View Full Version : IK 101: Crazy Castle Tour

The Muri
08-26-14, 10:28 PM
Closed to Roht Mirage. Takes place after Kaida's IK initiation.

Outside seemed fantastic enough with those giant walls... but inside?


Actually, this place was more than just incredible. It was... hmm, let me find those words... exhilarating, fantastical, sensational... Yep, those would be the proper words.

This was the Ixian Castle, home of the valiant Ixian Knights... I was supposed to live here?? I couldn't see how I could! This just proved how amazing the Orlouges were to their members, allowing them to live in this amazing palace with them. And they took me, a ragtag orphan, in as one of those members.

Well, actually, I have no idea if the word "orphan" really describes me or not. I actually have no idea who I really am. I just popped out of nowhere someday, with my backpack and weapons at ready, with a blank slate of paper over my memories. Well, that was an odd way to get started...

But that was behind me within this minute, as of now I was staring in awe of the main hall for the very first time.

It was so beautiful. Simply beautiful. So many smaller doors led to the rest of the castle, they simply stood there at the sides of the room. The banners flying above too were beautiful. Given it was a windy day and the bridge was currently lowered, a breeze was allowing them to flow with the currents of the sky. Also, this place was huge, very huge. I'm sure they could fit some two hundred people in this room at one time!

And here I stood, in the midst of all this greatness, looking around like an idiot. Attempting to look more like an adult than the child I was, I crossed my arms and narrowed my purple eyes by a teeny tiny bit, putting all my weight only on one leg and leaning on it. I looked around carefully, as I had been instructed that I was to be shown around this place by a "distinctive" person. When I asked what she was like so I could find her, I was told that I would catch her instantly. She was more "Fallien" oriented than Corone oriented. Now, I knew that Fallien was a sandy county that was extremely hot, but did they ever stop to consider that I'd never been to that country to know of their true features and the people there??


So here I was, trying to act grown up, but failing; and glancing from place to place just hoping to catch my tour guide. Yup... Bad first day so far!

Roht Mirage
08-28-14, 10:44 AM
Roht Trespass

“Lucky timing,” Astarelle sighed.

The cross-corridor before her was filled with a marching column of dragoons, three men in width and who knows how long. Their chain armor gave off the distinctive shine and raspy whisper of scales. It was quite the display of metalwork. The helms, though, were just a product of the blacksmiths showing off; fins from the back, glaring false eyes above the real brow, and a short toothy snout overhang. Each human face within the hundred maws was resolute and focused forward, like men being devoured but determined to ignore it to the end.

Astarelle fidgeted with one of the woven bracelets that had escaped from the long cream-toned sleeve of her blouse. She tucked it back in and straightened the lacy cuff. The end of the line loomed. She could tell by the weakening of their thunderous footfalls. She poked a head into the intersection, risking a fin in the eye, to pacify her impatience.

A face twitched, its expression one of mild surprise. She recognized the man. His name, she couldn't recall. But, he had a very... distinctive nose, if one were to put it politely. To put it impolitely, the metal dragon eating his head might find some trouble when that fleshy hook lodged in its throat. Astarelle smiled and gave a meek wave. He was a good man. Every so often, he would bring her an extra desert during dinner in the mess hall. Her stomach loved him in those moments, then hated him when she would, once again, overdose on the too-sweet Coronian chocolate. Perhaps he was too-sweet on her.

Fatefully, he was at the very back of the file and in a row of only two. The dragoon-sized gap was on her side of the hall. So, out of politeness and very platonic appreciation, she took one lithe step to join the formation.

“Hi,” she chirped kindly, offering a small grin.

“Hello, Miss Set'Roh,” he said with a mild croak. His helmet fins betrayed just how far he glanced down at her long legs. She had on proper pants, dark and not too tight, but men always managed to compensate for such things with their vivid imaginations. “Are you joining us?” he asked, snapping his gaze back to a dignified elevation.

Astarelle quirked her head to the side, yet managed to keep up her smooth dancer's steps in time with their march. “Join... the dragoons?” she asked incredulously.

“I apologize,” he said with a quick nod that almost hid his faint blush. It was a bit startling to see on a man his age. “I mean just for today, for our drills in the courtyard.”

“Not today,” Astarelle sighed with disappointment that was almost honest. “They have me welcoming a new girl.”

As if on cue, a door frame passed overhead, welcoming them to the grand hall. A familiar breeze of fresh air tickled Astarelle's nose. It smelled richly of Concordia's autumn attire. If she closed her eyes, she would swear that she was already outside.

