View Full Version : After the Ash Has Fallen - recruitment, annoucement

10-20-14, 05:51 AM
This is me wanting to finish off the featured quest "No Longer Me," written and admined by Hysteria, at least from Philomel's point of view.

What happened in the conclusion posts, after the zombie dragon was killed, was that Zack Blaze (Sei) apparently killed himself, after Philomel thumped him with her horns to rescue Astarelle from him. What he did do was stab himself, and then plant the blade on Philomel, so it appeared she murdered him. Apparently Zack is not actually dead after all, but that part was kept secret, and Philomel was still arrested by the Aleraran officials for his murder. She is confused, but thinking of just saying she did it, because why the hell not.

My first post is her escaping.

This thread is open to anyone who was around at the death of the dragon, and anyone else who is interested. In particular it is open to you, Enigmatic Murmur and Astarelle (Roht). HOWEVER, please post here, or send me a PM before posting.

Notes: I do not want Philomel to die. Second, this is hopefully leading up to her level 4, and so her "transformation" into a more awesome faun may occur in here, thusly.

Link: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28079-After-the-Ash-Had-Fallen&p=236533#post236533

For the purposes of smooth communication there is also a google doc created that is editable by anyone who can view: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qp8s9FPEWt3NWqSQT1d3ILcLS22pk5JPO-ySc3LQ-GE/edit
Please only use if you are accepted into the thread.

Roht Mirage
10-20-14, 09:37 AM
Astarelle in da house! Complicatin' and aggravatin'!

Yo yo...


I'll read it shortly and message you.

10-20-14, 10:02 AM
Tentatively reserving a spot. I'll read the post and decide if I want to jump in.

10-20-14, 10:05 AM
Shizzle innit, man.

Totes you in, yeah girl.

Anyway, yes, I would love you have you Roht. Shizzle. And Mr Vampire ... Most certainly you are welcome!

10-20-14, 10:09 AM
Would you be able to fit an appearance from me in there somewhere?

10-20-14, 10:12 AM
Lye! You would be most useful.

After all, I have no idea where Philomel stands with the Crimson Hand right now ... whether in its good books or bad books, for killing Blaze (apparently) and for being found out as an agent, possibly (suspected, anyway). Also, Lye and Phi should just have some ol' chin-waggin' time!

10-20-14, 10:25 AM
Well, you're a liability so long as you are under arrest or implicated publicly. If Lye can get you out of Alerar, your anonymity can be restored in time. You would just have to avoid Alerar for a while. So that'd be Lye's objective. As for the Order, you're an important asset to Aurelianus and therefore important to The Order. Considering Blaze is still alive, your accused crime lacks validity. It can be dismissed logically.

Plus some banter between the two would help develop a relationship between the two clan mates. Besides, it would be nice to see Jensen again as well. Lye and he have history. >:}

10-20-14, 11:50 AM
So after reading the intro. I'm thinking I might have Grim notice she's escaping and chase after her (obviously I won't do anything to her without your explicit permission) is that okay with you?

10-20-14, 12:15 PM

I guess you could ... I want Philomel to leave Alerar essentially. I wrote the first post with the idea that she was not going to be arrested again - its important to note I said "maimed" and not "killed" the guards in her way ... well apart from Tullen but he is an unfortunate side-fatality.

Have him chase after her if you think he would have been in the camp, but I don't think Philomel could stand up against the might of a vampire, so please don't kill her ;-;

10-20-14, 12:34 PM
I kind of read your post as taking place right after the feature quest ended meaning a lot of our characters could realistically still be there. If it takes places long after that then I can come up with something else. As for killing her obviously I would never kill another PC outside the Citadel without their creator's permission. If it comes to that we can come up with an IC reason for Xanbata to back off and/or for her to get away.

Silence Sei
10-20-14, 12:35 PM
I can help with reasons why Grim would back off as well, if needed. I'm also down for a cameo if need be with either Zack or Sei.

10-20-14, 01:51 PM
Grim - its been a couple of hours, maybe. That was my thinking. so yeah, Grim could still be around. :)

Also, Sei thanks :) its up to you really, if you want to be involved.

10-21-14, 03:47 AM
OKay, whoever is up for posting next - go ahead and post.
All of the above requests for participation are approved. :D

10-21-14, 07:44 AM
I'll try to get a post up either tonight or tomorrow.

