View Full Version : The Path Traversed By Demons Of The Night

07-26-14, 08:47 PM
"The Path of Shadows, those who fallow the teachings of the old ways are destined for power. Kissed by the shadows we move silently through the darkness. Embraced by silence our blades strike true. Honor is what guides us. Destiny is misery, we are mere tools of the night and bringers of the end."

A bone chilling wind passed through the Salvic mountains, with it sheets of pure white snow. The color of purity covering all that the eye can see. Since the war in Eiskalt Echo Naruga, the last of clan Naruga, had been training in these dangerous places. The cold brought him calmness in these dark and traitorous times, rumors of a war breaking out once more had Echo finding anyway to leave it and return to his home land. The only reason he survived the war time in that foreign land was thanks to one man. Zack Blaze, the leader of Misery Buisness, war criminal, who Echo had fought side beside with saved his life.

"Zack Blaze, one day we will meet again. This time ill be of use to you." Echo spoke out reassuring himself of his already decided conviction. A Naruga always repays his debts.

There had been abnormally thick snow fall and all the paths he once traversed in his youth had disappeared. Only faint specks of forest green was visible as he paved his way through the snow, these glimpses of life meant he was near home.

Its been many years since I've been here. Echo thought to himself as he started to notice a few landmarks such as the large boulder he and his mother would sit on during the warm times. This meant he was not far now. Wonder if the place is still here. It had been ten years since he last was home. His eyes gazing past his long black hair scanned the path he walked. As if he was looking beyond the blanket of snow, he could see everything.

With Echo's unique eyes he was able to perceive even the faintest of differences in his surroundings. He clearly saw that the snow landing just to his left was slightly higher than that he was standing on. He was getting close, just to his left he saw a patch of thick ice where the pond was outside his ancestral home. The tension he was begging to feel was overwelming. He anticipated the worst and was ready for anything.

After only a few more bone chillingly cold steps Echo finally saw it, the big red decorative gates that marked the entrance to his former home. Is this home?

07-28-14, 07:08 AM
The cursed shinobi was not disappointed, nor was he surprised when he saw the condition the place he once called home. If seemingly held up well despite the obvious mistreatment it has taken by the elements. Above the large red gate, the only entrance to the grounds was a crest. Through the thick snow fall he could see the faint glimmer of a frosted golden crow, the symbol of his clan.

"By the hands of mercy, if you were to see this place today mother." Echo said softly as he examined the decay of the of the main gate. Its crimson colored paint chipped and cracks now splintered it's wood. If it wasn't for his family crest still barely sitting on the highest point on the gate it would be unrecognizable.

It was a disgrace to its former beauty, and Echo was starting to feel the same sadness as before. Fighting his instinct to run away like he did those long ten years ago, Echo trudged forward. He hesitated for only a moment before reaching out and pushing against the heavy door. It's decaying wood started to creek and shake as it started to open. Echo sighed as a wave of relief washed over him, on first glance he saw that all the main building were still standing. But then he saw it, a the paper two main sliding doors to the main house were slashed open.

Silently, like the emissary of death he was, he moved on. Barley leaving a foot print behind him, Echo sprinted along the snow covered path he remembered. Passing under the dead remains of the large cherry blossom tree that towered in the center of his estate and made his was the main house. After reaching the covered border of the Akashiman style manor his suspicion were confirmed, he heard voices.

Quickly the cursed shinobi griped his wakazashi tight as he crept up onto the doorway. He wasn't sure who was violating his ancestral home, it could be anybody, but he needed to be careful.