“Is that her?” the dragoon asked.

Astarelle peeked around him just enough to make out the solitary figure near the hall's gaping doors. It was unusual for the entryway to be so empty. But, with the Knights so recently returned from the war in Eiskalt, many were either deep inside tending to remaining business and injuries or out on whatever errand would get them away from the grey, depressing cloud that had followed them back home. It was mostly Astarelle's reluctance to pick one of those two camps that led to her becoming an impromptu usher; a rather depressed usher if she thought about the war too much.

Stop it, sand-brain, she scolded herself. A mischievous thought appeared at the edge of the darkness, and she seized it.

“See you later,” she said softly to her dragoon friend. Her hand brushed his armored shoulder. Then, she was away, stepping swiftly along the side of the formation. Eyes were cast warily her way. Some rolled back in exasperation as they recognized her. She paid no mind, focusing instead on bringing herself alongside the girl without being visible through the armored bodies. Ordinarily, she would have been tall enough for the new arrival to catch a glimpse of her dark hair or marked forehead, but the dragon helms did an admirable job of blocking.

The formation marched outside, their echoing steps fading into the open air, as Astarelle stopped just under the archway and straightened herself. She tried to remove the wryness from her grin, which was difficult as the tail of the dragoons slipped by with Mr. Nose giving her an amused look. Then, as if a magician drew back the cloth on his trick, she was face to face with the new recruit.

Bury me, she really does have purple eyes, was her first thought. Her prepped introduction only stalled a moment, though. “Kaida, is it?” she asked without leaving time to answer, “On behalf of the Ixian Knights, I invite you in.” Her gesture toward the hall was grandiose, her smile wide and welcoming – and visibly amused.

The Muri
09-24-14, 09:01 PM

One moment, I was watching the army of helmets passing through. The next, some weird lady was standing right in front of me. I felt my body shake and heard the footsteps of my own feet as I jumped back. I let out a small, surprised yelp and blinked at the odd woman.

She was dressed modestly in a nice outfit. The two things that really cause my attention though were... Her jewelry. She had some neat jewelry on her, it was so pretty! It dazzled from the light outside, tempting... The second thing that instantly caught my attention were the marks on her forehead. They looked similar to the markings on some nitnacks I'd seen in a store a while ago, but I never saw the pattern tattooed on someone.

When she welcomed me to the castle grounds, I realized. This is her! I attempted to straighten myself. I pulled my grey hoodie down, I pushed my messy hair behind my ears. The entire time I only could nervously laugh.

I let out a shaky sigh after several awkward moments and attempted to smile. "Um, uh..." Pull yourself together, Kaida! "Uh- Th-Th Thank you!" I finally smiled. Whether the smile was ridiculous or not I've no idea. "Um... Yes, I am Kaida. Are you and? ..."

Next thing my palm met my forehead. "Oh, gosh, why am I not thinking today??"

The woman in front of me smiled though, confusing me with that heartwarming grin. "Just breathe," she chuckled, "I know it's a lot to take in when you first arrive. But after living here for a while, you realize that a castle is just a house... with aspersions of being a mountain."

I felt myself dying down a little, but the burning I felt on my face grew. "... Oh."

The woman chuckled a light, amused laugh. Although she was laughing at me, I felt a small smirk come across my face. The woman started to walk away, motioning me to follow. "Well, want to see your room?"

Inside, I was freaking out. My own room here?? Oh my gosh this is so amazing! Oh my gosh! Outside, I was just tightly holding my hands together, sweating quite a lot, "S-Sure. Thanks."

And so, we set off to my... new life... The woman led me up the terrific stairs. Large flags and fancy statues were making it hard to keep up with her. I was absorbed into the paintings on the walls and suits of armor. It was hard to keep up with my guide, who so far was treating me with so much mercy!

I heard voices down a hall, but I was looking at a large tapestry as I passed by, behind the leader by only several paces. Suddenly though, I bumped into her as she abruptly stopped. I looked up in confusion, why did we stop? Then I noticed how she had locked eyes with a grouchy looking servant standing close to us.

Roht Mirage
10-20-14, 12:25 PM
Astarelle was more than pleased to lead the girl. She stopped every so often to makes sure the girl was keeping up, as well as savor the pools of purple wonder that were her eyes. These days, she read so much regret in Ixian faces. It made it hard for her to forget the blasted war herself. Kaida, though, was untainted. Her eyes screamed that this was the most monumental moment in her life. Astarelle wished she could feel that once again.

