View Full Version : Setting Up Shop?

Green Gwendolyn
10-23-14, 05:09 PM
Closed to Elthas Belthasar. This is a spoils thread.

A purple and pink sky sparked above Corone. As crickets chirped, a raged looking elf was sitting on the porch of a quite fancy looking house. The blode was putting a carving knife to a massive stick, peeling the oak skin off so she could carve it into a spear. She blindly stroked the oak branch, lost in thought.

So used to carving, she could barely be paying attention and do it nicely. I would like to take everything to the next step. Start a business, make some money for me and the Trading Company... The girl, Gwen, changed the position of her stick and continued on, It would actually be nice to run my own little shop. Just keep enough windows so I don't feel cooped up indoors. To the last thought she chuckled. Then she heard the door behind her open. She stopped carving midway, everything suddenly silent minus the crickets in the tall grasses, and turned to see who it was.

10-24-14, 02:53 PM
Elthas stepped out of the house for a breath of fresh air.

The sky was just beginning to brighten up and it was still dreadfully early in the morning.

Some of the Company workers were JUST THEN getting ready for bed. Closing shop, getting ready to sleep in the day, whilst the day shift people were just then getting up. The Trading Company worked in rotating shifts, it was a clockwork mechanic, one that Elthas was quite proud of. As the leader of The Trading Company, Elthas believed that hard, honest work would always see the day through. Elthas knew where there was a honest gold piece to be made, there would be good men and women ready to work hard for it. That's why he had honoured the olde Alliances even in his early youth. Despite the fact that philosophy had cost him dearly in the past. He would continue to honour the olde Alliances and help those in need.

As he stepped out on the porch, the familiar creaking sound of his boots against the sturdy wood, made him smile. Then he heard the sound of a nearby hard worker. Etlhas turned to look at Gwen and observed her for a long moment or two. She was apparently carving the haft of a spear. She was hard at work, and her face was that of pure concentration, and just a touch of rage. Elthas folded his arms across his chest. His eyes looking at the girl for a moment or three. As he looked at her, he had a soft grin on his face. "Working hard I see." Elthas said quietly, but audibly towards her. "Have you slept yet tonight, Gwen?" Elthas wondered. He always wanted his workers to be in top physical condition, with their minds and hearts sharp and true. He looked towards people making their way back home, or, to work. His eyes narrowed, he'd eaten some breakfast already. It was a little chilly in the morning and he could still hear the crickets with their endless symphony. Elthas tried to subside a yawn, albeit, quite futilely. He yawned anyway.

He was still in the process of making his mind alert, waking up fully.

He walked towards Gwen to better observe her whilst she worked. His body language was relaxed, and he stood tall and regal in his full height. Elthas was a good man, and he knew good men desired honest things in life. As he observed Gwen work he wondered if she needed help with anything. "Gwen. Do you need any help with something today?" He asked. Elthas had many errands to perform that day as any other, but he enjoyed helping out Company people FIRST and foremost with their various projects. Several people walked by Elthas's house on their way to their own homes, and greeting the Company's leader with warmth and respect. Elthas, of course, greeted them back. He oft responded with a tip of the hat, or a warm but firm nod. He waited for Gwen's response to his questions.

Green Gwendolyn
10-24-14, 04:34 PM
Gwen smiled at Elthas, "Eh, I haven't slept yet. I feel a bit drowsy but I still feel plenty active." She placed the steel knife on the step next to her, a muffled *thud* having been made.

She observed her spear, everything so far looked even and good. There was a stump still visible close to where she had stopped. She bit her lip, I'll have to cut that off...

She looked back up at Elthas when he asked if she needed help. Her earlier vision of setting up shop came back to mind. She considered telling him about it. The elf leaned her half barkless stick against the steps and stood up.

"Well..." She pushed her hair behind her ears, "While I have been doing some minor things for other members like knitting that blanket for Miranda and fixing Joseph's deer trap, I haven't done anything major for the Trading Company."

She continued on, "Yes, I make weapons for our guards and stuff, but with all my talents I've never really made profit from it..." She leaned against a beam, "I just want to do something like... maybe set up shop somewhere? I mean, with the right materials I could make some nice stuff for other people. Get money, get some back to the TTC... Y'know."

She pushed herself up again, wiping her hands off her pants, "I have no where where - or if - I should start though." Gwen leaned on one leg, placing her tired hands on her hips, "'Ya got any suggestions?"

11-07-14, 02:54 PM
Placing his hand on his chin, Elthas listened to her speak for a long moment.

She has some good ideas. I have heard of something that might help out...maybe... He waited utnil he was certain she was done talking and then he started to speak. "Well as you do know we are about attempting to establish free trade in Corone, and other places around the world. I want the worker to receive due benefits for participating in fair trade and not worry about being bullied by outlaws, or other shady folk." Elthas paused for a moment. He greeted some of the passersby that walked by his house and then returned his attention back towards Gwen. "A shop would offer more employ to good folk who need work." Elthas said calmly. As he studied her spear he noticed the quality and make of it. It was simple, but had that unique Elven flare to it. She has potential...she just needs to keep working with Otto and the others.

