View Full Version : [Solo]The Belthasar Chronicles Book 2.

09-08-14, 03:46 PM
~Chapter 1~

Elthas was the leader of The Trading Company at that point. He had agreed to take over The Trading Company after Invetisto passed the mantle on to him. Elthas had some idea of how the faction ran, it was a different matter to take everything over and run it himself. He'd been leader for a couple of years already and his subordinates, no fellow company workers, were quite helpful with daily tasks. End of the day, The Trading Company was about the worker first. Everybody in The Trading Company was a small piece of a larger machine. That included Elthas's role and the other officers of The Trading Company. The Trading Company operated as a family would, everybody helping everybody out.

That's how their small township spread.

It was a small village in Corone that The Trading Company used as their base of operation.

It was a Tuesday that day and the afternoon hours wavered around the fifth hour. Thirty three minutes has passed into the next hour. The month was June and summers in Corone were known to be quite humid because of Concordia Forest constantly producing moisture and precipitation. That day didn't have a single cloud in sight, and the sky was blue. Althanas's sun shone brightly overhead warming the world below. It was hot, but not oppressively so. Elthas used a handkerchief to wipe the beads of sweat off his brow. He wore a suit that day, he always dressed in fancy attire. Elthas liked to wear the fashions that were popular in the midst of the Radasanthian social elite. He wore custom tailored three piece suits, and always adorned the top of his head with a fedora. As a habit, Elthas tilted the fedora at a slight angle so it cast a shadow on his handsome Elven face. The shadows were mid-tones cast by the sun overhead.

Elthas liked the hustle and bustle of Radasanth's more artsy districts. It was there that the youth could use public forums to speak out against the current regime. Elthas oft visited the public speaking forums to hear what was on the minds of the hearts and souls of Radasanth's future. He liked to debate in public, further, it was part of his hunger for knowledge and his hunger for the philosophical answers of life. Elthas listened a bit longer, he looked down at his old stopwatch and carefully studied the hour. It was time. The exhibit would begin shortly.

As an artist, Elthas was often asked to speak about his creations. He knew that the event would be occurring soon, and he started to move quickly through the streets of Radasanth. The buildings were build in the modern architectural style of Corone, post the Demon War era. A few of the buildings, notably The Citadel, were built BEFORE the Demon War occurred. Elthas looked towards his East and he could see The Citadel's formidable structure looming off in that direction. Elthas tipped his hat off towards the general direction of the building then continued off towards his destination.

Elthas was half an hour early. He prided himself on being punctual, and on time. That's why he left the public speaking forum area at that exact time to arrive at the art gallery on time. Cutting edge sculptures and paintings, and artwork from all sorts of modern media were on display when Elthas arrived. The curator of the gallery was an elderly Hume woman named Jessa Kross. She had silver hair and wore a dress with an elegant bottom portion. The top was open to reveal cleavage. Elthas nodded towards Jessa who was kind enough to stop what she was doing to greet him. Elthas was a known face on the art scene, and his creations sold for a mint. Elthas often sculpted and painted in the unique style of the Elven folks of Concordia. Elthas had currently worked on a new series of sculptures that featured the same subject: a woman named Hylda. In fact, the entire series was dedicated to that subject. The whole exhibition was named after Hylda Terrentius. The only woman that Elthas had ever loved. The title of the exhibit was Hylda: Live.

"You're on time." Jessa said. "This is your big day, a lot of the whole art scene is out here today to honor you."

"I don't deserve any accolades." Elthas looked at one of the prominent Hylda scupltures which depicted her laying down in a comfortable and relaxed position. Elthas had memorized every line, every curve of Hylda Terrentius in the many years they had spent together. He would never forget her. "Besides, this is as much about you as it is about me." Elthas said calmly and greeted Jessa with a soft kiss to the cheek.

"You're leader of The Trading Company now, Elthas. Remember that, you should always put the mantle of leadership in your chosen fields no matter how hard it might seem." Jessa said.

"I'll try." Elthas said calmly. Then he turned to face a crowd of admiring and adoring fans. Elthas tipped his hat towards them all and smiled despite the growing sadness in his heart. I failed to protect you, Hylda Terrentius. I wasn't the Hero I was meant to become...I let you down... Elthas would always feel guilty for the loss of Hylda Terrentius. However, that moment was not the right time to mourn in silence. That moment was about the art that he loved. It was his time to shine for the benefit of The Trading Company and everybody he considered to be a mutual ally. "Everyone, if I could please request a moment of your time."
Elthas said carefully and the hundreds of people gathered in the art gallery began to chant his name. Elthas's spirit soared to the sky, but that shadow in his heart...the weight on his shoulder would not go away. One day he would address the darkness, but until then, he had to put on a lively front for their sake. Elthas spoke so they all could hear.

