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08-12-14, 04:08 PM
I will never forget the first time I saw one...

Fangs dripping with blood. The corpses filled the chamber. I was immediately drawn in, sucked in if you would be so bold. The children of the night were my kin, cousins to the original Demon folk of Haidia. My name is Nosdyn Krotar and this is MY chronicles. My story...

His camp was out in Concordia Forest, far off from the noise of organized civilization. Nosdyn only went to Underwood to meet up with Old Grog, a contact he often used to sell his animal pelts and other useful items at a premium. Grog was a dealer, a business tycoon and he had a pretty mint of gold in his name. He ran a warehouse in Underwood those days with heavy security that processed the stuff that Nosdyn and other freelancers brought him. Nobody ever asked questions. Nosdyn respected Grog for that, they only cared about the exchange of profit.

Using his skinning knife, Nosdyn was removing the hide from a wild boar he had killed. The ivory tusks would also be salvaged, but the meats were for Nosdyn. Nosdyn had a huge appetite and he would be certain to favor the prime beef Concordian cut meat. It was natural, none of that meat-processed crap that was popular in Radasanth and other major cities in Corone. Nosdyn had some basic cooking skills and was putting them to good use. He'd lit a campfire for himself from resources he'd gathered on his own. He preferred living in the wild lands. It was quiet, well, less noisy than the big cities that Humans liked to live in.

When Nosdyn hunted, Nosdyn had time to think. Thinking time also meant scheming time. He was planning his next, big move and he was making connections in all the wrong places. Nosdyn was a Demon, he had no interest in living on the "right" side of Human law. Humans were largely the enemy. Nosdyn had no need for Human control mechanics anyway. However, SOME Humans were Demon sympathizers, he was finding out which ones quickly. He was forming allies, contacts, a network of loyalists to his cause. It was happening little by little, but it was happening. His contact was a member of a shadow organization called The Thieve's Guild. He camped out often on their turf, having agreed to give them a portion of what he hunted and salvaged in exchange for safe passage through their territory. Safe passage for he and his allies.

Nosdyn heard the boot steps and realized his contact had arrived. A human man named Trent. The fellow never revealed a clan or last name. And Trent was likely an alias. Nosdyn didn't care he didn't much follow Human behavior patterns, but he was learning them little by little. It would help him conquer them easier when the time came. Nosdyn studied Trent as the mean seemed to detach himself from the shadow. The previous moment, he had not been visible at all. Nosdyn greeted Trent with a somewhat polite nod.

"The final word has just gone through." Trent said, he wore a scarf that covered his face, and a large hood covered most of his head except for his eyes. He wore dark goggled that also covered that.

"Trent..." Nosdyn said in response. "Will you stay for dinner?"

"I come with tidings, Nosdyn Krotar." Trent removed a scroll from his packs, and handed it to Nosdyn. "You are hereby a member of The Theive's Guild." Trent sat down on an adequate rock that was close to Nosdyn's position. "I for one, am glad to have someone of your skill level in our ranks." Trent said.

"I thank you." Nosdyn replied, he looked at the scroll putting his skinning knife down for a moment. The Demon read the contents of the scroll, he noticed there was a signet necklace contained within the scroll itself. It was made of a brass like material and the signet was emblazoned on the locket portion of the thread. It bore the crest of The Thieve's Guild. "Signet Marker?"

"For your protection." Trent explained. "You are to wear it at all times." Trent continued. "When a superior officer asks, you display it."

"Very well. I am only agreeing to this because it serves a mutual benefit." Nosdyn said. "You give me something, I will give you something back." Demon society was a contract society after all. "You have something else for me, did you discuss that matter with your superiors?" Nosdyn asked.

Trent took on a thoughtful posture. He paused for a moment. "The matter you speak of has been cleared." Trent continued. "You are to go to the location we discussed to get the item. We cannot interfere." Trent explained. "You are free to use any methods to retrieve the item from The Crypt itself."

Nosdyn thought carefully about what he had just learned. The cemetery was a part of Ixian Knight's territory, and if he could pull it off, he would be a LEGEND. "Sei Orlouge could be present." Nosdyn pointed out. "His skill is known even to my people's networks of agents. "Am I free to dispatch his followers should I come across them?" Nosdyn was very particular about contract jobs. He was also very particular about coming across potential dangers on a job.

"Terminate them at will." Trent suddenly said. "Also leave Sei Orlouge this message on his followers." Trent handed Nosdyn another small parcel. It contained anti-Ixian Knights propaganda. "You are to keep your kills visible SO they can be found. So they know we have returned, and have started the war on The Ixian Knights."

Nosdyn liked the sound of that. The Ixian Knights were a powerful organization that upheld HUMAN law. Thus, they represented a potent military wing. A potent hard target to take out. Someday, Nosdyn would be powerful enough to wage war against Sei Orlouge directly. Someday. But until then, he would accept the soft target victories. Nosdyn looked at Trent for a long moment. "I will see the task done and secure the object you ask for in exchange..."

"You will have it." Trent agreed. "That is part of the arrangement. If you bring us the item, I will grant you what you seek."

Nosdyn nodded. "It's probably too late to head out there tonight. But I will start first thing, tomorrow night."

"See it done, Nosdyn." Trent said. "I have other matters to attend to in the area. But I will see you again in a few days time."

"I look forward to it." Nosdyn said in response. He looked at Trent and then the fellow got up and faded back into the darkness. Nosdyn went right back to work as if the transaction never occurred.