View Full Version : (The Order) Bloodskalls and The Blood Reaver

Deception and Discord
10-15-14, 05:33 PM
“Maybe twenty residing there now, but more and more join them every week.” A young boy said as he and Vanessa stood atop the highest hill of the entire valley. “There would be little question if you approached.” He said as he turned and started to leave passing Vanessa on his right.

The smell of burning cedar was fresh in the air as small dying pillars of smoke rose from a little village nestled in the distance. This village in Raiaera just outside the long and ever crimson Red Forest is home to a small group of Dark Elves. Devout followers of Pode, the Dark Elves are referred to as Bloodskalls.

“Hold, Marik.” Vanessa said in a stern tone to the boy wearing rags. Marik was a member of The Network, a personal spy of Vanessa’s. He had been tasked with watching the roads of Raiaera and brought the news of this Cult to her post haste. “You did well, but your job isn’t over yet.” She said as he started to walk down the hill in the opposite way of her subordinate. “In three days’ time two men will meet you in the closest town. Send them on their way here with these words. Upon the red smoke the time to strike has come.” Her final words before the two spies were out of ear shot.

Mi’ Lord, The answers you seek will soon be yours. Vanessa thought to herself as she descended the hill on her way to the Bloodskall village. These cultists had been recruiting for some time now, and their leader Heidi Nothgra had made a few visits to town preaching her twisted messages. Telling tales of ancient powers and trying to bolster her ranks. But what exactly are you searching for, this all seems tedious.

The village itself was nothing to admire even at a far. The buildings from the hills above seem to be built of simple cut logs and hay. A round wall surrounding the few buildings made of sharpened logs preventing any type of scaling. Though tall the wall seems thin as it angels outward, nothing an experienced warrior couldn’t figure a way through. A small stream running from The Red Forest through it appears to be the water supply, other than those few details nothing else of interest could be seen from Vanessa’s distance.

Like Marik had stated earlier those seeking refuge within this growing cult all seem to leave all valuables and weaponry behind. Entering with only the cloths on their back these people and elves alike are normally greeted hospitably. Being the experienced spy Vanessa is she notably left her belongings nearby but not on her person. Less one of her trench knives she had stowed underneath her breast in case of emergency.

As the sun started to set so did the Crimson Hands spy unto the Cult of Pode.