View Full Version : Change of Weapons...

10-09-14, 02:06 PM
Hello, could I please have a price check on:
- A yew short bow with protective steel plates that don't limit the bow's stretch.
- A longsword length, one-bladed sword made of either steel or Eiskalt's Lividus Chalybs (black colored metal between the strength of steel and damascus. It's a bit heavier than steel.) The long hilt, the perfect size for both one and two handed usage, has leather wrapped on it for a stronger grip. A leather sheath to strap on the back to go with that please?

And how much GP would I get by selling:
- A steel bow.
- A steel broadsword and its sheath.

Thank you! :)
~ BlueGhostofSeaside

10-14-14, 10:49 AM
For your Steel Bow, you will receive 105 GP.

Same for the Broadsword. That brings your total GP received to 210 GP.

For a Yew Bow with Steel Plates, it'll be 150 GP.

For the Sword in Steel, it'll be 225 GP. If you want the Eiskaltian Metal, it'll be 300 GP.

Let me know how you wish to proceed

10-14-14, 10:54 AM
Okay, so I'll sell the steel bow and broadsword + sheath.

I'll buy both the yew bow with steel plates and the new sword in Eiskaltian metal.

Just to make sure my calculations are right, this would leave me with 140 GP, right?

EDIT: 30 GP.

10-14-14, 11:02 AM
You received 210 GP in trade, and those items cost 450 GP combined. I'm slightly confused with your math ._.

The Muri
10-14-14, 11:04 AM
Heck, I'm confused with my math...

I added the 210 GP to my 275 GP already in possession, then subtracted the amount of GP needed for both weapons from it...

Another edit: Okay, so I'd leave with 35 GP.

10-14-14, 11:15 AM
It says you have 46 GP, is this 275 GP on another account?

10-14-14, 11:21 AM
This account.

Sorry, probably should have been posting only on this one. :P

10-14-14, 11:41 AM
Sheesh, that's confusing. 275+210 = 485 - 450 = 35 GP.

We good to go?

10-14-14, 11:50 AM
Yup. And I'll post under only the needed accounts from here on out. I usually post under the account going through the transactions and my main. I posted under Muri not thinking of switching accounts.

Go through with the transactions please :)

10-15-14, 08:56 AM

BlackGhostofSeaside receives 210 GP for selling his weapons, and puts them toward the 450 GP cost of his new weapons. This brings the total cost to 240 GP.

240 GP is to be deducted from BlackGhostofSeaside's account.

10-15-14, 09:13 AM
240 GP Deducted. BlackGhostofSeaside now has 35 GP.

Please like this thread were proof of purchase is applicable.

Transaction Complete.