So distracted was she that she bumped right into the rotting corpse of syphilitic harpy, figuratively speaking, to whom she gave her most foul of glares. She didn't realized that she had stopped walking until Kaida bumped into her. The harpy -the maid- only seemed to notice Kaida then as well. The loathsome spell over them broke.

“Astarelle,” the maid said in a mockingly professional tone; bile with a bow on it, “I don't believe I've met our guest.” She spoke as if a great transgression had occurred, one that Astarelle should rectify immediately.

“Oh yes,” Astarelle said with skin-deep cheer as she spun to Kaida. “I never did tell you my name. I'm Astarelle Set'Roh. It's a pleasure to meet you.” She gave the girl a warm smile. Kaida responded only with a slack jaw and wide eyes. She looked at Astarelle, then the maid, and back again as if ready to back out of an alley where two humongous cats were about to set their claws a'shredding.

The maid coughed. Astarelle sighed. “This is Beatrice,” she said with an aloof look sideways as if the knightly statue there was suddenly very interesting.

“Call me Mother Be,” the maid said with matronly cheer that was as pure as wind-blown sand. It was as if she had a bag on either hip, one full of living rattlers, the other of puppies. It was obvious which person in that hall would be getting which. “What is your name, dear?”

Kaida smiled weakly, no doubt a subconscious defence. “I... uh...,” she stuttered.

“Her name is Kaida,” Astarelle said as she stepped close to the older woman. Her hands drifted to her hips, which had just a bit of new-found tilt. “I'm taking her to her room. Beatrice.”

The hall mother gave Astarelle a look as if the doors of a furnace had burst open. Then, back to Kaida, the furnace doors closed. “You seem like a sweet girl. I'm sure you won't leave your room in a sorry state every day like dear Astarelle does. You'd swear she's wrestling with monsters in her sleep... or other things.”

Astarelle's mouth twisted at the skillful jab. She countered with, “Too bad your monster days are behind you.”

Beatrice shrugged it off with nose held high. “One of the guardsmen found your pillow in the courtyard, just below your window.”

Astarelle gaped, then smiled. She was genuinely impressed with herself. Both windows in her room were a good six paces from the bed. That must have been a great throw. Wish I had that kind of accuracy when I was awake.

“Seri is making your bed right now, for what little good it will do,” Beatrice finished with a sniff as she turned and sashayed smugly down the hall.

Astarelle pushed her half-open door in all the way. She had repeatedly told the cleaning staff, not just the harpy queen, to not move anything in her room. They complied the best they could, especially little Seri. She was a small woman -Astarelle's plush bed rose almost to her waist- and always wore her blonde hair in a high bun pinned by dangling ornamental stars. It was a shame she had to suffer under the throne of Mother Venom.

“Hello,” Seri said with her usual effervescent cheer. Either she hadn't noticed the exchange right outside the door, or she was in the habit of turning off her ears at the sound of Beatrice's shrill voice.

Astarelle waved and smiled, afraid that if she spoke it might still be laced with venom not intended for the diminutive maid. Her eyes scanned the room out of habit. On one window sill sat a potted cactus that looked a little sickly in spite of her and the maids' best efforts at helping it thrive in Corone's climate. Astarelle tried to ignore the symbolism there.

In the corner was a pair of full-length mirrors on adjustable frames, which had a very practical use no matter how vain it made her seem. The pendant hanging over the bed didn't help much. It made her look both vain, for the sapphires had a brilliant sheen to them, and very very dull-witted. Either she had no sense of scale and imagined it to be a grand chandelier, or it was a shiny bauble like one would hang over a baby's crib. Neither was the case, but the truth of it was even more convoluted than the reason for the mirrors.

On the opposite wall, stretching nearly the length of the room, was a long dresser; four drawers wide, three high. The top of it was dusted spotless, and not a single item had been moved. The bulbous clay jars gave off a lacquered shine, as did the figurines that stood among them like creatures in an overfed forest. Some were adorable – children playing instruments, running with sticks. Others were not so adorable, such as the replicas of Fallien's most dangerous creatures. They were beasts built around tooth and claw and thick spines that would make a porcupine weep. There was even a figure of a coiled sand-wyrm, its myriad mouth parts at rest in spite of the delicious porcelain children that cavorted nearby.

“That's... an interesting collection,” Kaida said sheepishly when she was caught staring.

