View Full Version : Whatever the Leather

Green Gwendolyn
10-23-14, 04:53 PM
Ioder and I would like to make a transaction. How much would enough leather to make a leather coat cost? I'm going to be making a leather jacket for Ioder. It will come down to knee size and while have holes for his wings. I'm charging him 50 GP for it. 10% of the money will go to The Trading Company Bank.

As a proud member of The Trading Company, Gwendolyn found she was only getting better and better at her crafts. While she was mainly focused on her woodworking, she also was a decent tailor. She would need all the skills she had to fill out a request she had been given.

She was going to make a leather jacket for a customer of a shop in a market controlled by the TTC. She was excited to get this done... but she would need some leather to make the jacket. She was standing in front of an empty cupboard in one of the TTC's working stalls when she heard a knock on the desk across the room. She looked over to see her customer.

You're up, Ioder! :)

10-23-14, 05:17 PM
Ok so, I agree to pay the cost of the leather if I get the coat at a discount. I believe we have worked this out already.

Ioder had just recently left the Citadel and his encounter with the always wonderful Philomel. They had just fought for nothing more that the fun of it, but he had noticed that his equipment could use some upgrading. He had nothing to protect his chest other than his cloth jacket. Since his brawl he had decided that a leather trench coat would suit his needs quite well and heard rumors that this was a good place to look for one.

A shop operated by The Trading Company itself had opened up. Stormhallow was the girl's name whom he was told to come see. A masterful craftsman and a superb archer, rumors of she and this shop had recently surface as a major point of interest. As Ioder entered the shop he saw a plethora of wonderful items and weapons, even one or two rare artifacts that the company must have picked up here and there.

"Excuse me Ma'am." Ioder said as he knocked on the desk just opposite the girl he was sure he was here to meet. "If im not out of line I was wondering if there was a leather trench coat among your stuff here for sell." Ioder said as she turned and it was not obvious he was speaking to the right lady. "Now don't get me wrong I have the money don't worry." He said as he raised a bag of coin from his pocket.

Green Gwendolyn
10-23-14, 05:46 PM
Gwen smiled at her customer - an angel, "'Ello, I'm Gwen Stormhollow."

She glanced at the empty cupboard one more time then walked over to the blonde at the desk. "I'm sorry to say I'm out of jackets, but I'd be happy to make one for you- that... is... if I get enough leather to... do that."

10-23-14, 06:20 PM
"Leather?" Ioder asked as the young girl uttered he last hesitated word. "Yeah I suppose ill front the coin to purchase the leather for ya. If it means the jacked is discounted accordingly." He said as he threw his bag of coin over to her.

Ioder took a seat over against the wall throwing his feet up onto the desk. He started with his hand try to picture what he wanted. He has seen so many different types before, he wanted his to be somewhat unique. "Alright, listen here honey." He said with a smile. "Black leather from neck to knee, but no sleeves, instead with the leather used for that I would rather fashion a hood for the jacket." Ioder's creative juices were flowing. "On the back there needs to be two inch and a half slits that can fit my wings if im to wear this thing."

Ioder smiled at the young girl who seemed to enjoy a test and appreciated the business.

10-23-14, 07:41 PM
Terribly sorry for the intrusion. Just confirming for the mods that 5 gold goes to the TTC, and will be documented on the clan page.

Green Gwendolyn
10-24-14, 12:31 AM
Gwendolyn nodded, now leaning against the desk. "I'm no expert, but the request leather, about three rolls, would cost seventy-five gold? You'd have to go to another shop to find out, I'm afraid." She pulled herself up, "Doing the hood may be a bit difficult, but I bet I can manage."

A sure smirk spread across her face, delivering the message that she was handling this as a challenge... and the challenge was indeed accepted.

Thank you to Brand for the TTC confirmation above.

11-30-14, 10:27 PM
Only after a short time the miraculous leather vest/jacket was presented to Ioder. He was pleasantly surprised to see it was exactly to his specifications.

"Thank you my dear, please her take this." Ioder said as he handed Gwen a sack of coin.

This is done. Ioder gave Gwen 50gp for the Leather Jacket, and personally slipped the beautiful girl another 50gp for her pocket.

12-26-14, 08:40 PM
50 deducted from Green Gwendolyn's account.
95 added to Green Gwendolyn's account.
Net addition of 45.

100 deducted from Ioders (gains leather coat)

TTC gains 5gp.