View Full Version : Alert! Alerar's Call to Arms!

09-29-14, 07:26 AM
Attention attention! Sightings of a dragon have been recorded close to Alerar's border and the airforce is scrambling to muster a force strong enough to kill, or dissuade the beast before it crosses the mountain range. The airforce is seeking able bodies to join in on the assault and is offering hefty payments to anyone willing to risk his/her/its life.

Normal dragons have often been spotted in the mountains. This one seems different, sick even. No one knows the source of this odd illness, but reports state that the beast's breath has turned into a caustic smog, turning all in the vicinity into a pile of goo. Those not caught in the creature's breath directly have started to turn into odd zombie like creatures and sprouting fungus like growths from their body. It isn't know what has happened to the towns the dragon has attacked on the way, but some say that only a few bodies have been found.

No one knows where this beast hails from, but some suspect the war on Eiskalt has flushed it out. Is this beginning of something? Perhaps, or perhaps not. Regardless, all eager heroes and adventures are encouraged to visit the local Alerara airforce to enrol.

This is another featured boss battle! The Dragon, nicknamed Stinky by the Dark Elves in the airforce is heading towards the boarder, and the Alerar airforce has decided to send two airships to try and turn the beast away, or if possible kill it. Rewards are dependent on the outcome of the thread. If you don't kill the dragon and simply turn it away, then no dragon bits will be up for grabs.

Due to the caustic nature of the creature, those attempting to take on the beast will be required to wear some form of protection (unless you are immune to poison and acid (either will kill you)). Alerar is providing volunteers with face wrapping and goggles should they need it, you are advised to bring leather cloths.

A team of four will be dropped onto the back of the giant creature, with the aim to stop it. It is suggested that you either cut through its wings, blind it, or kill it. So far attempts to shoot at the creature with arrows have proven useless and cannon balls and explosives have done nothing.

This is not for the faint hearted, there are no safety nets below the dragon, and once you reached the dragon the lines will be cut and you'll be on your own.

I'll be playing the dragon and DM. That means I'm not above making you slip and fall off the dragon if you do something stupid. This is open to every level, I'll make it harder for higher levels. Also, no face mask you'll be zombified after two posts. I am a generous god.

A player may only RP one character at a time (unless there is no waiting list)
Only four players may be active at once.
There is a 48 hour post time (from my post) at which point you will be squished, or perhaps thrown into the side of a mountain to become Althanas's Ötzi the Iceman. If eveyone posts within 24hours, then I'll do my best to respond early.
I am the DM, meaning I'll create challenges and respond to your actions. Stinky isn't so much a character your fight as a boss you try and defeat.
There is no level limit.

Players present when the beast is defeated can pick one of:

Dragonbone (2) – The toxic slime that infected the dragon could not degrade the creature's bone. This counts as 2 pieces of dragonbone, able to be crafted (for more money) into weapons or armour (helmet, swords). (Four pieces needed for shields, three for long swords/hammers) Approx worth 450gp each.

Ancient Dragonscale (2) – Taken from the creature's wings, this scale can be used to craft the highest quality hide armour. Counts as two pieces. Approx worth 500gp each.

Green Sap – Oozing slime taken from the corpse of the rotting dragon, this sap can be used in any poison purchase for the bazaar and result in a 20% discount. Worth dependent on purchase.

Good Will of Alerar – Enables one purchase from the bazaar of a high technological level with a 10% discount. Worth dependent on purchase. (Can't be used with other discounts.)

Alerar Dart Thrower – While politely refusing the gift of more advanced weaponry, the Alerar government has agreed to award a Dart Gun. The rifle-looking gun shoots a hundred metres as fast as a well shot arrow. No matter what the dart gun has five standard darts (five shots a day). Extra darts can vary in size, but comes with (all single shot use):

10 Explosive Darts – Small amount of gun powder in the tip causes a small explosion, able to break bone or knock people to the ground.
10 Normal Darts – inch long tips, quite painful.
5 Numbing Darts – Causes paralysis to the limb it strikes

Players lasting four posts (including intro, not including a 'death post' if I've kill you) get one of:

Certificate of Participation – 5% discount at the bazaar from a single item.

