View Full Version : What has happened? [Introduction | OPEN]

hermano de lobos
09-29-06, 12:36 PM
The battle roared in the Eastern Forest, in his home. Men and women clashed against each other with sword, axe, and spear. Bolts of lightning streaked across the sky in both directions as mages and weakened Gods sent out their powers to protect their allies. Dragons screamed in the skies as they locked talons with gryphons. A great wolf, clad in chainmail ran from foe to foe dispatching each one. Silverheart looked on from atop of Tatang, and couldn't help but smile with pride as he watched his cousin keep her own in battle. His eyes went to his wife, Rhosyn, who rode her Vista beside him. They both knew this battle wasn't going their way, few of the recent battles had gone in favor of the Gods.

As more and more battles were lost, the Gods found fewer followers, few people to believe in them and lend them power. This would be the end, perhaps not this battle or the next, but soon. And then the world would be a godless mess.

"I love you, Rhosyn. I want you to know that, incase..." There was no need to finish the sentence, she knew.

"I love you too, Pol." She always called him by his human name, he wouldn't have had it any other way. "Ireland sends her love too, beloved."

He had always envyed his wife and daughter's mental link, but was glad to know his daughter was all right at the front lines. He had been about to respond when he felt the air seem to warp, Rhosyn clearly felt it too, as did all the soldiers on both sides. For a moment all fighting stopped as men and women tried to understand what was happening. Light and darkness began to play strange games in the sky. The air filled with a sound so loud Silverheart could not hear himself think. His hands clamped over his wolf ears, his eyes went to his wife. She looked at him with a mixture of love and terror, the latter was something completely alien to her, normally. And then...

The gentle sounds of waves crashing against a sandy shore seemed to echo in the half wolf's head. Had he come to the eastern seas? Had the mages sent him that far with what ever that had been? Slowly his eyelids fluttered open, letting his golden gaze few the world. Instantly he understood three things. The smell of the air was different, it smelled of the sea, but it was not the same. He wasn't in any place he knew, and the wolf had traveled all of Daeluin. As he gazed down at his clawed hands, which pushed down on the sand to lift him up, he noticed the scars around his wrists. Old scars, from years ago, yet he had never seen them before in his life. Gods! What has happened?" Finally he felt different, his whole body tingled, and the feel of the earth under his claws felt good, like home.

Slowly, almost painfully, the half wolf raised himself up to his feet and looked over himself. The scars on his wrist proved to him one thing, a lot of time had pasted. Years at least, perhaps a decade, or more? He shook the sand from his thick black fur, sending it flying in 360 degree. His body seemed to be working well, but he felt something, something else, like more arms then he had. But he had only the appendages he was born with. There were more important things to deal with then strange feelings. He still had the Wolf's Fang, but his dagger and bow were gone, as was his winged armor. The smell of Tatang and Hopper his cousin were not in the air, but Elation's scent, which was so much like his own, was.

As if thoughts of him willed the hawk into existance, he flew down and landed on the half wolf's shoulder. "Where are we, old friend?" Elation had clearly aged as well, some of his feathers were beginning to loose their coloring. After a moment Silverheart began to look around, and much to his luck he saw a small town in the direction Elation had come from. "You are always on step ahead aren't you?" Without another word he began to make his way towards the town. It was still early, the sun was not yet at it's midday peak, so when the lycan like creature found his way into the town he saw very few people. But those he did see stared in an almost awe. They were not frightened, likely werewolves were not unknown, but surely rare.

He kepts his gaze to the gound as he walked towards a large building, which he assumed was the town's tavern. His head pounded with each step he took, as if he'd taken a blow to the head with a mace. Elation sat calmly on his shoulder, carefully cleaning his feathers, as if this were the most normal thing in the world. Silverheart pushed the door to the tavern, The Peaceful Promenade, open. Surprisingly it was quiet full for so early in the morning, but he quickly found a seat, amid the stares of the other patrons, and calmly waited for someone to take his order...if he had any gold that was. He hadn't even thought of it. His hands quickly set about searching his pockets for any coin, and much to his delight a few gold crowns were produced. Maybe he'd be able to get a drink after all.