“It's a balance thing,” Astarelle offered as if that would explain it completely.

“I like the little boy with the trumpet,” Seri chimed, acknowledging the figure with a nod of her head. She turned back to the bed and snapped the sheet high. Its billow touched the hanging pendant, popping it right off its hook. Astarelle squawked and bolted across the room. Seri spun in surprise to find Astarelle holding the pendant by its cord a few inches from the floor. “Oh! I'm so sorry,” she said through her hastily-raised hands.

Astarelle gave a small shrug that was far calmer than her racing heart. She wasn't even certain that the pendant would have broken. It had proven itself plenty durable in the past. But, instinct was instinct. “Don't worry about it,” she said soothingly. She put the cord over her head and tucked the pendant under her blouse as if she had been planning to take it with her anyway.

The Muri
10-20-14, 08:31 PM
I was so intrigued! Maybe my room would look like this too? That poor... spikey... plant... looked depressing. Some of the figurines were also quite creepy. However, I could see that personality had been placed into this room. Maybe I could add my potential flair to my own room as well.

The small maid in the red gown smiled nervously whenever I turned to see her and miss Astarelle glancing uncomfortably at each other. After a moment of silence, she turned to me. "Come on. I'll show you your room."

My room! I squealed internally, My room!

Astarelle led me out of her quite messy room. I was only allowed to think of her apparent sleeping issues for a short while until we came to my room - only a few doors down.

My guide opened the door for me and I entered. I felt myself gasp in awe. The room was quite plain, unlike Astarelle's. There was one, large window with dusty, red curtains hanging on them. The window was just large enough, with a good sized windowsill, to sit on it. Sunlight burst into this room, granting it more than enough light. The only two objects currently here were a simple bed and a dusty, dark oak closet. The bed had but one pillow and one each of comforter and sheet. Despite the simplicity of this room, it felt... cozy.

My sword and backpack were still on my back. I felt compelled to unpack. After turning to Astarelle and smiling a thank you, I took conscious strides over to the grey bed. I flung my backpack off and watched it bounce on the bed as I slowly removed my heavy weapon, Calcator. As the dust flew up from the sheets, I had to pause every action to cough for a few seconds. After placing Calcator slowly against the edge of the bed, I zipped my backpack open.

The first thing to come out was my cables and chords I used to climb up steep slopes and cliffs. I tossed them aside and then pulled out my hair dye kit, then my throwing knife packet. Then out came some random odds and ends I'd picked up on my travels. A wooden heart I found in a store, a half-eaten slice of bread that I bought a day or so ago, some cool looking red rock from a forest, and some random knit knacks with these odd looking symbols on them.

Next thing I know, a new but familiar voice came up from behind me. I jumped as Astarelle spoke to me. "Oh. You're a fan?"

I turned to the woman, several steps away from me. "Of what?"

She pointed to the symbols I just pulled out then pointed to the marks on her forehead. "Roht Mirage. Cell Champion."

If anything, I could hear a hint of slightly masked pride in her voice. I had no idea of what though, as I did live under a rock up until I moved here!

I decided to be honest and shrugged, "Never heard of it..."

She frowned.

I tilted my head to her before turning back to my bag. Next, I pulled out my handheld crossbow I stuffed in before coming here, I named it Jet, after my own nickname. I also pulled out another weapon of mine, my toxin-gun, capable of shooting harmful gasses. I named that one Shok.

I then grabbed my bag and dumped out everything else, some spare jewelry and armcuffs, my empty gun holsters, a picture of an actual revolver, and my armor I also stuffed in for my first day here. I threw the bag into the floor, not caring where it fell, and proudly placed my hands on my hips. Observing the mess of jumbled stuff on my bed, I made a progress report, "Everything's unpacked! ... Just need to find places for them."

Roht Mirage
10-27-14, 01:10 PM
The maids are going to love you too, Astarelle thought with a lighthearted chuckle.

She hadn't intended to peer over all the girl's belongings, but hadn't been able to step away as that odd balance of weapons and trinkets tumbled out. It was like her figurine collection: innocence and danger. And expired fandom, as well. It didn't really bother her that the legacy of Roht Mirage was fading on Coronian attention spans. Okay. Maybe it did. Just a little. She worked her blasted butt off in that tournament!

The items that seemed to almost be guns, and the picture of the true article itself, gave her pause. She found herself looking away into the bare corners of the room. One of those is a heavy burden, she mused darkly. She almost said it too, but stopped herself. That wasn't a memory she wanted to dwell on in a castle that was home to telepaths.