"I thank you all for attending the show." Elthas began. "This latest exhibition has been done to commemorate someone who has meant the world to me." Elthas looked in the crowd and could have sworn he saw Hylda's ghost once more. The older Elves, oft said that that when his people went through traumatic events, it was said they could see through the veil of The Firmanent and Antifrimanent. "Hylda Terrentius believed that in order to love, you had to be ready to live. Sadly, she cannot be here with us today because she has passed into the next world. But I hope that I have honoured her memory with these humble pieces dedicated solely to her." Elthas smiled at the crowd. "Without further ado, I present you all, Hylda. May she bring you as much joy as she brought me." The audience clapped eagerly for Elthas. Elthas tipped his hat to them once more. "I will answer any questions that any of you might have, and I will autograph whatever items you might have for that purpose. This is as much your day as it is mine." Elthas's allowed himself to smile fully. "Please enjoy the exhibit." And the crowd slowly began to move towards the many sculptures, and some moved towards Elthas directly.

10-08-14, 03:08 PM
"There you are." Jessa said.

Elthas blinked, some hours had passed and the crowd's excitement and buzzed energy was still there. It was the type of atmosphere that Elthas normally thrived on. However, that time, his mind was kept wandering to the very subject of the exhibit proper: Hylda Terrentius. I still don't know everything that happened. He met Seth Terrentiu's ghost that one time during another journey. That had been an enlightening experience, but Elthas had opted to avoid attempting to revenge himself on the sake of The Syndicate. It no longer seemed like an honourable pursuit. Besides, they had discarded him. Elthas finished speaking to some admiring fans of his art, and then addressed Jessa.

He took a sip from a drinking goblet that was in his hand. It was a mild juice that came from a locale juicer. He noticed the taste was somewhat bitter, but overall, it was a pleasant drink. He didn't like to consume alcohol during Trading Company hours. And as much as the exhibit was a personal affair, Elthas treated himself as if he were on company hours at ALL times. Elthas tipped his hat towards his fans, and then they left. He was free to speak to Jessa at will. "Sorry my lady." Elthas said calmly. "I was having a discussion with them."

'It's as much about them as it is you." Jessa nodded in agreement. "You miss her a lot, don't you?"

"Always." Elthas said calmly. "In the short while we were together, I loved a life time with her." Elthas closed his eyes for a moment and an image of her face quickly haunted his mind. He sighed. He would never be at peace and he knew it. "What can I do for you, Lady Jessa?" Elthas asked.

She suddenly had a very serious expression on her face. "I have a parcel for you. It came in earlier today, but it had a very peculiar wax seal on it." She handed him the fancy looking envelope. Elthas looked at the envelope for a moment and instantly recognized the seal. A certain sensation of dread filled his heart. The seal was a peculiar seal that represented the infamous Thieve's Guild. Elthas suddenly didn't want to open the envelope but he knew he didn't have a choice. The Thieve's Guild did not like to be kept waiting. Elthas sighed as he pocketed the envelope. He then looked at Jessa.

"Lady Jessa, please finish up here. I have to retire to my house. Something very important has just come up." Elthas had a distinct feeling that The Thieve's Guild was requesting an audience with him. He simply could NOT place anybody else in grave danger whilst he was leader of The Trading Company. There were too many eyes present for him to open a sealed invitation of The Thieve's Guild in public. He went to the coat rack and grabbed his coat, put it on and prepared to leave. He said good bye to a few more of the random fans, and then made his way to the streets of Radasanth. A particularly serious expression was on his face as he tipped his hat.

His walk was deliberately fast paced on the way home. It took him approximately two hours to get home from Radasanth, and home was that small township outside of the big city. Elthas finally found himself in his home office, making his way quickly there. He did not stop to greet any of the company workers on the way to his office. He merely sat at his large mahogany desk and turned on the single glow-lamp in the room. He closed his door. Then he removed the parcel from his pocket, broke the seal and removed the content of the envelope. It was a letter written delicately in common script. Elthas's suspicions were correct, it WAS The Thieve's Guild addressing him directly. Elthas's eyes scanned the content of the later, discerned it's nature and read the entirety of it. He did not want to miss any encrypted coding, or double-speak. The words were written play as day. It was an invitation. Then Elthas growled when he read the last part of the letter and who it was FROM. It was from a particular fellow he thought he would never see the rest of his days.

