View Full Version : Random IM Conversations (Part 3)

10-01-06, 02:04 PM
Too many pages. Need new one.

AngelicMalice15 (2:53:25 PM): Dies iræ! dies illa
Solvet sæclum in favilla
Teste David cum Sibylla!
bruneishirt (2:54:10 PM): hahaha
bruneishirt (2:54:12 PM): what
AngelicMalice15 (2:54:49 PM): Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando judex est venturus,
cuncta stricte discussurus!
bruneishirt (2:54:58 PM): ok
AngelicMalice15 (2:55:28 PM): I'm reciting Dies Irae, what with your damned soul and all
bruneishirt (2:55:41 PM): right
AngelicMalice15 (2:55:55 PM): You wrote on AllRpg,
AngelicMalice15 (2:56:00 PM): Obviously you're going to hell
bruneishirt (2:56:06 PM): hahaha
bruneishirt (2:56:11 PM): I wrote that and they put it on AllRPG
bruneishirt (2:56:20 PM): back when Althanas was on AllRPG's server
bruneishirt (2:56:25 PM): so you would go to allrpg
bruneishirt (2:56:28 PM): click a link to an althanas page
bruneishirt (2:56:33 PM): and click a link there to the forums
bruneishirt (2:56:37 PM): and news was posted on that intermediate page
AngelicMalice15 (2:56:48 PM): Or Bookmark Althanas' page.
bruneishirt (2:57:05 PM): that's what I did
bruneishirt (2:57:09 PM): but as you might imagine
bruneishirt (2:57:20 PM): people who are coming to althanas who aren't regulars
bruneishirt (2:57:22 PM): havent' done that
AngelicMalice15 (2:57:51 PM): I'm sure. And these people bought Railguns on AIM?
bruneishirt (2:57:58 PM): he was a regular
AngelicMalice15 (2:58:18 PM): Althanas must be purged of the old.
bruneishirt (2:58:25 PM): that includes you now
AngelicMalice15 (2:58:28 PM): What?1
AngelicMalice15 (2:58:34 PM): I'm not old.
bruneishirt (2:58:35 PM): you've been around long enough
AngelicMalice15 (2:58:47 PM): Like, A year and 3 months
AngelicMalice15 (2:58:53 PM): Not the 5 years you have
bruneishirt (2:59:07 PM): well I've only been active a total of three probably
bruneishirt (2:59:10 PM): but
bruneishirt (2:59:15 PM): a year and three months is long enough
bruneishirt (2:59:25 PM): everyone will always excuse their own tenure by saying that someone else has been here longer
bruneishirt (2:59:26 PM): but sadly
bruneishirt (2:59:28 PM): that won't fly
AngelicMalice15 (2:59:38 PM): Look, I have a simple cut off
AngelicMalice15 (2:59:44 PM): Anyone who remembers more then one crash
AngelicMalice15 (2:59:54 PM): They must be purged
bruneishirt (2:59:56 PM): I actually was only around for one of the crashes
bruneishirt (2:59:58 PM): so I only remember one
AngelicMalice15 (3:00:15 PM): Anyone from Tanalthanas and back
AngelicMalice15 (3:00:18 PM): There you go.
bruneishirt (3:00:39 PM): well there was a tanthanas skin after that
AngelicMalice15 (3:01:29 PM): Anyone who remembers either a Railgun or Santhalas rping
bruneishirt (3:01:45 PM): hahaha
bruneishirt (3:01:52 PM): oh ho
bruneishirt (3:01:54 PM): you got me
bruneishirt (3:01:57 PM): I remember the railgun
AngelicMalice15 (3:02:54 PM): There you go. Now stand still while I pray for your immortal soul

10-01-06, 02:07 PM
God this is hilarious, ha ha ha.

Vampiric Angel
10-06-06, 08:08 PM
((Another long ass conversation between two really stubborn guys.
AngelicMalice15 = Vorin
Kyrsdvaggadaggan = Me))

AngelicMalice15 (7:39:20 PM): Dance
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:39:32 PM): buh
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:39:38 PM): *starts to dance*
AngelicMalice15 (7:44:14 PM): Dance better
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:45:04 PM): *bursts into break dancing*
AngelicMalice15 (7:45:18 PM): Now do it naked
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:45:36 PM): *stops dancing and looks at you incredulously*
AngelicMalice15 (7:45:55 PM): *takes out incriminating photos of you peeing on a 14 year old girl*
AngelicMalice15 (7:46:30 PM): I don't like repeating myself
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:47:24 PM): *laughs at the quality of the doctored photos and still stands there staring*
AngelicMalice15 (7:47:34 PM): *takes out 9 mm.*
AngelicMalice15 (7:47:39 PM): *shoots you in hand*
AngelicMalice15 (7:47:54 PM): What did I just say ho?
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:48:07 PM): *laughs again, knowing that all pain is fleeting*
AngelicMalice15 (7:48:23 PM): *shoots you in the balls*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:48:50 PM): *falls over clutching his privates
AngelicMalice15 (7:49:20 PM): What did I just say bitch!?! *fires off 2 more rounds into your ass*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:50:01 PM): *lies and takes the shots, focusing on the cruciating pain of having his balls punctured by a speeding bullet*
AngelicMalice15 (7:50:53 PM): *bullet inside balls turns into tiny robot that implants you with some strange man's seed. You've now become pregnant
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:52:25 PM): *white blood cells kills the unborn child, since it is unnatural in a male's body*
AngelicMalice15 (7:53:23 PM): *injects you with AIDS, fires 2 rounds into your stomach to re-impregnate you*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (7:55:17 PM): *since the AIDS was just injected, it did not have time to properly weaken the immune system, and the unborn child is once again killed by the white blood cells*
AngelicMalice15 (7:55:46 PM): *this child is alien. it does not die, instead t divides, 47 times*
AngelicMalice15 (7:55:53 PM): *and you crap your pants*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:00:04 PM): *unbeknownst to the aliens, their human transport also has Explosive Diarrhea, and they are blasted out of the anus as the human craps his pants*
AngelicMalice15 (8:00:29 PM): *kills you with a bullet to the head. teabags the corpse*
AngelicMalice15 (8:01:26 PM): You suck, I hope you know that. You and your MAtrix quiz
AngelicMalice15 (8:02:14 PM): I'm not Cypher
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:03:37 PM): *after a few moments of "death", the human opens his eyes with a slow intake of air and rises to his feet, a serene look on his face*
AngelicMalice15 (8:05:00 PM): *shoots again*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:06:52 PM): *raises hand while softly saying, "No." and the bullet stops in midair, only to fall with the human's gaze to the floor*
AngelicMalice15 (8:07:22 PM): *raises hand, saying "Yes", "Bullets rise back up and hit you*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:08:56 PM): *steals a quote from Highlander and says, "There can be only one." and sends the bullets flying back*
AngelicMalice15 (8:09:22 PM): *steals the premise from the highlander and doesn't die, because he's immortal*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:11:03 PM): *runs toward his attacker, jumps inside him and takes control of the body, forcing him to cut his own head off while the human jumps outside the body just in time to watch the head roll to the floor*
AngelicMalice15 (8:11:50 PM): *head grows into new body, the decapitated body grows a new head. Both put on sun glasses as crappy techno plays. Yawns*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:15:41 PM): *calms himself with a deep breath, stands up straight, the left hand laid softly on the small of the back while the other hand is upturned and facing the attackers. Turns sideways to the attackers, his head and upturned hand still facing them. Slowly folds his fingers back and forth, urging the attackers on*
AngelicMalice15 (8:19:22 PM): *sudden;y, a small english voice calls out, "The eagles!" as a pair of large birds come down and attack him. Meanwhile, a horned, red faced attack appears from the shadows weilding a dual red lightsaber. Just as that is happening, a large marshmellow creatures lumbers towards you. As if that wasn't enough, the parliment building blows up to the theme of the 1812 overature.*
AngelicMalice15 (8:19:51 PM): Bitch. Meet the climax of four other movies
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:21:09 PM): lol Okay, okay...you win. XD
AngelicMalice15 (8:21:39 PM): Good, because I ran out of well known..wait!
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:22:05 PM): lol
AngelicMalice15 (8:22:08 PM): *the decapitated head of Brad Pitt's wife suddenly falls from the ceiling as jet li tries to kill the emperor of china.*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:22:38 PM): lol Brad Pitt wife's head was in a box...
AngelicMalice15 (8:22:55 PM): *The vampires from the Theater De Vampires pop out of no where to drag you inside a large mteal coffin and into the daylight
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:23:14 PM): lol OKAY I GET IT!
AngelicMalice15 (8:23:15 PM): *just as Obi Wan jumps to the high groud on Mustafar
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:23:26 PM): jeesh
AngelicMalice15 (8:23:35 PM): I'm looking into my movie closet
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:23:40 PM): lol
AngelicMalice15 (8:23:42 PM): And yes, Brad Pitt's wife, the movie seven
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:24:02 PM): yea, her head was in a box, it didn't fall from the ceiling
AngelicMalice15 (8:24:13 PM): Yeah, and neo wasn't teabagged
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:24:23 PM): lol
AngelicMalice15 (8:24:24 PM): So lets just call it all even steven
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:24:32 PM): a great show that is
AngelicMalice15 (8:25:19 PM): *The armies of the greeks lead by Brad Pitt charge at you as the king of Jerusalem decalre you Saladin and call upon crusader knights lead by Brad Pitt to kill you.*
AngelicMalice15 (8:25:39 PM): *Armies of Uruk hai are sent to capture you for torture as your friends are cut off in fierce combat*
AngelicMalice15 (8:25:42 PM): What did you say?
AngelicMalice15 (8:27:10 PM): Even Stevens made me hate humanity
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:27:45 PM): so....it was still a good show
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:27:56 PM): you just have bast tastes
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:01 PM): Yes
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:03 PM): Best taste
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:06 PM): Daria
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:11 PM): That was a good show
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:28:14 PM): no, I meant bad*
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:24 PM): Cowboy Bebop was a good show
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:28:32 PM): yeah it was
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:28:36 PM): a fitting end
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:37 PM): Even Stevens, was not.
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:46 PM): It made jokes about bacon!
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:48 PM): BACON
AngelicMalice15 (8:28:53 PM): *seppuku*
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:29:02 PM): because BACON IS AWESOME!
AngelicMalice15 (8:29:06 PM): It's not funny!@
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:29:20 PM): nuh uh!
AngelicMalice15 (8:29:22 PM): Lobster tastes good too
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:29:28 PM): lol duh
AngelicMalice15 (8:30:03 PM): I should make you my bitch in a thread.
AngelicMalice15 (8:30:12 PM): We need to counter the lesbain action threads
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:30:26 PM): lol if I ever agree to write in a thread with you
AngelicMalice15 (8:30:48 PM): Wah!?
AngelicMalice15 (8:30:51 PM): Why not?
AngelicMalice15 (8:30:54 PM): I'm BRILLIANT
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:31:23 PM): lol I'm not agreeing to anything that has you planning to make me your bitch
AngelicMalice15 (8:31:32 PM): Can I be yours?
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:31:38 PM): -.-
AngelicMalice15 (8:31:51 PM): I'll call you papa smurf
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:32:05 PM): 0.0
AngelicMalice15 (8:32:27 PM): You can use a cane
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:33:17 PM): *slowly hunches over trembling, falls to the floor and assumes the fetal position, mumbling*
AngelicMalice15 (8:33:47 PM): Kinky
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (8:35:25 PM): *stands up, wide eyed, and slowly walks out the door*

((Didn't realize there was a part 3.))

10-09-06, 08:34 AM
AngelicMalice15 (9:20:25 AM): Query: Is there someone you need killed, master?
nekobooi (9:21:03 AM): No, and wgat's your sudden fasination with robots
AngelicMalice15 (9:21:48 AM): Statement: It is not all robots master. Merely in interest in the HK-47 assassin/protocol droid.
nekobooi (9:22:26 AM): So essentially the only robot that can insult it's master and try to kill them when their back is turned?
AngelicMalice15 (9:25:43 AM): Correction: Oh meatb...I mean master. As HK-47 I cannot harm my current master. However, the strangest things often happen to them, resulting in their death.
AngelicMalice15 (9:26:10 AM): Amendment: To be fair, I power down when my current meatbag is dead.
nekobooi (9:26:35 AM): So how do you get a new master then?
AngelicMalice15 (9:27:37 AM): Condescension: Master...Perhaps you have never heard of people buying droids. But how could you hear anything with all those pulsating and quivering organs.
nekobooi (9:28:08 AM): Rather hard actually. It's also just I'm something of a luddite with droids
AngelicMalice15 (9:28:46 AM): *shoots* Apology: Oh forgive me meatbag! Did you need that arm?
nekobooi (9:29:07 AM): Gah! It's like with my entire family all over again!
AngelicMalice15 (9:30:35 AM): *fires twelve more shots* Observation: Your frail meatbag form cannot seem to take my laser blasts.
AngelicMalice15 (9:31:18 AM): How odd.
nekobooi (9:31:22 AM): *triggers emp*
AngelicMalice15 (9:31:49 AM): Statement: But master, don't you remember installing my electronic shield?
AngelicMalice15 (9:32:05 AM): *throws grenade at crotch*
nekobooi (9:32:29 AM): I just wanted to die happy *watches Easy to Masterbate to Porn*

Vampiric Angel
10-11-06, 05:56 PM
::Random, yet funny, convos with my best friend::

MDLWdischarge (6:04:11 PM): I ish crazy
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:04:27 PM): like a chipmunk fucking a coconut
MDLWdischarge (6:04:32 PM): 0.o
MDLWdischarge (6:04:35 PM): thats not crazy
MDLWdischarge (6:04:36 PM): thats just wrong
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:04:39 PM): XD
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:04:48 PM): aren't they both one in the same?
MDLWdischarge (6:05:35 PM): nah
MDLWdischarge (6:05:43 PM): thats like saying my face is the same as my ass
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:05:48 PM): lol
MDLWdischarge (6:05:50 PM): ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS
MDLWdischarge (6:05:53 PM): oh fuck
MDLWdischarge (6:05:58 PM): today is wednesday isnt it?
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:06:09 PM): yep yep ^^
MDLWdischarge (6:06:12 PM): son of a bitch...
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:06:25 PM): screwed yourself on that one my friend
MDLWdischarge (6:06:32 PM): meh
MDLWdischarge (6:06:34 PM): thats okay
MDLWdischarge (6:06:41 PM): if I can screw my self... my penis is huge
MDLWdischarge (6:06:43 PM): lol!
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:06:53 PM): O.O...
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:07:03 PM): i feel so violated
MDLWdischarge (6:07:39 PM): you said it
MDLWdischarge (6:07:44 PM): =P

* * * *
MDLWdischarge (6:36:55 PM): LOL
MDLWdischarge (6:36:59 PM): I just pwnt a newb misquite
MDLWdischarge (6:37:03 PM): misquito
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:37:07 PM): lol
MDLWdischarge (6:37:15 PM): he entered my room so his pvp came on automatically
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:37:23 PM): XD
MDLWdischarge (6:37:24 PM): I was like LEVEL 1 NEWB
MDLWdischarge (6:37:24 PM): DIE
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:37:44 PM): nice
MDLWdischarge (6:38:41 PM): I used my 1h weapons empty mountain dew 2 liter
MDLWdischarge (6:38:45 PM): to one shot the fucker
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:38:59 PM): lol

* * * *

MDLWdischarge (6:42:09 PM): lol dude
MDLWdischarge (6:42:14 PM): I have something that is weird to tell you
MDLWdischarge (6:42:17 PM): that I found out today
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:42:27 PM): what?
MDLWdischarge (6:42:29 PM): apparently... I have more estrogen in my body... than testosterone
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:42:40 PM): AAAAAHHHH!!!!
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:42:46 PM): HERMAPHRODITE!!!
MDLWdischarge (6:42:50 PM): ...
MDLWdischarge (6:42:51 PM): only
MDLWdischarge (6:42:54 PM): I dont have a vagina
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:42:59 PM): lol...right
MDLWdischarge (6:43:00 PM): or boobs
MDLWdischarge (6:43:03 PM): *sigh*
MDLWdischarge (6:43:04 PM): if only
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:43:07 PM): XD
MDLWdischarge (6:43:10 PM): lol
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:43:20 PM): you'd play with them in every waking moment
MDLWdischarge (6:43:25 PM): uhm
MDLWdischarge (6:43:29 PM): mainly my vagina if I had one
MDLWdischarge (6:43:35 PM): cause vaginas are 1337
Kyrsdvaggadaggan (6:43:38 PM): lol
MDLWdischarge (6:44:27 PM): they are!!!