Roht Mirage
10-21-14, 09:37 AM
I'll post after grim. I gots a plan. =)

Enigmatic Immortal
10-21-14, 12:24 PM
Hey, if it's not yet accomplished, you all have permission to take Jensen to hold off the authorities. He'll do it for a special someone and to blow off steam. ;/

10-22-14, 09:14 AM
So after listening to the podcast (you know you could have PMed me right Paul?), I'm thinking Grim is going to knock Phi off balance with a blast near her feet and pin her down at which point Jensen intervenes. Que Jensen vs Grim in another thread while Phi gets away. Any objections?

Enigmatic Immortal
10-22-14, 09:55 AM
I am a man who is very very VERY bad at communication, and that, I am sorry.

But on the other hand... It's time for a DEATH BATTTTTLLLLLEEEEE!!!!

10-22-14, 10:31 AM
Well I know Astarelle is going to be following very closely behind from conversations with Roht... :P

Interesting times. :D
-note, please PM me before any major bunnying of Philomel-

Roht Mirage
10-22-14, 11:08 AM
I'll bunny Jensen's introduction into the thread. There's some business between him and Astarelle that I need to deal with right quick. Then, I'll end my post with her intervening in the Grim-on-Phi situation. I really want to try something with her. (Pwease? It'll be cooool.) Grim, when you feel that the Phi/Grim/Asty scene has plateaued, I'm totally cool with you bunnying in Jensen to ramp up the action.

10-22-14, 11:50 AM
Since everyone's bunnying everyone should we set up a google doc or something so that posts can be reviewed by the other members?

Roht Mirage
10-22-14, 11:56 AM
I'm down for that, just don't know the first thing about setting it up and/or using it. I will be a willing pupil.

10-22-14, 12:29 PM
I'm down for that, just don't know the first thing about setting it up and/or using it. I will be a willing pupil.

I can set it up when I get home from work. In order to use it you just need a gmail account.

10-22-14, 12:30 PM
Grim, you are a genius.

Roht, google docs are easy to use. Just click the link below. I use google docs for all my university notes and my writing so yey.
I have posted my first post in this doc here, as one that anyone can edit, so long as they have the link:


Note to other RP'ers not in this thread. Please do not mess around with the editing of it for fun. Its wayyyy not cool.

10-26-14, 08:40 AM
Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about this and I am working on a post. It's just been a crazy week for me.

10-29-14, 11:42 AM
Sorry but I think I'm going to drop out of this for now. If we want to do Grim Hunts Philomel or Jensen Humbles Grim: The Thread down the road we can but for now I just haven't had the time or energy to really RP and I would rather finish my current threads than start new ones.

10-29-14, 12:56 PM
Thank you Grim, for letting me know.

In this case, whoever wants to go next is able to go when they wish.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-29-14, 01:02 PM
When you are ready Grim we'll dance!

Roht Mirage
10-29-14, 04:41 PM
New plan! Jensen will go next. Phi, Asty will be on her way in drow disguise. If you get into any trouble with the patrols, she'll work her lying ass off to help.

We can fit in some stuff with Lye soon, me thinks. I've been wanting a face to face with him.

10-30-14, 05:28 AM

I have posted, following yours and EI's interraction. Philomel is basically having a bath, giving you time to get Astarelle to catch up. Though I had Philomel follow downriver Astarelle could figure out where they have gone.

The next thing Philomel and Veridian will do is have dinner (likely a hare that Veridian catches, with some fungus and berries) and then she will make an offering to her goddess, Drys. I have already established that Drys' symbol is two crosses branches from two different trees, so Phi will make that, add some sort of berries as an offering, then likely pray in faunish. Then they can continue on foot and head further down river.

Apart from that, feel free to add in banter etc. There is the google doc for when we get to the full interraction between the pair, and after that I think Lye, we may ask you to come in. Sei, also, if you want to take part you are free to.

Roht Mirage
10-30-14, 06:32 AM
I plum forgot about the google doc. I've just copied the current material into it, because completeness! I'll get a post up soon.

And she just had to get naked, didn't she.... -_-

10-30-14, 07:24 AM
She is having a bath :D
You can have Astarelle come along after she has changed ... :P

Roht Mirage
10-31-14, 05:01 PM
Post written. Too late. =) Potentially... It's in the google doc. I need some feedback from you, either in the doc or through pm, as to how much to post without ruining your prayer scene.

I hadn't expected Lye to post, but it works out wonderfully. *waves* <3 for you, Lye! We could do a short sequence of posts back and forth to say what we need to say between Astarelle and Phi, then get RUDELY interrupted. Dammit Lye...