Come ALONE. -Theodorus Terrentius.

"THEO" Terrentius had been his common name. He rarely addressed himself by his full name unless it was important business, and Thieve's Guild business was ALWAYS important business. Elthas narrowed his eyes calmly but the intensity that was visible in his pupils told all. There was a storm brewing. He's still out there... Elthas sighed. He'd read the entirety of the letter and understood the instructions that he was given. He was to go alone. He didn't know what that would entail, but only that you NEVER stood up an invitation from The Thieve's Guild. Elthas had a reputation to uphold, and he knew he had to get ready to attend the meeting in the chosen spot. It was "neutral" grounds. Grounds that would neither give Elthas power, nor Theo and his lackeys. Theo is in The Thieve's Guild. What could this mean? Elthas did not like the prospects of what was occurring all around, but he knew he could not keep Theo waiting.

And the neutral grounds?

A small area right outside of The Terrentius Estate, where Elthas once called home as a member a of The Syndicate.

Elthas left his home a short while later fully armed. He did not say a word to his concerned compatriots, only that he had to leave a while to attend to some business. Elthas saddled up on a horse, and made his way to the place that held so many memories for him. From what he knew of it, Theo and Seth had secretly amassed a vast fortune. The property had grown vast during his time away and that was apparent by the quality of it's guards. Elthas took a detour on the way to The Terrentius Estate and made his way towards the glade that would likely be the target of the meeting.

He saw the familiar form of Theo Terrrentius standing alongside some people he never saw before dressed entirely in black.

One was a woman.

Elthas galloped towards Theo and the others finally dismounting a few paces away.

"Ah there you are. Was beginning to think you were a coward after all." Theo said calmly. He looked up at Elthas for a long moment, and Elthas saw the look in his eyes...hatred.

"Didn't think you'd actually be here, old man." Elthas responded in kind. He did not greet the man, he kept his distance from the fellows. He knew that they were all as dangerous as he was. "You've summoned, I got the invitation today. Now what the fuck do you want from me?" Elthas asked.

"Such vulgarity from a noble!" Theo chuckled and so did his companions. Theo cracked his gloved knuckles and kept his attention on Elthas solely. "But you're right, I didn't invite you out here for my health. I invited you out here to discuss a very important matter."

"Get on with it." Elthas was clearly very angry, but was trying as hard as he could to show restraint in front of his enemy. From what Seth Terrentius had told him, Theo had been responsible for the dismantling of The Terrentius's power. Elthas knew he could not trust Theo.

"Show him." Theo told his companions.

The man suddenly removed a parchment from one of his large packs and tossed it towards Elthas.

Elthas watched it sit on the ground.

"I recommend you take a look at that, it's the very reason you've been summoned." Theo said.

Without ever removing his eyes from Theo, Elthas knelt down and took up the envelope. He opened it and removed the official documentation, it was a deed! Elthas looked over the document very carefully and his mood became even more dangerous.

It was the very deed to The Terrentius Estate itself.

"Why would you show me this?" Elthas responded with a bit more venom in his voice than he likely meant to show.

"You clearly don't understand why you're here do you?" Theo began. "You've been singled out. You're involvement with that Xu Bellaparte affair has caught the interests of my companions here." Theo continued. "I know you wouldn't want your precious time wasted so I'm going to say it straight out. The Thieve's Guild wants your allegiance. Or they will make your life and the life of The Trading Company members VERY miserable."

It's just business right?! So that's what they want... Elthas sighed physically but kept the document in his hand. "If I agree you will leave my associates alone?" Elthas knew what was at stake. The Trading Company's well being and freedom came above all other matters. Even Elthas's own concerns. "You must understand, my Guild's interests come first."

"Of course. That is the very reason you were singled out. In exchange for...protection...you will be awarded the rights to The Terrentius Estate and it's physical value."

"If I say no?" Elthas asked...he had to know.

"If you say no, The Trading Company will just be another forgotten memory." Theo promised.

11-22-14, 10:06 PM
Elthas considered the proposition at hand.

