View Full Version : Other Shadows

08-01-14, 02:13 PM
Closed to Zeva & Momento

"Endless,” A whisper escaped the corner of Echo’s mouth. He had just arrived in the Knife’s Edge the capital of Salvar. “Snow...” He finished as he stepped out from on of the sparse trees scattering the outskirts of Kinfe’s Edge. The new head of the Naruga Shinobi clan had set off on a mission to find new blood for his clan. Since the fall of his clan ten years ago Echo himself was the last of his kind.

”Sensai,” A voice sounded from within the tree just above Echo. The young Naruga raised his face and gazed into the tree with his Sentetsu, if it weren't for his advanced eyes gifted to him by his mother he would not be able to make out who was above him. A figure dressed all in black dangled from a branch mid height in the tall tree, one of Echo’s students he had recruited recently to join him in his village. “Shall I begin?” He said awaiting his master’s approval. Echo took in a deep breath and let his gaze blur as his head fell forward. With a simple wave of his hand the ninja was gone, silently like a shadow of night. Echo would wait here for his student to return. His mission was clear he was to scout ahead and locate anyone who might make good siblings under the path of shadows.

This shinobi’s name was Dante Pathfinder, a human born of Radasanth and schooled in the ways of espionage by its governing forces. Quickly Dante stepped through the darkness of Knife’s edge, the country’s lack of funds shows the best through this city. Broken and rotting buildings, especially near the outskirts of the town. The area only lit by very scarce lanterns located on what seemed to be the main street of the area. Atop the broken rooftops Dante raced to find anyone who Master Echo would find suitable to train. After a few minuets of this silent shadow traversing the skyline, he arrived just within the inner part of the city. Here is where he was instructed to start the preparations of the test.

Dante stopped and surveyed the area, no movement in the streets, but there were more lanterns illuminating the area here. At this hour of the night there were not many people out patrolling the streets so it was more than likely he would be left to set up undetected. Leaning over the side of the roof Dante waited for a moment, then he leaned more and dropped. Making sure not to make any noise he quietly landed in a crouching position. Within an instant he moved to the shadows and reached into the folds of his suit, pulling out two shuriken along with some line steel wire. With two accurate throws Dante let loose his shuriken aimed directly into the wall of opposite him across the street. Each star connected to a length of wire he held in his hand. Loosely he looped the two pieces of wire to a pipe that was protruding next to him.

“Perfect.” He said to himself after he finished the rest of the preparations, the trip wires he placed were connected to a spider like network of other wire he placed above him. If one was to be triggered the rest would swoop down and cocoon the victim. Now all he was to do was wait for any worthy person Master Echo would send this direction.


Like the night Echo crept his way to a almost broken down tavern in the center of the capitol, here he would send find try to find those who might be worthy. Entering the building terrible odder singed the hairs of his nose. It was obvious that this building had not been kept in good shape for a long time. A disgrace if nothing else, yet it held up better than most of the others he had passed on his way here. He sat at a table in the corner of the establishment and waited, his eyes watching every detail of the room. From the few consumers at the bar to the flicker of the candle light casting a feint glow in the room.


08-01-14, 03:50 PM
It was a crystal clear night. A full moon was in the sky, casting a wonder bringing pale light onto the snowy ground. A cloaked and hooded figure brought a black horse, with a massive bag slapped on its back, up to an old, rickety building. She tied the horse up to a post next to a wooden water trough and then made sure her hood was pulled over her head enough. She then turned and opened the door to an old tavern.

The smell of rotting oak and spoiled drinks slapped her nose in an instant. The woman quickly pulled her hand to her nose, her clothes were pitch black, yet several golden bracelets glimmered, attached to her wrists and even hands. Quickly, the figure pulled her hand beneath her cloak again, constantly shifting her weight left and right before walking further into the darkened building. The only color other than black on her was white, which was obviously caused from previously fallen snow. The young lady shivered tremendously as she cautiously avoided a couple huddled together right under the bartender's counter. This place was still up and running, but wasn't very active in this glorious night. The girl had to carefully step over three men, drunk and passed out right in the middle of the floor. As she stepped over them, the sound of loose metal clinging was faintly heard.

The wooden boards of the tavern floor seemed to groan as she walked across it and over to a corner. She was slowly heading over there, but with haste. She was hoping to avoid attention while stopping by for even a small meal. However, when yellow eyes looked up from beneath a dark hood, she saw that somebody was already there. The girl quickly snapped into a straighter posture then shot him a nervous smile. She had not the nerve to ask the man, engulfed within the shade of the old tavern walls, if he could make room for her. She slowly turned to make way to another corner of the building.

08-03-14, 07:54 AM
What the hell at I doing in Knife's Edge?

Chandra Songbird was getting further and further from home. The more she travelled the more she had bouts of doubting what she was doing. She didn't seek adventure the same way other people did. She loved the thrill of the hunt, the chase and violent, and of she did it correctly, quick conclusion. The icy continent was probably about as far out of her comfort zone as you could get. She missed the sweat, salty air of her home. She missed people who didn't look at her funny when she spoke.

These were the questions that sat in her head as she nursed a bowl of cheap stew. Stew was probably a lie it was closer to broth with a few chunks of vegetables thrown in. It didn't taste too bad in truth, the bitter taste in her mouth was self-doubt. She turned her golden eyes up to the other patrons stupid enough as herself to pick this run down tavern. She counted five, eight if you included those that had passed out. Her eyes were drawn to the fire coloured hair of a new comer. She was different to the others, foreign like her. Songbird watched as the new woman walked over to a dark corner and paused.

Wait... is that someone sitting there?

Songbird cursed herself, she had missed the ninth person in the tavern. She was not accustomed to missing anything like that, let alone for so long. She took another spoonful of her soup and watched them with interest. She was still wearing her cloak with the hood over her head, her eyes peered out from below the rim a the odd pair.