11-01-06, 07:21 PM
Leg of Might: *falls over laughing*
The Pyxie: good bye
The Pyxie: you aren't my lover anymore
Leg of Might: :-(
Leg of Might: what is love?
The Pyxie: you obviously have no clue
Leg of Might: (Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more)
Leg of Might: What is love!!!
Leg of Might: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
Leg of Might: Dun dun dun da dadun dun dun da da dun dun dun *bops head*
The Pyxie: *for real leaves*
Leg of Might: *echo: don't hurt me*
Leg of Might: *record scratches to a halt*
Leg of Might: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I would deeeeww anything foooor love.
Leg of Might: But I wownt deeewww thayt.

11-04-06, 08:43 PM
[21:29] AngelicMalice15: I need to make a gay biker gang in mexico
[21:30] AngelicMalice15: We'd so call ourselves Maricones del los muetros
[21:31] StaticValor: I'm sure that'd go over well.
[21:31] AngelicMalice15: Mexico sucks to begin with
[21:31] AngelicMalice15: No one would care.
[21:32] StaticValor: Haha, someone needs courses on cultural sensitivity.
[21:33] AngelicMalice15: Oh, where would I get that? In one of your rural piece of shit shack, backwoods schools? Or some Liberal new money media center up north here where everyone blows off love dolls of Ted Kennedy?
[21:34] StaticValor: The second place. We don't have schools here.
[21:34] AngelicMalice15: Wait, I'll get shitfaced on weed, sly out west to Cali, and while I'm bent over in a parking lot for some loser surfer with the language capacity of Keanu Reeves, I'll study a text book covered with ads for Coca Cola.
[21:34] AngelicMalice15: fly*
[21:35] AngelicMalice15: Fuck cultural sensitivity.
[21:35] AngelicMalice15: Did I miss a part of American culture?
[21:38] StaticValor: Haha, I was joking. Probably!
[21:39] AngelicMalice15: I'd do the Midwest, but..what the fuck does the Midwest have...except a little Diddy about Jack and Dianne.
[21:39] AngelicMalice15: You know what?
[21:39] AngelicMalice15: Jack's gone
[21:39] AngelicMalice15: Went to prison for slapping Dianne up when he was drunk
[21:39] AngelicMalice15: And Dianne, she's fat, barefoot, and pregnant with her nineth child.

11-20-06, 08:55 PM
[21:50] AngelicMalice15: Why do you always have to kill a few before you go down.
[21:51] Tvoja Zvijer: Because she's badass and lv4. I have to kill somebody to make it realistic.
[21:51] AngelicMalice15: Or you could not ride a fucking Phoenix and throw magic glaives of DEATH
[21:51] Tvoja Zvijer: But it was so cool.
[21:51] AngelicMalice15: The spear should've hit you
[21:53] Tvoja Zvijer: Why?
[21:53] AngelicMalice15: So Rhea's top would fall off.. Several of the female slavers would then go over and brutally rape her
[21:53] Tvoja Zvijer: You should've mentioned that earlier and I would've done it.
[21:54] Tvoja Zvijer: Wait, they can still do that.
[21:54] AngelicMalice15: No they can't
[21:54] AngelicMalice15: There are no female slavers
[21:54] Tvoja Zvijer: Rhea will be tied down because she killed some of them
[21:54] AngelicMalice15: God damn it, it was sarcasm!
[21:54] Tvoja Zvijer: Bummer

11-20-06, 11:20 PM
You really enjoyed these quirky little convo snippets, don't you? ;)

11-24-06, 11:31 PM
[23:46] AngelicMalice15: Say what you will, but a D- in sucking cock is still a passing grade, and passing takes some skill
[23:46] Godhand: Listen man, the next time you have a thought like that you take it to the fucking grave because I certainly don't want to hear it,.
[23:47] AngelicMalice15: Look, I'm sure if you had stories of sexual conquest I'd be here for hours listening to you remember the days of Lady Bird Johnson and Martha Washington
[23:47] Godhand: Madam, I am a gentleman!\
[23:47] AngelicMalice15: And Catherine the Great for that matter
[23:47] AngelicMalice15: You hit that in a minute
[23:47] AngelicMalice15: You'd*
[23:48] Godhand: Did I ever tell you about the time I went down on the queen mother?
[23:48] AngelicMalice15: I'm assuming you're a tall man, so that would've been a long trip down
[23:48] Godhand: But what a trip it was.
[23:49] AngelicMalice15: Any bling in the nether regions?
[23:49] Godhand: Only her succulent pearl.
[23:49] AngelicMalice15: That's disgusting
[23:50] AngelicMalice15: Womanly parts should be feared
[23:50] AngelicMalice15: They cause the downfall of man
[23:50] Godhand: It's amazing how you can type so quickly with one hand.
[23:50] AngelicMalice15: I have practice.
[23:50] Godhand: Jesus, don't you think I know that?
[23:50] AngelicMalice15: You should see me do it with my head down
[23:51] Godhand: What did I tell you about keeping that sort of shit to yourself?
[23:51] AngelicMalice15: You brought it up
[23:51] Godhand: And now I'm shooting it down.

11-25-06, 12:11 AM
You scare me... O____o

Skie and Avery
11-26-06, 02:31 PM
Badly Ice Cream: Naughty truckers gone wild!
RestitutionSpork: n.n All the time
Badly Ice Cream: Wild boy!
RestitutionSpork: But I'm a girl?
Badly Ice Cream: I'm talking about me, silly.
Badly Ice Cream: You're a goose.
Badly Ice Cream: Quack.
RestitutionSpork: rofl
Badly Ice Cream: Roffle yourself.
RestitutionSpork: I do, often
Badly Ice Cream: Can I roffle you?
RestitutionSpork: Just be careful. You break it, you buy it.
Badly Ice Cream: Okay, as long as I get 50% off.
RestitutionSpork: You break anything, you better believe you'll have half off, and stuck to a skewer.
Badly Ice Cream: Wow, you're witty.
RestitutionSpork: Hee hee hee. I try. Ugh. What should I have for lunch? Mac and cheese or cous cous?
Badly Ice Cream: When are you gonna help me with my horniness like you promised?
Badly Ice Cream: Uhh
Badly Ice Cream: I don't know your funny amercan slang
RestitutionSpork: Doesn't being around me help? And what do you mean? Mac and cheese? Macaronie noodles with cheese sauce or couscous? It's like....rice...I think. I don't know what the hell it is, but I cook it with dijon mustard and salmon filets and it's pretty damn good. I've got a little electric stove in the truck now.
Badly Ice Cream: Well id does a little bt
Badly Ice Cream: but i'm a teenager
Badly Ice Cream: nothing helps for very long
RestitutionSpork: Wait. A teenager? How old are you?
RestitutionSpork: And couscous is "certified organic unenriched whole durum semolina wheat" according to the bucket.
Badly Ice Cream: 19
RestitutionSpork: Oh, okay. Just making sure you were legal before I agreed to anything else. =P
Badly Ice Cream: Haha
Badly Ice Cream: What is this anything else?
RestitutionSpork: I dunno. Monopoly Monday Nights?
Badly Ice Cream: What is that?
RestitutionSpork: Playing Monopoly on Monday nights, duh.
Badly Ice Cream: That sounds suspiciously like something a loser (not me) would do
RestitutionSpork: Hey now. We had Star Wars Monopoly. Recognize!
Badly Ice Cream: I recognize that I'm losing my libido. Well done.
RestitutionSpork: Hey, I helped! Hee hee heee
Badly Ice Cream: Not in the way intended
RestitutionSpork: Most products don't work the way they are intended.
RestitutionSpork: And you haven't even paid for me yet.
Badly Ice Cream: it's a sample that I don't want more of
RestitutionSpork: Fine then!
RestitutionSpork: Bitch
RestitutionSpork: Now that you don't want me anymore, I'm going to make an angsty post and listen to Kelly Clarkson.
Badly Ice Cream: Then masturbate.
Badly Ice Cream: With me.
RestitutionSpork: No, you broke up with me.
Badly Ice Cream: We didn't have kinky break up sex?
RestitutionSpork: We never had kinky new couple sex either, you ass.
RestitutionSpork: Now I'm going to tell all my hot friends not to date you.
Badly Ice Cream: That's mean.
Badly Ice Cream: And now I'm turned on.
RestitutionSpork: Well then you'd best take a trip to Rosy Palms' resort and massage palmer... parlour.
Badly Ice Cream: Why?
RestitutionSpork: Because this is a sample you don't want any more of.
Badly Ice Cream: I changed my mind
Badly Ice Cream: Please?
Badly Ice Cream: I feel so empty without you.
RestitutionSpork: I don't know if I can deal with such a fickle man, and you left me so brokenhearted. Let me finish this CD before I know what I should say to you. If Kelly Clarkson can find the strength to love again, then maybe I can think about it.
Badly Ice Cream: I love Kelly Clarkson
RestitutionSpork: ........ Oh it's over! I bet you think I can never be as good as her, huh? Just because I wasn't an American Idol! Just because I can spell out the word "you" and not need to reduce it to one letter! *sob* I hate you, you bastard!
Badly Ice Cream: That's right. Daddy likes the rought stuff.
RestitutionSpork: You're messed up, my friend.
Badly Ice Cream: I know.

12-03-06, 07:48 PM
SaluterNijj66 (6:29:23 PM): me back now
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:29:29 PM): No.
SaluterNijj66 (6:29:33 PM): dammit
SaluterNijj66 (6:29:35 PM): why not?
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:05 PM): Hall
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:08 PM): hell
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:30:13 PM): Heil.
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:14 PM): wot
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:20 PM): Heil Kitty!
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:30:28 PM): SEIGN HEIL
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:32 PM): rofl
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:36 PM): what do this mean
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:37 PM): O.o
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:44 PM): black...omg@
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:47 PM): whow
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:53 PM): you can see it on screen
SaluterNijj66 (6:30:57 PM): but you can't see what you're typing
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:01 PM): weird!
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:05 PM): weird!
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:07 PM): WTF
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:31:08 PM): ....
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:09 PM): WHERE ARE MY CAPS
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:12 PM): THER THEY ARE
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:14 PM): lol
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:16 PM): shhh!
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:31:17 PM): There, douche.
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:25 PM): lol
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:26 PM): wow
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:28 PM): that's cool
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:29 PM): wheee
SaluterNijj66 (6:31:31 PM): >.>
SaluterNijj66 (6:33:56 PM): wooooo
SaluterNijj66 (6:34:08 PM): omg
SaluterNijj66 (6:34:10 PM): weird
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:08 PM): wot wot
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:11 PM): lol
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:13 PM): yay
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:23 PM): don't mind me
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:35:26 PM): ...You have too much fun.
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:28 PM): I'm just insane
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:35 PM): is there a problem with having fun?
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:35:39 PM): Easily ammused does not help in this situation.
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:46 PM): hey!
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:47 PM): whee
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:50 PM): hey, look
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:52 PM): a butterfly
SaluterNijj66 (6:35:57 PM): !!! *eats it*
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:00 PM): pleh!!
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:05 PM): doesn't taste like butter.
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:36:14 PM): ...
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:18 PM): why name a butterfly a butterfly if it doesn't even taste like butter!!!
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:22 PM): ???!?!!
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:28 PM): WHHHY!?
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:29 PM): idk
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:32 PM): no really
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:34 PM): i don't now
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:36 PM): kno
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:38 PM): know!
SaluterNijj66 (6:36:45 PM): >.>
SaluterNijj66 (6:41:57 PM): yay
SaluterNijj66 (6:42:12 PM): I feel like dancing...dancing...DANCING!
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:42:22 PM): So.
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:42:27 PM): There was a guy who went insane.
SaluterNijj66 (6:42:32 PM): *trips, falls, hurts himself, then falls into a very large vat of cream cheese*
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:42:34 PM): I smashed his skull in with a shovel
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:42:37 PM): Now his name is DURRR
SaluterNijj66 (6:42:41 PM): rofl
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:42:42 PM): So, how are you?
SaluterNijj66 (6:42:42 PM): realy?
SaluterNijj66 (6:42:45 PM): Duurrr....
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:43:14 PM): ...Lolol.
SaluterNijj66 (6:44:01 PM): ha...>.>
SaluterNijj66 (6:44:05 PM): I have to much fun with myself
SaluterNijj66 (6:44:10 PM): ...my hand hurts
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:45:04 PM): ..Not going to ask. >_>;
SaluterNijj66 (6:45:09 PM): good
SaluterNijj66 (6:45:24 PM): cause it's on a need to know basis.
SaluterNijj66 (6:45:27 PM): and you don't need to know
SaluterNijj66 (6:45:33 PM): except...maybe...no, nevermind
SaluterNijj66 (6:45:48 PM): *realizes he's still up to his neck in cream cheese*
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:45:57 PM): Okay..Travis.
SaluterNijj66 (6:46:02 PM): You wouldn't, by any chance, have a begal on you?
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:46:01 PM): You're REALLY scaring me.
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:46:02 PM): So.
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:46:07 PM): I'm going to go play CS. >.>
SaluterNijj66 (6:46:11 PM): okies
SaluterNijj66 (6:46:13 PM): buh byes!
SaluterNijj66 (6:46:19 PM): *waves as he eats cream cheese*
XXXDarkFlareXXX (6:46:37 PM): ..Yeah...you do that. >.>

I'm SaulterNijj66 and my best friend is XXXDarkFlareXXX.