Elthas came up with an idea just then. "When we gather some resources for trade, I have an old contact in The Bazaar district of Radasanth." He considered what he was saying. "It might still be possible to set up an official shop within The Bazaar itself. But that may be getting a bit ahead of ourselves. I still need to figure out if my contact is still interested in doing business with us. If that lead works out, we can set up shop." Elthas looked at Gwen for a long moment, and then turned his attention towards the forest, towards Ruild. Home... Elthas knew The Trading Company was his family now. But he always longed to return to more humble days.

"We'll just need to gather the resources ourselves is my understanding." Elthas said. Then he continued. "Do you have some idea of what you would want to specialize in selling?" Elthas suddenly had thought of that. Specialty goods were always more in demand than a common dagger, or even say, a common spear. "You've been providing goods for the guards. That is an exemplary example of what it means to be a Company member." Elthas told her. He was quite proud of her work. She was coming a long way since the first few days of her employ as a Company member. Elthas closed his eyes for a moment and thought about what it would mean to have an actual SHOP at company disposal. "Lot's of us make different goods. Including myself." He tipped his hat to her. "A shop sounds like a good way to get our services out to more people who need them." Elthas knew it would take work, but that was where The Trading Company excelled. Hard work always won the day out, and kept a man and woman fed. Hard work earned one's keep and lot in life. At what point had Elthas changed? At what point had he really absorbed what it meant to be a Company man?

Green Gwendolyn
11-07-14, 04:47 PM
Gwen was relieved that Elthas considered her insignificant works something to be proud of. However, she was glad to see Elthas was willing to help her out. Setting up shop in Radasanth's bazaar?? That was more than the elf could ever hope for! Gwen was eager to reply a question of his as well.

The girl placed her finger on her chin, thinking thoroughly. "Well, you can pretty much find oak trees anywhere in Corone. Yew also is common... in our home though, the forests are more mature. But some of the trees are... rotten..." Gwen was referring to the world of the elves now, Raiara. Plentiful times, growing up rampaging the country with her father, could old, heavy oak trees be found. However, the dreaded dark curses of the Corpse War lingered in all forms of life. Some trees, in the darker, deeper forests of her vast home, came to life and tried to slay all living flesh and bone in sight. The girl shuddered at the memories of some of the terror she'd seen in her own home land... even as a toddler.

Gwen pushed those thoughts away and attempted to sway her thoughts back to Corone, "The best forest to be found in Corone is beyond a doubt Concordia, but we'd have to go deep into there to find excellent qualities of wood even..."

Gwen once again found herself looking up at Elthas, "Up for some sort of adventure or something?"

11-16-14, 04:58 PM
At the mention of going deep into the wild lands of Ruild once more, Elthas merely grinned.

He tapped his chin thoughtfully and closed his eyes thinking about what SHOULD be done. What will be most beneficial for a course of actions? Elthas carefully considered the situation at hand and listened. He listened most intently to what the wind's sounds were. Elthas used his enhanced senses to pick out any potential danger spots, but admittedly, his own range was still growing. He could not pick up much at the distance they were in from the deeper portion of Ruild. Due to his business with The Trading Company, Elthas USUALLY jumped at a chance to leave the home office areas. His eyes narrowed for a brief moment and he considered. The depths of the forest were home to some particularly nasty dangers and he didn't want Gwen to travel that far in ALONE. There were webs out there that could catch an unsuspecting traveler in a very dangerous predicament...

Elthas nodded after a brief moment passed.

"Hmmns." He began. "Yes, I do agree that we should allocate quality lumber for your project. Yew is fairly common, but preparing a log of yew requires a little more knowledge. Knowledge that we do in fact have plenty of." Elthas said. He continued. "There are certain spots to avoid that far in Ruild's wild lands." Elthas had a sneaking suspicion she wanted to go VERY far in. At least a few day's worth of travelling time into Ruild. Elthas paused. "We'll need an adequate supply of rations and tools for the job at hand. Gwen, you should know me by now. I am ALWAYS ready for the next adventure." Elthas smiled at that point, his momentarily serious demeanor fading away quickly at the thought of the job at hand.

He took pride and being an "on-hands" leader. He wanted to be accessible and accountable for every major facet of the guild. He considered a few more matters. "I can allocate some of my own resources for this venture, but I would recommend we leave on the morrow." Elthas said. "Though it's early, as you know, time is a little different in Ruild." Time means very little in there... Elthas wanted to add. "There are some things out there I would rather not encounter on our trip." The bastard children of N'Jal just one of those threats... Elthas thought as he spoke. Then he was done talking for the time being and continued to observe Gwen very carefully. They were both kindred Elves, and Elthas knew that she was a forest dweller herself. However, that didn't mean that Elthas considered ANY member of The Trading Company expendable. ALL were valuable assets and allies. Something was making Elthas a little nervous at the very MENTION of the deeper portions of Ruild. That something, was perhaps, a hint of some dark knowledge that Elthas was conscious of. Or perhaps...a mere coincidence. Only time would tell.