He knew he couldn't take this invitation lightly. He is an enemy, the offer is coming from an enemy. I cannot act alone whilst the interests of The Trading Company are on the line...but why is he offering me the property? "Why now?" Elthas suddenly asked. "You could have contacted either myself or Invetisto at any point. So why now?" Elthas had to know.

"It wasn't entirely my decision." Theo admitted. "I would have preferred never to see you again, or cross you again. You're bad news. Everything you touch turns to shit."

The son of a bitch is lying... Elthas thought but kept only his face of anger visible, he showed no other emotion as Theo talked.

"Is that why you had Seth and Hylda ousted?" Elthas saw the twitch in Theo's eye.

"That unfortunate...business was a result of Xu's manipulations. If you must know, it was all handled by Xu. Seth, however, I did on my own." Theo waited as his companions observed in silence. It was as if he was expecting. "You're getting a good deal, Elthas, better than you deserve. I would rather YOU get the old stomping grounds then someone weak and powerless."

Elthas rubbed his chin thoughtfully and held the document in his hand. "Theo...I hate you. Before I give you my decision you ought to know that I intend to avenge myself for Hylda."

"And Seth as well?" Theo suddenly asked.

"No actually." Theo sold me out too and Seth..his ghost told me so. "I saw the result of what your cronies did to Hylda. She was broken and battered." Elthas kept his eyes locked on Theo, but the others were becoming an greater concern. They were virtual unknowns, and seemed to possess greater skill than the standard Thieve's Guild crony would. The odds are piled up against me this time, and I cannot start too much trouble here. I owe the workers of the estate THAT much at least. Flashes in Elthas's mind. He saw Hylda in the back of his head in the state that he remembered her as, looking like a raggedy and worn out doll. And not the woman he loved. "Xu Bellaparte WILL be held accountable for everything he did to me and Hylda."

"Bold statement..." Theo began to say.

"Shut up!" Elthas allowed his anger to shine through right then. "I can't even be guaranteed that you WILL protect my guild when shit goes South." Elthas frowned. "And It WILL go South." He looked dead at Theo and the two lackeys. "Tell your superiors, The Trading Company is not for sale." He then tossed the deed to The Terrentius Estate right at Theo's feet. "Take your peace offering back to Xu or whoever set you up for this. I never want to see you again. If you EVER pull this sort of stunt again, I will be certain I CUT you." Elthas growled. He saw it again, there was a twitch in Theo's eye, but there was something else present there.

"Don't be a fool, Elthas." Theo suddenly began, there was an unmistakable resonance of fear in his voice. "Your Guild will suffer as a result of a terrible choice."

Suddenly, one of the lackeys intervened. "You've been outplayed Theo." The man suddenly said. "You're no good to The Boss if you can't handle such trivial matters."

"It's NOT OVER YET." Theo suddenly yelled. "Elthas. Think about what is being offered here very carefully before you make a rash choice. One that could cost..."

That set Elthas off. For a moment, he could clearly see Hylda Terrentius in his mind's eyes and that made him extremely angry. He'd already lost everything that mattered, they had no power over him. Nor fear, nor threats could sway Elthas's heart one way or the other. Elthas was his own Elf now, and he had to abide to his own decision making process. Elthas turned around and walked TOWARDS Theo and his two companions. Elthas looked at the woman for a long moment. Then he looked at Theo. "Funny that you mention cost, Theo." Elthas narrowed his eyes very slightly. "You're someone who just takes and takes, you don't understand a damned thing. Years ago I risked everything to save Seth Terrentius." He shook his head. "How quickly you've forgotten your allies." Elthas looked at the man dressed in black for a moment. "Tell your superior Elthas Belthasar says NO to his "generous" offer." I've already lost too much...I have to protect that which matters... "You're finished, Theo. I will be certain to hunt you down after today." Elthas said. He felt extremely enraged, he was working himself up enough to STRIKE against Theo if it came down to that.

Then his mind cleared.

He saw the image of Hylda Terrentius walking before him. Elthas looked right at her eyes and felt a certain sense of euphoria come over him.

"Don't fight against HIM Elthas. He's just a broken old man." He HEARD her, for the first time since she was taken from him, he HEARD her ghost's voice.

Elthas walked past Hylda and suddenly clutched the collar of the old man's shirt. Theo. He pulled him close. "If I see you again you are going to get HURT. Do you understand what I'm telling you? You have blood on your hands, Theo. Not just the Hylda and Seth, but I'm certain countless of others too. You're scum. I should gut you where you stand, but I'm not like you. I have more humanity than YOU." Elthas said. It felt good to SAY something back to the madman.

