View Full Version : Somewhere I don't wanna know ((Solo))

10-01-06, 07:04 AM
Sunlight struck what seemed to be an endless tunnel of death, agonising screams and a very putrid smell. Although the sun shone, it couldn’t warm up something as evil and cold as what was before the drow. Snow decorated the ground in large piles, and the bitter cold is mostly what seems to be causing the death in this place. The walls that surrounded the drow were completely frozen and bloodstained; the roof was a frozen cage of misery, with icicles hanging from it that dripped blood instead of water. Behind the walls is where the agonising screams were heard, unable to comprehend what was going on, Awewa did not stop to find out, he just kept walking, and presuming it was just a torture chamber. “Such a cold and lonely place, who could make such a thing…” the drow muttered as he walked on.

As he got to a certain distance he could see what appeared to be children playing in the snow. What the…Children?! In a tunnel of death…What’s going on…. The drow stopped for a minute and looked at his surroundings Dead…Creatures on the floor, bloodstained walls, pah! This is hardly the place for children to play…

Awewa decided to confront what appeared to be children, but when he could see them properly, they appeared as demon children eating away at the corpses on the ground. A sudden chill went down the drows spine as he watched this. Disgust and fear entered his mind as he got closer, he now knew what he had to do, and it didn’t feel right, not even to someone as cursed as Awewa.

The drow began to run up to the children, quickly unsheathing his katana and throwing off his cloak, he jumped in and slashed one of the demonic children. Unfortunately they jumped just before the slash and evaded the attack. The other one jump on Awewa’s head and giggled loudly, which did seem to lighten the mood. Knowing where the child would end up he swiftly swiped diagonally in that direction, which stopped it from laughing, and giving it a rather bad headache. After slicing part of one of the child’s heads clean off, there was but one left. It jumped right above the drow, and with ease he grasped his blade with both hands and sliced it, vertically, in half, and with that finishing the battle. Awewa sheathed his sword and picked his cloak up, which was now covered in snow, and walked off.

10-03-06, 02:14 PM
More and more corpses were spotted, along with more demon children, as the drow came to the exit. It seemed almost like an army of demon children, led by what seemed to be a skeleton warrior. Awewa stopped to look at the undead knight, something had caught his eye That necklace…It seems so familiar, who is this undead man?! The knight crept up to Awewa and drew his blade.
“Hrrmmmm…You seem familiar! State your name!” the warrior said spookily.
The drow held the necklace the ghoul had and checked it carefully. This symbol…I remember now, it is the symbol of that evil wizard, must’ve granted this warrior eternal life, I’ll put an end to that!
“Hm…Alright then! My name is Awewa Fudebi.” He said as he held on to the medallion very tightly.

Suddenly the ghoul stepped back, snatching the amulet from the drow and unsheathing his blade.
“Hm, I see…Kill him children!” the creature shouted as he stepped back.
“Haha! Fool, I know your weakness!” Awewa argued.
“Well let’s just save that for after your little scrap!” It replied.
The demon children swarmed over the drow in an attempt to crush him. This tactic was almost achieved until Awewa jumped out and slashed four of them in front. Fortunately he left the demonic children piling over each other and being more occupied on killed each other, rather than the drow.
“Hm, looks like your plan failed!” Awewa said as a huge smirk went across his face. The skeleton thought not to reply and decided to spring into the samurai and slash his arm immediately. Neagh…I’ve gotta get that medallion off him immediately, otherwise this might be a pretty long fight...

