View Full Version : Thael Wayloft

09-04-14, 06:57 PM
Name: Thael Wayloft
Age: 24
Race: Dark Elf
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 153 lbs.
Occupation: Hired Thief
Personality: He is easygoing, and fun-loving. He gets distracted often, and he is practically addicted to breaking the law. He does not kill innocents and refuses to become a mercenary, though many have tried (and failed) to convince him to. He is normally on the hyperactive side, but when he is in distress, he is extremely calm and collected.
History: Thael, being a Dark Elf, was born in Alerar. His parents were rarely at home, his mother being an alchemist and his father being a blacksmith, so he raised himself. He ran away from home and began his life of crime at only seventeen. Soon after, he discovered his ability to move objects with his mind. Once he honed this ability, he quickly put it to use. He became a skilled thief, but was not foolish. He only stole things that he knew would not be missed, be it because quantity or quality. Six years later, he was caught and imprisoned, sentenced to seven months of jail time. Now, he is twenty-four, and ready to continue his life of thievery.
Appearance: His hair is a dark shade of green, almost to the point of blackness. His bangs cover his forehead, but are not thick enough to conceal much. He has a scar on his right palm from a broken window he once tried to climb through. He changes his outfit often, to avoid being recognized by someone who may have caught him stealing from them.
Skills: Running from guards and angry homeowners has made Thael quite fast and enduring.His top speed is currently fifteen miles per hour, and he ran at that speed for five minutes. He is also quite stealthy, made so through his “profession.”
Abilities: Thael has the ability to move objects with his mind, telekinesis. As it stands, he can either move an object directly toward him or stop its its movement altogether, and only from thirty feet away. It must be, at most, twenty pounds, and it must be dropped after twenty seconds. This can be done up to five times. He can also, when attacked, block the attack with his mind, stopping the attacker for no more than two seconds. The attack cannot exceed a momentum of fifty pounds, and he must know he's about to be attacked. This, however, can only be done once per thread, and after doing so, he can no longer use telekinesis until he’s rested.
Equipment/Weapons: Thael prefers to keep it simple, using one or two iron daggers, an iron short sword and, if he wears any at all, light leather armor.

black shadow
09-04-14, 07:58 PM
Welcome to Althanas WEW.

Okay, to start thing off, with your telekinesis, how much weight can he lift with it? Also, how many times can he lift the items?

As for the blocking attacks, he should only be able to block moderate attacks at the most as of right now.

In his skills, it states that he is "quite fast". How fast is he?

I believe that is all for now.

09-06-14, 09:40 PM
Okay, I made the suggested modifications. How is he now?

black shadow
09-08-14, 07:16 PM
Sorry for the delay, I completely missed your reply.

Okay, so for a level 1, 50 pounds for 5 minutes is a little too much. Lets drop that a bit, lets say, 20 pounds? Also, instead of a max time limit, he should have a max number of uses with a smaller time limit. (For battle purposes) so how does 5 times of 20 seconds sound?

I believe that is all. Thank you for your patience.

09-08-14, 11:18 PM
Okay, I've edited it once again. How's it sound now? (I changed all red text back to normal, except the text I just modified. I hope that's okay.)

black shadow
09-09-14, 05:17 AM
Okay, looks good. You are APPROVED!!