View Full Version : Some sort of story

08-03-14, 08:44 PM
I'm looking at getting this character into a few non-solo threads. As of yet I've only been writing up solos, and while that is fun, I want to see how Remedy goes bumping shoulders in the real world.

A bit about Winona Remedy Blue:
Remedy is a driven and head strong young woman. She is a trader, on her way to becoming a merchant. She loves gold. Everything she does is in pursuit of it. She is Lawful Neutral, she'll rob you blind, but do it legally. That said, she never breaks her word, and isn't interested in small wins by cheating honest folk.

She is also an Aasimar, the angel version of a tiefling. She shuns that side of herself, preferring gadgets and devices over her angelic powers.

I have a few ideas for threads, so if anyone is interested please let me know here. I might not get PMs on this account but will subscribe to this thread with my main.

Sands of Gold - chasing the rumour of gold sand in Fallien, the group leaves the capital and heads to an oasis. The way is blocked by weird sand creatures and the elements. Also a traitor in their midst.

I'd like three other RPers for this, one of which can play a villain contracted to secure the gold sand for a mysterious third party. The other two soul need a reason to be there, perhaps fellow traders or playing a hired sword.

Blood and Gold - the traders society of Scars Brae is meeting to discuss the impact of the recent war. Things start out nicely, until one of the top traders is killed in his bed and the mark of the Crimson hand is at his side. Has the society made an enemy? Perhaps good old fashioned corporate assassinations. Two people are tasked to find the killer, navigating the muddy waters of the Scars Brae police, secretive traders and plots within plots. One murder is just the beginning.

I'd like one person for this. Preferably someone with a character who suits this sort of thread-noir setting. We'd have to work collaboratively on the story, by no means a quick and dirty thread.

Back to back - this one is your quick and dirty thread. While traveling with a caravan you are attacked by a group of orc and human bandits. We need to fight our way through the attack and save as much of the merchandise as possible.

Looking for two traders / fighters to do some head smashing. Preferably below level 4. Great for anyone looking at some quick gold. I'd be requesting extra gold rather than xp from this one.

08-04-14, 10:05 AM
I could take "Blood and Gold" once I'm able to come back on 50 times a day again if you like. Ashla loathes the Crimson Hand...

08-05-14, 10:22 PM
I'm interested in Sands of Gold. The level difference might provide a bit of an issue we'd need to work around for some aspects of the story, but Izvilvin has a lot of history in Fallien and I could definitely find a good reason to be in that area. He could be visiting old friends/old digs, be searching for something he left in the area, or looking to secure the gold sand for the Fallien/Irrakam people.

08-07-14, 07:50 PM
Sorry in my mind I had responded to you guys. I'd love for you to be my partner in crime (solving) ghosty.

Izvilvin, I think you're right, the level gap might be a bit too much. The issue comes when I throw a challenge at the group, and you can power through. I'd love to get Talen involved if you are up for something.

Edit: and Izvilvin I haven't had a chance to go through your character yet. I'll do so when I have a moment to sit down properly and read it

08-07-14, 08:24 PM
As a note, I had level 0 Karuka team up with level 10 (or so) Seth Dahlios to fight pirates. He was badass, she was almost as badass (>.>), and we're still using some of those moments as jokes. It's very doable to let both characters shine even with that level difference, and I think you're more than a good enough writer to pull it off, Hyst.

08-07-14, 08:43 PM
Well then, let's get started, Hyst! *Puts on trench coat*

08-08-14, 12:44 AM
Correction. Karuka was badass, Seth was almost as badass. It's about playing to strengths and giving the characters a chance to live and grow. Though to be fair, that boat ride changed both their lives, even now the repercussions haven't finished.

08-08-14, 03:03 AM
How about the faun-ness for the traitor in Sands of Gold? Fits her well. She could easily be trying to get it for her sort-of boss Draak, or some unknown third party.

Other options: I would like to get Leaf more involved with stuff. He is a trader at heart, so Blood and Gold would be good for him. Also, would be really interesting for him personally because his sister, Philomel, is in the Crimson Hand.

08-08-14, 12:18 PM
No worries. I am definitely up for something different though :)

08-10-14, 03:18 AM
As a note, I had level 0 Karuka team up with level 10 (or so) Seth Dahlios to fight pirates. He was badass, she was almost as badass (>.>), and we're still using some of those moments as jokes. It's very doable to let both characters shine even with that level difference, and I think you're more than a good enough writer to pull it off, Hyst.

Flattery will get you everywhere.

I think Phi and Izvilvin would work well to counterbalance Remedy's level 1. Plus if Phi goes psychotic I'll have someone to drag her off me.

So we have:

Blood and Gold: BlueGhostofSeaside & Remedy

Sands of Gold: Philomel, Izvilvin & Remedy

I'll the get threads up promptly :D

08-12-14, 07:36 AM
Appologies for the delay, the weekend was busier than I had thought. Sands of Gold! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27920-Sands-of-Gold-Closed) Happy for any comments Iz and Phi. OMG... we could have a team name. Phireiz :D