He let Theo go at that point. Hylda is right, he is not worth the effort. His buddies are here, so I will have to play it as safe as I can.

Theo clutched at his neck breathing heavily. "So your answer is final?" Theo coughed out as he caught his breath.

"Believe it." Elthas responded. "I never want to see you again. IF I do, I'll have your fucking heart." Elthas then addressed Theo's companions. "Tell your boss that The Trading Company is not for sale."

"You've made a very bad decision." The male lackey said. "But I will be certain my leader gets the message."

The female lackey suddenly withdrew a small orb from her packs. "Vanish." She said. And there was a bright light, and a burning, stinging cloud in the air after she threw the orb on the ground and it broke.

Elthas was coughing as the smoke cleared. Theo, and his two companions were gone. "Cute trick." Elthas managed. But he knew that there was an important development he had to be held accountable. The hour of WAR was upon The Trading Company now.

01-10-15, 05:40 PM
With the events of the hour in his mind, freshly in his mind, Elthas Belthasar stood in his bed chamber.

For the first time in a long time, he realized his bed chamber was empty, where once it would have been filled with Hylda's presence.

He closed his eyes, and in his mind's eye he could visualize her exactly as she was so many years ago. AGES ago. Elthas considered every line, every curve as an artist would, and in his mind's eye she appeared more beautiful at that point in time than she ever had appeared before. He could see her MORE clearly than he could ever before that point, he was at peace now that he'd confronted Theo Terrentius and closed that chapter of his life. Theo would be hunted down on his own dime, that was for certain. Elthas studied the form of Hylda and began to talk to her. He undressed slowly as he talked to the image of her ghost in his mind.

"Hylda. I miss you so much." Elthas said calmly. He removed the leather trench coat he'd worn for the event with Theo. And then, he put it aside removing his dress top. He took off every article of clothing, very carefully, very deliberately as he looked at Hylda. The memory of Hylda was powerful to Elthas. It drove him to keep moving forward, it kept him SANE in an insane world.

"Elthas, my love, how was your day at work?" She asked.

"It was brutal, but I have something to tell you Hylda." Elthas said calmly.

"What's that my love?" She asked in exchange.

"We did it Hylda, you and me together. We defeated Theo Terrentius, you can be at peace now." Elthas said calmly.

"It's not me who needs the peace Elthas." She said in return. "You are in torment, your people are more sensitive to The Sha." Elthas had never heard Hylda mention The Sha before. It was a term he never heard spoken of by his people either. "You need your heart cleansed if you ever to move on from the time we spent together."

"That time was the most I have ever lived." Elthas said in response, stating his case. "It doesn't matter what lead to our separation, what matters is that I loved you and you loved me."

"The Sha cares very little if you were loved or not. It only cares about your own destruction and downfall." She sat up in the bed and looked at Elthas with a very serious expression. "Elthas. Listen to me very carefully. Though I am deeply thankful that you have temporarily stopped that coward, Theo, I must give you a warning. This is the last time we will ever speak in this fashion." She said. "There is a sadness in your heart, and The Sha on Althanas grows very powerful with each passing moment. Every war, every battle, makes The Sha stronger. Elthas, you must be the one to stop The Sha at it's source before it consumes Althanas." Hylda explained. "You must become the undoing of The Sha. Before the last embers of the light are shut away forever and only darkness remains." She said.

"The Sha...what is it?" Elthas had to know what he was dealing with before he invested time to defeating an unknown enemy.

"The Sha is what your people call a Lesser Thayne." She grew distant for a moment, the glow around her body fading temporarily. "It has stood silently watching, stealing power from the world. Stealing light from the world. Even from the greatest enemy you will face, which is the darkness of N'Jal." She said calmly. "The Sha, is a Lesser Thayne of CORRUPTION." THAT was the first time he had ever heard that term, and he knew then that it would not be the last time.

"Thayne of Corruption? I have never heard of such a thing." Elthas said truthfully in response.

"Few living could have." She said calmly. "Today I come offering you this last warning. Defeat The Sha of Corruption. Defeat that Lesser Thayne before it is too late. Or everything you know and love, will be in ruin." She said, and for the first time since they started to talk, her face was sad. "Elthas." She said. "Live. You have a long life ahead of you. I want you to let go of the life you had before, and forge yourself a new one. Defeat the Sha of Corruption before it is too late and the world you know will fall to endless despair." She said. "Heed my words Elthas, as the one who loves you. Always and forever." Hylda Terrentius said.