12-04-06, 02:45 AM
*Rolls on the floor laughing like an idiot*


Cyrus the virus
12-05-06, 07:48 PM
My genius is large.

R34l l337 1: didn't think of that. wow you Candians are good for more than giving head to hockey players.
R34l l337 1: who would have thought?
DraconianCyrus: CFL players

12-06-06, 10:04 PM
SaluterNijj66 (7:56:56 PM): I can't see! I can't see!

O.o Dude, it's a tunnel.

Yeah? So?


BigDogJr87 (7:58:02 PM): lol
SaluterNijj66 (7:58:01 PM): Yes, the life an underground squirrel is a hard one.
BigDogJr87 (7:59:42 PM): lol
SaluterNijj66 (7:59:23 PM): And do you know why?
BigDogJr87 (8:00:06 PM): cuz its a squirrel?
SaluterNijj66 (8:00:21 PM): No, cause, THEY HAVE NO NUTS MAN! No nuts with which to dangle between their legs or hold between their cheeks! No nuts to bury in the ground, only to dig up three months later and gorge themselves on! No nuts man! NO NUTS!!
SaluterNijj66 (8:00:35 PM): Oh the agony!!
SaluterNijj66 (8:00:44 PM): heeheeheehee...>.>
BigDogJr87 (8:01:22 PM): lol ur insane man

12-06-06, 10:41 PM
A conversation with me and a friend of mine. It speaks for itself...

[23:13] me: Just got done watching "thank you for smoking"
[23:13] Her: uhhh
[23:13] Her: fun times
[23:14] Her: i kinda wanted to see that
[23:14] Her: was it good
[23:14] me: ooo it's good
[23:20] Her: goo times
[23:21] me: goo?
[23:22] Her: uh, yeah.
[23:22] Her: i didn't s-s-stutter
[23:23] me: w-w-what d-does goo mean?
[23:24] Her: its something that kinda has a loose translation, kinda like art.... the artist doesn't describe what they meant when they painted or sculpted whatever it is... so the sayer of goo doesn't have to say what they exactly meant by it when they said it, the other person is left to their own subjective definitions
[23:26] me: so you crafted the word goo and seamlessly interposed it into regular conversation as its medium, for the purpose of displaying your artwork to me and allowing me to evaluate it subjectively by applying it to my life and my personal beliefs in order to draw out its true meaning?
[23:27] Her: yes. or you could use context clues to find out the meaning. either way. your choice. i can't tell you what to do with my art once it leaves my brain.
[23:28] me: indeed, once the artist believes the piece is finished and ready for public display, they must leave it to the audience to determine how to evaluate it and in what context
[23:28] Her: indeed.
[23:29] me: well then... I guess there is nothing left except to evaluate the structure and composition of the word "goo", including its medium, and relate it to my own experiences to discover what it means to me
[23:31] me: well... I believe that by placing two "o"s next in close proximity to each other and another "g"... you are saying that the "g" is an outsider... discriminated against because it looks different, and is unwelcome in the company of the "o"s
[23:31] me: this is simply a metaphor for our society, which discriminates against anyone who is unfamiliar or looks different
[23:31] me: by interposing the word into casual conversation, you are implying that this occurs every day, and nothing is thought of it, because it is so common
[23:32] me: so the real message is to try and open the people's eyes to the hatred and rejection that is occuring everywhere in our society, in an effort to elicit some action and make the world a friendlier place
[23:33] Her: you just wrote a 2 page reaction paper on the use of goo in casual conversation. sweet.
[23:34] Her: i am impressed
[23:34] Her: how do you spell thuroughly thoughroughly thoroughly... thrology(haha i jk that isn't it) uhhh
[23:35] Her: although, thrology is a cool word.
[23:35] Her: goo times ya?
[23:35] me: ROFL
[23:35] me: indeed... goo times

Slayer of the Rot
12-14-06, 11:36 PM
RestitutionSpork (11:57:48 PM): Oooo, I like your post
Alcoholic Slayer (11:58:16 PM): haha, thanks. i didn't think it would be that long
RestitutionSpork (11:58:43 PM): It's cool. It read really easily.
RestitutionSpork (11:59:07 PM): I loved his reaction at the bourbon and the references to his time at the Pub.
RestitutionSpork (11:59:44 PM): He should have a threesome with Tshael and Nyahala.



Alcoholic Slayer (2:15:04 AM): Psst...don't tell him I told you, but I heard Slayer of the Rot call you a hussy!
RestitutionSpork (2:16:22 AM): Well, don't tell him I told you, but I know for a fact that Slayer of the Rot has the smallest dick on Althanas.
Alcoholic Slayer (2:17:25 AM): WHAT?!
Alcoholic Slayer (2:17:31 AM): I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!

Mage Hunter
12-17-06, 10:13 PM
[19:24] SethDahlios: Unless you count the countless threads that occur each night with wanton sex, but as far as scandals go we need one
[19:24] SethDahlios: Maybe the queen of Alerar impregnated a High Elf Bard?
[19:27] Ez150: hmm
[19:28] SethDahlios: Kinky I know but its scandelous enough
[19:28] SethDahlios: Who'd expect that?
[19:30] Ez150: eh how would it inspire activity
[19:30] SethDahlios: I don't know but it'd sure get me insipred
[19:32] Ez150: lol because you're gay like that
[19:32] SethDahlios: Hey a Queen Impregnating a Woman Bard?
[19:32] SethDahlios: Thats hot, if unnatural
[19:36] Ez150: LOL
[19:37] SethDahlios: Took ya long enough to get it ;)

12-18-06, 03:55 PM
Dissinger...cough (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=43899#post43899)

Necrophilia Lesbian Dark Elf on High Elf sex.

Mage Hunter
12-18-06, 03:56 PM
Dissinger...cough (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=43899#post43899)

Necrophilia Lesbian Dark Elf on High Elf sex.

Thank you Corey, that was the joke....

12-21-06, 09:31 PM
[22:26] Serilliant: I'm going to make a milk shake
[22:26] AngelicMalice15: Wait
[22:26] AngelicMalice15: Will it bring all the boys to the yard
[22:26] AngelicMalice15: ?
[22:28] Serilliant: Hopefully
[22:28] Serilliant: It is better than yours

None So Blind
12-24-06, 09:27 PM
RestitutionSpork: Warharhar! If I ever got a sex change would you still be my friend, even if I made that picture of your ass my desktop again?
Leg of Might: lol!!!
Leg of Might: yes.
RestitutionSpork: Awesome! I knew you were cool peeps. Sometimes I think I was meant to be a gay man. OMG. I just got the image in my head of Kor's penis straining towards some random girl and a tiny little voice screaming "I'll get you my pretty!!!"
Leg of Might: lol...
Leg of Might: 0_o
RestitutionSpork: I guess this would be a bad time to mention that I also heard it screaming "And your little dog, too!"
Leg of Might: eew
Leg of Might: well, in slightly less disturbing news

12-26-06, 11:37 PM
TamsSaysToYou (11:57:31 PM): The one with the tranny, hell yes
AngelicMalice15 (11:59:10 PM): IT ends with a climatic battle against a closeted homosexual version of Lucien
AngelicMalice15 (11:59:26 PM): Who commands and army of floating vagina!
AngelicMalice15 (11:59:53 PM): The sad part is, there aren't many other words I'm willing to use for vagina, so I was limited
TamsSaysToYou (12:00:03 AM): ....yeah, I saw that. That was...uh...interesting.
AngelicMalice15 (12:00:17 AM): Well, it is Lucien's mind
AngelicMalice15 (12:00:22 AM): And Lucien's mind is my mind
AngelicMalice15 (12:00:33 AM): So you'd epect there to me climatic vagina battles
TamsSaysToYou (12:00:34 AM): And your mind is like a steel trap - illegal in forty-eight states.
TamsSaysToYou (12:00:39 AM):
AngelicMalice15 (12:00:55 AM): Shoot, Climatic Vagina Battles sounds like the next Vagina monologues
TamsSaysToYou (12:01:21 AM): Actually I'd expect Climactic Penis Battles from you...
AngelicMalice15 (12:01:37 AM): The evil heterosexual clone mentioned that
TamsSaysToYou (12:01:47 AM): See? Can I call it or what?
AngelicMalice15 (12:01:58 AM): It wouldn't be a battle so much
AngelicMalice15 (12:02:04 AM): The vagina shot confetti
AngelicMalice15 (12:02:13 AM): And the penis would shoot pride flags
TamsSaysToYou (12:02:30 AM): .......sfjhasjkghlh.
AngelicMalice15 (12:02:38 AM): Ah, seziure!
TamsSaysToYou (12:02:49 AM): Um, yes.
AngelicMalice15 (12:02:52 AM): And you still owe me fanart! Can't, let, die!
AngelicMalice15 (12:03:02 AM): Breathe *slaps with weasle*
TamsSaysToYou (12:03:20 AM): Get that vile thing away from me, you don't know where it's been!
TamsSaysToYou (12:03:33 AM): More importantly, I don't know where it's been!
AngelicMalice15 (12:03:48 AM): It's a pants weasle.
AngelicMalice15 (12:03:53 AM): It sells pants door to door
TamsSaysToYou (12:04:35 AM): Why doesn't it sell skirts?
TamsSaysToYou (12:04:50 AM): I like skirts.
AngelicMalice15 (12:04:51 AM): Because he wants my fanart. It's peaceful protest
AngelicMalice15 (12:05:02 AM): I'm so subtle
TamsSaysToYou (12:05:04 AM): You just smacked me with the thing
TamsSaysToYou (12:05:08 AM): i hardly call that peaceful
AngelicMalice15 (12:05:20 AM): I said HE was using peaceful protest
AngelicMalice15 (12:05:29 AM): I'm mugging with weasles
TamsSaysToYou (12:05:32 AM): But he was an accomplice in assault
TamsSaysToYou (12:05:44 AM): He deserves time in the big house
AngelicMalice15 (12:05:48 AM): That's like calling the gun an accomplice
TamsSaysToYou (12:06:00 AM): Yeah but the weasel is alive, so...
AngelicMalice15 (12:06:20 AM): How to convince you to give me fanart...
AngelicMalice15 (12:06:22 AM): Hmmm..
AngelicMalice15 (12:06:24 AM): Ah!
AngelicMalice15 (12:06:25 AM): I know
AngelicMalice15 (12:06:34 AM): *takes out a briefcase*
AngelicMalice15 (12:06:42 AM): Inside here are ten naked pcitures of Raelyse
TamsSaysToYou (12:06:44 AM): You don't need to smack me with a weasel to get me to give you fan-- ooh, briefcase.
TamsSaysToYou (12:06:47 AM): ....ew.
AngelicMalice15 (12:06:49 AM): One of them involves a panda
AngelicMalice15 (12:07:02 AM): And two of them have maple syrup
TamsSaysToYou (12:07:02 AM): Wait, on the other hand, this could be funny.
AngelicMalice15 (12:07:24 AM): Lastly, one involves you, because he snuck into your house to take it
TamsSaysToYou (12:07:41 AM): He lives in Australia, doofus. Bahaha.
AngelicMalice15 (12:07:52 AM): Austilians can fly
TamsSaysToYou (12:08:22 AM): Yes but can they land...
TamsSaysToYou (12:08:27 AM): That is the question
AngelicMalice15 (12:08:53 AM): He can crash
AngelicMalice15 (12:08:56 AM): Into your bed
AngelicMalice15 (12:08:58 AM): Pantless
TamsSaysToYou (12:09:11 AM): Don't send me back tot herapy, please...
AngelicMalice15 (12:09:12 AM): Unless you have the anti-austrilian gun
TamsSaysToYou (12:09:15 AM): to therapy, that is*
AngelicMalice15 (12:09:21 AM): Which I have
AngelicMalice15 (12:09:25 AM): For the price of that fanart
TamsSaysToYou (12:09:29 AM): I have an arsenal of anti-Australian guns, see?
TamsSaysToYou (12:09:39 AM): *displays guns*
AngelicMalice15 (12:09:42 AM): They need to be loaded with weasles
TamsSaysToYou (12:09:48 AM): Weasels are dumb
TamsSaysToYou (12:09:51 AM): Aardvarks are better
AngelicMalice15 (12:10:09 AM): Ardvarks do nothing to Raelyse!
TamsSaysToYou (12:10:18 AM): They do if I say they do.
AngelicMalice15 (12:10:27 AM): That only works with fanart
AngelicMalice15 (12:10:32 AM): Subtlety
TamsSaysToYou (12:10:43 AM): My aardvarks are equipped with laser beam eyes. And I will give you fanart, okay?
AngelicMalice15 (12:11:26 AM): But you promised me so long ago
AngelicMalice15 (12:11:29 AM): And you got a JOB
AngelicMalice15 (12:11:33 AM): With your MONEY
AngelicMalice15 (12:11:37 AM): Used to buy CLOTHES
AngelicMalice15 (12:11:40 AM): ?And FOOD
TamsSaysToYou (12:11:57 AM): Well I kind of need those.
AngelicMalice15 (12:12:11 AM): With fewer clothes, you get more money
TamsSaysToYou (12:12:20 AM): I like clothes.
AngelicMalice15 (12:12:32 AM): No one "likes clothes."
TamsSaysToYou (12:13:13 AM): Do too.
AngelicMalice15 (12:13:41 AM): Does pantless Raelyse need to convice you otherwise? *theme to Jaws*
TamsSaysToYou (12:13:56 AM): NO NO NO, get it AWAY
AngelicMalice15 (12:14:07 AM): It's not much to fear!
AngelicMalice15 (12:14:25 AM): *monkey on drums does that thing after a joke*
TamsSaysToYou (12:14:34 AM): Ba dum ching?
AngelicMalice15 (12:14:39 AM): Sure
TamsSaysToYou (12:14:54 AM): Then you should've just said ba dum ching
AngelicMalice15 (12:16:41 AM): Saying that makes Raelyse like you. *points*
TamsSaysToYou (12:17:17 AM): No, I don't feel like being sexually harassed tonight
TamsSaysToYou (12:17:20 AM): Or any night, actually
AngelicMalice15 (12:17:23 AM): Day
AngelicMalice15 (12:17:24 AM): ?
TamsSaysToYou (12:17:30 AM): Or day.
AngelicMalice15 (12:17:34 AM): Afternoon
TamsSaysToYou (12:17:41 AM): Afternoon is part of a day genius
AngelicMalice15 (12:17:45 AM): Dawn
TamsSaysToYou (12:17:50 AM): Not dawn, either
AngelicMalice15 (12:17:59 AM): Dusk
TamsSaysToYou (12:18:06 AM): Nope.
AngelicMalice15 (12:18:19 AM): Mid-December
TamsSaysToYou (12:18:29 AM): Nah, I don't like winter.
AngelicMalice15 (12:18:42 AM): Is there ever a good molestation month?
TamsSaysToYou (12:18:53 AM): Depends on who I'm being molested by
TamsSaysToYou (12:19:02 AM): If it's Raelyse it's never a good month
AngelicMalice15 (12:19:56 AM): Aww, I'd molest you to heighten your self-esteem
TamsSaysToYou (12:20:22 AM): Except you're gay, so you wouldn't enjoy it.
AngelicMalice15 (12:20:34 AM): ...That's why it's for you
TamsSaysToYou (12:20:50 AM): It's the thought that counts, I suppose.
AngelicMalice15 (12:21:04 AM): But it's a gift you cannot return
TamsSaysToYou (12:21:23 AM): Molestation by Cory, 20% off, get it while you can!
AngelicMalice15 (12:21:48 AM): Molestation of cory is not only free, but welcomed
TamsSaysToYou (12:23:02 AM): Bahaha, like you'd let anyone but Jack Sparrow molest you
AngelicMalice15 (12:23:23 AM): I'd let anything with a penis molest me
TamsSaysToYou (12:23:42 AM): Would you let anyone from Althanas molest you? Bet that'll make ya think twice
AngelicMalice15 (12:23:59 AM): Do they have male genitals?
AngelicMalice15 (12:24:06 AM): Hell, they can even be butch lesbians
TamsSaysToYou (12:24:06 AM): Some fo them, yes.
TamsSaysToYou (12:24:10 AM): Haha
TamsSaysToYou (12:25:08 AM): Raelyse/Colin tries to spend a lot of time trying to cinvince me I'm a lesbian
TamsSaysToYou (12:25:15 AM): convince*
AngelicMalice15 (12:26:25 AM): Was he victorious?
TamsSaysToYou (12:26:59 AM): Nope.
AngelicMalice15 (12:27:11 AM): Lesbians are always so cool
AngelicMalice15 (12:27:19 AM): And they hate Raelyse
TamsSaysToYou (12:27:37 AM): Hey, straight girls are cool too
TamsSaysToYou (12:27:43 AM): Don't discriminate, man!
AngelicMalice15 (12:28:06 AM): They don't hate Raelyse much
TamsSaysToYou (12:28:22 AM): Sure they do
TamsSaysToYou (12:29:27 AM): I like Raelyse okay when he's not sexually harassing me
TamsSaysToYou (12:29:29 AM): Which is never
AngelicMalice15 (12:29:47 AM): So you hate him, all the time
AngelicMalice15 (12:29:53 AM): To eternity
TamsSaysToYou (12:30:14 AM): Pretty much