“Well, if you're unpacked,” she said to Kaida, giving her an amused smile, “I can show you to the mess hall. I bet you're hungry.”

Kaida pressed a flighty hand to her tummy as if she felt it grumble. “A little,” she said shyly.

Astarelle nodded and started for the door. “Good. I've got lunch planned with someone you should meet in one of his... calmer moments.” She stopped short of the door, which was blocked. A young messenger boy was fidgeting there sheepishly as if he was unsure whether or not to interrupt.

“Message, Miss Set'Roh,” he spouted when he realized she was looking expectantly at him.

Astarelle sighed inside. Any new business for her would probably be more dour than being in Kaida's enthusiastic company. She waved a hand to signal, “Out with it.”

The boy put on his stately voice. “It's from Jensen Ambrose.” That perked her ears up right quick. “He says he won't be able to make it for lunch, and that you should eat something a little fattier to gain weight in the.... Sorry. I- I don't think I can repeat the message as he stated it.”

Astarelle huffed. “No, it's best you don't.” Then, she muttered to herself, “Bury you, Jensen. A promise is a promise, even if I have to track you down. You think distance is an issue?” There was dark humor in her private words, to which the messenger gave a timid reply.

“He's in Dheathain.”

Astarelle gaped at him. Okay. That's an issue. With a heated exhale, she delved for some questions to determine exactly how annoyed she should be. But, against the boy's not-wanting-to-be-there expression, she couldn't bring herself to voice them. “Thank you,” she finally said with a practiced smile. He nodded, sighed a little too audibly, and scampered out into the hall.

After giving her head a shake, Astarelle turned back to Kaida. The girl was toying with some of her possessions on the bed so absently that it was clear where her attention had been. Carefully, she asked, “So... I guess I'm not meeting this friend of yours?” as if she didn't want to be on the proximity of that drama either.

Astarelle quirked up one corner of her mouth. “Change of plans,” she said as if her word was edict, “You're my lunch date, now.”

Kaida's eyes darted to her already-messy room, then to Astarelle. “O... Okay,” she stammered.

Astarelle snatched Kaida's hand in a grip that was both soft and inescapable, then towed her toward the mess hall.

The Muri
10-28-14, 09:17 PM

Hey, I was completely fine with eating at some point (as I was developing an appetite), but I had wanted to set my room up first. Eh, oh well. My room wouldn't be going anywhere.

The halls could be considered plain to most, but every hallway we turned was like a new adventure to me. I would have liked to stay around to examine that suit of armor or observe a war painting, but Ms. Astarelle kept pulling me away.

When we finally got to mess hall, my eyes were popped wide once again. The tall ceiling, the long tables. So many people, mainly soldiers or guards, like the ones we would come across on the journey here, were here. There was also some different looking characters here and there too, a splotch of colorful paint on a grey drawing. Eating and chatting, everyone seemed to be having a nice time. Even now, my host gently pulled me to the cafeteria. I could smell various foods hit my nose. My stomach rumbled. I glanced beyond the counter where Astarelle was ordering our food. The kitchen was in tripple the action than the mess hall. Even out here, I could hear the sizzling and smoking of baking and cooking, the clattering of pots and pans, and several chiefs shouting to each other from across the room. My eyes were drawn to a grumpy looking fellow getting lectured by another cook for a moment before someone put a tray of food in front of us. Astarelle thanked the cook and we walked over to the nearest table. The food was two slices of bread, some kind of rice recipe, and chicken. I immediately digged into my share of meat, still trying to keep my manners as I did.

After several bites and swallows, I turned to Astarelle who hadn't been eating at all - simply staring at her food. I decided to pick up a conversation. My glorious start: "So... ..."

Roht Mirage
11-15-14, 01:35 AM
The events in the following post are based on real characters. Really.

Astarelle had words to fill the void. Astarelle always had words.

“Have you even known someone who you just can't figure out?” she asked as if the question was directed equally at both Kaida and the chicken she poked absently with her fork. The food smelled good, but she couldn't bother herself with the motions of eating while her mind churned. Her stomach grumbled in exasperation.

At the lack of a response from either, Astarelle turned to the one that could conceivably answer. Kaida had frozen with a fork full of rice hovering close to her lips. Poignant thought played across her face, and she nodded.

