View Full Version : Episode 24 (27 Chronologically) -No Lye's Allowed

Enigmatic Immortal
08-19-14, 07:38 PM
In this week's fun adventure we wrap up the Eisklat war, Paul doesn't edit things, Harley gets cut off every ten seconds, and Jessica thinks Kyla is hot.

As always enjoy the episode and leave us comments about your thoughts on the subjects brought forth and tell us who you think would win in these epic battles at the end.

Althanas Community Radio Episode 24 - No Lye's Allowed! (https://soundcloud.com/masamunexxx-1/acr-24-no-lyes-allowed-1)

Enigmatic Immortal
08-19-14, 07:50 PM
Well, i just got an email about copyright infringement. please hold.

EDIT: Remember kids, stealing is wrong. Even if you take it from youtube when no one is looking. <_<

DOUBLE EDIT: Podcast is up again!

08-19-14, 08:23 PM
Jess gets points for not butchering my name!

And now you're butchering the last name, too. Goooooooooooooood grief, what the hell? How is it so hard to pronounce my damn name?!

08-19-14, 08:45 PM
omg... I have an australian accent...

08-19-14, 09:36 PM
You also get no points from dirks. :(

08-19-14, 10:52 PM
So now to explain why I picked the people I chose.

Viktor von Doom vs. "Silence" Sei Orlouge - I picked these two to face off partly as a tongue in cheek jab at Sei for pulling his shenanigans in "Whats in a Name" which takes a very Dr. Doom turn at the end, and partly because they are both magic wielders that think tactically and always try to further their aims.

Squirrel Girl vs. Karuka O'Sheann - Both are cheeky girls that win fights against people they had no business beating. Karuka has technically beaten Seth, just before he dies in Eternal Goodbye. Squirrel Girl has the only recorded defeat of Doom that has not been retconned into a win for Doom. Further, both are batshit crazy. I think you guys missed the key compoennt to this fight, and its that we have no clue what'll happen once they start fighting, because neither combatant will either. (This means by extension, Karuka and SG could beat Sei Orlouge)

Talen Shadowwalker vs. Hal Jordan - You pretty much hit it on the head, when I was reading Hysteria's profile I got a very "Green lantern but with shadows" vibe form him and figured it would be a good match up, since Hal was one of the stronger wills to wield the ring. It would come down to, can Talen creep out Hal enough to erode his willpower?

Superman vs. Joshua "Breaker" Cronen - This was really a battle of extremely powerful characters that have to play liek they live in worlds made of cardboard, because to fully utilize their power would break the cosmos.

Deadpool vs. Jensen Ambrose - Battle of the Immortals.

The Punisher vs. Seth Dahlios - Battle of Emo anti-hero near villains.

Aurelianus Drak'shal vs. Darkseid - Battle of Evil vs. EVIL. I was just more interested to see what you guys came up with, was disappointed not much reasoning was given for this one. You have to remember while Darkseid is purely rat batstard evil, willing to use anything for advantage, Aur is willing to SACRIFICE anything for advantage. It would be an interesting chess game till advantage is one, then it would probably snowball.

Kylanna Orlouge vs. Rogue - Battle of the runaway femme fatales.

Lichensith Uleroke vs. Deathstroke the Terminator - Assassins martially trained that play at cerebral assassins. Its interesting to note that in most cases Lye and Deathstroke technically can call victory before they even step foot onto the battlefield. It would be interesting to see how they would posture for position before that fight begins.

Flint Skovik vs. The Winter Soldier - Battle of the cybernetic badass soldiers.

Captain America vs. Drusilia Liadon - Battle of the Patriotic Super Soldiers. I also remind you Drusilia is army trained, just like Cap. She was a Kyorl before her exile.

Luc Kraus vs. Scarlet Witch - Battle of the Overpowered Mages that could blow up the world around them.

Dan Lagratham vs. The Hulk - Battle of the Super strong men. I do agree I made the mistake of forgetting Hulks invincibility.

Valentina Snow vs. Black Widow - The Femme Fatale prime examples of their respective series. I will admit going into this I knew Val had it in the bag because she ahd super strength and a dozen of abilities that sometimes she forgets she has.

Kitty Pride vs. Ashla Rose Icebreaker - B list characters that still manage to break onto the main screen for fun and hijinks.

Max Dirks vs. Deadshot - Assassin/Mercenaries that follow a code only they truly understand.

Godhand Striker vs. Thor - Strong guys with damn powerful weapons. You guys went to lightning but forgot the Sheath that caused such an uproar in the mod forums for a month after he requested its immunity to being dispelled. The lightning would never hit. Also, Thor doesn't fly so much as get carried by Mjolnir when he chucks it. Its why he has to spin Mjolnir to get up momentum, hes preparing to chuck that thing.

Raas Al Ghul vs. Izvilvin Kazizzrym - Battle of the Skilled Martial Artists that are full on ninjas.

Philomel Van Der Aart vs. Talia Al Ghul - Battle of the Femme Fatales not afraid of using sex appeal to get what they truly want.

Madison "Briarheart" Freebird vs. Tony Stark (Madison can have the acid saber to even it up) - Yeah it was the mad scientist mashup. I was going off his postbit and not his most recent profile, but i think even there it still has the briar heart.

Now some group Match Ups

Tantalus vs. The Guardians of the Galaxy - Battle of the Misfit Bands.

nWo vs. Legion of Doom - Chalk another one up for the badguys.

Ixian Knights vs. Nova Corp - Battle of the Peace Keepers.

Sinestro Corp vs. The Company - Battle of the Vile criminal groups that utilize fear to ensure their power.

Amber Eyes
08-20-14, 06:27 AM
You think Kyla's hot too...don't Lye :P

08-20-14, 10:17 AM
Diss, I want Ashla to be a main character, dang it!

08-20-14, 10:24 AM
Diss, I want Ashla to be a main character, dang it!

Honey, I'm still a B-list character. Nothing wrong with it so long as you're awesome at it.

Alyssa Snow
08-20-14, 11:00 AM
How in the world does Sei remember those tiny details from years upon years ago. Does your brain store information indefinitely?! Christ man! Do a show of Jeopardy!

Max Dirks
08-20-14, 11:06 AM
He doesn't remember them accurately. He just sounds convincing when he says it. The real Althanas historian is yours truly ;)

08-20-14, 02:58 PM
Thanks, Karu :}

08-20-14, 07:09 PM
I'd like to point out that Diss said Madison vs. Tony Stark, not necessarily Madison vs. Iron Man.

When I read it, I imagined Mad Science Maddy vs. "Assault on the mansion with a bunch of homebrew weapons in Iron Man 3" Tony Stark.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
08-21-14, 07:32 AM
I'm just going to post all of these comments in order:

God damn it, when Tank! started up on the intro, I thought my damn phone was ringing!

And thanks for the shout-out Hys. ;) I know your pain, cutter.

Squirrels and spider are terrifying!! There is nothing wrong with acknowledging their evil.

What's wrong with drinking at 8AM?

And my biggest question - why the Hell wasn't I paired with the Joker? :P

08-21-14, 01:37 PM
Joker is chaos, not evil.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
08-21-14, 01:50 PM
Wait until I finally get round to starting my Anarchist work. :P I'll show you some Chaos.

08-21-14, 07:45 PM
I love the Joker / Batman dichotomy. Joker, pushing to show that life is meaningless and violent, clashing with Batman's justice will conquer. The fact that Joke will ultimately win again Batman when the Bat finally breaks and kills joker. If you haven't you should all watch Batman: The Dark Knight Returns.