Zook Murnig
12-31-06, 10:53 PM
SuperSonicMatt1 = Me.
SXComix = An old Interwebs friend of mine that I was trying originally to talk into joining Althanas, rather unsuccessfully I might add.

SuperSonicMatt1 (11:27:26 PM): FOR ALTHANAS!!!
SXComix (11:27:34 PM): FOR AUIR
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:28:31 PM): FOR ASLAN!!!
SXComix (11:28:37 PM): :O
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:32:05 PM): Join Althanas?
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:32:16 PM): Or are you too busy with your silly MMORPGs?
SXComix (11:32:26 PM): I'm stuff.
SXComix (11:32:27 PM): I guess.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:32:38 PM): You are stuff?
SXComix (11:32:50 PM): Yep.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:32:57 PM): What the hell does that mean?
SXComix (11:33:08 PM): I am physically stuff.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:33:24 PM): Then you should totally join Althanas.
SXComix (11:33:50 PM): But I can't. D:
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:33:57 PM): Why not?
SXComix (11:34:29 PM): Forums make my head angry.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:34:36 PM): Why is that?
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:34:40 PM): Inactive people?
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:34:53 PM): That's why they allow multiple accounts.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:35:05 PM): So that you can play with yourself.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:35:06 PM): >.>
SXComix (11:35:16 PM): I'm just not a forums guy.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:35:25 PM): ROSC BOARDS.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:35:33 PM): /subtlety]
SXComix (11:35:50 PM): Why do you think I stopped posting?
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:36:09 PM): /subtlety
SXComix (11:36:23 PM): Like I care about the cool people.
SXComix (11:36:27 PM): What do I look like, a WoW player?
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:36:41 PM): NO, YOU LOOK LIKE A DOLPHIN.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:36:44 PM): /subtlety
SXComix (11:37:23 PM): Hot.
SXComix (11:37:28 PM): I'm a hot dolphin.
SXComix (11:37:32 PM): Giving out the order for fun.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:37:59 PM): /subtlety
SXComix (11:38:30 PM): Okay.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:39:49 PM): DID YOU WIN?
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:39:52 PM): /subtlety
SXComix (11:40:07 PM): Yep.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:40:16 PM): LIAR.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:40:19 PM): /subtlety
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:40:27 PM): I HATE CAPITAL LETTERS.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:40:30 PM): /subtlety
SXComix (11:40:46 PM): Exacfly.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:40:56 PM): Hey, that's my word!
SXComix (11:41:06 PM): I said it first.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:41:14 PM): Accidentally.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:41:26 PM): Because you can't type.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:44:53 PM): DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3><(3((!\/34/\/\0(_)/\/750|=3><(14/\/\47!0/\/|*0!/\/75!!!!!!!
SXComix (11:44:55 PM): I can... also...
SXComix (11:45:00 PM): Kek.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:45:23 PM): No one will ever get that joke...
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:46:05 PM): No one ever 5|*33|<5 73|-| 1337 anymore.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:47:44 PM): No one except kids soliciting adults for 73|-| !113641 53><><0|25.
SXComix (11:48:27 PM): :O

01-01-07, 07:04 PM
[19:09] Godhand: Do you even know what a vagina is?
[19:10] AngelicMalice15: I know what it is.
[19:10] AngelicMalice15: Not sure where it is
[19:10] AngelicMalice15: Although, you're probably in the same boat
[19:11] Godhand: That reminds me of a funny story. Did I ever tell you about the first time I had anal sex?
[19:11] AngelicMalice15: Look, prison rape is nothing of a funny story
[19:12] Godhand: Trust me, it's funny. Alright, it's three in the morning and I've been at the bar since three in the afternoon.
[19:12] AngelicMalice15: So, it's an average work day
[19:13] Godhand: Now I'm not shotgunning drinks, that's not what I'm saying, but I've been drinking for twelve hours so shotgun or no fucking shotgun, I'm pretty loaded.
[19:14] Godhand: I was a bit younger back then, by the way, and hadn't hit my alcoholic peak yet. So it was getting to me.
[19:15] Godhand: All of a sudden this dark haired firecracker sits at the other end of the bar. Short hair, mean grin, violet painted fingernails.
[19:16] AngelicMalice15: So, a dyke
[19:17] Godhand: I've always been wary of women who wear violet nail polish. Violet signifies arterial blood; violence and danger. If I was in a proper state of mind I would have had enough sense to know this broad was trouble.
[19:17] AngelicMalice15: But
[19:17] AngelicMalice15: You were loaded
[19:19] Godhand: But I'm drunk and mean and vicious. God Save the Queen is playing on the jukebox. I am the fourth-ranked welterweight contender in Colombia.
[19:19] Godhand: I am invincible.
[19:19] AngelicMalice15: God Save the Queen?
[19:19] Godhand: Sex Pistols.
[19:19] AngelicMalice15: Oh god. Sid Vicious..
[19:20] Godhand: Keep it in your pants, Courtney. Anyway,
[19:22] Godhand: I get up and I'm all shuffle and swagger. There's never been a smoother operator than me. There's never been a drunker operator than me. I walk up to her and lean against the bar, smiling. I hadn't slept in three days so my eyes were small and red. Mean. I must've looked dangerous then. I had bags under my eyes big enough to put groceries in.
[19:26] Godhand: I opened my mouth. My memory at this point is hazy but I remember saying something to the effect of "You're not an assassin, are you?" She gave me a sick sweet smile. She was a sadist. I must've had a big red target painted on my back at this point. "No, baby, I'm not an assassin." I lit a rain-dampened cigarette that was three days old I still had in the front pocket of my jacket. Gagged on it, then toughed through the first few puffs. After that I felt a little better.
[19:29] Godhand: "Thank God. Are you here to save my life?" I asked her. She shoor her head and licked her lips. "I'm here to save my life." She replied. "I understand." I said. "Let's go to my place." She said. She paid for the drink she had and we got out of there.
[19:29] AngelicMalice15: Getting to the sex yet?
[19:31] Godhand: What the fuck do you care? I thought you were a fag. Just listen to the story. Anyway, we take the stairs to her apartment. 403. No elevator. I stumble several times on my way up but she helps me up each time. Finally we get to her apartment. She doesn't bother with the foreplay and doesn't even take off her shirt. She just pulls this zipper on the red leather skirt she was wearing and it comes off.
[19:33] Godhand: No panties. I prefer it when they're wearing them but at this point I am too hammered to care. I pull down my pants and underwear and get to the deed. Now I'm hammering away at her and I guess while I wasn't looking she was doing something with her hands, reaching around behind her or trying to take off my jacket or something.
[19:34] Godhand: We've been doing it for only three minutes when it slips out. Now I try to put it back in but I'm dazed and confused. I get lost along the way.
[19:36] Godhand: Before I know it I'm giving it to her in the stovepipe purely out of accident. No time to worry about that though because suddenly, WHAM! I feel this huge thing go up my asshole. I'm seeing stars. I look to the side and notice she's shoved a cucumber up my ass. She's still smiling; she wants me to go on. I very calmly pull the cucumber out of my asshole, zip up, and leave.
[19:37] Godhand: And that's that.
[19:41] AngelicMalice15: You left?!
[19:41] Godhand: I left.
[19:41] AngelicMalice15: You didn't finish!
[19:41] Godhand: I didn't finish.
[19:44] AngelicMalice15: You must've had a limber asshole to get a cucumber in there
[19:45] Godhand: Where there's a will there's a way, apparently.


[20:39] Godhand: Are you trying to tell me you have experience purchasing young boys?
[20:39] AngelicMalice15: Sir
[20:39] AngelicMalice15: I am a lady
[20:39] AngelicMalice15: As such, I feel much more comforatble being purchased!
[20:40] Godhand: That's about my limit. I'm leaving before you reveal any more ugly truths.
[20:40] AngelicMalice15: I've got pictures on Rotten.com!
[20:41] *** "Godhand" signed off at Mon Jan 01 20:41:11 2007.

Skie and Avery
01-09-07, 11:39 AM
ModernDayPaladin: I'm going to do it when I get back home
RestitutionSpork: Sweet. I like to do it at home too. >.> <.<
ModernDayPaladin: I do it everywhere personally
ModernDayPaladin: but I'm going to do it while looking at your myspace at home
RestitutionSpork: That is so dirty it's awesome.
ModernDayPaladin: oh everything about me is so dirty its awesome
ModernDayPaladin: even when I shower
RestitutionSpork: Well, of course when you shower in the blood of innocents. Menstrual blood, even.
ModernDayPaladin: I shower in the menstrual blood of innocents
ModernDayPaladin: and not just any innocents, innocent bunny rabbits
RestitutionSpork: rofl That's why my dog calls you Thumper. Oh god, I hope that's why she calls you that.
ModernDayPaladin: uhh... yeah thats why she calls me that
ModernDayPaladin: just don't ask why she's been crawling funny
ModernDayPaladin: I can't explain that at all

01-14-07, 08:20 PM
AngelicMalice15 (9:15:44 PM): Thought I was gone!
R34l l337 1 (9:18:15 PM): what a shame that would have been
AngelicMalice15 (9:18:40 PM): No oral for you
Sukoda Fox (9:18:41 PM): yeah
Sukoda Fox (9:18:59 PM): *steals grim* that's all right, he's got me. :p
AngelicMalice15 (9:19:21 PM): Good luck findin...Nevermind
Sukoda Fox (9:19:34 PM): lol
R34l l337 1 (9:19:49 PM): asshole

Zook Murnig
01-15-07, 10:14 AM
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:03:24 AM): Mister Rinku!
HPRinku (10:03:41 AM): Damn, I thought I had my away message up.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:03:52 AM): HaHA!!!
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:04:06 AM): I have you now, you can never escape!
HPRinku (10:04:10 AM): I'm working right now, which is why I wanted the message up.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:05:13 AM): Then put it up damnit!
HPRinku (10:05:27 AM): WELL IT'S TOO LATE, SIR (;'A')
HPRinku (10:05:42 AM): I can talk and work, I'll just be slowed down considerably.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:06:02 AM): Nah, I have to take a shower anyway.
HPRinku (10:06:04 AM): Unless of course, you help me with some of the things that I totally can't find out.
HPRinku (10:06:09 AM): >,> 'kay.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:06:22 AM): I was just checking to see if Ether was on so I could congratulate him on his post.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:06:34 AM): But he's not.
HPRinku (10:06:51 AM): Oh snaps.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:07:03 AM): Before I go, though, are you going to be coming up to VCU with John anytime soon?
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:07:20 AM): Like, on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday?
HPRinku (10:07:58 AM): I could always ask him to bring me one day, I haven't planed on it yet though.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:08:10 AM): Heh, "planed."
HPRinku (10:08:24 AM): "Planed"?
HPRinku (10:08:27 AM): >_>
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:08:34 AM): *planned
HPRinku (10:08:41 AM): If there's a subtle joke in that, I missed it,
HPRinku (10:08:48 AM): With a period instead of a comma.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:08:58 AM): It made me think of other planes of existence.
HPRinku (10:09:06 AM): ...
HPRinku (10:09:10 AM): Tanks of a Plane.
HPRinku (10:09:13 AM): ...on*
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:09:22 AM): Snake on a Plane.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:09:29 AM): "FREEZE!"
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:09:54 AM): He could do a much better job of assassinating that guy than any freakin' snakes.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:10:34 AM): He'd just sneak by all the guards all sneaky-like using his tuxedo camouflage, then pull out a silenced Patriot and shoot him full of shoot-holes.
HPRinku (10:11:07 AM): "Shoot-holes"? >_>
HPRinku (10:11:14 AM): How novel.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:11:24 AM): I should write one.
HPRinku (10:11:32 AM): Totally.
HPRinku (10:11:45 AM): "he shoted him and died rly gud"
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:11:54 AM): /slap
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:11:59 AM): I write better than that.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:12:08 AM): You don't, though.
HPRinku (10:12:19 AM): bad man laffed @ ded guy "lol^^"
HPRinku (10:12:41 AM): Hey now, I can write decently
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:12:42 AM): You should write an entire short story in shorthand.
HPRinku (10:12:45 AM): With a period.
HPRinku (10:12:50 AM): Dood.
HPRinku (10:12:56 AM): I would keel over if I did that.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:13:03 AM): Then turn it in for English.
HPRinku (10:13:11 AM): >_>
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:13:13 AM): Make sure your professor knows what you're doing first, though.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:13:23 AM): Or else he'll think you're as stupid as you look.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:13:27 AM): BURN!
HPRinku (10:13:32 AM): How dare you suggest such blashphemy.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:13:40 AM): *blasphemy
HPRinku (10:14:06 AM): That too.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:14:20 AM): Blasphemer.
HPRinku (10:14:33 AM): Blast-femur.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:16:33 AM): Dood, Lamb of God!
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:16:41 AM): That's some crazy shits right there.
HPRinku (10:16:42 AM): I'll lamb -your- God.
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:17:01 AM): In Soviet Russia, God lambs YOU!
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:17:06 AM): >.>
HPRinku (10:17:11 AM):
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:17:31 AM): Yay, Yakov Smirnof
SuperSonicMatt1 (10:18:52 AM): Goodbye!