The samurai jumped into the creature and thrusted his blade into its chest, just to keep him occupied while he grabbed the medallion. Awewa pulled hard to take it off the skeleton, and eventually succeeded, but it ended with the samurai rolling backwards quite far.
“Ugh…Well done! I’ve seen one of your kind just out of the exit of here, a samurai like yourself. I doubt he’s lasted though; he had a deep stomach wound. Ahh! Now leave me in peace….” With that the skeleton warrior fell into dust. Awewa got up, put the necklace in his trouser pocket, and sheathed his sword. One of my kind? Oh no… The samurai started to sprint out the exit of the horrible tunnel. Something was wrong…

10-21-06, 05:27 PM
As the desperate warrior departed the evil tunnel, a thought of relief entered his mind, yet there was still the matter of what had left the tunnel earlier, how did the skeleton know he and the other are samurai’s, so many questions were yet to be answered, but the drow knew that by the time he finds the other samurai, he will also find a pain that he had never known for a long time. A pain so mentally unbearable, it had enough power to destroy the very persons soul. The frightened samurai stood there, declining to go forth and find his injured comrade. I…can’t go on…Too much fear in my heart… Awewa slowly decided to go on ahead and search for his fellowman.

While the drow’s mind debated over fear and bravery, it wasn’t able to focus on the path ahead, or the things that surrounded the frightened warrior. He just kept walking in a line, letting friendship guide him, knowing if the skeleton was actually lying, he would be terribly lost. But even with the thought of the undead knight lying to him, Awewa still sensed a danger within the Forest in which he treads. The samurai’s mind came to a conclusion, that there is an entity within this forest weaker than any other, and as this was decided he came to his senses and looked at his surroundings, For the first time…everything seems so clear…What is happening to me? and with that the drow fell to his knees, still looking around him, and took off his cloak.

The moon shined bright in the deep blue night, being the only light to lead the terrified warrior. If it were not for the saying of the leaves, He would not consider that he was surrounding with trees, but with complete darkness. The ground was in a mushy, but somehow secure, state, most likely being from recent rainfall. All was silent within the forest, all but a spooky groan from time to time, Awewa heard this but continued to stare at his cloak worryingly. The cloak had somehow been burned in places, several tears, but not a single flake of snow. Awewa just sat there, petrified for over five minutes, until the groan that echoed in the forest suddenly got louder.

The drow jumped up, left his cloak, and ran to where he heard the groan. He had to get to his fallen comrade immediately. Now knowing his mind was slowly going, there was no way back. He had to find his fallen friend, and regain sanity before he is lost in his own mind forever.

11-10-06, 08:57 AM
Through the dark forest he ran, not looking back, or anywhere around him, just letting the painful groans of his fallen comrade guide him. Without these groans Awewa would be blind within this spooky forest. As Awewa approached the intended destination, he became more aware of his surroundings. The moonlight shone upon a large rock in the forest, which was utterly tainted with dark red blood. Local animals and creatures hid behind the trees, as if they were scared to be seen in the light, they’re eyes glaring at you every step you take. Rain fell, quite harshly, upon the vile brown mud, it seemed to hit it harder every drop, almost making holes in the muck. The drow walked up to the rock, and there he saw horror, in its true form.

“Wh-Who are yo-you…” stuttered Awewa, staring at the bleeding warrior,
“Aw…Awewa…There’s something…evil, within this haunting forest. Find it…Destroy it…for my sake… and you will be able to leave this forest, and make it to…The…City…. Agh! Take these…Forget the tunnel behind you…or you will suffer my fate…Now go…Ugh….” The warrior said as he handed two mysterious items and a note “I’m…the first one…to die…” He muttered as he gave in to his wounds.
No…I had so many questions…Hmph. What did he give me anyway?

The moonlight that covered the area had now faded. The rain turned red, and the mud kept hard no matter what. An ‘evil’ entity in a hooded cloak appeared behind the two drow’s. Awewa’s heart filled with anger as he unsheathed his blade.
“ You! You killed him! Now I will do the same to you…” He shouted. The samurai ran up to the thing and slashed it horizontally, not knowing anything about it, what it was, or even how it manipulated nature in a certain section. But he did know that thing killed his comrade.
“Muhahahahaha!!” the thing echoed as it disappeared into the forest, returning the moonlight and everything else to normal. Hmph, he got away…for now…

The samurai focused everything on finding that creature, and exterminating it to avenge his fallen friend. So he ran in the direction it went, and followed the blood rain.

06-13-09, 02:05 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.