300 gold

Best Death gets one of:

Green Sap:
Oozing slime taken from the corpse of the rotting dragon, this sap can be used in any poison purchase for the bazaar and result in a 20% discount. Worth dependent on purchase.

Death Haunts us All:
This small black stone appeared in your pocket without any memory of how it got there. Once a day it can be used to summon a terrifying visage, taking the form of the targets worst fear for two posts. (counts as high level illusion magic.)

Best Team Player gets:

Good Will of Alerar – Enables one purchase from the bazaar of a high technological level with a 10% discount. Worth dependent on purchase. (Can't be used with other discounts.)

The Muri

Enigmatic Immortal
Quentin Boone
Roht Mirage
Silence Sei

09-29-14, 07:35 AM
"I'm sorry, but did you say dragon?" asked the merchant.

The tavern was raucous as ever it was come sundown. All the same, his inside man's announcement was clearly heard over the fisting and the wetting of whistles. Drow, dwarf, and human alike began to glare at the treeman. His bark visibly withered beneath the contempt.

"Oh, it's alright gentlemen, ladies, and...," Leopold trailed off hesitantly, for comic effect. "The undecided. We are just talking figuratively."

Lying through his teeth was one of Leopold Winchester's special powers. Alongside the ability to tolerate far too much liquor, live forever, and incite Berevar itself to geomantic rebellion. He also looked rather good in a suit, but that would not serve him well in Alerar. Money, for once, did little talk in Ettermire. Deeds and heritage and your ability to not get enslaved were weapons here.

"But...," the informant began.

Leopold leant in closely, breath toxic, eyes sullen, stare foreboding.

"Of course I realise the danger we'd be in...," he seethed. "That is precisely why I am going to take up arms personally." He leant back. By magic's whim, his spear appeared in his left hand, but to the beer stained ground, tip heavenly a banner to his name. "Tell the good captain I'll meet him at the air dock and find that useless 'captain of the guard' of mine...he'll be needed, and sober at that."

The treeman creaked and crunked from the tavern shedding leaves with every step. As autumn turned to winter, Alerar took a sour, noxious turn.

"Me, on the other hand," he chuckled to himself mid downing of whiskey, "will need a few more of these before the day's done."

09-29-14, 07:56 AM
*Peeks around the corner*

Did somebody say plague dragon? >.>

As the character who might have caused this, I feel like I should register.

The Muri
09-29-14, 08:04 AM
Dart gun??

I'm in! Registered.

It'll be hard to write good posts on my phone, so most of them will be skeletons. Posting in time with actions not changing though, would I be able to edit them after the 48 hour time limit to make my posts look ten times better?

09-29-14, 08:10 AM

Huh. Yes please.

Have a faun!

Enigmatic Immortal
09-29-14, 01:34 PM
....dart gun?

DART GUN!?!?!?


Oh you little....

I will tentavely register in reserves for now.

09-30-14, 08:18 AM
Oh you little....

My good friend, whatever do you mean?

Thanks for the registrations so far, tentatively I am looking at closing the registrations and getting the thread off the ground on Friday morning (for you 'mericans), which i think makes it friday midday for Phi.

09-30-14, 09:43 AM
Are we going to be sticking to a rough order to post in, or is it a more you post Hysteria, and then we just shove our posts in the 48 hours after that, no matter what the order?

Quentin Boone
09-30-14, 10:03 AM
I'm in. So long as there's flame involved, as we discussed in chat.

09-30-14, 12:50 PM
Can I get a piece of this action?

09-30-14, 12:58 PM
As soon as I get my robe enchanted I would like to join.

Roht Mirage
09-30-14, 09:21 PM
Back of the reserve line for me. I'll be ready if you want a flashy, or at least gritty, finale.

09-30-14, 09:25 PM
What she said. I want to drink some dragon blood.

Silence Sei
10-03-14, 10:03 PM
I'll throw a random alt in for the reserve membership as well.


10-03-14, 11:00 PM
Are we going to be sticking to a rough order to post in, or is it a more you post Hysteria, and then we just shove our posts in the 48 hours after that, no matter what the order?

Its 48 hours from my post, no particular order (so if you wanted to do combo manoeuvres you can shift around your posts).