Recieved a few seconds later on my cell phone.

01-16-07, 08:46 PM
This is the last time I use sex as a way to get my english assignment done...

AngelicMalice15: Seriously, sex thread.
r34ll3371: maybe
r34ll3371: if I decide to make Tarry bi
AngelicMalice15: Pwease. He can be on top.
r34ll3371: Only if you can do one thing for me
AngelicMalice15: Does it involve acid?
r34ll3371: no
r34ll3371: though acid might help
r34ll3371: all I need you to do is argue the proposition that Machiavelli's philosophy of power and statecraft is diverced from all considerations of morality which, leads logically to the eventual abuse and misuse of power
AngelicMalice15: Why do you need me to argue that?
r34ll3371: because you have to if you want a sex thread
r34ll3371: your not going to do it are you?
AngelicMalice15: I'll do that when you tell me how to connect Sullivan's Theories on relationships, Anna Freud's defense mechanisms, and Erik Erikson's Identity crisis and role diffusion into an biography of me.
r34ll3371: I hate you

01-18-07, 08:49 PM
Sukoda Fox: I haven't seen writing like that on Althanas in a long time though. I remember when I was nearly that bad...
SighterGoliant: So do I.
SighterGoliant: I judged a lot of it.
Sukoda Fox: *blinks* you remember me when I was that bad? o.o
SighterGoliant: No, not THAT bad.
SighterGoliant: But still not good.
Sukoda Fox: Oh sweet Jesus! I was really hoping no one remembered me from that time.
SighterGoliant: You've greatly improved, though, which is the best you can say of anyone.
SighterGoliant: I vaguely recall one exceptionally long quest I judged that you and a few others had done...I remember dreading having to open that link each time I came back to reading it.
Sukoda Fox: lmao!
Sukoda Fox: yeah, I remember some of those quests on Tanthanas. 100 posts in and we still hadn't left the tavern yet...
Sukoda Fox: But one of those has one of my favourite IC moments, when Witch kicked Chanoble into a giant hole in the ground and that same quest got a mocking yet funny judgement from LordLeopold that Paul and I still joke around about.
SighterGoliant: Ahahaha, I know the one you're talking about.
SighterGoliant: I think that was one that you'd originally asked me to judge, but I got fed up and gave it to Frank.
Sukoda Fox: omg, no! The one that was like 250 posts long and had such random things like Damien searching for his girlfriend kidnapped by bandits, fighting a giant bandit king and lots and lots of random treasure?
SighterGoliant: YES.
SighterGoliant: OMG YES.
Sukoda Fox: OMG! I cann't believe you remember that quest!
SighterGoliant: Ahahahahaha, yes, I remember this one. Vaguely, but I remember it.
SighterGoliant: I remember something about a giant pyramid and Witchblade attacking someone with magic.
SighterGoliant: I think it was a pyramid.
SighterGoliant: It could have been just a bigass building.
Sukoda Fox: I don't remember their being a pyramid... I think it was just a large temple in a huge cave or something.
SighterGoliant: That was it, a temple.
Sukoda Fox: But that judgement rocked! "This quest was absolutely pointless and made little to no sense half the time. 'Hey, someone kidnapped my girlfriend, I need to go find her! Oh look, someone to help me along the way, hey look, some treasure. Oh my, a giant hole in the ground with a giant bandit king, omg, more treasure! Hey, I found my girlfriend and some more treasure!'"
SighterGoliant: Ahahahaha, yes yes yes.
Sukoda Fox: Paul, unfortunately, hasn't gotten any better with his writing. I got him to rejoin Althanas after I did and well... just hada giant rock crush some condore that was attacking some elves and after the elves witnessed this they just shrugged and walked away. I didn;t join...
SighterGoliant: Hahaha, wow.

Ahh, the good ol' days.

01-19-07, 07:53 PM
The Pyxie: *pokepokes*
Sukoda Fox: *pokes*
The Pyxie: ouch
Sukoda Fox: you poked me first! *cries* I'm telling my mommy!
The Pyxie: it all started when she poked me back *points*
Sukoda Fox: But you poked me first! *throws a pillow at you*
The Pyxie: *dodges and tackles, tickling*
Sukoda Fox: Meep! *giggles uncontrollably, squirming away from you and coming back with her own tickling assault*
The Pyxie: *screams and runs away hiding under the bed*
Sukoda Fox: *jumps on the bed* na-nanananananahhh!!!
The Pyxie: *cries
Sukoda Fox: *stops jumping and leans over the edge of the bed* potato?
The Pyxie: *cries whimpers cries*
Sukoda Fox: Duckie? *gives you your favourite stuffed animal*
The Pyxie: dat ain't a duckie.
Sukoda Fox: No, you duckie. :p
The Pyxie: I duckie? *takes toy*
Sukoda Fox: Yes, duckie.
The Pyxie: *sneaks out*
Sukoda Fox: *catches you* potato!
The Pyxie: potato?
Sukoda Fox: Potato! >.< *nothing happens* damn... hmm.. banana? *A banana appears* cool
The Pyxie: *eats banana* tahnks
Sukoda Fox: No problemo.
The Pyxie: anwyas
The Pyxie: what is up
Sukoda Fox: Not much really, just working on some writing while working on some drinking, you?
The Pyxie: bored

Ohh, how the interesting minds of Althanas work behind the scenes. :p

01-23-07, 07:04 PM
Hero of Research: I really like Amber Changing
Hero of Research: thoguh their freaking bonus track keeps getting stuck in my head
RestitutionSpork: YESSS!!!!
RestitutionSpork: I liked that song before, but now it's just so much cooler that RA's done a cover of it.
Hero of Research: I only like the RA cover
Hero of Research: they really made that song rock
RestitutionSpork: Well, I love Journey anyway, but I do prefer the RA version. Every time he goes "oh baby, hold tight" I just melt and go "Okay, Tim."
Hero of Research: hahaha
Hero of Research: as far as I'm concerned, Journey only did Don't stop Believing
Hero of Research: anything else allegedly by them is actually not
Hero of Research: because there is no other explanation as to why a band that can produce so much crap actually made Don't stop believing
Hero of Research: therefore, I assume Journey did Don't stop believing, and the rest of hteir music was done by Linkin Park
Hero of Research: since i hate Linkin Park anyways, its no big loss
RestitutionSpork: rofl.
RestitutionSpork: Journey also did "Wheel in the Sky".
Hero of Research: you mean Linkin Park did Wheel in the Sky

01-24-07, 07:24 PM
me and my famoues friend!

ira says:
how did i ever think i could beat u in a thinking game
ira says:
ecept chess
Streak101 says:
its not a thinking game dude....its just tic tac toe....
ira says:
i win
Streak101 says:
you dont think
ira says:
ira says:
look im listening t alt rock so shut it
Streak101 says:
dumbass dont count your eggs
Streak101 says:
or is it chicken?

The Prophet of Zane
01-24-07, 10:07 PM
RestitutionSpork: We were at a campus somewhere. And you and I were striking up a deal. You told me that you were going to shoot Petra. I told you that if you didn't do it, I would give you something that you'd been looking for. I forgot what it was. You were really angry, and you left (we were sitting in some bleachers) to go shoot her anyway. I was trying to find you and when I finally did, you told me that you hadn't done it because you were going to go to a concert instead. I asked if I could go too, and you said no, and shot me.
RestitutionSpork: Fucker.
Hero of Research: sorry
RestitutionSpork: It's okay. I forgive you.
Hero of Research: I didn't mean it
RestitutionSpork: Don't let it happen again.
Hero of Research: are you sure I meant to shoot you
RestitutionSpork: I asked "Hey, can I go too? I think I've got a ticket." and you looked me straight in the eye and said "No." and pulled a gun from your pocket, put it point blank against my chest, just under my collarbone on the left side and pulled the trigger.
RestitutionSpork: If that wasn't a killing shot, I don't know what is.
RestitutionSpork: XD
RestitutionSpork: You're a fucking ruthless bastard in my dreams.


Hero of Research: we could have Chumley in it to
RestitutionSpork: rofl
Hero of Research: because Chumley is a fan of Lincoln
RestitutionSpork: And Lincoln freed the slaves.
Hero of Research: and you know what Lincoln did
Hero of Research: exactly
RestitutionSpork: rofl
Hero of Research: I don't know why I find that funny
Hero of Research: seeing as its a historical fact
RestitutionSpork: Me neither. But strangely, it is funny. I could see Abe walking into the thread, slapping around Griffin and saying, "Yo, did you not get the memo about the emancipation proclimation?"
Hero of Research: yeah exactly
Hero of Research: I just imagine him getting on an auction box and declaring, "all of you are free" to a chorus of slaves cheering


Alcoholic Slayer: That dog looks terrified. What did you do to it?
RestitutionSpork: I beat her on a regular basis.
Alcoholic Slayer: Ah ha! I knew you were crazy and violent. At least you didn't sell it to some chinese restaraunt!
RestitutionSpork: Only because they don't have one close to a truck stop.
Alcoholic Slayer: Rrmm...humm, now I'm hungry for chinese. Shit.


RestitutionSpork: I shall send this song to you, because I think you will like it.
RestitutionSpork wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Crash\Shared\Anberlin - Paperthin Hymn.mp3.
RestitutionSpork: You like Sic Transit Gloria, which makes me happy. Not too many people pay attention to Brand New.
Alcoholic Slayer: You know, I was just about to stupidly ask how you knew that, but solo title...blah. My profile link in my sig is lyrics from "I Will Play My Gaqme Beneath The Spin Light".
RestitutionSpork: rofl. *petpet*
RestitutionSpork: Manda knows everything
Alcoholic Slayer: Then umm...you know..what I did to that chicken, huh?
RestitutionSpork: You are forgiven, my son, because I also know what you do when you think about me. ^_~
Alcoholic Slayer: Then...oh dear. You know about my jar of Crisco.
RestitutionSpork: The half empty one, and the one you can't use anymore because the funny hues of red and yellow that you've given it make you feel like Springtime purple.
Alcoholic Slayer: And...and you know what I did while looking at Letho's Myspace.
RestitutionSpork: I already told you that I know what you did with the jar of Crisco.
Alcoholic Slayer: This is terrible.
RestitutionSpork: I don't think it's too terrible. I do pretty much the same thing when I hear All Along the Watchtower.


Today was a funny day, apparently.

Zook Murnig
01-28-07, 11:22 PM
Ark Ether (11:54:21 PM): I'm bored
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:54:28 PM): As am I.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:54:32 PM): AIM battle?
Ark Ether (11:54:33 PM): I should start working on another dragon solo
Ark Ether (11:54:35 PM): sure
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:54:45 PM): You start.
Ark Ether (11:55:20 PM): Atzar walked into the room, eyes full of the fire of madness as he looked for someone to brutalize
Ark Ether (11:55:21 PM): .
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:55:49 PM): Caduceus sat in a meditative state, eyes wide open and staring straight ahead.
Ark Ether (11:56:20 PM): Atzar, not waiting for a second, took advantage of the chance and threw a fireball at the unprotected man's head.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:56:46 PM): (O.o? Where's the fire to manipulate?)
Ark Ether (11:57:08 PM): (I made it up - you didn't say we had to completely conform to our characters...)
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:58:22 PM): Caduceus, hearing the flames crackle in their rapid approach, summoned a small amount of the water element and, speaking the name "Elohim Tzabaoth," doused the fire in chilling cold, before standing to face his challenger.
Ark Ether (12:00:46 AM): Atzar began yelling in incomprehensible insanity. After a brief stroke, he stood up shakily and formed a blade of wind at his enemy's neck, aiming to sever his head
Ark Ether (12:00:47 AM): .
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:03:05 AM): Caduceus spake the words "Adonai ha-Aretz" as he manipulated the Earth energy around him to block the wind blade with a shield of sand. He then uttered, "Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh Tzabaoth, Shaddai El Chai," sending a blast of electricity from his outstretched hand at the mage.
Ark Ether (12:03:28 AM): (wouldn't that just blow the sand back in your face, too?)
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:04:01 AM): (It's solidified with the strike to block, otherwise it wouldn't work. Run with it.)
Ark Ether (12:06:04 AM): Atzar took the blast in the chest, resulting in another seizure on the ground. He stood back up, frothing at the mouth, eyes completely red now. Screaming madly, he pulled several chunks of ice from the ground and launched them all at Caduceus.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:08:39 AM): The frozen blocks took the magician by surprise, and one of them struck his left shoulder, throwing it almost out of joint, but he was not phased. He called upon the opposing forces of Fire and Water, combining them as he vibrated, "YHVH Elohim Tzabaoth." A ball of frozen flame flew erratically from his right palm, heading generally towards his opponent with the intent of a chilling explosion.
Ark Ether (12:10:54 AM): (frozen flame, huh? not STEAM?) Atzar was caught in the blast, and his agonized figure flew across the room to slam into the wall. Standing up shakily, blood seeping from his mouth, Atzar pulled as much energy as he could muster together to form a gigantic fireball, which was hurled at his adversary.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:12:04 AM): (Steam's too cliché and obvious. Water is cold and fire is the motion factor.)
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:13:52 AM): In a last-stitch effort to save his skin, Caduceus summons the lightening energy of Air, saying, "Raphael," as he thrusts a blast of wind into the approaching fireball, sending it off course enough for him to survive, albeit with a bit of his robes singed.
Ark Ether (12:16:39 AM): Atzar was spent. Vision fading to black, knees giving way to weakness, he put the rest of his energy into a final blade of wind that floated weakly towards his foe. Once his energy left him, the mage collapsed to the ground, bleeding and unconscious.
SuperSonicMatt1 (12:18:49 AM): Almost as a sign of respect for his opponent, Caduceus stood as the faint slice of the wind cut across his right forearm, before he made his way over to the man to lay hands on him in healing, calling, "Yeheshuah."
Ark Ether (12:20:23 AM): The healing magic could mend what was broken, but it could not recover what was lost. Atzar slept on, blissfully unaware that his seething injuries had healed as he regained strength.

01-28-07, 11:23 PM
((The previous post was Zook Murnig and I, seeking relief from boredom.))

