View Full Version : Featured Battle Recruitment: Do steel hearts bleed?

09-08-14, 07:13 AM
Professor Rodderly sat up straight, one hand grabbed against his hip and pushed to stretch out his aching back, the other scratching the hair line several centimetres higher than it had been when he was a younger man. His grey eyes sparkled, his face twisting into a triumphant smile.


The words were almost a whisper, slipping from between slightly yellowed teeth. His body collapsed back into his chair, his eyes finally slipping from the table in front of him. The figurative apple in his eye was lying on the large worktable. A metal suit of armour at first appearance; to anyone with more technical knowledge from the steam powered city Ettermire, it would be recognised as something far more complex. Beneath the steel plates of metal were components of miraculous machinations. There were valves and gears, entwined on a metal skeleton. The whole thing was powered by a large steam engine set into the huge metal chest. From the shoulders several large pipes lifted into the air. Silent now, those pipes would bellow and splutter with life when it ran.

“Now.... it needs a test.” Muttered the professor. His words and actions didn't quite see eye to eye, and the professor promptly drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

*bang bang bang bang*

The professor lowered the hammer and looked at the note he had nailed on the notice board of the citadel. It proclaimed the amazing Steel Heart ready to be tested. Fighters were cordially invited to partake in a battle with the machine; housed by the Citadel. The monks would provide healing to the challengers, Rodderly would provide money. Any fighter that lasted at least three minutes with the machine would receive a cool two hundred gold. The professor wasn't giving the money away for nothing. He was planning on selling the machine afterwards. Using the battle as an showcase of the machine's possible buyers. Two hundred gold was a pittance compared to the money he was planning on pocketing.

Dearest Fighter,
you are cordially invited to take part in the battle of the year.
The Steal Heart is the newest whoozywatsits created by Professor Rodderly.
Any who lasts two minutes will receive 200 gold.
No wimps allowed

Featured battle recruitment!

Greetings seekers of glory. This is a featured battle, meaning that I will be playing the big bad, and you all will be trying to defeat the Steel Heart; a giant automaton made of steel, steam and bad dreams.

This will be a 4v1 style thread. I'll post my reaction to and launching any additional attacks once a day. If someone doesn't post by that time then they get DQed (in as squishy way as I can think of). There will be a little bit of wiggle room, I don't want this to be as time bound as the Cell.

If someone's character is squished and/or DQed then the next person on the roster can jump in. Meaning even though we start with only four people, there might be many more jumping in. It also means the first four people who sign up get to fight, and everyone else may get to fight. So sign up! You can sign up with more than one profile, but you can't be RPing two profiles fighting at once. If your second one was on the list but the first is still going, the next person after you will be allowed in and you will be shifted back one place in the list. I retain the right to make executive decisions with the list. Its first come first serve, unless I think it needs to be mixed up.

I may bunny people to allow for the four v one format to work. If you shrug off an attack that should have hit you, I very well may pull out the squish squish gloves. Given the rewards are quite high, I believe this is fair.

Bonus EXP: The thread will be given a bonus of 1.5x exp (50%) to Rpers
Gold: If you survive at least four posts (including your intro) you get 200 gold
Winners: When (if?) Steel is taken down, then any active Characters will receive a share of 2,200 gold (550 each assuming four actives at the time of defeat, plus to 200 if you were in for four posts).

Who can join?!
At the moment only Level 7s or below may join.


The Mad Scientist
Elthas Belthasar
Where in the World?
Roht Mirage

09-08-14, 02:51 PM
Hysteria my good man I will gladly throw Elthas into the mix. He's only level 4 so far may hit level 5 DURING the event at some point but I'm definitely interested in getting beat up by a big robot. I look forward to working with you bro.

09-08-14, 04:07 PM
I would like to register.

Fox Owen Xavier
09-08-14, 07:11 PM
Sounds fun, I'll.... Umm... Let's see, Fox isn't a fighter, Sanste/Sir Walter are undergoing redesigns, Wolf... No... Wait, can midgets join? Created a tiny character named Tytanus (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27174-Tytanus-The-Tiny-Messenger) but never got to use him yet since a certain PG idea never seemed to have worked out (at least not yet...).

09-08-14, 08:25 PM
Ill hop in if you need me. A rematch would be fun.

09-10-14, 03:29 AM
Welcome all, you're in the top four. Fox, let me know if you want to opt in with another character rather than Fox and I'll change the roster.

Registrations are open until next Tuesday (mostly because I am away this weekend), so any reserves throw your hat in!

09-10-14, 03:03 PM
This is like a tournament so I shall join! My weapon of choice is... A Tea Kettle.

09-10-14, 04:32 PM
Can I use this account instead of Fox, Hysteria?

09-11-14, 12:55 AM
Sure thing foxy.

Tourneymant, you're up as first reserve!

Fox Owen Xavier
09-11-14, 04:56 PM
Oh, one thing, I can't post on Wednesdays but can do all the other days. If that will be a problem, then I don't mind giving up my spot.