I'll throw a random alt in for the reserve membership as well.


Its going to be tankanita isnt it?

I'm going to get the first post up in a few hours, then stick to that time for the 48 hour cut off.

I'm also going to add some new rewards, I'll update the first post.

First post now has a 'Team Player award' and a 'Best Death award'!

Dead & Walking
10-03-14, 11:44 PM
I shall change this dragon to my side and he will spread my disease as I wish it to be spread!

10-04-14, 06:06 AM
D&W, you're in last place on reserve. Also can't you only convert mammels?

THREAD IS UP! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28022-No-Longer-Me-Featured)

48 hours kicks off now! Post questions or comments here.

Dead & Walking
10-04-14, 07:25 AM
Ah, but he is already apart of the undead, so I can negotiate with him and even get him to agree to changing his poison through my scientist slaves who can experiment with my and his strain of the disease combining them so that his breath will spread my disease whenever he (read I) chooses.

The Muri
10-04-14, 07:29 AM
I step down. I'll get another gun like weapon another way xD

Mosy likely won't have time to do 48 hours at a time. Sorry.

10-04-14, 03:38 PM
Next in line can have my spot in the first four.

10-04-14, 06:55 PM
Quentin Boone, you're up!

(as is EI, but he already posted :C )

10-04-14, 07:35 PM
Ah, but he is already apart of the undead, so I can negotiate with him and even get him to agree to changing his poison through my scientist slaves who can experiment with my and his strain of the disease combining them so that his breath will spread my disease whenever he (read I) chooses.

Opps missed this. He isn't dead yet, just very, very sick.

Quentin Boone
10-05-14, 04:04 AM
I'll have a post up tonight.

10-05-14, 11:55 AM
Looks like it'll be a good fight :D I edited slightly so I did not mention the earlier two characters - i.e. Muri and BaBE

Dead & Walking
10-05-14, 03:01 PM
I withdraw my registration then

10-06-14, 05:50 AM
*stumbles into the thread, dead arms waving around wildly*

Post is up. Feel free to RP the fungus things as you wish. They are slow, but strong. I've included another three men with the strike force also to do with as you please. I think it goes without saying, but don't turn any of them into super rambo NPCs.

Quentin, I know you didn't get much notice, so you've got the 48 hour posting window for your first post from now.

Quentin Boone
10-07-14, 06:54 PM
As much as I am gutted by this fact, I'm gonna have to drop out due to not being able to post by the current deadline. Was planning on posting tonight/tomorrow morning but things have cropped up with friends. Sorry, dude.

10-07-14, 09:09 PM
Eli, you're up!

10-08-14, 07:32 AM
Next post is up (a bit later than I'd have liked). Let me know if you have an questions/comments. I'd like the airships to come down in your posts, so I didn't describe that.

Eli, you can jump in however you like. A survivor of the airships, perhaps decending while the sound attack happens, etc.

10-08-14, 03:06 PM
Posted. I had an airship crash right nearby.

10-08-14, 04:12 PM
You did say any way I liked. If anything needs fixing, yell at me. Oh hey it fits with Philomel's thing mostly.

10-09-14, 11:53 PM
I'm going out of town this weekend so in the extremely unlikely chance my turn comes up between now and Monday skip over me and let Sei go. If that happens I'll jump in when I get back.

10-10-14, 03:38 AM
Okay- here's a maybe slight problem.

I am going to England with my parents for the weekend, and I might not have internet. Might not have. In that case I'll send a message to Aur and ask him to post here that I'm not around. Shouldn't be though - we will have day trips out and I should be able to blast something out during random points of WiFi on my phone...

Anyway, just in case I end up being forced out or having to drop, this is the reason why. Silly holiday with parents.
Albeit, I really love this quest and want to stay in.

10-10-14, 07:49 AM
You've got 48 hours, see if you can get something up. Even if it is just getting to the group in the middle, or out on a wing.

I tried to get a post up last night (as I will try and get in a post within 24hours if you all have posted) but failed, appologies for that.

