View Full Version : Some Things

07-22-14, 04:08 PM

Im looking for the price on a few things.

1. Price of a Shiriken Iron.
2. A Short Iron Katana.
3. A jester's outfit.
4. A permit to found an establishment in Salva.

Alyssa Snow
07-22-14, 05:26 PM
One Iron Shuriken 10GP
One Short Katana (Wakizashi/Kodachi) is 100 GP
One Jester's Outfit (Tops and Bottoms with hat in cotton/linen) 75 GP

Lastly, for that permit, you may need to quest involving some form of Salvic government. (One of the Dukedoms)

What exactly do you want a permit for? To have a publicly acknowledged organization or for a title of land to build upon?

07-22-14, 07:25 PM
Well, I will tale the jester's costume for sure. Gift it to Dark_Blossom.

As for the permit i wish to build a temple dedicated to the ways of the shinobi, this temple will be a safe haven for all who ask for it.

Alyssa Snow
07-23-14, 11:41 AM
Yeah, for something like that, it would work out much better for you in the long run to establish it in-thread. Perhaps you do a deed for one of the dukes or they have acknowledged you for some reason or the other. They can then offer you the opportunity and you can begin to establish your safe-haven ICly.

Selling a deed to land is a little unconventional. The closest thing is purchasing your own sub-forum (which could be run/treated like your own "land" or "headquarters") which is located here and at the steep price of 10,000 GP. For something like a small house/apartment in the city, I'm sure you can work out a payment plan, but most users just incorporate that ICly.

You may want to see if other Akashiman characters are interested in joining you on your quest. In fact, there is a rumor that The Order of the Crimson Hand is using Akashiman women in certain trafficking rings around that area. I'm sure they would be interested in a safe haven and any noble shinobi/samurai would jump on the chance to free their people.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.

As for this transaction, you are interested in the clothes so far. Will that be all?

07-23-14, 12:23 PM
Yes, i will simply take the outfit.

Gift to Dark_Blossom

The clan home of the Naruga, The Shrine of Shadows, will serve as a training grounds to any who truely devote themselves to the way of the ninja. My Nindo, Honor and live for the clan, another life is worth less compared to the clan. Ill work it all out, but as for the Order, they are free to hire any of my assassins but this is the end of Echo's involvement with them as a group.

Alyssa Snow
08-11-14, 01:31 PM
Sounds good. I will remove the 75 GP for the outfit shortly.

Please have Dark_Blossom link this thread in a future update to indicate proof of purchase.

Thank you for your business!

Alyssa Snow
08-11-14, 01:31 PM
GP Removed, Echo goes from 293 to 218 GP.

Transaction Complete.