09-16-14, 08:32 AM
No worries foxy, I was actually going to struggle to get time on (my) thursday to post with my parents returning from overseas I need to pick them up.

Thread is up! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27984-Do-Steel-Hearts-Bleed-Featured&p=235342#post235342)

I want to encourage you guys to add details as you see fit. That includes the people watching and your interactions with them. Only Herbert, Rodderly and Heart I have control off, feel free to reference Herbert in your first post however.

The Mad Scientist
09-16-14, 06:06 PM
As a fellow doctor of Steam Science I must challenge this steam giant to see what makes him tick.

09-16-14, 10:27 PM
This is Ioder, but i will be fighting in this battle under Lloyd. If that is a problem let me know.

09-17-14, 07:49 AM
TMS, you are registered!

Pav, I'm shifting you to first reserve because you missed the first post deadline. Tourneymant you're up!

09-17-14, 08:54 AM
Are we to post once a day? If so mine will be at almost midnight central time. I work a double at work.

09-17-14, 07:02 PM
Today is a day off, you have 48 hours after my last post.

Also I should say, Heart will smash into the wall of the stadium if he does or don't his Ozoric. If you need to pot before Oz does, you can use that.

Alydia Ettermire
09-17-14, 07:06 PM
Let me register for this thing, too, and we'll see if it goes anywhere.

09-18-14, 12:26 PM
I have to work all day again so I posted as not to get DQed. If there is an issue let me know.

09-19-14, 08:23 AM
No worries Ioder.

You all have a day and a half for the next post, so 36 hours (i am too lazy to work out all the different time zones, so add it to the time on my post :p)

I'd also suggest Tourney and Tytanus might want to work out a way to attack together.

Roht Mirage
09-19-14, 11:08 AM
Add me to the back of the reserve line. I'm ready when needed. =)

Fox Owen Xavier
09-20-14, 07:52 PM
Kind of skinned my finger with a cheese cutter while making dinner... Sorry but don't think I'm going to really be able to put something together until tomorrow.

09-21-14, 03:47 AM
To make sure this keeps moving, I've posted rather than wait another 24 hours. Ozoric and Fox, you are now one and the same pile of goo.

The Mad Scientist, Where in the World, you're both in.

Roht, you're in reserve!

Elthas, are you still interested?

The Mad Scientist
09-21-14, 07:00 AM
Yes! I found it! The writing style for Dr. Steam!

09-21-14, 07:45 AM
While I'm at it, same day and a half as last time. So abouts 24 hours from now.

09-21-14, 08:52 AM
Ill see what I can come up with.

Alydia Ettermire
09-21-14, 11:32 AM
Doo wop, doo doo bey doo wop, doo doo bey doo wop, doo doo bey doo-oo wop, BUH-BOW.

Got your nose raised to the order of Alydia Ettermire. :D

09-21-14, 12:02 PM
Apologies all. Running two pre-release events this weekend and going out to celebrate delayed graduation left me no time to post. The fight's all yours, now!

09-22-14, 06:27 AM
It was a shame to smoosh you and foxy, but somehow gratifying at the same time.

Next post is up! Feel free to RP the spiders as you see fit. That is all of them, so I'm not going to pull that move again. Feel free to help WitW or throw your comrade to the spiders and seize the chance to attack heart from behind.

If you can post within 24hrs I've have the next one up the same time tomorrow. If not I'll push it back (sticking with the day-and-a-half rule).

09-23-14, 08:14 AM
Again post is up, 24 hours again if you can any issues let me know.

Looks like this will be finishing up in 1-2 posts (mine) depending on what you guys do.

09-24-14, 07:55 AM
Last post by me is up guys. Time to make your final posts and then the thread is over! Well done to everyone, I'll put more detailed comments later but sufice to say that I enoyed this immensly. I'll also do the counts on gold as the final clean up posts. Feel free to die, be healed, excape, steal scraps, or anything you want. Rodderly and Herbert are both yours to include how you wish in your last post.

Sorry you didn't get a run Roht, I'll chuck you in first for the next one if you're interested (no need to respond now, I'll put up a registration thread when this is finalised and get the format worked out).

Alydia Ettermire
09-24-14, 08:22 AM
I'd like you three to go first, if possible. I'm working on my post, but I'd like it to be the very last thing since I'm being all Carmen Sandiego-ish, and the bulk of it is happening after all is said and done. If you need to mention Aly, she is totally gone.

I'm planning on making my post roughly fourteen hours from the time of this post.

09-24-14, 08:17 PM
I totes want in if there is still room.

09-24-14, 11:40 PM
We just finished Eli!

There will be another one coming soon, keep your eyes out.

09-25-14, 06:15 AM
WitW, link to that judgement for the Robot Guts.

Alydia Ettermire
09-25-14, 06:22 AM
Will do, thanks. I'd like to congratulate you on a tightly run mini event and apologize for the long posts. Also for merging your scientist. (Careful when letting me have free rein over npcs. :P)