At the moment, by my counts this is the status of everything:

1. Dragon has small wound in its shoulder.
2. It is turning slightly (it will run its back across a mountain in a few posts)
3. There are a bunch of men and elves taking shelter in the middle of its back and there is a break in the poison gas.
4. There may be interesting stuff on its back from the airships. (if you stand in the poison gas and examine some wreckage and don't either die from poison or get attacked by a zombie, I'll squish you.)
5. Elthain will help in my next post, but not heaps.
6. There is poison everywhere, except for the very middle, and out near the wings.
7. In the posion are the fungal and normal zombies.

I think you guys could use some more help, Hoytii can you jump in as next in line to make it 5?

You might like to coordinate... or not. Up to you all I guess :p

10-10-14, 04:34 PM
Okay turns out I do have internet in the cottage I am staying, so am okay for communication.

I have also posted but may edit it. I wrote it quickly before I left Scotland today.

10-12-14, 06:08 AM
Two out!

With hoytii; Roht Mirage and grim137 are now in too. 48 hours people, kgo.

10-12-14, 09:52 AM
Dang nabbit. Sudden funerals man. Anyhow, GO DRAGON! I wonder what happens to the dragon's insides when Eli burns? Probably nothing. Stupid non-magical diseases.

Roht Mirage
10-12-14, 11:34 AM
Your Cell champion, folks! Sitting around like usual.

But seriously, Astarelle's entrance comes right during the rain? You cruel giant you. =P Astarelle is pretty much burning sand here. (I'll make a point of it next post.)

But more seriously, that is awesome. High five, Hoytii!

Enigmatic Immortal
10-12-14, 03:56 PM
So Jensen is rolling with Philomel, and ready to aid and help her should she need it. At this point, everyone feel free to bunny Jensen.

10-12-14, 04:30 PM
Cool. Sounds awesome, Jensen. The plan is to basically attack the wounded wing from all sides. She will use the dust cloud as a distraction, casting it at the zombies or whatever else is coming her way, then stab the thing. Or use it as a sort of slam-dunk mound of dust that literally just slams into the wounded wing and *hopefully* causes the dragon to go lopsided.

If attacking the wing does not work, then the next idea is to go for the eyes.

10-12-14, 06:50 PM
All clouds have been turned to mud Philomel due to the rain. Everything is now completely waterlogged. And Roht, you are lucky that Sorish is forgiving or else you would be on the ground right now.

10-12-14, 09:55 PM
Man there is a lot going on. Hopefully I didn't miss anything major.

10-13-14, 04:38 AM
When did it start raining? And her dirt is magical. It defies nature :3

10-13-14, 04:43 AM
Ahhh. I see now, you made it rain.
I didn't get that at the first read of your post. I'll edit mine a little. The dirt/dust Veridian carries will work anyway. Should do as it's magic and I'm going to use that excuse.

10-13-14, 06:47 AM
Just a qick post from me, I didn't think I needed to add much to the descriptions you guys used. Keep at it ^3^)/

Roht Mirage
10-13-14, 01:13 PM
Astarelle's sand has modest water resistance.

I'm so ready to save our dear assassin-whore. The later half of my post is already written. I'll hold off for you to post, hoytii. Don't want to override any of our pleasant(?) reunion.

10-13-14, 01:22 PM
I've posted. Said some of the dirt was dry anyway. :)

Yup. Phi needs saving, she attacked the wing though. Astarelle ... Let's anger Jensen!!!

Enigmatic Immortal
10-13-14, 01:24 PM
Eh, he'll probably just shake his head and continue on. :D

I will wait for Roht to Post, then have my go at te after math.

10-13-14, 01:29 PM
Jensen, tell me if my bunnying was not good. You said feel free too though :P

Enigmatic Immortal
10-13-14, 01:33 PM
You didn't see an Angry PM in your inbox, then you're fine love.

Roht Mirage
10-13-14, 03:05 PM
They will meet later, hoytii. We have to find a way to make the sand/water synergy work, and it will be awesome! Also, Astarelle will need to hear those details. The girl could do with a good dose of humility (not just here, but in general... to be honest).

Enigmatic Immortal
10-13-14, 03:07 PM
Oh I got such a perfect plan set in motion. Grim get ready after me!

10-13-14, 03:23 PM
we'll talk and plan after this quest is done Roht.