01-28-07, 11:26 PM
AngelicMalice15 (11:51:53 PM): Masque of the Red Death is such an awesome story
TamsSaysToYou (11:52:16 PM): Oh, man, I remember reading that in school. YEah, it was awesome
AngelicMalice15 (11:52:31 PM): It
AngelicMalice15 (11:52:36 PM): 's why I don't go to parties
AngelicMalice15 (11:52:49 PM): Never know when death could be the guest you're hitting on.
TamsSaysToYou (11:52:59 PM): haha, that could be a good quote

01-29-07, 09:59 PM
Ark Ether (10:52:30 PM): gotcha :D
Loquelf (10:52:30 PM): I anticipated you ninja'ing me.
Ark Ether (10:52:57 PM): *runs away*
Loquelf (10:53:35 PM): *Chants spell leisurely, lets flame take shape...then unleashes it at you* I love how my spells are seeker spells. ^_^
Ark Ether (10:54:12 PM): *ducks behind a tree*
Loquelf (10:54:43 PM): *Flame slips around tree and into your FACE*
Ark Ether (10:54:55 PM): *Atzar ducked first*
Loquelf (10:55:29 PM): *It's a flame designed to hit its target. If he ducks, it comes RIGHT BACK AT HIM*
Ark Ether (10:55:41 PM): *Ouch*

This is what happens when Karuka gets ninja'd one time too many.

01-30-07, 08:58 PM
r34ll3371 (9:48:03 PM): no rifle can shoot that far
AngelicMalice15 (9:48:23 PM): It can, when powered by our lord and savoir, Jesus
r34ll3371 (9:49:08 PM): Jesus is a fucking white mage, he can't enchant guns dumbass
AngelicMalice15 (9:51:54 PM): Dude, you're so lame
AngelicMalice15 (9:51:58 PM): Jesus comes back
AngelicMalice15 (9:52:08 PM): And gets like, l33t enchantment spells
r34ll3371 (9:54:54 PM): I didn't say he couldn't enchant
r34ll3371 (9:55:01 PM): I said he can't enchant guns
r34ll3371 (9:55:14 PM): guns are technological weapons which cannot recieve enchantments
r34ll3371 (9:55:35 PM): its in the bible version 3.7
AngelicMalice15 (9:55:39 PM): Not when they're made in the +12 fire forge of heaven
r34ll3371 (9:57:11 PM): damnit forgot all about that

02-08-07, 04:40 PM
This probably won't be funny after today...

AngelicMalice15 (5:38:24 PM): Anna Nichole Smith is dead.
AngelicMalice15 (5:38:24 PM): Good job.
r34ll3371 (5:38:57 PM): your welcome

02-14-07, 08:14 PM
AngelicMalice15 (9:05:28): Come on. Tell me the truth. Your conversation with Slayer was real.
Ark Ether (9:05:40): Hahaha, yeah it was. But be quiet about it.
AngelicMalice15 (9:06:03): So you're gunna' have anal with slayer?
Ark Ether (9:06:24): Heh, Yep.
AngelicMalice15 (9:06:36): Then why won't you fuck me?
Ark Ether (9:06:59): Dude, I'm not a faggot.

02-14-07, 08:15 PM
Dude, I told you to be quiet about it. >.<

02-17-07, 11:21 PM
This was a result of a good mood.

Attention the following is the greatest IM convo in the world, reader discretion is advised, lol.

Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:40:51 PM): ....
DotHackSign000 (9:40:52 PM): playing with the box cutterSn0w Board3r 000 (9:41:06 PM): ...You aren't emo or gothic are you?
DotHackSign000 (9:41:11 PM): no I'm against alllll that s***
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:41:20 PM): Good.
DotHackSign000 (9:41:23 PM): I just almost cut my fucking thumb off
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:41:32 PM): I wasn't against gothics before.
DotHackSign000 (9:41:49 PM): I'm against the gothics that complain
DotHackSign000 (9:41:53 PM): other than that
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:41:58 PM): Though once I rounded a corner and saw a huge gothic traditonally org. I was like HOLY s*** RUNNN!!!
DotHackSign000 (9:42:01 PM): I don't mind people in black
DotHackSign000 (9:42:11 PM): lmfao!
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:42:25 PM): Hard core gothics follow that tradition.
DotHackSign000 (9:42:34 PM): I only know the posers
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:42:39 PM): They don't care who it is as long as there is something moving infront of them.
DotHackSign000 (9:42:35 PM): lol
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:43:12 PM): Meh, I had two gothic girls try to make out with me.
DotHackSign000 (9:43:16 PM): f*ck x.x
DotHackSign000 (9:43:18 PM): depends
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:43:29 PM): I seriously just ducked and crept away while they went at it.
DotHackSign000 (9:43:25 PM): were they good lookin?
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:43:56 PM): One was a very short girl probably was made solely of make up.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:44:13 PM): And the other was top heavy and probably make mostly of white powder and make up.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:44:20 PM): So....no.
DotHackSign000 (9:44:20 PM): you should have an award or somthing for survivng x.x
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:44:50 PM): Lol, seriously they kissed me then started to make out with one another on my lap.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:44:58 PM): So I was like HELL NAH
DotHackSign000 (9:45:02 PM): lmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:45:29 PM): And slowly slid from the nasty drooling mosh pit and got out the nearest door.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:45:31 PM): And ran.
DotHackSign000 (9:45:28 PM): by then I wud take out a knife throw it and say fetch and run
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:45:53 PM): I never ran faster.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:46:02 PM): Actually I take that back.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:46:13 PM): I shattered a baby stroller with my body.
DotHackSign000 (9:46:17 PM): lmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:46:25 PM): Lol, and sent a baby flying...
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:46:39 PM): Thankfully the mother was large..
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:47:01 PM): Though ya, I was running somewhere at night.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:47:45 PM): Was running asfap when I rounded a corner and then sped up to where my legs were cramping while I was running, and then at the next corner WHAMO
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:47:59 PM): Stoller fricken explodes.
DotHackSign000 (9:48:00 PM): lmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:48:23 PM): The babie's fricken seat pops out his the heel of my foot, and pops up into the mothers face.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:48:45 PM): And I'm still fricken running as fast as possible and I hear the lady go, "WHAT THE HELL WHAT THAT?"
DotHackSign000 (9:48:49 PM): lmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:49:14 PM): There was no "WHAT WAS THAT" it was just "WHAT THAT"
DotHackSign000 (9:49:19 PM): roflmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:50:04 PM): Oh, and then a few days ago an emo girl I know called me for emotional help because she felt depressed and suicidal.
DotHackSign000 (9:50:22 PM): please
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:50:30 PM): I was like, hmm...let's see A: Listen, B: Listen, C: Hit the glorious mute button.
DotHackSign000 (9:50:32 PM): I don't want to hear it
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:50:41 PM): I hit C!
DotHackSign000 (9:50:39 PM): I hear enough of that here
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:50:54 PM): I was like muhahahauhaha MUTE BUTTON!!!!
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:51:24 PM): I like held my thumb on that button for like 18 minutes just staying at the orange aura around it, and was like YES, SUCCESS!
DotHackSign000 (9:51:32 PM): roflmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:51:41 PM): While all the meanwhile playing Aerion and thinking, LV UP!
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:52:04 PM): 10000000000 EXP POINTS FOR MUTING AN EMO
DotHackSign000 (9:52:00 PM): lol
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:52:13 PM): I AM GOD!
DotHackSign000 (9:52:51 PM): lmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:52:58 PM): Then, I saw the other button, THE ALMIGHTY OFF BUTTON!
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:53:20 PM): I was like YES ULTIMATE LEVEL UP!!!!!
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:53:33 PM): GOD MODE, LV 99999999999999999999999999999999999
DotHackSign000 (9:53:40 PM): roflmfao
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:53:49 PM): Then for like 3 minutes I just sat there.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:53:55 PM): Looking at the off button.
DotHackSign000 (9:53:56 PM): o.o
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:54:22 PM): Changing the order of the letters just thinking that some how it would spell something like YOU ARE GOD ALMIGHTY ONE OF THE OFF BUTTON!
DotHackSign000 (9:54:37 PM): roflmfao your sick lol
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:54:57 PM): Yet then a few minutes later another girl calls.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:55:03 PM): She wants to go out with me.
DotHackSign000 (9:55:18 PM): oh boy
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:55:54 PM): And some how I hear "You kno....*Silence*".
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:56:11 PM): I was like YES....There we go the almighty powa!
DotHackSign000 (9:56:18 PM): oh boy lol
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:56:25 PM): Level Up x 10000
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:56:46 PM): *You learned new skill: OFF POWER!!!
DotHackSign000 (9:57:08 PM): lol
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:57:15 PM): So then I just sat there, waiting just waiting for the light to go off.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:57:53 PM): It went on for 58 minutes and then finally I was like WHAT IS THIS BLASPHAMY!!! THE MUTE POWER DOES NOT WORKETH?
DotHackSign000 (9:58:12 PM): 0.0
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:58:17 PM): SO I hit the mute button just to hear the words "I want...." when I just said.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:59:06 PM): "Wait, wait, wait, lessen to this....*2 minutes*...Feel the powa!"
DotHackSign000 (9:59:14 PM): lol
Sn0w Board3r 000 (9:59:20 PM): Ya, not listen, it was "lessen".
Sn0w Board3r 000 (10:00:34 PM): I was trying to say listen but I was thinking "NO WAY CAN THY POWER OF THE OFF BUTTON BE LESSENED BY THY FOWL BEAST OF FLUFFY MAKE UP CONSPIRING MONSTERS!"
DotHackSign000 (10:00:41 PM): alrighty lol I have to get to bed I need to get up early for a wedding
Sn0w Board3r 000 (10:00:56 PM): Oh, I have wedding stories.
Sn0w Board3r 000 (10:01:03 PM): Lol...
DotHackSign000 (10:01:04 PM): save em for tomorrow lol
Sn0w Board3r 000 (10:01:19 PM): Jack and Jilll weren't the only ones who fell down the hill that morning.
DotHackSign000 (10:01:24 PM): lol
DotHackSign000 (10:01:26 PM): gtg
DotHackSign000 (10:01:29 PM): see ya

02-19-07, 02:23 PM
The Pyxie: hi you
Leg of Might: hey! :-D
The Pyxie: good day or bad day today?
Leg of Might: eh, good.
Leg of Might: marginally
Leg of Might: whats a good thing to stuff shrimp with
The Pyxie: hmmm
The Pyxie: uhhh I dunno
Leg of Might: I know!
The Pyxie: garlic and basil and butter
Leg of Might: VICKIE'S FACE!!!!
Leg of Might: *stuff*
Leg of Might: baaaaahahahahhaa
The Pyxie: *cries*
Leg of Might: *face!!*
Leg of Might: baahahahah!!!
Leg of Might: *stuff stuff stuff*

The Valkyrie
02-19-07, 02:55 PM
Why are you so mean to me?

02-19-07, 06:20 PM
AngelicMalice15 (7:16:26 PM): So, I was watching Comedy Central the other day, and I noticed how much the black comedians use the 'n' word.
AngelicMalice15 (7:16:42 PM): It was, "nigger" this, and "nigger that,"
SuperSonicMatt1 (7:16:39 PM): Don't say that word.
AngelicMalice15 (7:17:02 PM): And I'm like, "it's not even funny anymore."
AngelicMalice15 (7:17:06 PM): Wait, wha?
SuperSonicMatt1 (7:18:02 PM): Seriously, don't say stuff like that. God didn't make us with different skin color just so we can make fun of each other. It's racist and wrong.
AngelicMalice15 (7:18:21 PM): ...
AngelicMalice15 (7:18:23 PM): Alright...
SuperSonicMatt1 (7:18:23 PM): Nigger!
SuperSonicMatt1 signed off at 7:18:33 PM.
SuperSonicMatt1 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

02-19-07, 06:34 PM
I always knew it... >.>

02-19-07, 06:46 PM
This next IM is going to have an explanation at the end. Please enjoy.

AngelicMalice15 (7:32:17 PM): You ever notice how many people like 'My Chemical Romance?'
RestitutionSpork (7:33:16 PM): Well that's because they're the best!
AngelicMalice15 (7:33:37 PM): Wait, what?
RestitutionSpork (7:33:55 PM): You heard me.
AngelicMalice15 (7:34:10 PM): You like MRC?
RestitutionSpork (7:34:08 PM): Doesn't everyone?
AngelicMalice15 (7:34:24 PM): What about Panic! at the Disco?
RestitutionSpork (7:34:50 PM): I like their music videos. I wanker off to them.
AngelicMalice15 (7:35:20 PM): What do you think of Johnny Cash then?
RestitutionSpork (7:35:55 PM): He's alright, he just doesn't wear enough eyeliner.
AngelicMalice15 (7:37:00 PM): Woah.
AngelicMalice15 (7:37:10 PM): This is so weird to hear from you
RestitutionSpork (7:38:59 PM): ? Eh?
AngelicMalice15 (7:39:37 PM): I never heard this side of you before,
RestitutionSpork (7:40:13 PM): Well, if I weren't so busy sucking your cock, you'd hear alot more.
AngelicMalice15 (7:40:35 PM): You could always do it ;)
RestitutionSpork (7:41:07 PM): Yes, but then I'd be busy screaming for you not to stop.
AngelicMalice15 (7:41:16 PM): ...

Now for some explaining.

AngelicMalice15 (7:30:41 PM): You're a strange girl
RestitutionSpork (7:30:45 PM): Hey, I don't write the tv scripts.
AngelicMalice15 (7:30:56 PM): Want to help me make a fake IM about slayer?
RestitutionSpork (7:30:58 PM): No, I'm not creative enough.
AngelicMalice15 (7:31:08 PM): All I do is edit your name out
AngelicMalice15 (7:31:19 PM): So you just say anything that would be embarrassing for him to say.
RestitutionSpork (7:31:16 PM): Ha ha ha.. Okay.
AngelicMalice15 (7:31:29 PM): I'll start
AngelicMalice15 (7:31:31 PM): Ready?
RestitutionSpork (7:31:31 PM): Okay, just forgive me if I'm slow.
AngelicMalice15 (7:31:45 PM): I always do.

Seems Amanda was all too eager to help me mock Dan.

Manda; you been PUNK'D.

02-19-07, 06:48 PM
I only mock those I love.

