View Full Version : Dust of Kings

07-26-14, 11:36 AM
(Edit: Now closed. Thank you)

A soft fire blazed nonchalantly in the corner of the room, giving light to a musky and dank room. Stone cobbles lined the floor and walls, hinting at a lack of materials or creativity in its construction. Some strange gray-furred animal had died to supply the rug covering the majority of the large interior. A few tarnished and dented shields emblazoned with the symbol of a long-forgotten king hung from the walls, flanked by long moth-eaten tapestries depicting vague scenes of battle. On either side of the dim fire large stone thrones rest, angled inwards to coldly inspect the center of the room. Found as the centerpiece was a shallow pit with strange concentric grooves cut into it. The room had only one entrance, featured as oversized wooden doors. Unless of course one wished to enter via the stained glass windows that rested in the long hallway designed to give standing room to hundreds.

Tall and pale, a figure stood in the center of the room. His arms were crossed over a bare and marbled chest that sported a lean figure. An aura of malice radiated from him, and a soft sadistic smile settled on his lips. Two bright amber eyes stared patiently at the grand double doors, waiting for someone to enter.

Leir had wandered into the Citadel a few days ago, unaware of his surroundings and barely awake from his long slumber. What he had found was a haven, a paradise for a creature such as himself. It would be his cocoon as he regained control over his muscles and reassured his abilities. Numbness and lethargy had accrued over the decades of inactivity and this immortal arena proved useful to limber his war-forged body back into killing shape. No conscious part of his mind admitted that it also provided a safe environment, since his natural regeneration had not yet been recovered.

07-26-14, 12:01 PM
At first, there was the brilliant flash that brought up so many memories of Citadel battles past. The white soon faded, leaving swirls of color floating in the air before me as my eyes tried to adjust to their newer, darker surroundings.

I seemed to be in a manor's chamber of sorts--whoever built this place had to have been really disappointed with his creation, as if they were given a pile of stones and some mortar and wished the best of luck. Animal skin rugs lined the floors, with several ornate tapestries depicting epic battles worthy of tavern stories and novels were hung on the walls. A roaring fireplace set into the wall was off to one side, flanked by two stone thrones, providing the majority of the light that the chamber received.

In the middle of the room sat a perfectly round pit, one foot deep and similarly lined with cobblestones. The edges of the pit were crafted in a way that they'd probably slash your calves if you weren't paying attention. Just a little something to be mindful of as the battle I came for would get on its way.

A figure stood in the middle of the not-very-subtle fight ring. His skin was a ghastly shade of pale, his body toned and muscular but tall and thin. His hair was silver and slicked back, and his bright amber eyes seemed to give out an evil, otherworldly glow as they sized me up for combat. The man's smile seemed to grow wider and more vicious with each step I took towards the center of the room.

I returned the smile with no small amount of warmth--it could've been pity as well, because based on looks alone, I had this poor sucker horribly outmatched. There was not a single scroll, sledge, or sharp object on his body. He was completely unarmed. Of course, being a bit of a veteran of Citadel and Dajas Pagoda battles, I knew that appearances were always deceiving. For all I knew, he could be able to transform himself into something big and nasty, or have tomes of spells on the tip of his tongue.

I undid the clasp that kept my black sifan cloak around my shoulders, folded it up neatly, and casually set it on one of the stone thrones that faced the pit. I was wearing my arctic leather bodice over a black shirt that I had torn the sleeves off at the shoulder (you would not believe how annoying it was to have to keep replacing clothes when the vines I sprout keep tearing new holes into them only to have to sew them up after each adventure!) and a pair of black slacks. I went through a quick stretching regimen, putting my vine-knit arms on full display. The leather belt that held all four of my daggers in sheathes shifted around with my movement. My neck cracked once, and I was ready for a fight.

"No need for introductions, I suppose," I nonchalantly said to the pale man as I slid my spiked knuckledusters out of my back pocket and onto my brair-woven fingers. I squeezed my fists together, readying myself for combat.

With an incredible push, I burst forward from near the throne. I reached the edge of the pit and leaped into the air, pulling my right fist back and ready to come down hard with a punch to the man's smug grin that would loosen more than just a few teeth.