10-13-14, 03:23 PM
Oh I got such a perfect plan set in motion. Grim get ready after me!

Aye aye captain!

Enigmatic Immortal
10-13-14, 03:57 PM
Hoytti I sorta had Jensen shout commands to you, feel free to ignore them. If Hysteria let's me do my spoilers...oh my fucking god so much yes...and sorry to you all.

10-13-14, 04:41 PM
Can't Astarelle learn that Philomel does not, will not ever love. Seriously! That's all Philomel is afraid of and against.

10-13-14, 04:46 PM
I'm going to start writting my post but I want to wait until Jensen's spoilered stuff gets approved by Hysteria and becomes official before I finish it.

10-13-14, 04:48 PM
Can't Astarelle learn that Philomel does not, will not ever love. Seriously! That's all Philomel is afraid of and against.

Roht Mirage
10-13-14, 05:27 PM
My dear Phi, Astarelle wins her fights not with strength, not even with guile, but with sheer stubbornness. If that's a fight you want to pick, settle in for the long haul. =P

Also, Hysteria, I have a spoiler for you as well.

Pweeeeeaaaaaasse! Pwease appwove it!

Enigmatic Immortal
10-13-14, 05:36 PM
Hys approved! Gogogo!!!!!

10-13-14, 06:03 PM
Sorry about the double post.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-14-14, 03:49 AM
Assuming I don't die, will you be a dear Roht and save Jensen's exhausted body from tumbling to a very fatal squishy fall. :3


10-14-14, 07:18 AM
Well, that was pretty cool.

I'll let you all work out of you died or not. One thing is for sure, if you were on the dragon till the end you aren't going to be seeing straight.

10-14-14, 08:44 AM
I need Hysteria to confirm or deny something for me first by I have a wonderfully stupid idea. I also regret have Xanbata use all his shots in my intro post.

Roht Mirage
10-14-14, 11:26 AM
I've lined up an escape for Asty, Phi, and Jensen. Phi takes first post in it. To the rest of you, good luck. See you on the ground floor. =)

It's a shame about the shots, grim. I was hoping to see you laser out the dragon's eyes.

10-14-14, 11:39 AM
Asty, I'm going to post soon. I'll end with the start of the jump and let you lot finish it off.

10-14-14, 12:09 PM
I've lined up an escape for Asty, Phi, and Jensen. Phi takes first post in it. To the rest of you, good luck. See you on the ground floor. =)

It's a shame about the shots, grim. I was hoping to see you laser out the dragon's eyes.

That's ok, I'm going to try and stick a harpoon in it instead.

10-14-14, 12:13 PM
Okay. Asty, just post. Philomel is now watching the dragon fall beneath them as Astarelle leaps into the air. She is distraught, thinking Veridian is going to die with the dragons fall.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-14-14, 12:30 PM
Phi! Jensen wasn't on the airship. He was right next to you. :3

Also if nobody minds, I'll post after Roht and maybe save a fox spirit. Oh and phi please also mentioned you grabbed my spear.... It's 10,000 gp of weapons and I would like it back . .///.

Roht Mirage
10-14-14, 01:38 PM

That went in a different direction as I was writing it.

Phi and Jensen, you are being teleported onto one of the three airships that are circling above the dragon. There's one very surprised elf who is about to pull a sapphire pendant from his pocket, wonder why it's shining and growing hot, and why in the hells he agreed to "hold onto it" for that Fallien woman. Then, *pop* a faun and an immortal suddenly on deck. The teleportation cancels their downward momentum, so no splat. Do keep the pendant for me. (The gems chips and the main body of the pendant become one piece after teleportation.)

And I'll go back and edit in that part about your spooty spear.

The airship nose / escape capsule will be thrown wide from the dragon's impact. We'll figure out where later. Phi, feel free to describe the fox waking Astarelle up after its graceful(?) landing.

EDIT: Done!

~His limbs drifted and his hair snapped about. In his coat, that silly spear of his had skewered itself between the metal plates, making it flap around like an excited tail. Other than that, he was motionless.~

You get a hole in your coat as punishment for carrying something that valuable around. Are you asking to get mugged?

