View Full Version : Assignment III: Full Metal Vengeance

Falcon Darkflight
09-29-06, 06:06 AM
((Closed to Raelyse / The Grander's Order))

"Damn," Canen whispered to himself, "this is a lonely place." The thought occurred to him all the more when alone in this strange office, it's curving walls and molded three inch doors doing nothing good for the eyes. Although he was using a pair of reading glasses now, recommended to him by his close friend Buren August, they merely slowed down the headaches. It wasn't as if he was a stranger to reading - in fact, quite far from it - but the constant headaches were something new.

The current task was simple enough on the skin. He was reading over a dossier prepared by his assigned commander from Step, allegedly a paper containing vital intelligence for his latest assignment. It was a source of amusement, if not one of alarm, that they really didn't know what to advise him. After all, he had been to this place before, held a vast position of power in it, and knew it like the back of his hand. But that was long enough ago for there to have been some changes since. Even the slightest miscalculation, the smallest inkling of information different to the intelligence could result in mission failure. So, once again, Canen's job was to fill in the blanks, cross the t's and dot the i's.

More accurately, it was his secondary objective.

First and foremost, he had been tasked with the clean removal of a top ranking Grander's Order general. The dossier gave few specifics, detailing only a name, Badrayn Daryeai, and the assumed location of his quarters within the Erebus fortress. This particular served as head of the Order's presence in Corone, seen to be a valid threat by Step seniors and almost certainly an instigator of recent troubles inland since the foiled attempt on Paige Relvest's life. It was clear to see why Step would so badly want the Corone branch of the order decapitated, but to send a lone agent into the very Alerarian headquarters, the very heart of Raelyse's army, Canen thought, was pushing their luck.

'Prince' Raelyse Salidan. That was also a name that crept up more than once on this document, Canen noticed, flicking through the various sheets of paper. His former friend and partner in the Lornius Corporation Challenge campaign had taken his creation, originally the Ghost Hand Order, and turned it into a brutal monster. Originally intended as a peacekeeping force of partisans, the Order had strayed far from the path and had almost divulged themselves entirely in obscene ethics.

Interestingly enough, Canen realised his own information on Raelyse was deeper than described in the document spread out in front of him. No surpise, though. Raelyse kept himself to himself until the ladies were grabbing for flesh.

So, as Canen continued to pour through the sheets of information for his task at hand, from the comfort of his office, he allowed his thoughts to sink back into solitude and let his mind begin the planning for what would be his greatest assignment to date.

11-25-06, 10:33 AM
This thread hasn't been posted in a month. I'm closing it up due to inactivity and moving it to the "Unresolved" Forum. Please Private message me to retrieve it if you intend on completing it further. Thank you.