narrowed his eyes. "I never attempt. I only do what must done. You help me, I help you. But if you're smart, you will keep your opinions of my people to yourself. Especially if you value your life." Nosdyn threatened back.

"It is settled then. I will be your Handler." The monk said calmly. "I will be certain that nobody else provokes you from here on in."

"That would be best." Nosdyn responded. "Prepare my chamber then."

"You're issuing a new challenge?" The monk asked.

"I am. But this time..."


The arena was NOT Concordia Forest.

Quite simply stated, it was Underwood by night. Nosdyn had left the platinum haired monk with very simple instruction. Explain the battle was to the death, and explain that it is in Underwood by night. Nosdyn recalled the conditions of the battle. There was a simple training grounds set aside for the battle. There were training dummies everywhere, and they were of various quality. Nosdyn walked towards the middle of the dusty combat arena, and turned to face towards where his opponent would likely come. The building of Underwood were simple stone and mudbrick structures a few were tall though. Some were as high as five floors, those were likely the edifices of important officials and members of Underwood.

The battle sparring conditions drew a large crowd of observers. Guards were present as well, but none would attack unless Nosdyn provoked them. Nosdyn counted at least thirty present that were all civilians. Craftsmen and workers of all sorts. There were a guards stationed around the crowd. The military of Underwood used the training area as a spar training, and for other military purposes. The building behind Nosdyn was a military barracks and there were soldiers inside. Glowing orbs of light were lit up and illuminated everything with a bright glow. Nosdyn felt wind coming in from the southwest. It was an early evening, and the stars were already shining brightly overhead. Concordia Forest rested in an eerie silence completely surrounding Underwood.

Nosdyn stood in the center of the combat circle. Normally, it would be used for sparring. Today, it would be used for a blood sport. Already, the men and women present at the battle were beginning to gamble on the battle as was the nature of The Citadel Leagues. Nosdyn observed the people with some amusement. The longer he stayed in the surface world, the more he forgot about his true mission there. He'd slipped through the fissure that connected Haidia to greater Althanas and had been exploring it ever since. He oft thought of Haidia, and realized that he missed it just as often. However, it was soon to be killing time. And he needed his edge, he needed to be ready.

And ready he was.

He smiled darkly and lowered his hood so the gathered population could stare upon Death incarnate.