Elthas listened very carefully to the warning that was shared with him that night. He would, of course listen to her, he loved her THAT much. Even hundreds of years after the event that lead to her death. Because Elves never forgot, Elves never stopped loving. "I will stop This Sha of Corruption." Elthas promised. "On this I pledge my honour." He said, and then the two kissed...her image fading away into nothing as they kissed.

And soon, all that were left were embers.


Elthas got up from his sitting position on the bed.

Time had passed, hours, days, months. It didn't matter. Elthas's people had a distinct knowledge of the working of time and it's trappings. Elthas didn't notice the figure that was staring at him from across the room. The door, he'd left it open and someone had stared at him the entire time he'd interacted with Hylda Terrentius. Somehow, that didn't even bother him. Elthas was skyclad at that point, and stood up, completely naked. His eyes turned towards the form of The Trading Company worker, a courier. She was fully clothed and did not even stare at him shyly. People in The Trading Company were used to Elthas's odd antics. His borderline deprave behavior. Elthas took a look back towards where Hylda Terrentius had been, and she was now gone, she'd been gone for hours. He turned to look at the woman who was staring at him now and it was just then that it dawned on him! He was naked! "I apologize!" Elthas blushed for a moment, he was no stranger to his own sexuality, or the ways of his people, but he had long since forsaken promiscuity of any sort. He was a well endowed Elf, and quite handsome. He moved towards where his clothing was and wrapped a bed chamber robes around his body, to cover his physique.

"That wasn't necessary, I rather enjoyed looking at you." She said calmly. She had the business attire of a professional courier, her hair was tied back into ponytail and she had red hair. It was brilliantly shining red hair, and it flowed to the small of her back. She had parcel on her, and some of the parcel was for Elthas. "I have some parcel for you, Elthas Belthasar." She said calmly. "You're quite popular this month."

"I had an art show recently, that's probably what it is." Elthas responded casually and walked towards her. "Nice to see you again Sandy." Elthas said, he was someone who was high on formalities and social interactions. He made it a point to always remember people's names...friends and foes. Elthas had lived long enough to know yesterday's hated rivals could become tomorrow's best friends. It was all a matter of time.

"I actually attended it, shame you had to leave so early." Sandy commented.

"I had a business matter to attend to." My personal affairs are not your concern... He found himself thinking. "I trust you had a good time at the exhibit though?"

"I did, I had several friends present who would have very much liked to meet you in person." Sandy nodded. "You've become a very popular avante guard artist over the past few years. Helped to recultivate the art industry in Radasanth during the war and such. You've helped pave the way for a new generation of artists young and old."

"I doubt I did any of that, but I thank you for the kind words." Elthas said calmly. "It was just a tribute to someone who meant the world to me."

"She was very beautiful." Sandy said calmly. "She was very lucky to have had you, you are quite the find."

"I thank you. Anyway, what's the parcels you got for me?" Elthas asked.


Once Elthas checked his mail, he was ready to go about the rest of his business, and begin the process of defeating a Lesser Thayne.

Meanwhile, the dark was growing in his heart.

02-10-15, 03:49 PM
Later that week...

On a Thursday afternoon Elthas heard a knock on his door.

He was hard at work looking over valuable The Trading Company letters and business transactions, future contracts and prospects.

"Come." Elthas said calmly. His eyes never leaving the documents he was going over.

A familiar scent filled the room, it was the same female courier from before. He finished scribbling down some notes on his documents and looked up at the woman. Sandy is her name. Elthas reminded himself carefully so he didn't forget. His mind was always sharp, but he found himself forgetting certain basic details with his old age. Still, Elves viewed time differently and he did not like to consider himself as being old. "Did the parcel arrive today?" Elthas asked calmly.

"What you requested is here." Sandy said calmly. She had an unusually serious expression on her face. "Last time I heard you talking in your sleep..." She couldn't help herself, she was sincerely concerned for The Trading Company's leader. "She must have meant a great deal to you."

Elthas paused for a moment as he walked over towards Sandy. "I..." He sighed. "Yeah she meant everything to me." He shook his head with frustration. "The parcels I need are very important and I had to seek one of my other contacts to get the information. I can't tell you much more than that."

"It's all right." Sandy said in response. "I am just worried about your well being, you're always jumping around from place to place and job to job."