10-14-14, 02:51 PM
I edited it to say Jensen was nearby. :3 tell me if you want me to edit more

10-14-14, 02:53 PM
I thought Asty was getting the spear...

Enigmatic Immortal
10-14-14, 02:58 PM
she got it covered

Enigmatic Immortal
10-14-14, 05:04 PM

Jensen's going to ram the ship, weapons hot, into the mouth of the dragon. If Philomel wants to join him in firing the cannons, please feel free to, otherwise, I'd suggest you learn to fly or hit an escape pod. For those who still are alive, Grim I asked you to go nuts, have fun, and keep the dragon distracted long enough for the attack run to make effect.

If this works guys we may have it!

Thanks for putting me on the airship, Roht, that's the inspiration I needed to think of a solution!

((Note, Astarelle and Sorish can easily chain combo sand and water to create quicksand to slow the dragon! Yay teamwork!)

Ya know, I don't remember if HYsteria said I would count as being out of the fight or not...Let me know and I'll remove the post if I am.

Also I'm going to hell for that last line.

10-14-14, 06:03 PM
You're still in; go nuts

10-14-14, 08:23 PM
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way for Grim to get to safety or if I'm going to have him ride the dragon down to the mountains Most likely the latter.

10-14-14, 10:29 PM
You could incorporate the airship that got sucked into the air attack.

10-15-14, 04:50 PM
Heads up, there are about 14 hours left to post.

Hoytti, is your post Sorish leaving the battle?

10-15-14, 07:25 PM
I humbly throw my leash into the ring should a position become vacant.

10-15-14, 09:23 PM
No, He will have to fight more of the hoard to get down the mountain, he is also leading a small militia to safety.

10-16-14, 07:53 AM
Sorry Hoytti and Grim, you've both been squished. I'll talk more about yours in the summary at the end Hoytti.

Sei, you're up.

You've got a bit less than 48 hours from now, since it is much later than I'd like. So 45.

Also, if you plan to fly the ship guns blazing at the dragon, it will breath fire at you. Which would probably mean the ship gets burnt and you do a heck of a lot of damage to its face. Not sure about anything being alive on the ship afterwards. Faun or immortal.

I have described Astarelle as being stuck on the dragon, with the gas slowly rising... so you know that might be a thing.

10-16-14, 08:09 AM
Sorry folks. I had some stuff come up the last couple days that kept me from really having the time or energy to write a good post. On the plus side now I get to write a kick ass death post to try and earn that fear stone.

Silence Sei
10-16-14, 09:23 AM
Can I get a quick rundown of whats going n and where everyone is? I've been trying to keep track but between all the posters it gets jarring.

Roht Mirage
10-16-14, 09:55 AM
I think Hys might have gone to bed. So, here's my attempt at summarizing it.

The dragon has crashed. It's trapped in the split between two mountains. It's filling the valley with poisonous fog. There are three airships circling above. Jensen and Philomel are on one that is currently launching life boats (whatever an airship life boat is...) and about to ram, weapons hot, into the dragon's face. Astarelle and Philomel's fox are on the back of the dragon's neck. She is swirling her sand to keep the fog relatively at bay while the fox leads her toward the head. I'm going on the assumption that Philomel is still on the ship-come-battering-ram and he's going to her.

For maximum epicness, we could line it up that the ship nears the head when Astarelle is getting close to the back of the dragon's skull. Maybe even on to the crown if it's not flopping about too much. The dispersion of the fog around her should give the ship a nice, clear target. I'll leave the description of that to whoever plants that kiss on Stinky.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-16-14, 01:46 PM
Confirming that this course is a one way track to hell. But after Roht's wonderful little thing...

Philomel can I post before you? And Bunny you?

Silence Sei
10-16-14, 03:32 PM
There we are, let me know if I need to edit anything.

10-16-14, 04:04 PM
Oh shoootttt... sorry I didn't see your post here Enigmatic ... I posted already but ummm... I will take it off and save it and maybe use some of it. Please don't bunny me too much.

10-16-14, 04:06 PM
you know what ... tough. :3

I posted, you can bunny now. Do what you like, just don't kill Phi okay?

Enigmatic Immortal
10-16-14, 04:17 PM
Haha! Don't worry phi. It's all goid

Enigmatic Immortal
10-17-14, 01:13 AM
Double post.


