View Full Version : Episode 1....[Closed]

08-04-14, 01:48 PM
(Closed to Echo.)

It was dreadfully cold. Even with his bundled up hides and furs, Creno still felt the biting cold against his skin. He'd been lost for days now, a freak accident cut him off from his caravan and he knew they were not going to help him. He was on his own. His boots crushed snow as he made his way steadily North. He could not, and would not stop. The fear of freezing to death kept him going, and his adrenal glands pumping acid through his body. His eyes were narrowed, and he kept his furred hood atop his head as he walked. It was getting harder the more progress he made. The further he walked, the colder it got. It was an intense, biting cold, and Creno was not certain which was worse. The cold, or the fact that he was completely and utterly alone for miles in every direction.

Creno's fur cloak danced about in the wind. Snow and icicles were visible upon it as Creno walked, no, trudged through the damned snow. It was a suicide mission that lead him to Salvar in the first place. It was some weak attempt for the locale militia in Underwood to gather supplies from the North or something. Creno wasn't sure what was actually going on and why he was sent on that fool's mission. All he knew was that the god damned cold was his companion now. It got harder to breathe the more he walked forward. His nostrils were flared, and he had icicles already growing on them no matter how often he tried to wipe it with his gloved hand. Creno desperately needed shelter, the nights in Salvar were god awful. He knew that if he got stranded out there, in the dark, that he would probably freeze to death or worse.

As he made his way steadily Northward, he felt the first few pangs of exhaustion gnawing at his heart. Though Prime were capable of tremendous feats, Creno was young yet. And he had yet to realize his full power. He was moving forward on pure instinct, not even certain WHERE he was going to. Creno was breathing shallow at that point, and steam escaped his cold and cracked lips and nostrils. Adjusting the warm scarf he wore at that point seemed futile. The hours slowly rolled by and Creno's hopes dimmed with the passage of time. Creno wasn't liking his odds. He was out in a cold wasteland, making his way up to god knows where. He had very limited knowledge of Salvar, and had no way of knowing that he was relatively near to the hidden and legendary town of Kazegakure. Spoken of only in hushed whispers.

Creno was starting to loose all hope. His muscles were tired, and he was loosing the energy needed to stay focused, to stay alive. He was trying to prevent himself from fading as he walked through the snow. Then, the wall of endlessly swirling snow which kept his visibility very low, cleared. He walked up towards a snow drifted plains, and up ahead was a hidden township. Creno walked forward a few more steps hoping to find a scout or anybody he could communicate with. Creno was a big man, and could be mistaken for a Salvarn himself. As he finally walked out on the snowy field with the town on it, Creno looked up ahead and remembered the Saenorakym Prime word for: Hope. He recited it to himself, and finally, his body gave up. He walked two more steps forward towards the town of Kazegakure and he fell completely forward. His breathing was very shallow, and his eyes were barely open and registering light, he needed to thaw and FAST...