Elthas blinked for a moment as if caught completely off guard. "That's the first nice thing someone has said to me in a long while..." It's easy to bury yourself with work... Elthas thought to himself as he looked at Sandy. When nobody cares to ask for your well being... Elthas shook his head again. He'd been sleeping better those past few days. Ever since he took care of Theo Terrentius that day. The thought did dawn on him...How...how is he even still alive after all that time. It was clear to him that the Sha of Corruption was in place. It has to be the reason he is still alive, most Humes don't live that long by their own merit. He never took his eyes off Sandy. "I appreciate your concern." Elthas said casually. "It's nice knowing that some people do care about what I am doing." Elthas placed his hand warmly against the side of her face. He liked her reaction which consisted of her closing her eyes and sighing happily. Elthas briefly wondered what would it be like to have her as a partner. That was the first time in a long time, many years, he'd considered bedding someone again. What would Hylda think? He thought to himself. His eyes narrowed and he snapped out of his personal thoughts.

"Sandy...your feelings are noted." He said carefully. "But...I..." Elthas said but stopped himself.

"You love her still don't you?" Sandy said in response.

"I do." Elthas suddenly felt tears swelling. "It's a little more complicated than that though." How do I even explain what me and Hylda had? "I just want you to accept that I value our friendship. Maybe...maybe someday there can be more. But for now...I have work to do." Elthas said. There is a broken world that needs to be healed... He wanted to kiss her and hold her in his strong embrace. "I...I...shouldn't keep you from your job much longer I know there are other folks in town waiting for their mail." Elthas moved in closer and kissed Sandy gently on the cheek.

She sincerely smiled. "Elthas...don't work too hard." She gathered her things and prepared to go about her daily business.

She'd given Elthas several parcels. Only one of them counted...


My Red Six contact came through this time. Elthas had far reaching connections all over Althanas. But the one time HE needed something, The Red Six delivered. Elthas had exact coordinates written in the document, and a legitimized copy of the deed that Theo Terrentius had left. Elthas was going to play Theo for all he was worth. The bastard deserves what he has coming to him. Elthas thought to himself as he left his house. He'd gathered his belongings and paused to take a look back at the old house, it was a standard Radasanth architecture style house with three floors. It had a garden surrounding it on all sides, and several gardeners working around it. The mail box was present for small parcel, and large parcel could be acquired by his house workers. Elthas looked at home for a long moment. I might not come back alive... He thought to himself. He had to suspect that Theo would have a trap waiting for him, which is why he involved The Red Six contacts in this ordeal, and not The Trading Company resources. He would confront Theo as his OWN man. Under his own rules. Elthas did not have to play fair when it came to Theo Terrentius, he would play as dirty as the playing field would allow him to.

Even at the cost of his own life.

Elthas readied himself and turned away from the house, his expression was a grim one.

02-18-15, 12:27 PM
As he walked away from his house, he took a long look at it.

Things will be different for me after this is done... He knew he would have to sacrifice a LOT to get Theo. The same was true of the incident with Xu Bellaparte. Elthas understood there were terrible monsters in the world, and some of them wore the masks of people. Elthas didn't know why he was on the hunt of a Lesser Thayne, he just knew that it coincided with his mission. So he stared at the house for a longer moment still then nodded to himself. I am ready. He thought to himself. I will avenge you Seth and Hylda. He made the silent oath.

"Why are you looking so grim today?" It was one of The Trading Company workers.

Elthas turned to face the worker and tried to force a smile, he knew it must of looked pretty pathetic at that moment. "Business to take care of." Elthas said grimly. "I will be gone for a few days, hold the fort until I get back." Elthas said to the worker. "I have taken the necessary steps in order to take this time off."

"I know." The worker said calmly. "I am still just sincerely concerned for your well being." The man said. He looked at Elthas with those calm, inquisitive eyes. "You've been taking care of things of late but don't go getting lost in your adventures. Remember you have help here."

Help... Elthas thought to himself. "I cannot involve any of you." Elthas said truthfully. "As much as I would appreciate some extra help, this is a matter that is very personal and likely to end very badly."

The man nodded. "I won't press the issue boss. But remember, you're no longer responsible for just your OWN well being." He said. "Please come back in one piece. A lot of folks are depending on your sound leadership capacity."

Leader huh? When did that happen, I wonder? Elthas nodded. "I'll come back, that I promise."

Elthas and the worker shook hands.

Then, he made his way to the stables to gather a horse so he could get on with his mission.