11-03-06, 05:48 PM
Once again she thought she covered her tracks and once again they were on her tail. At the beginning, Rheawien didn’t mind this catch-me-if-you-can game in which she toyed with the agents the loanshark sent after her. In fact, she even managed to derive a certain pleasure from constantly slipping from the grasp of the collectors that would come after her. By doing that she sent out a clear message that she was still unobtainable and ignorant towards the debt. But lately the game of wits and resourcefulness started looking less like fun and games and more like a manhunt. The collectors weren’t collectors anymore, but hired swords and mercs. And when she found a way to evade those as well, the goddamn shylock sent assassins after her. And all for measly two thousand gold pieces Rhea took as a loan and never repaid.

Concordia seemed like a good place to get lost in, a sea of trees beneath which thousands of trails went, but no matter how fast she run, how stealthily she crept, the assassins were always behind her. Sometimes they were miles away, sometimes she could actually hear her footsteps, but they were a reason for the half-elf to constantly look over her shoulder and she was getting sick of it. Rheawien was hungry, tired from the trek and hasn’t slept soundly for days. She needed a break from this neverending game of catch.

Underwood seemed like a perfect locale for doing just that. The woodcutter’s metropolis was far from the magnificence of Radasanth or even Gisela, but there was still more then enough unfamiliar faces amidst which hers could get lost. She had to blend in first though. Her scant attire made out of tight leather that displayed way more skin and curvature then what was considered decent would certainly raise more then a few eyebrows. Not to mention some other extremities as well in the male crowd. That was why, before she entered Underwood, Rheawien took out a rather raggedy-looking brown cloak and wrapped herself in it, pulling the hood up to hide her white hair. Camouflaged as one of the locals, she allowed the flow of people to take her deeper into the town.

“Try finding a needle in a stack of needles, bastards.” she thought victoriously, and yet even as she turned her head to cast another cautionary glance over her shoulder, three shady figures in dark gray attires followed. They were almost half a mile behind her, slowly advancing through the din of the usual Underwood workday, but there was no doubt that they were still somehow keeping a track of her. “Perceptive.” Rhea thought, sighing exasperatedly before she doubletimed down the main street.

It was then that he noticed the entrance to the Peaceful Promenade tavern, some said the largest establishment of its kind in Corone. It was a good place to get lost in. But it was also a dead end. If she went in and they tracked her down, they’d have her cornered. Then again, if she played it smart, she could get these goons off her back and searching her throughout the entire town. In the end, it was her stomach that decided for her empty as it was, reminding her that she hadn’t had a decent meal ever since she entered Concordia Forest five days ago. Not wasting any more time on deliberating, Rheawien slipped out of the street and past the batwing doors.

The interior of the Peaceful Promenade was anything but peaceful. Already several barflies were sitting on their stools, milking their ales and bitching and whining about their wives, their crops, their jobs... The more decent folk sat at the tables, some breaking their fast silently, others – mostly merchants in their separated areas - conducting their business over a glass of wine. But Rhea was looking for something different. She was looking for the baddest, meanest looking lug around. Because chances were, if her escort would enter the Promenade, they wouldn’t bother somebody who was sitting at the table with somebody who looked like a certified murderer. Her brown eyes scanned the common room.

“Too weak... Too drunk... Too fruity... Ah, there, I think we have a winner.” she thought, smirking almost wickedly as she spotted what looked like some sort of a wolf half-breed. With pitch-black fur, claws instead of nails and what looked like some sort of a bird perched on his shoulder, the furry thing looked like a perfect assassin repellant. Rheawien moved through the common room swiftly, her cloaked figure evading the clientele courteously, and before long she reached the werewolf’s table.

“Whoa, talk about a bad hair day!” she said to the creature, her words maybe insulting, but her tone touched with joviality. “This seat taken?” Rhea inquired, but sat down without even receiving an answer, turning her back to the door. Her hood was kept on, but her face was more then visible to her breakfast buddy. “Here’s the deal. I have some people looking for me. Now, if you sit there and look... well, the way you look, I buy you breakfast. Not raw, I don’t think they sell those here.”

She cast a swift look over her shoulder just in time to witness her pursuers enter. “Alright, here they come. Look mean.” Rhea said to the black wolf creature, pulling her hood forward and sitting still. She hoped that the bestial man was smarter then he looked and understood her plan.

06-02-09, 03:44 PM
This thread has been siting for over a month and a half. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.