10-31-14, 05:07 PM
*waves* Glad to help set the mood! >:}

I tried to take the least invasive post while still covering all the events. Though the sand part... Since he hasn't met Ms. Set'Roh yet, chances are her "Sandy Senses" will notice him before he notices her. Picking up that grain of sand alone may have tipped her off. I also won't post again until you all feel that it is time.

Roht Mirage
10-31-14, 05:20 PM
Yes. The ladies are talking. =P

It's great of you to point out the sand. Currently, it's waaaaay out of range for her to sense with it. But, as he approaches, that small amount is enough to give her a feeling of... something. It won't be an exact sense.

10-31-14, 05:33 PM
I offered to let Lye post whenever he wanted to do a wee introductory piece for himself. Thought it might be good to get his part rolling. I like Lye. He is my friend.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-31-14, 05:58 PM
Your friends suck. ;)

10-31-14, 06:08 PM
You sonnufa--!

Wait... Jensen-Sempai! <3

H-he noticed me! o///o

Enigmatic Immortal
11-01-14, 03:52 PM
Hey Phi just letting you know there is some notes for you at the end of the doc.


11-01-14, 05:58 PM
Thanks Paul.
I will be more available tomorrow, so will write up my next bit then.

11-04-14, 02:30 PM
I suppose my post is done. Please take a look at it and manipulate it to fit more appropriately. Let me know when it's good to go and I'll pop it in the thread.

11-04-14, 02:59 PM

I can't lye ... I love it :D its awesome! POST IT POST IT POST IT!

11-06-14, 06:11 AM
So, Roht Mirage my darling.
Do you want to go first, or shall I?
Also, EI, are you wishing to edit your post?

EDIT: I am thinking of using this thread to introduce Phi level 4, and all of her new awesome powers.

Roht Mirage
11-06-14, 09:03 AM
You go first, dear. I left some notes in the doc for you, but feel free to bunny as you see fit.

11-06-14, 10:38 AM
I have put my next post up on the google doc. Please look at it and comment away, I made it a bit shorter.
If there is any problems I can edit when home tonight.

11-06-14, 11:26 AM
Looked good to me!

Enigmatic Immortal
11-06-14, 11:47 AM
Edited my post kids. Tell me it sucks. :p

11-06-14, 12:01 PM
It sucks...

er, I mean.

It looks fantastic Jensen-sempai! You're the bestest! :3

Roht Mirage
11-06-14, 12:07 PM
Stuff in doc. In short, I love it. Post away. =D

Jensen-senpai kawaii!

Enigmatic Immortal
11-06-14, 12:43 PM
I notice none of you!

11-06-14, 05:26 PM
Jensen-Senpai wa sugoku kawaii!!! :D

Roht Mirage
11-07-14, 11:40 AM
The post is finished(?) in the doc. I'd like to throw it from there to your perspective, Phi, but read it and let me know.

11-07-14, 12:16 PM
Added my commentary. Well done Jas. I should just give up on writing you literary genius you.

11-07-14, 12:30 PM
Hey, Jason. I added my commentary. <3

Roht Mirage
11-07-14, 01:10 PM
Don't give up, Lye! Without my friends, I'm just sitting here, writing, by myself. T_T

I responded in the doc.

Kawaii!! <3

11-10-14, 01:36 PM
Who's up next in this one? Phi? If so, she's free to bunny me and I can follow with a post. Unless we want EI in there with more developments with the IK/Alerar relations.

11-10-14, 03:04 PM
Sorry I have been pretty busy recently.
I will work on a post tonight xx

11-11-14, 12:25 PM
SO! I wrote up a bit on the google doc.

Have a look. COMMENT! :D

Enigmatic Immortal
11-11-14, 01:08 PM



11-12-14, 12:36 PM
Looks good to me. Have at a post and I will work on a follow up.

I'm going to do my best to make "Little Aster's" stomach wretch before taking off.

11-12-14, 04:36 PM

11-14-14, 10:44 AM
Check the doc. Make edits and contributions. Tell me that my portrayal of your characters suck. And let's tie this mutha jamma up.

And Jas... I am so sorry, but I had to.


Enigmatic Immortal
11-14-14, 01:40 PM
Jensen is going to be so punch drunk when his adrenaline finally stops. Yay!

11-15-14, 06:52 PM
Roht, I love your post <3

11-18-14, 06:11 PM
OKay, so Lye, I have writtena section in the document. Have a read, see what you think. Could be the final post I guess.

Paul, Jason, do you wnt to add another or shall we finish this baby soon?

11-19-14, 10:19 AM
I added some comments to the doc. The posts look good. EI, I couldn't help but add some commas and fix a few simple errors for you as I read. I hope you don't mind.