"Actually, not only do people not make sense, but nothing makes sense to me... Popping in outta nowhere isn't the greatest way to gain knowledge, take it from me..."

Astarelle gave her an expectant look, though the girl only kept eating. “I was pretty out of place when I first came here,” she admitted as she kept playing with her food.

“To be honest,” she added quietly, “There are a lot of people here that I still can't figure out.” Her fork, almost taking a piece of chicken, clinked to the plate. Some of the soldiers sitting nearby glanced at her, but she just leaned closer to Kaida and spoke in a tone of pure conspiracy.

“Do you see that chef in the back? The one with the mustache, always hanging over that one pot.” She gestured only with a shake of her head. The position of their seats and the open nature of the kitchen would give Kaida enough of a view that she could look without being too obvious.

“Yeah,” she responded even more quietly, “He was arguing with one of the other chefs earlier.”

“He does that. He's a really disagreeable sort. Always makes soup -only soup- and serves it to specific people. It's a very small list: the Orlouges, a few others. I don't know why that is, because there's no other food that is reserved for them, and for him to cook it right in front of everyone...” Astarelle's voice lowered to a nearly imperceptible grumble.

Kaida chuckled softly. “Yeah, sounds like a rude person, much.”

“They call him the Soup Nazi,” Astarelle continued, “I think it's a Salvic word. Probably similar to what jihta means in Fallien.” She looked to Kaida with a sparkle of humor in her eyes. Then, the sparkle changed. It became mischievous, giddy, and very dangerous. “I have an idea. You should ask for some soup.”

The Muri
11-17-14, 09:31 PM
I curved my lip as I glanced at the chief. Purple eyes darted back and forth between him and Astarelle who had suggested I push the limits and ask him about the soup myself.

Astarelle's own silver eyes were filled with adventurous wandering similar to my own. Obviously, she too liked to push her limits and take chances. I found myself slowly smirked at her. I set my fork down, "Since I'm new, he shouldn't be that rude..."

I instantly got up and started walking over to the kitchen. If this gets me into trouble, Astarelle... I kept thinking of ways to pay her back if this put me in hot water. I walked over to the counter between the busy, clanging kitchen and bustling, cheery mess hall. I leaned against the very edge and knocked on the solid, strong wood. I cook noticed me and came up to me. He was a skinny fellow with blond hair, "Yeah, kid?"

I blinked, tilting my head, "Soup Nazi, is the guy who goes by that name available?"

The blond's face told me instantly that that guy probably shouldn't be triffled with. However, I was going to stay at this. Luckily, despite his face the man allowed me the liberty of rights to speech. Soon enough, the grumpy guy with a mustache was standing right across from me.

"Wha'da want, kid?"

I felt butterflies racing in my stomach, the desire to turn and run. Yet I didn't. I'd gotten this far, I just had to complete this challenge! "U-Um... Can I please have a bow-wl o-"

"No!" The cook boomed, as if he knew what I was asking, "No soup for you!"

And like that he was gone. Fuming back at his pot.

I found myself blinking wildly as I walked back to the table. It was hard to navigate amongst the heads at first, but the marks on Astarelle's head were easy to spot out. I was soon sitting down, right across from her again.

At first, I was left completely blank, not knowing what to say... then I found myself narrowing my eyes. "He said 'no'..." You'll pay for getting me yelled at on my freaking first day!

Roht Mirage
11-23-14, 10:57 AM
“He said no,” Astarelle agreed with a giant bug-sucking smile that seemed to have infected the four guardsmen sharing their table. They all leaned forward with one hand or both under the table.

Kaida, either due to curiosity or simply how impressionable she was, leaned forward as well. A question formed on her lips, but was halted instantly as everyone revealed their secret. Each of the guardsmen had a small bowl of soup. Astarelle had two. One, she placed gently in front of Kaida so as to not slosh it about. The table cloth already had a few spots from... whatever they had done.

“H- how...” Kaida finally managed to ask as the delicious smell hit her nostrils and likely blanked out part of her brain. Astarelle was feeling the same way as she grabbed a spoon, but she did her best to explain.

Operation 'Yes Soup For Me' had begun the instant Kaida left the table. While the girl took a straight course for the kitchen's serving counter, Astarelle leaned back in her seat. Her eyes locked on the door to the kitchen. A half-door, really. It only went from shin to belly on the kitchen staff that pushed through with hands dangerously full. At the moment, it was unattended, and the Ixian backs that made a wall on either side of the aisle gave no hint of turning about. It was likely that not a single eye other than her own saw the gem chips pop from Astarelle's pendant and dart across the floor like a line of dragonflies. She watch just long enough for them to dart into the kitchen, then focused on the sensations they gave her – a colorless, blurry map of touch in the back of her mind.