02-19-07, 07:04 PM
Then you must really love My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Nine Inch Nails, and Zook Murnig

Artifex Felicis
02-19-07, 08:36 PM
Boredom at work

Loquelf: Hallo
nekobooi: Yello
Loquelf: Jello!
nekobooi: Mello!
Loquelf: Fellow!
nekobooi: Oboe!
nekobooi: Neko!
Loquelf: Gecko!
nekobooi: Low!
Loquelf: Slow
nekobooi: Poe
Loquelf: Joe
nekobooi: Toe
Loquelf: Show
nekobooi: Though
Loquelf: Flow
nekobooi: Bow
Loquelf: Know
nekobooi: Hero

02-19-07, 08:38 PM
Hero doesn't rhyme, either, Artifex. :-P

Artifex Felicis
02-19-07, 08:42 PM
Bah, you won, I know. >.<

Zook Murnig
02-19-07, 10:06 PM
AngelicMalice15 (7:16:26 PM): So, I was watching Comedy Central the other day, and I noticed how much the black comedians use the 'n' word.
AngelicMalice15 (7:16:42 PM): It was, "nigger" this, and "nigger that,"
SuperSonicMatt1 (7:16:39 PM): Don't say that word.
AngelicMalice15 (7:17:02 PM): And I'm like, "it's not even funny anymore."
AngelicMalice15 (7:17:06 PM): Wait, wha?
SuperSonicMatt1 (7:18:02 PM): Seriously, don't say stuff like that. God didn't make us with different skin color just so we can make fun of each other. It's racist and wrong.
AngelicMalice15 (7:18:21 PM): ...
AngelicMalice15 (7:18:23 PM): Alright...
SuperSonicMatt1 (7:18:23 PM): Nigger!
SuperSonicMatt1 signed off at 7:18:33 PM.
SuperSonicMatt1 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

This conversation never happened. Those who actually do speak to me on AIM would know that when I quit the program, I don't sign off, but rather I go mobile. >.>

And I'd never be able to talk Lucy out of saying nigger, nor would I try. Even if he is a white boy who would get shot if he said it in public. <.<

02-19-07, 10:11 PM
Atzar didn't tell me that when he helped me write it...

Dammit Atzar, just dammit. Way to ruin a perfect plan.

I don't say nigger. This conversation proves you do. It's just so obvious.

02-20-07, 06:41 PM
RestitutionSpork (7:18:11 PM): Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
AngelicMalice15 (7:18:52 PM): I always thought that was, "Hey jew.."
AngelicMalice15 (7:18:59 PM): Which is why I use to boycott the beatles
RestitutionSpork (7:19:03 PM): ......rofl. No. Jude.
AngelicMalice15 (7:22:47 PM): Are you sure?
RestitutionSpork (7:22:56 PM): Yes.
RestitutionSpork (7:22:59 PM): 100%
AngelicMalice15 (7:23:21 PM): So 'Yellow Submarine' wasn't about German U-Boats?
RestitutionSpork (7:23:29 PM): rofl. I don't know.
RestitutionSpork (7:23:39 PM): You're silly for a twelve year old.
AngelicMalice15 (7:24:35 PM): Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band wasn't about an SS Officer?
AngelicMalice15 (7:24:50 PM): I mean, I really based my entire opinion on their connections to Nazism
RestitutionSpork (7:24:53 PM): rofl.
RestitutionSpork (7:24:56 PM): No, no, no.
RestitutionSpork (7:25:01 PM): I think John Lennon was a Commie, tho.
AngelicMalice15 (7:25:30 PM): A nazi commie?
RestitutionSpork (7:25:55 PM): Go away
AngelicMalice15 (7:27:49 PM): Shit, I should write a letter to say I'm sorry for all those other letters protesting them
RestitutionSpork (7:27:57 PM): rofl
AngelicMalice15 (7:28:05 PM): And that time I peed on the snow on Lennon's grave
RestitutionSpork (7:28:09 PM): Hey now!
AngelicMalice15 (7:28:13 PM): I tried to make an anti-nazi symbol
AngelicMalice15 (7:28:21 PM): It came out looking like a Walmart smile
RestitutionSpork (7:28:22 PM): Didn't drink enough Mt. Dew?
RestitutionSpork (7:28:24 PM): rofl

Manda's been all over that floor.

Sighter Tnailog
02-20-07, 10:23 PM
SighterGoliant (11:20:31 PM): I think Findelfin and Ashiakin need to fuck.
Static Valor (11:21:18 PM): Haha, what the hell!
SighterGoliant (11:21:25 PM): Seriously. Ashiakin's selfish enough to want ass, and Findelfin is gay enough to want cock.
Static Valor (11:22:08 PM): Ahaha. What about Solidael?
SighterGoliant (11:21:45 PM): She can watch.
Static Valor (11:22:25 PM): We could get someone to illustrate.

02-21-07, 09:17 PM
*WARNING* The following conversation may or many not have been altered. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

*NOT* Static Valor (10:13:00 PM): You want to see me masturbate on the Qu'ran?
*NOT* Static Valor (10:13:04 PM): I'll go get it.
*NOT* AngelicMalice15 (10:13:25 PM): Look, what gets you off is your business.

02-22-07, 09:23 AM
Loquelf (10:18:15 AM): Posted
Badly Ice Cream (10:17:39 AM): Stop being so fast
Loquelf (10:19:15 AM): No!
Badly Ice Cream (10:18:05 AM): fine but at least marry me

02-22-07, 11:00 AM
...Please keep this site rated at PG-13? :(

02-22-07, 05:51 PM
If kids at 13 don't know what masturbation is, they'll end up pregnant.

02-26-07, 05:25 PM
Not too funny, but worthy of note...

[17:22] <Santhalas> 4. UnScramble this Word: p s n e i?
[17:23] <Iain> penis
[17:23] <Santhalas> Winner: Iain Answer: penis

03-02-07, 10:26 AM
Me and Ciel

hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:11:03 AM): omgwtfdairyqueenbbq...
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:11:17 AM): D: dairy queeennn
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:12:02 AM): 4ll 83w4r3 7h3 p0w3r 0f l337 5p3aI<!!!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:12:33 AM): Arrrrgh
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:12:36 AM): *weakens*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:12:44 AM): mwahahaha!!!
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:12:53 AM): i mean
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:12:54 AM): *falls on the ground and writhes*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:13:00 AM): mw4h4h4h4h4h4!!!!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:13:28 AM): 1 p|-|34r 17!!!
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:14:34 AM): y35....pI-I34r 17 m0r3 7I-I4n 4ny7h1n9!!!
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:15:19 AM): 45 w3ll 45 7h3 p0w3r 0f Torch!!!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:16:15 AM): *throws Raven off a 50 story building*
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:16:18 AM): D: N0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:16:38 AM): Neriscana merescuto
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:16:54 AM): *runs towards the building's edge*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:17:19 AM): einestrescantire mustermana
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:17:36 AM): *jumps up and over edge*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:18:00 AM): Paruscanachi er'semena tireco
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:18:28 AM): MANASTARCA!!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:18:52 AM): O:
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:19:16 AM): bubble forms around the Raven-plushy
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:19:24 AM): with teh **
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:19:51 AM): yay!!! Raven is safe!
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:20:01 AM): *forgets that she's falling*
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:20:28 AM): buh bye
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:20:36 AM): *waves white hanky*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:20:50 AM): bye Raven-plushy!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:20:57 AM): O:
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:21:02 AM): see you on the ground!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:21:09 AM): *swoops off and grabs raven*
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:21:15 AM): *puts him on a plane to mexico*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:21:40 AM): Erutasca anato-Raven
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:22:08 AM): *Raven-plushy appears in her arms...with teh bubble still there*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:22:52 AM): Now...for you, ye bloody red-headed human
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:23:07 AM): Bremnoytricgo
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:23:10 AM): *pushes god-mode button*
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:23:15 AM): HAHAHAHAHAH
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:23:16 AM): nmertocit
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:23:26 AM): ailutishca
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:23:26 AM): *bolts of lightning smite Shen*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:23:51 AM): (don't forget the bubble of air that is there
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:23:53 AM): )
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:24:18 AM): reckña.
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:24:18 AM): D:
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:24:27 AM): Shmeriche
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:24:31 AM): amni
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:24:36 AM): *jumps in a hole leading to the core of the planet*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:24:43 AM): trescquio
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:24:54 AM): (that won't help you)
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:25:10 AM): *sits down and sips tea*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:25:13 AM): Maische!!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:25:13 AM):
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:25:16 AM): Bring it, sister.
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:25:34 AM): *Torch is evoked*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:25:47 AM): now beware the wrath of the elements!!!
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:25:53 AM): *disappears*
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:25:53 AM): Wheeeee!!
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:26:11 AM): *appears next to you in the core*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:26:14 AM): hi!!!
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:26:21 AM): *throws torch*
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:26:26 AM): BOOOM!!!
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:26:38 AM): YOU JUST KILLED THE PLANET
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:26:44 AM): nope
hamnat487 (3/1/2007 1:26:48 AM): just you
cielalune (3/1/2007 1:26:58 AM): Hah!

03-03-07, 08:35 AM
P: Holy cheeseballs.

hamnat487: haha!
hamnat487: let's combine my Torch with your heat vision...
hamnat487: perhaps we will be able to surpass even fox-fire!!
cielalune: World DOMINATION? :D
hamnat487: Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
cielalune: Count me in! MWA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!
hamnat487: All right! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
cielalune: MWAHAHAAHAHAhhack hack-
hamnat487: Mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
cielalune: *chokes on popcorn* kaaakka
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: *takes a breath*
cielalune: *passes out*
hamnat487: *takes a breath*
hamnat487: *takes a breath*
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!'
hamnat487: hahahahahahahahaha....!!!!!!'
cielalune: *is dead*
hamnat487: NUUUUUU!!!!!!

Zook Murnig
03-04-07, 09:59 PM
This is a conversation between myself and Hamnat. I'm the one doing most of the talking, really.

mistermurnig: What's Ciel's SN on here?
mistermurnig: M
mistermurnig: U
mistermurnig: H
mistermurnig: U
mistermurnig: H
mistermurnig: U
mistermurnig: H
mistermurnig: A
mistermurnig: H
mistermurnig: A
mistermurnig: H
mistermurnig: A
mistermurnig: !
mistermurnig: !
mistermurnig: !
mistermurnig: ^
mistermurnig: .
mistermurnig: ^
mistermurnig: v
mistermurnig: .
mistermurnig: v

Zook Murnig
03-06-07, 05:37 AM
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:56:58 PM): Midterms...
Loquelf (11:57:03 PM): Papier.
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:57:18 PM): Spring Break next week.
Loquelf (11:57:56 PM): Spring break at the end of March
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:58:14 PM): Coke and Kit-Kats.
Loquelf (11:58:26 PM): turkey and Mt Dew
SuperSonicMatt1 (11:58:42 PM): Ain't college grand?
Loquelf (11:58:53 PM): yeh...

Artifex Felicis
03-07-07, 08:34 PM
Please don't IM my friend, I'll never hear the end of it. And I'm serious


Nhk724 signed on at 8:51:24 PM.
nekobooi: I know the easiest path for MY lightening to get in your pants!
Nhk724: lol
Nhk724: i can overcome YOUR normal force
nekobooi: Bet I could get my proton between your parrael plates!Nhk724: You wouldnt believe MY potential energy
nekobooi: Baby, you're the proton to my electon
Nhk724: Your like a proton, always positive
Nhk724: Im an electron and your a proton, we attract
nekobooi: Don't fight it, protons always go down
Nhk724: hahanekobooi: More?Nhk724: I can put 200N of force on YOU
Nhk724: You wouldnt believe MY horizontal displacement
nekobooi: I've got the mass for YOU acceleration!
nekobooi: Your*
Nhk724: You wouldn’t believe my acceleration
nekobooi: I'm like acceleration, not much at first then you won't belive the ride
Nhk724: lol
Nhk724: ooh man i have one i cant write down
nekobooi: haha, we need to show these to Mr Wilber
Nhk724: im writing them down
Nhk724: i have them allNhk724: and pasting them
Nhk724: I wanna grab you like an electric field
Nhk724: You wouldnt believe my horizontal component
nekobooi: I'm like electricity, my field is everywhere
Nhk724: Ive got the rocket for your projectile problem
nekobooi: Nothing'll be able to stop MY inertia!
Nhk724: Even gravity cant hold me down
Nhk724: You reverse gravity cause u always make me go up
Nhk724: lolnekobooi: How far apart are your parraell plates?
nekobooi: lol
Nhk724: Bet you cant find MY big four
kobooi: rofl
Nhk724: lol
nekobooi: Only takes 2 N to make a woman happy, I got 12
Nhk724: U wouldnt believe the size of MY SI unit
Nhk724: haha
Nhk724: im actually looking through my notes
nekobooi: yeah, same
nekobooi: I'd like to perform Milkans oil drop with you
Nhk724: Ill show YOU 10 g's of acceleration
Nhk724: I hope your having an equal and oppsite reaction to me
nekobooi: I use Coulomb's constant for the amoutn of women who love me
Nhk724: I wanna use friction to charge YOU
nekobooi: Just because it's rubber doesn't mean my lightening can't get you
nekobooi: I charge everyone up
Nhk724: thats amazing
nekobooi: Thank you
Nhk724: we are so getting deto when we show him this lol
Nhk724: but well worth itnekobooi: We show it to him AFTER the test, alright?
nekobooi: And not a word to Kennard
Nhk724: lol
Nhk724: I want you to put tension on MY rope
nekobooi: LOL
nekobooi: My acceleration will in the direction of YOUR net force!
Nhk724: The acceleration of MY object is always in the direction of YOUR net force
Nhk724: DAMMIT
Nhk724: same 1
Nhk724: mine was worded betternekobooi: haha, beat ya
nekobooi: it is
Nhk724: got to the centripital force page lol
nekobooi: LEt's prove Newton's second force baby!
Nhk724: newtons second law?
nekobooi: ACc of an object is directly proportional ro net force on the objwect and inversly proportianal to its mass
Nhk724: My energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but id like to transfer it to younekobooi: hahahahanekobooi: let's go test the Action and Recationnekobooi: theory
Nhk724: i had something like that
nekobooi: maybe
nekobooi: Can't remember
nekobooi: How many are there?
Nhk724: Im like a closed system, my momentum always remains constantnekobooi: There are five forms of energy, from weakest to strongest. Gravity, Electro magnetic, Weak Nuclear, Strong Nuclear and Me
Nhk724: Our collision would be perfectly inelastic
nekobooi: My force is a vector
nekobooi: Some say the X dimension and Y dimension are independent, let's prove them wrong
Nhk724: Wanna conduct my electricity?
Nhk724: Some call me a super conductor cause i make it so easy to get the job done
nekobooi: hahahahaha
nekobooi: Nice angle for the Electric field. Wanna Fu**?
Nhk724: I think i know where MY positive test charge would move if i placed it in YOUR field
Nhk724: no pack lol
nekobooi: Shove hat in the middle somewhere and make Fu** F***
Nhk724: The net electric field inside your conductor wont be zero if IM thereNhk724: no lolnekobooi: awwwwnekobooi: Who wants to conserve their Kinetic Energy?
Nhk724: Im like a negative charge, i always move from low to high potentials
nekobooi: Wanna test your Torsoin balence?
Nhk724: Your goona look like the plumb puding model when IM through with younekobooi: As my charge gets closer to your charge, the energy gets greaterNhk724: ok
Nhk724: thats it
Nhk724: exactly 2 pages
Nhk724: Your goona look like the plumb puding model when IM through with you
Nhk724: thats one of my faves

03-07-07, 08:59 PM
Yeah, payback is a skeez aint it?

hamnat487: .....
hamnat487: anyways.....
pluggfm: 啊~~~那會怎樣(台語)!
pluggfm: 嘔...嘔.. 嘔耶!..讚啦!
hamnat487: wwwaaaa!!! Nani?
pluggfm: 拜託你......拜託、拜託(撒嬌貌)
pluggfm: 呵...哈哈哈!(倒頭大笑)
hamnat487: that one sounds like two people havin sex
pluggfm: My fate is sealed
pluggfm: ;.;
hamnat487: 嘔...嘔.. 嘔耶!..讚啦!
hamnat487: that one sounds like two people havin sex
pluggfm: I know
pluggfm: You are a sly whore
hamnat487: why thank you
pluggfm: ;.;
pluggfm: I love you man
hamnat487: I still have yet to seduce Gary Bolsma
pluggfm: 來嘛~~親一下....嗯~~~~~嘛...
hamnat487: *gets thoughts of humping your leg*
pluggfm: 嗯~~哎呀~~足歹勢ㄟ啦...
hamnat487: O_o wtf?
pluggfm: Im not that kinda guy
pluggfm: ;.;
pluggfm: You gotta be gentle
pluggfm: That is post worthy
pluggfm: xD
hamnat487: lol

03-07-07, 09:26 PM
Me and Artifex. This is like...2 pages in word, but it's funny, and excerpts from ALL DAY.