Jensen is most assuredly dead to ensure he could fire the harpoon one last time. His laughter and final words were blasted over the warhorns of the ship. Also, Philomel, keep Jensen's jacket safe, maybe you could realize the significance of it Astarelle and take it back for me. Anyways...

Damn. I really wanted to go all the way...

10-17-14, 03:48 AM
Well done Jensen! Thanks for saving Phi! She could only last once, true ...

You might last all the way, depending on how Hysteria deems to end the thread (our lord and master, Hysteria)

I might go back and edit my posts slightly to make them better but won't upset the general action.

10-17-14, 08:23 AM
Well done guys and girls! The dragon has fallen. All it took was several airships, a bunch of dead elves and a tornado.

Sorry Sei, you kinda jumpped in and now the thread is over. If you'd all kindly throw in your conculsion posts, I'll do my wrap up afterwards. EI, if you'd care to put in a conclusion (perhaps comming back to life...?) as well.

Again well done all, and sorry Doge, you'll have to jump in the next one.

The only thing I'd say is that the dragon's body is going to keep producing the posion gas, but just enough to stablise the cloud around the rotting dragon.

Silence Sei
10-17-14, 08:44 AM
....I can still get a conclusion post and a prize, right?

10-17-14, 08:45 AM
Well done guys. Hysteria, if it's alright with you I'd like to make a death post which I'll do tonight.

10-17-14, 10:07 AM
We get a conclusion post? SWEET!

Roht Mirage
10-17-14, 11:09 AM
Thar be my conclusion, aye! Perhaps it's more of a set-up for the others than a conclusion, but whatevs. Astarelle won't be able to string enough thoughts together to make another coherent post anyway. =)

10-17-14, 08:22 PM
....I can still get a conclusion post and a prize, right?

Yes. You lucky bastard.

Well done guys. Hysteria, if it's alright with you I'd like to make a death post which I'll do tonight.

Of course.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-18-14, 01:24 AM
Just waiting for Blaze and then I'm on my post like white on rice.

Silence Sei
10-18-14, 06:57 AM
Sorry, half way through my post we took our camping trip, but I am writing the rest of it now.

Silence Sei
10-18-14, 07:22 AM
Double post and done!

*Crosses fingers and hopes for best death*

Roht Mirage
10-18-14, 08:57 AM
I just edited the last paragraph in mine to acknowledge that she can't hear/doesn't care if he responds during her diatribe. It will get us more smoothly into the whole 'repeating dialogue' thing that, otherwise, works incredibly well in your post.

If Astarelle knew what he just pulled, she would be bloody proud. She'd still hate him, though.

Also, I sometimes think that I need a RoG audit just for Astarelle's mouth. So overpowered. =P

10-19-14, 06:03 AM

I'm going to write up a small conclusion post, then write up my comments on the threads and rewards. Please comment here from the list below (refer to the first page of this thread).

I'm going to push back the participation rewards to 3 posts, as there was some good stuff from Leopold, grim and hoytii that I thought should be rewarded. So, please post here the rewards you want.

Best Death: Enigmatic Murmur
There was some good deaths to pick from for Best Death, Zack being an asshat, Grim's vampire death and re-birth and EI's into the mouth of maddness. In the end, I couldn't go past the crescendo of madness that was EI.

Best Team Player: Roht Mirage
Again, there was some good team work. Leopold gave away his mask, which ultimately killed him. Phi being dragged tooth and nail into saving Astarelle, then going to prison. I think thought I have to give this to Astarelle for teleporting Jensen and Phi to safety, then nearly sacrificing herself for an immortal fox.

Leopold 3 posts
Please pick one of the 'players lasting four posts' rewards.

Philomel 9 posts
Please pick one of the 'players lasting four posts' rewards.
One of the 'present when the beast is defeated' rewards.

Enigmatic Immortal 9 posts
Please pick one of the 'players lasting four posts' rewards.
One of the 'present when the beast is defeated' rewards.
One of the 'Best Death' rewards.

Eli 1
(Some xp to come)

hoytii 3 posts
Please pick one of the 'players lasting four posts' rewards.