Green Gwendolyn
11-18-14, 07:12 PM
Gwen smirked, standing up, "Then adventure it is! I'll prepare some food, grab supplies..." Gwen placed her lip on her chin, "I have a wood axe, but we may need a spare. Should we bring extras? -O- Oh! And how do we drag our logs back??" The blond's mind was whirling with plans. She reached down and picked up her half done spear, "We may need extra weapons too. Shall we take this?"

Gwen may have been awkward and reckless, but she always made sure she was ready for action and always came prepared. She was buzzing with ideas for the project, "Elthas, where was the best place in Ruild you have found the best yew?"

She was getting ahead of herself, that was for sure...

11-21-14, 04:51 PM
"I...don't know about the BEST quality of yew. But good lumber stock can be found a few miles out. Towards that way." Elthas pointed towards the western direction of Concordia Forest. Ruild. As he pointed in that general direction, he considered what was being asked. Lumber is needed. She probably needs a few extra loggers besides me. "Gwen." Elthas began.

"Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we need to allocate a few of our loggers for this task. It helps to go with a well rounded crew of workers for such an expedition. I figure we need about a week to gather the lumber need we need, in the amounts that you're probably thinking of." Elthas tapped his chin. "Gather your supplies, meet me back here on the porch in about an hour, I'm going to see which of our loggers are currently available." Etlhas fully straightened his height and looked at Gwen with a meaningful expression on his face. Then, he proceeded to walk towards the sawmill area of their small township. It was a nameless town, but it got the job done for The Trading Company's purposes. Elthas made his way towards that area with many thoughts passing through his mind. The most important thought was giving fellow workers a job. All members of The Trading Company had to do their part, and Invetisto had saw fit to put that in their manifesto.

Elthas made it swiftly to the sawmill area where several of the workers were busy doing lumber mill and sawmill tasks. The foreman spotted Elthas.

"Yo!" He greeted Elthas. Hank was a burly fellow, Gisela origin. Tightly cropped auburn hair, and a well built physique. He was a classically built Corone Hume. "Got a new shipment in this morning from the forest."

"How much lumber has been processed already?" Elthas asked.

"About twenty solid logs have been processed into lumber. The logs weigh in about 650kilograms a unit." Hank looked at Elthas. "It's slow work due to the density of the Yew." Hank said calmly.

"I understand. Do you have any free loggers available at the moment? I need to process some Yew lumber for about a week's worth of work." Elthas instructed.

Hank's eyes went wide for a moment. "A WEEK?!" Hank asked. "Sir that would take about a month to process all together."

"We have time." Elthas explained. "I need large amount of lumber for a respective project that will benefit The Company. Do you think your crew can handle that?"

Hank rubbed his chin. "Largest order we've seen come through the mill so far was only a couple of day's stockpile. HOWEVER, for you boss, we can make it happen." Hank said. "We will need something from The Company stock though."

"Name it." Elthas responded.

"Gotta get an upgrade to both the sawmill and the lumber mill. Gonna need a few more loggers hired on hand too." Hank continued. "Order that sized is gonna require the tools for the job, you know what I'm saying?"

"Done." Elthas said calmly. "I'll allocate whatever resources you need to upgrade the facilities in question. I just need to make sure we can get this other project done too."

"Two birds, one stone huh?" Hank commented. "Boss just be careful out there, them bandits you spoke of from before have been spotted out in some of the ridges again."

"I know how to deal with that lot." Elthas frowned. "i doubt that they will come too close after last time, but IF they do, they got something else coming to them." Elthas explained. "How soon will it take for your crew to upgrade the buildings?" Elthas asked.

"Few days, tops." Hank explained. "Work in shifts, so that we can get as much done as possible, I know how you like to have quality workers around."

"You bleed for me, I bleed for you." Elthas said with a sort of far away expression on his face. "Hank, I'll need approximately three of the best loggers you can spare to accompany me and Lady Gwen out into Ruild."

"How soon you need those lugs by?" Hank asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon. Have them ready by then." Elthas said. "One more thing Hank. Have you taken lunch break yet?"

"Not yet, still early in the day for a break. Too much shit has to get done." Hank said.

"Make sure you get your break soon though, I don't want to have to relieve you." Elthas grinned.

"Aye sir." Hank responded. "Boss. I'll have your men ready by tomorrow afternoon. Count on it."

"I know." Elthas responded and continued to take care of other tasks that needed doing...