At the same time, she grabbed her small bowl of rice and upended it onto her plate. The chicken disappeared as if caught in a sudden snow storm. She did the same to empty Kaida's rice bowl, then tried to line them up as best she could; one bowl on the table, another held above at a small slant, and her pendant dangling just above. It wasn't the most elegant plan. But, if she was careful, she might be able to catch enough for a taste. The movement of the gem chips, however, also required her attention. She could feel them careening across the kitchen floor, swerving almost too late as the impression of moving feet came to her strained senses.

A clink of bowls caught her attention. She blinked in bewilderment at a third empty one that had joined the two. “The price of silence,” said one of the guardsmen. She looked up at him, instantly recognizing his grizzled face. He had been with her in Aislinn's medical tent in Eiskalt... until she decided she had enough healing and teleported out using the same pendant trick. He had given her such a sour look when he realized what she was up to. Perhaps he had just wanted to get out of there as well. Now, though, his war-torn face was split into a surprising smile. Three other bowls clinked into the pile, and hands appeared to also hold her own in a formation much like a fanciful fountain.

“I've always wanted to try it,” remarked another man who, even without foreknowledge of her trickery, caught on to what was happening.

“What are we doing?” asked another. His bowl was held over the pile with all the others, though it was clearly a matter of peer pressure.

The grizzled one shushed him, then looked toward the kitchen. Astarelle caught the reflection of a far-off sparkle in his cold eyes. “I bit further along the counter. No one's looking. Rise two hand-spans,” he rumbled softly. “Almost there. Cut a bit closer to us.” Astarelle felt the edge of the pot in the gems' peripheral senses just as that damnable phrase filled the air.

“No soup for you!”

Most of the eyes in the hall turned. Laughter rose. The gem chips fell, coalesced into the shape of the pendant's vacant inlay, and splashed into the pot. There was a faint flash of light in the harsh glare of the kitchen, then a slosh as the chips returned to the pendant with about half a jug of extra cargo. The soup cascaded from bowl to tilted bowl, filling each until it pooled in the bottom one, running just slightly over the edge and staining the table cloth.

Before the distraction of Kaida's walk of shame wore off, the bowls were pulled safely to chests like crumbs in rodent paws. Astarelle motioned for them all to play innocent as she hid two bowls on her knees, reserving the full one for her new friend.

The Muri
11-28-14, 07:59 PM
"... Wow."

I slowly found myself slowly sitting down. I quickly finished at another whiff at the deliciousness. I quickly snatched the bowl away sipped it.

It was so, so, so heavenly! It was amazing, beyond mortal man's creativity to conjure. It tasted like it was made by angels, angels who had been merciful enough to send this wonderful bowl of steaming excellence down to the world of Althanas, straight to this very spoon pressed against my chapped lips.

My eyes popped like cash registers. I looked over to everyone who had helped to acquire this smooth soup from the nasty cook who now appeared to be a demon in my eyes. "Th-thank you... so much..."

I closed my eyes and took another sip. I then opened them again, "I-I can see wh-why this is restricted arou-ound here-e..."

My new favorite food! Am I allowed to marry a food?

I sighed as I continued to sip away at the soup of life. I melted away from the crowded mess hall. I felt myself diving into a pool- no, an ocean, of this very dish... it was amazing... I felt lost in the waves forever...

... Then Astarelle's voice brought me back to reality. Great...

Roht Mirage
12-05-14, 08:43 AM
“I'll never enjoy normal soup again,” Astarelle sighed in delight as she tilted the half-empty bowl back, spoon and manners be damned. The pieces of meat and vegetable, so tender they were like clouds, went right down.

“She's a tricky one,” said the older soldier in a voice much less gruff than usual as he gave Kaida a friendly bump of his elbow, then gestured at Astarelle. “Better watch out around her.”

Astarelle's eyes narrowed over the edge of her bowl, though she couldn't hold to anger, or even annoyance. The soup was just that bloody good!

“Heeey,” said the one who hadn't understood the plan until after. In fact, the full span of it only seemed to dawn on him in this moment, with spoon hanging out of mouth and eyes dreamy. “This soup... touched her necklace, right?” He looked at the bowl with a small degree of conflict in his face.

