View Full Version : Note of Trust

08-05-14, 06:29 PM
The first four posts of this thing was written on my phone to pass my time while my phone's data was off for the last several days. Sorry for the crappyness of those four posts :P

It was a foggy night. Within the warmth of a sweet, little inn in the middle of a forest trial; Ashla found it comforting to strip her gear off, remove her skirt, and wrap herself in a small quilt as her soulmate Julius strummed at a yew guitar.

Meanwhile, Ashla's cousin, Gwendolyn, was already asleep in a small cot close to the edge of the building. So Ashla was left to stay content as Julius played the guitar. The Icebreaker couldn't understand it, how could Julius use a single set of strings attached to a hunk of wood to create such a lovely sound?

Ashla spoke up, "Hey..."

The boy in front of her, wearing a dark blue cloth shirt which easily hung over to show a set of chainmail, stopped playing the guitar. He ended the song with a smooth stroke. The note slower and a tad bit more beautiful than the rest. He looked up at her with that earnest smile that made her fall for him. "Yes?"

Ashla's cheeks went a tiny bit pink as she looked at him with a longing. She then spoke after a moment of eye contact, "How do you do it?"

Julius squinted, "Do what?"

Ashla pointed to the guitar resting on his lap and laying in his hands, "How do you make it work?"

Julius glanced at her for another moment before picking the guitar up and sitting next to her. He then explained, while pointing and plucking at the strings, that each string and level of which it was played had their own notes and numbers. Ashla just couldn't get it. How could Julius memorize so much? The next thing though surprised her. The boy asked her a question, "Would you like me to teach you how to play?"

Ashla glanced at the guitar for a moment then considered, did he want to waste time actually teaching her? Ashla didn't want to look stupid or anything learning to play, so why take the chance? Besides, she had more important things to do like practice her swordsmanship and track down the Order of the Crimson Hand.

"Um... no thanks." Ashla then stood up, her quilt falling off her and her black leggings close to soaked with sweat. "But thanks for asking." Ashla then bent down to him and gave him a quick kiss before walking over to the cot next to Gwendolyn for the night.

Green Gwendolyn
08-05-14, 06:30 PM
Gwendolyn Stormhollow woke up quickly. Then she sat up, stretched, and turned to view the scenery. It was all one big room with hundreds of blankets piled on chairs, couches, and cots. There was a burnt out fireplace with nothing but white ashes. There were several windows with beams from the sun shinning in in marvellous wonder.

Then the elf looked over to her cousin, lying on a cot very close to her. Her belt, laden with her weapons and several kits of supplies, was on the floor. As were her skirt and shawl. She wore no blankets as her leggings and shirt alone seemed to keep her warm enough. Gwendolyn could even catch that there were sweat beads in her long, brunette hair.

Meanwhile, she could see Ashla's boyfriend Julius Tabor nowhere. The elf blinked, confused, and got out of her resting place. She was wearing her pants and a loose, long sleeved shirt. As always, Gwendolyn went to bed barefoot. She stepped onto the dusty, wooden floor with them and then proceeded to walk across the room.

Then she noticed Julius, curled up on a couch. He was wrapped up in several blankets, his hair was soaked with sweat. The poor boy was still sound asleep. The elf sighed and shook her head, Ashla was crazy to put up with him. Now, Julius was a decent fighter and a loyal friend, but he still went a bit too far at times...

Gwendolyn continued to walk across the room until she reached the place where the group tossed their supplies. Gwendolyn pulled out a long, sturdy lupus branch she had found in the forest then pulled out her cousin's steel dagger. She then proceeded to carry on a favorite hobby of her's and started to knife it into a spear. Meanwhile, stirring could be heard from across the rest of the room.

08-05-14, 06:30 PM

Julius felt wet. And hot... Then he opened his eyes and remembered why. He had fallen asleep with several layers of blankets wrapped around him while manipulating the flames in the fire last night. Julius sat up, his shirt hanging low enough to reveal bare skin as he took off his chainmail.

The boy rubbed his eyes. Upon hearing a knife being placed to wood, he could tell instantly what had woken him up. Julius didn't even bother to address it before getting up and looking over to the cot Ashla was sleeping in. He could swear, she was his obsession. No matter how much he lost, Julius still felt safe if she was there. If she died, in spirit Julius would do the same. The only thing he wasn't on terms with was why she had turned down his request to teach her to play the guitar.

Just about every time he would make an offer to her, Ashla would turn him down. It left him wondering where he kept going wrong.

The boy slunk out of the couch and walked over to their supplies. He then pulled out his drum sticks... Then he looked over to the sleeping Ashla.

A devilish grin formed on his face.

Julius snuck over to the Icebreaker's cot and silently raised the drum sticks over the metal beams holding the bed up, close to her ears. He then counted to three in his head.

One, two, three...

As fast and loudly as he could, he hit the metal poles with his drum sticks. Strumming loudly, the Tabor laid down some quick paced beats.

08-05-14, 06:32 PM
Dreamless were most of Ashla's slumberings. Nights spent trapped inside an endless void accompanying clouds of confusion and blankets of woe. Soundless but chaotic nights were spent here. Floating around in this silent static. There would be those times where her ancestors would sweep her away into the netherworld of the Icebreaker clan. However, those nights were exhausting times of training and learning new skills and abilities passed down from generation to generation.

However, this night was one of those caught in the rapids of sleep with no dreams. When it was suddenly broken by an disruptive sound close to her ear, Ashla found it wasn't easy to pull herself out from the fog.

The noise continued. It sounded like a battle drum being hit by a toddler! Ashla felt herself being pulled out from under the waters of her sleep, she was waking up...


Ashla's eyes flickered open. Now she could recognize the sound of drum sticks up against metal. And Ashla knew who it was.

"Jul..." Ashla had to force herself to speak with all her might, "... I up.. "

She then turned red as she felt hands on her shoulders. Ashla finally pulled herself up, throwing the hands off, "Stop it, Julius!"

The boy she knew just burst out laughing. Well... the Icebreaker was up now...

Green Gwendolyn
09-29-14, 03:37 PM
Gwen was already half way done with skinning the tree of its bark. She continued kniving away, the sound of the knife against the branch drowning out most other sounds.

The only thing she could clearly hear was the second of someone being thrown into something, followed by the shattering of glass, the clang of metal, and some other things. This was all followed by a muffled "hey"...

Gwen didn't take notice. Julius deserved whatever Ashla was giving him. She continued on with her spear...