View Full Version : May Through July Exp Bonus Spectacular!

Silence Sei
08-26-14, 10:42 AM
Please link me to threads you have been active in (3 posts or more) involving IK activity for the months of May through July, with names and the month they pertain to provided in the links please.

Roht Mirage
08-26-14, 12:54 PM
Eiskalt War Round 2 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27384-Eiksalt-War-Round-2-Enigmatic-Immortal-and-Roht-Mirage-Vs-Requiem-of-Insanity) (Ixian activity)

Eiskalt War Round 3 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27632-Multi-Battle-Round-3-Church-Rooftops) (Ixian activity... ?)
Heat Heresy and Heartbreak (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27499-Heat-Heresy-and-Heartbreak)
Magus: Lady Gara vs Street Fighter Guy (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27532-Redemption-Bracket-Finals-Zack-Blaze-Vs-Roht-Mirage/page2)

Magus: Lady Gara vs More Adorable Oliver Twist (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27665-Olbie-Bracket-(Semi-)-Finals-Roht-Mirage-Vs-Taste-of-Treason/page2)

Silence Sei
08-26-14, 05:44 PM

Roht Mirage
08-27-14, 12:18 AM
But then I wouldn't be referencing Lady Gaga at the same time.

Layers, man. Layers.