“Bury me,” Astarelle huffed playfully. “I keep it clean. Cleaner than you lot.”

With slurps and laughter and playful jabs, they all finished their unlawful lunch. When her empty bowl finally came to rest on the table, Astarelle gave Kaida a long, thoughtful look. “There are some people I'd like you to meet.” The young girl gave an awkward sideways look, then an adorable 'are you talking to me?' face. Astarelle gave her a wide grin, followed by a sudden touch of seriousness. “You might want to move any jewelry or shiny things to your pockets.”

The gruff soldier stroked his chin and rumbled, “You're taking her to meet them?”

Astarelle rolled her eyes at him, then quickly stood from the table and beckoned Kaida along with her. “It'll be fine,” she promised sweetly.


The two women made their way into a different section of the castle, a few floors up and somewhat distant from the high-traffic areas. Kaida, naturally, had some nervous questions about who she would meet, but Astarelle answered none of them. She only smiled in a way that she hoped wasn't ominous. Words couldn't really do the Ferals justice. Also, Kaida's unfiltered reaction might be just as delicious as the soup.

The first sign that they had reached their destination came in the form of a crayon drawing stuck to the stone wall with resin. It had a creative approximation of a skull-and-crossbones with especially pointed teeth.

Kaida came to a full stop as she stared at it. “Pirates?” she asked in utter confusion.

Astarelle shrugged, almost shaking with giggles. “Come out, my little karuku-tals,” she sang out. Her voice played down the empty hall, stirring nothing. Absolutely nothing. The hall remained dead, and the line of doors along one side gaped like cold portals into an abyss. “I mean it,” Astarelle added with motherly warning.

From the farthest door, a head appeared... and rolled. It was leather with button eyes and a sprig of straw poking out the top like a boyish lick of hair. Lazily, it bumped against the opposite wall, then stopped. Lifeless eyes stared at them down the length of the hall.

Kaida made a very concerned sound in her throat, almost mouse-like. Astarelle laughed, though even she felt a bit unnerved. “That's no way to make a first impression,” she scolded the air as she stomped toward the head, scooped it up like a lost toy, and tossed it back into the room it had rolled from. With a gentle glance back at Kaida, she waved for her to stay put and disappeared into the room.

“Hiding, are you?” her voice carried into the hall, then the clatter of furniture being shuffled about.

The Muri
12-09-14, 12:36 PM
Instantly, the once dead room came to life.

Multiple young boys, the oldest appearing fourteen, came out. Grubby little fellows, dirt on their faces, their clothes... Several also appeared to have some missing teeth... and they all stared at me.

Astarelle, who I now was beginning to consider insane, chuckled. "Kaida, meet the ferals. Ferals, meet the newest member of our Ixian Knights." And she lightly swatted my back, sending me reluctantly forwards. A nervous smile crept along my face, I found myself tugging at my charm bracelet again... "Hi?"

They just dumbly stared at me before one of them, about seven, pointed, "Shiny!"

"E-excuse me??" I found myself huff. I felt another one pull the arm my bracelet was on up. I sighed, I took off any and all jewelry minus the bracelet. I had no idea why, but I couldn't part with it to save my life... and here these grubby boys were, observing it with awe.

"Wow!" Another one commented from the horde, "Her hair has two colors! -Weird..."

I lifted my free hand to my head. I had a portion of my blond hair dyed hot pink. Apparently these idiots never heard of hair dye before...

I had no idea why Astarelle brought me here. To torture me? She obviously was insane! I growled, having had quite enough. I yanked my arm the pre-teen boy had away. I gasped though when I felt the chain on the bracelet loosen... and the precious object in the brunette's hands.

I felt something just burst out of me. It felt like... it just... I...



The chase began.

He instantly raced out of the room with my precious. What else could I do than race after him... at about sixteen miles per hour.


It was so, so on! I just had to get my bracelet back! HAD to get it back!! Had to!

We raced through halls and rooms of various kinds, we dashed faster than ever. Me simply trying to get my precious back...

Eventually, we made it out to the courtyard behind the castle. I was starting to get tired, but I wasn't the only one...

The young gremlin I was chasing was bent over. Hands on knees, desperately trying to catch his breath. My silver bracelet dangled from one of his sweaty, dirty hands. I slowly snuck over, attempting to muffle even my clanking armor, over to where he was. By the time he noticed me, it was too late. With my superior strength, I was able to pull my bracelet back in one piece.