View Full Version : So ... You know that dragon I helped kill ...?

10-22-14, 12:45 PM
Hellooo there.

I have looked back at the rewards for killing that evil dragon of Alerar. For killing the beastie I picked dragonscale as my lovely prize. Apparently the scale counts as two pieces, and so the pretty raw material is already in Philomel's possession.

Questions: Is this enough to make a breatplate, exactly in the same rough form as Philomel's is now - reference image (http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma774eePBN1rfiet9o1_500.jpg) - and how much would it cost me?

She also has, currently, a steel plate armour breast plate, based on the above reference image, that I bought earlier. I would be looking to trade this in for a discount/sell it back. Its polished nicely to look like new.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-22-14, 12:55 PM
I'm afraid a breastplate would require four pieces.

But, you could make arm armour (vambraces and the like), gauntlets or a helmet.

If you'd still like a price check on the selling of your current breastplate, we can do that.

10-22-14, 01:05 PM
Ookay, lets look at buying two extra dragon pieces, how much would that cost?

Following that, with all four pieces how much extra would I need to turn it into a breastplate?

And yes please to the price check on the steel breastplate.

I think at the moment Philomel has steel (possibly) gauntlets but I will need to check. A sexy dragonscale shoulder guard might be awesome too.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-22-14, 01:20 PM
Well, if you wanted armour made with the two pieces, I could most likely get you something along the lines of this:


The half-plate sort of thing, I think fits what you said about sexy armour. The chest and upper arm part.

10-22-14, 01:26 PM
Question - that silly hole between neck and boobs, can I get that filled in? and make the shoulder thing less... pointy.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-22-14, 05:09 PM
Yeah, that's just an example of the minimalist approach to the armour.

The dragon scale armour, as loosely shown above, will cost 200GP.

For selling your breastplate, you'll get 158GP

So, since you're providing the materials for crafting the dragon scale armour, and selling off the breastplate, this transaction will only cost you 42GP.

Now, the dragon-scale armour will provide less defense than the steel, only because it's covering less. It'll cover both breasts, up to the neck, but not much else. That being said, there isn't much that can cut through something of this tier, so what is covered will be protected much more.

10-22-14, 05:18 PM
Okay lets go for the sexy armour, please. I would appreciate it so very much *grins*.

Philomel should show off her ash tree tattoo more anyway. Her legs are always exposed so ... she has her heart covered. Metaphorically beautiful.

I would like to sell my steel breastplate and take up your offer of 42 GP please, dear sir.

Yours, Phi

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-22-14, 05:34 PM
Transaction Complete.

42GP to be deducted from Philomel's account. Please link to this thread when asked to verify the purchase.

10-24-14, 02:20 PM
42 GP Deducted. Enjoy your new thing.