Roht Mirage 5 posts
Please pick one of the 'players lasting four posts' rewards.
One of the 'present when the beast is defeated' rewards
(plus you get the only team player reward, Good Will of Alerar)

Grim137 3 posts
Please pick one of the 'players lasting four posts' rewards.

Zack Blaze 2 posts
One of the 'present when the beast is defeated' rewards

Silence Sei
10-19-14, 07:35 AM
Dangit, I really wanted that fear gem :(

I'll take the scales.

10-19-14, 07:41 AM
I'll take the 300 gold thank you.

10-19-14, 09:31 AM
I'll take the gold.

Roht Mirage
10-19-14, 09:34 AM
I'd like Astarelle to take home:

Good Will of Alerar (restating so I don't forget)


Dragonbone (2)

In case anyone is wondering about the dragonbone... Yes, Astarelle is totally going to have that !@#$ pulverized into grains, even if she has to quest to find a smith with the ability to break it and hold back tears while doing so. T_T

And thank you very much, good sir, for the award.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-19-14, 11:03 AM
Woot! Taking the dragon scale. The fear gem, and 300 gold! Thank you all for the fun! It was a blast

10-19-14, 12:17 PM
Dragonscale and 300 gp please.

Would be very much appreciated. Philomel isn't really a team player character :P

10-20-14, 06:56 AM
Bazaar discount please :)

10-23-14, 06:25 AM
The final post is up all.

Just a reminder, if you'd like to get more dragon bits without questing (as it can't be bought in the bazaar) you could make offers to the other players. Remember to link to the thread for the items.

Roht Mirage
10-23-14, 09:05 AM
That Astarelle, always bringin' people together. =)

Thanks for giving us such a great adventure, mate. It was brilliant. I'd ride your dragon any day.

10-23-14, 09:11 AM
Hysteria - that was awesome. Thanks for the judgement, it was really fun as a featured quest. Great imagination from you and Andy. :P

Enigmatic Immortal
10-23-14, 10:43 AM
In case it wasn't obvious, I had the time of my life there. Well deserved congrats there.

10-23-14, 02:11 PM
Yeah great job all around. A lot of good story lines came out of that.

10-23-14, 05:20 PM
Thanks all ^.^

I realised as soon as I was in bed that I forgot the badges, I'll add them when I get home.

10-30-14, 11:27 PM
Hey all. There are some questions going around about the dragon parts rewards so I thought I'd post it here. This is the official description from the bazaar thread:

Ancient Dragonscale, Dragonbone, and Dragonhorn--these materials are similar to the varieties found in the basic tier list; the difference is in the age of the dragon they are taken from. Wearing something from an ancient dragon not only offers substantial protection from the types of elements opposite the dragon's original element, but they also enhance and promote the latent power of their wearer in the element with which the dragon was akin. These are the oldest and most powerful dragons; almost anyone should be changing their underwear after seeing one of these. Very few people will be going out of their way to find these things to make stuff out of them: you’ll have to do it yourself.

So using this as armour would grant you a high bonus defense again fire (the dragon's element prior to being infected) as well as high physical defense. Scale is used for leather like armour, bone as hard (eg a shield).

The number (2) relates to the crafting quantity, not the number of bones or scales. So you can have dragon scale gauntlets even when it would need smaller scales. Small items, such as daggers, hand axe, bracers, boots are (1) size, most swords (smaller than a long sword), short bows, short Spears are (2). Chain mail and most armour are (3).

If your dying to get something bigger, I suggest you hold onto the item till the next dragon quest. Dragon items can only be awarded through as quest rewards (not bought in the bazaar), and are worth more per piece than most other materials.

If you want to get a weapon, then work with the bazaar mod on the way the dragon's type effects the weapon.

Roht, when you want to grind up the bone let me know and we'll work on how it will fit in.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-31-14, 12:11 AM
What are the strengths we get goth e opposite of stinky? Bonuses against soap? ;)

10-31-14, 12:44 AM
Lol, instead of giving people resistance to poison (or plague damage) it made more sense to link to his pre - infected element which was fire. So fire resistance.

If you were going to quest for this yourself (the other way to get dragon stuff) then you'd want a water dragon to get fire resistance.