View Full Version : Up for a Dance with the Devil? (Recruiting 1)

09-25-14, 05:34 PM
Hi everyone! So, after a leave of absence, Tenebrous is back to hatch schemes and spread destruction throughout the land. But before the carnage begins, he's going to need dangerous magical artifacts and grimoires full of questionable spells. And before he can get his hands on anything that he really shouldn't have, he's going to need help.

Through a combination of blackmail, bribery, and interrogation, Tenebrous has uncovered the location of a long-lost Archmage's tomb. His plan is simple: break into the tomb, get past the warding spells, dodge the traps, hack the undead guardians into tiny pieces, and leave with his ill-gotten gains.

Tenebrous is currently seeking a partner in crime to help him rob the tomb. Anyone interested can feel free to post or pm me. This one is probably going to be pretty short, so an active poster is definitely preferred. I'm going to try to keep it to one other player for simplicity's sake, but if you really want to join in on the grave robbing, exceptions can be made.

09-25-14, 05:37 PM
I enjoyed your writing in Dim Out the Lights, Power the Darkness, so I'll be following this thread.

09-25-14, 06:35 PM
Fuck it lets do this. The devil and a hedonistic vampire go tomb raiding. Lets get Micheal Bay to direct it.

09-25-14, 07:54 PM
Welcome aboard Grim! I think Tenebrous and Xanbata have a similar outlook on life and questionable sense of morality, so they should get on great. First post'll be up later tonight or early tomorrow in Salvar.

And thanks so much Karuka! It's great knowing that someone enjoys my writing. It validates my life. :)

09-25-14, 08:54 PM
Hey, so how do you want our characters to meet. Should they meet in the tomb or in one of those backwoods towns you mentioned?

09-25-14, 09:25 PM
Right. Forgot about that part, haha. A shady tavern or some other unsavory locale in a seedy village seems ideal. If you invent a place, I'll have Tenebrous wander in in the next post.

09-25-14, 09:30 PM
Sounds like a plan. I'll get a post up tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

10-04-14, 02:00 PM
Hey so what should I do with my next post. Do you want me to take us straight to tomb site or did you want something to happen on the way over there?