02-18-15, 01:23 PM
~Chapter 2~

Elthas considered what was about to happen.

He had to meet Theo Terrentius deep in the heart of Concordia Forest, likely to face off against Theo and his cronies. Theo had abandoned The Syndicate of Elthas' youth in order to join up with The Thieves' Guild. I have no issue with The Thieves' Guild despite that unfortunate business from earlier... Elthas recalled the dealing with the Terrentius Estate deed. It was a dicey situation but since Theo had abandoned the estate many years prior, the sole heir was Elthas. Elthas had taken the deed with him and spoken to some officials in Radasanth about the matter. Technically, since it was war time because of the Civil War in Corone, (Which had not yet ended) Elthas was legally bound to The Terrentius Estate. He was the only man alive who could claim rights to the old property. But he didn't care. He'd taken a morally much sounder path which would become his trump card.

Elthas commanded his horse with moderate skill.

He kept up a mid level gallop without pushing his horse too much. There's no need to rush. Elthas thought to himself. The son of a bitch can wait. Elthas continued to wear that grim expression on his face. He was deadly serious about the matter at hand. He never did like being forced to KILL someone outright, but he would do so if they made him. Elthas knew the location of Theo's last movements thanks to his Red Six contacts. It was a carefully laid out web of deception and promises. A series of connections that Elthas had only relied upon a few times in his life. The current situation was one of them. Elthas had called in a few favors for the job at hand, he didn't want to approach Theo completely alone. Knowing that he would have allies.

Two can play that game Theo. Remember that.

The road into Ruild was a nostalgic once.

In recent days, Elthas had defeated Xu Bellaparte. The master Elf who was slowly corrupting the township he'd grown up in and it's unique way of life. Xu took everything the bastard. It was a hard battle, but I am glad the son of a bitch is dead. I have since become the heir of that town too... Elthas sighed. He was thinking too much about matters that he had very little control over. Killing Theo was something he DID have control over. Then there was that other matter...The Sha of Corruption. I was ordered to kill a Thayne. Is that even possible? How do you kill something that is not killable by conventional means?! Elthas was going in circles thinking about it. He adjusted his fedora hat as he sped his horse up just a few notches.

The wind felt good in his long, platinum hair.

He was older at that point, older and wiser but he felt a weight on his shoulders. The weight of loss and the burden of sacrifice. His eyes narrowed as he saw the outskirt trees of Ruild begin to surround him. He was on the outskirts of his homeland now. Once, Ruild had been the prime territory of The Thieves' Guild. But that age was long since over and only remnants of that guild remained. Elthas considered his approach at that point.


Deep in Ruild...

Elthas spotted it up ahead.

There was a small group of folks directly in front of him. A few yards ahead. One of the fellows was motioning for Elthas to halt his horse. Elthas did so right in front of the group and looked at the leader of the party. "I'm here for Theo Terrentius." Elthas said calmly. "I don't want to involve any of you in this matter, but I will if I must to get to him."

"Hey pilgrim. Theo said you would be coming 'round sooner or later." A burly fellow responded and looked up at Elthas. The bandit continued. "Look pilgrim, don't want any trouble with you." The bandit said carefully. "We got enough shit to deal with cause of Radasanth in an uproar with the war going still." The bandit looked around casually and walked over towards Elthas. "Pilgrim, let me be frank. We don't like this Theo fellow. Been giving us whacked out jobs for a while now, heists we call em." The bandit said casually. "Anyway, that's guild business proper. Tell you what, pilgrim. You spot us a few gold pieces...and I can let you pass freely as a payment through these parts. Just think of it as a tax and everybody wins."

Elthas considered the offer. "How much we talking about?" Elthas asked. He was in a hurry to get his business done.

"You look like a smart pilgrim." The bandit said. "Fifty gold will get you access to these parts. I'll pass word to the others to let you go through these parts." The bandit said casually. "What's it gonna be pilgrim?"

The other bandits, five all together got up at that point and surrounded Elthas. "No need for violence." Elthas said calmly. "Fifty gold pieces is a sound deal for safe passage. I just will need directions to Theo's current where abouts." Elthas threw in an extra fifty gold pieces in a pouch and handed it over towards the bandits. Money was no object to Elthas.

"One hundred gold pieces?" The bandit asked in surprise. "You're a smart pilgrim and got a good head on your shoulders." The bandit said in response. "Tell you what mate. You just earned your shot at Theo."