Loquelf (3:14:48 PM): welcome back
nekobooi (3:14:53 PM): Thankee
nekobooi (3:14:58 PM): I blame rabbits
Loquelf (3:15:10 PM): Not beavers today?
nekobooi (3:16:06 PM): Beavers are goverment, I blame rabbits for Internet problems Loquelf (3:16:20 PM): I always blame hamsters.
nekobooi (3:17:47 PM): Hamsters are for missing socks in dryers for me Loquelf (3:18:01 PM): That's gremlin
Loquelf (3:18:04 PM): ^gremlins
Loquelf (3:18:13 PM): Gremlins are for anything that's missing.
nekobooi (3:18:36 PM): Maybe. I once found a hamster in my dryer, so my veiws a little shifted
Loquelf (3:18:57 PM): Oh no! Poor hamster!
nekobooi (3:18:55 PM): Gremlins are bad though. I tend to blame them for missing books and whatnot
nekobooi (3:19:06 PM): I know, he was a cute little guy
nekobooi (3:21:06 PM): HE was m cousin's, and was missing for a few hours before I found him trying to find my sock I lost
Loquelf (3:21:38 PM): aww
nekobooi (3:21:47 PM): It was a good sock too
Loquelf (3:24:33 PM): Yes, poor sock, too.
nekobooi (3:26:11 PM): The hamster's fine, he was sleeping in a pocket Loquelf (3:26:31 PM): Good.
Loquelf (3:26:38 PM): Hamster in a drier = not cool
Loquelf (6:02:30 PM): Hallo
nekobooi (8:48:01 PM): CARP ON A STICK I FORGOT THE AWAY MESSAGE! nekobooi (8:48:05 PM): Hey
Loquelf (8:48:58 PM): welome back
Loquelf (8:49:03 PM): ^welcome
Loquelf (8:49:08 PM): I thought you didn't love me anymore.
nekobooi (8:49:10 PM): Thanks, I was at a squash thingy
nekobooi (8:49:14 PM): I wub rooooo!
Loquelf (8:49:23 PM): *Hugs*
nekobooi (8:49:29 PM): *squeek*
nekobooi (8:50:07 PM): *huggle*
Loquelf (8:50:32 PM): How was the squash thingy?
nekobooi (8:51:26 PM): Pretty good, me and two friends came up with around 50 Physics Pick up lines
nekobooi (8:51:41 PM): It wasn't actually serious, per se
Loquelf (8:52:24 PM): I'm doing chem hw, so I can think of at least one cheesy Chem pick-up line off the top of my head.
nekobooi (8:53:32 PM): ?I know the easiest path for MY lightening to get in your pants!" Loquelf (8:54:43 PM): Can't you feel the osmatic attraction, baby? Let's mingle. nekobooi (8:54:50 PM): haha
nekobooi (9:13:20 PM): bugger all
Loquelf (9:13:30 PM): ?
nekobooi (9:14:17 PM): internet spazzing
Loquelf (9:14:29 PM): suckage
nekobooi (9:15:02 PM): verily
nekobooi (9:15:08 PM): Stupid and evil bnnies
Loquelf (9:15:29 PM): If that's your poison.
nekobooi (9:15:47 PM): bunnies*
Loquelf (9:16:25 PM): http://kwc.org/blog/archives/photos/2005/01-24-05.bunnicula-1.jpg nekobooi (9:17:00 PM): AAAAAAAAA
nekobooi (9:17:03 PM): *hides*
Loquelf (9:18:25 PM): I have four posts due of me.
Loquelf (9:18:41 PM): But I'd rather do chem homework than write them... nekobooi (9:18:57 PM): ouch
Loquelf (9:19:14 PM): not because they're bad or un-fun RPs here.
Loquelf (9:19:54 PM): This is a SERIOUS case of the dreaded...and sometimes fatal... <.< >.> writer's block
nekobooi (9:20:16 PM): *sharp intake of breath*
nekobooi (9:20:18 PM): NO!
nekobooi (9:20:22 PM): *clutches pant leg*
Loquelf (9:20:47 PM): Alas, it is true.
Loquelf (9:21:03 PM): I tried to fight it, but it consumes me.
nekobooi (9:21:31 PM): Waaaaah
nekobooi (9:21:39 PM): *holds onto leg*
Loquelf (9:22:02 PM): If this kills me, you will not forget?
nekobooi (9:22:17 PM): I won't
Loquelf (9:48:55 PM): Calculate the molarity of each of the following solutes in their respective aqueous soluions:
a. 15 mmol of CH4N2O in 225. mL of solution.
b. 14.6 mol of NH4C2H3O2 in 675. mL of solution
c. 1.94 mol of CH3OH in 1.25 L of solution
d. 45 mmol of C12H24O11 in 50.0 mL of solution
Loquelf (9:49:10 PM): And that's the easy problem.
nekobooi (9:49:10 PM): You deeply frieghten me

03-13-07, 09:21 PM
AngelicMalice15 (10:18:45 PM): Those must be some filthy panties.
Leg of Might (10:18:45 PM): that i collect from my bedroom floor
Leg of Might (10:18:49 PM): and don't ever wear, myself.

03-13-07, 09:22 PM
I'm not that dirty!! We were discussing my death-ray!

03-13-07, 10:19 PM
Me and Zook...no matter how much he denies it, this is the true record of words typed between us

mistermurnig: STALKER!
hamnat487: why would I want to stalk someone so.....uuuugly
mistermurnig: ...
mistermurnig: Same goes for you.
hamnat487: I'm too cute and frisky to be ugly
mistermurnig: >.>
mistermurnig: Cute, you are not.
hamnat487: like a kitty!
hamnat487: mrowr!
mistermurnig: No.
hamnat487: I'm teh cute little elfy1
mistermurnig: Cute like a pile of my daughter's shit.
hamnat487: well...half-elfy
hamnat487: wow...your daughter must make some very cute poopers!
mistermurnig: No, she doesn't.
hamnat487: right....
hamnat487: mrowr
mistermurnig: ...
hamnat487: *paws at your robe*
mistermurnig: ROAR
hamnat487: *licks your nose*
mistermurnig: ...
mistermurnig: *bites your face off*
hamnat487: mrowr
hamnat487: *dodges with teh super kitty relfexes*
hamnat487: *leaps*
mistermurnig: *tears off your ears and eats them*
hamnat487: *lands on your head*
hamnat487: purr
hamnat487: mrowr!
mistermurnig: *removes your reproductive organs with a dirty spork*
hamnat487: you know for someone so religious, you sure are demented
mistermurnig: *devours your future children*
hamnat487: waaa!!! but...but...
hamnat487: waaa!!!!
mistermurnig: *wonders why fetuses taste like chicken*

Zook Murnig
03-13-07, 10:33 PM
I deny nothing.

Artifex Felicis
03-13-07, 10:34 PM
Brave Brave soul. We Salute you for your patriotic duty Zook! *snappy salute*

03-14-07, 08:57 PM
AngelicMalice15 (9:32:54 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wPK4GytLk - Found your old band members I think.
TheTaskmienster (9:40:17 PM): Heh, that girls hot
AngelicMalice15 (9:48:11 PM): Which one?
TheTaskmienster (9:48:19 PM): The one with hair
TheTaskmienster (9:48:26 PM): not the one with only half a head of long hair
AngelicMalice15 (9:48:29 PM): They all have hair..
TheTaskmienster (9:48:45 PM): Not the red-haired one
TheTaskmienster (9:48:46 PM): lol
AngelicMalice15 (9:48:54 PM): Blue hair?
TheTaskmienster (9:49:01 PM): Yeah
AngelicMalice15 (9:49:18 PM): Dude, I hate to tell you, but that entire band is made up of dudes.
TheTaskmienster (9:49:25 PM): lol
TheTaskmienster (9:49:26 PM): so
AngelicMalice15 (9:49:29 PM): Yeah, you picked a pretty one.
AngelicMalice15 (9:49:33 PM): Well
AngelicMalice15 (9:49:37 PM): A goth pretty one.
AngelicMalice15 (9:49:44 PM): It's diet pretty.
TheTaskmienster (9:49:55 PM): lol
AngelicMalice15 (9:50:28 PM): I think the only real girl in that is the shoeless chick.
TheTaskmienster (9:50:36 PM): lol
AngelicMalice15 (9:52:14 PM): Doesn't the army of have policy about this?
TheTaskmienster (9:52:20 PM): About what?
TheTaskmienster (9:52:32 PM): Being gay?
AngelicMalice15 (9:54:42 PM): No. Being turned on by androgynous Japanese goths.
AngelicMalice15 (9:57:17 PM): Or bad taste in music.

03-15-07, 06:03 PM
R34l l337 1 (06:48:21 pm): you're late with your virgin sacrifices
angelicmalice15 (06:48:42 pm): I couldn't find you anywhere.
R34l l337 1 (06:49:00 pm): what kind of fucking excuse is that
angelicmalice15 (06:49:11 pm): Couldn't find the virgin.
R34l l337 1 (06:49:26 pm): you upload their soul on to the internet and then email to me
R34l l337 1 (06:49:39 pm): and don't say you couldn't find a virgin, Zook just had a baby
R34l l337 1 (06:49:43 pm): use her

03-15-07, 06:09 PM
Oh thank god you didn't post the entire conversation! The conversation got real fucking wrong after that last line. For some reactions...

Ark Ether (6:52:11 PM): ROFL
AngelicMalice15 (6:52:43 PM): God I wish I could post this.

Leg of Might (6:51:36 PM): OHSHIT
Leg of Might (6:51:37 PM): OHSHIT
Leg of Might (6:51:38 PM): OHSHIT
Leg of Might (6:51:41 PM): OMGHURTS
Leg of Might (6:51:44 PM): OMGHURTS
Leg of Might (6:51:47 PM): ohshit!!!
AngelicMalice15 (6:52:12 PM): I wish I could post this without getting my ass banned.

03-15-07, 06:59 PM
Oh thank god you didn't post the entire conversation! The conversation got real fucking wrong after that last line. For some reactions...

Yeah, I decided against posting the whole thing at the last moment.

Zook Murnig
03-15-07, 10:24 PM
R34l l337 1 (06:49:39 pm): and don't say you couldn't find a virgin, Zook just had a baby

You do, you die.

Mage Hunter
03-16-07, 10:00 PM
[18:48] maiakristel: Bad news
[18:48] maiakristel: Thread's closed prematurely
[18:48] SethDahlios: THe fight closes in 12 minutes
[18:48] SethDahlios: Oh REALLy?
[18:48] maiakristel: 1 hour
[18:48] maiakristel: And 12 minute
[18:48] maiakristel: s
[18:48] maiakristel: We have 72 minutes if my clock is right
[18:49] SethDahlios: Um is it EST or CST?
[18:49] maiakristel: EST
[18:49] SethDahlios: That is indeed 1:12 left
[18:49] maiakristel: You guys will have until March 16th at 11 P.M. E.S.T. to finish. Good luck and make sure to finish your battle!
[18:49] maiakristel: Why I'm angry
[18:49] maiakristel: Sent IMs to Sant already
[18:50] SethDahlios: I jsut made a thread
[18:51] maiakristel: Good
[18:51] maiakristel: I'll pm the post
[18:52] maiakristel: PMing
[18:53] SethDahlios: mmhmm
[18:53] maiakristel: Pmed
[18:53] SethDahlios: he just went idle
[18:53] maiakristel: and Letho just signed off
[18:54] SethDahlios: SO unless Serilliant signs on and sees it..
[18:55] maiakristel: Yesh
[18:55] maiakristel: Still
[18:55] maiakristel: Work on a post
[18:55] maiakristel: I got the guards coming
[18:55] maiakristel: 3 quick posts
[19:02] SethDahlios: PMed
[19:02] maiakristel: kickass
[19:02] SethDahlios: Come on holmes we can finish this...
[19:03] maiakristel: I know
[19:04] maiakristel: Tail Whip!
[19:04] SethDahlios: woot!
[19:04] maiakristel: Not just for defense lowering
[19:04] SethDahlios: You like the reverse stab?
[19:05] maiakristel: hehe
[19:05] maiakristel: I'm just gonna have Leon ignore it for a sec
[19:05] maiakristel: and have him notice after a couple seconds
[19:06] maiakristel: Mind if I bunny?
[19:06] SethDahlios: All these mods and not a single admin on!
[19:06] SethDahlios: Go for it so long as it isn't fatal
[19:06] maiakristel: Awesome
[19:06] maiakristel: Tail whip plus arm whip!
[19:07] SethDahlios: God damnit, Letho JUST left didn't he?
[19:07] maiakristel: yes
[19:08] SethDahlios: Santh just logged back on
[19:08] maiakristel: You bug, I post
[19:09] SethDahlios: Its open
[19:10] maiakristel: post after I'm done
[19:11] SethDahlios: Tell me when to post
[19:11] maiakristel: kk
[19:12] maiakristel: posted
[19:12] SethDahlios: Posted
[19:13] maiakristel: good
[19:13] maiakristel: still working
[19:13] maiakristel: almost done
[19:13] maiakristel: He shoves her arm to the side, tail whips, and that's about it
[19:14] maiakristel: Mind if I go for a bite acctiually?
[19:14] SethDahlios: if you wish
[19:14] maiakristel: Right o
[19:14] maiakristel: EI'll bring in gaurds in my next post after this one
[19:15] SethDahlios: Alright
[19:15] maiakristel: unspellchecked post
[19:21] maiakristel: Don't Stop Me Now, by Queen
[19:23] SethDahlios: Posted spellchecked and all
[19:23] maiakristel: kk
[19:23] maiakristel: Also
[19:23] maiakristel: Fuck your translation at a time like this
[19:24] SethDahlios: Not on your life you dirty beast
[19:24] maiakristel: Bah drow bitch
[19:24] maiakristel: I'm gonna eat choo
[19:24] SethDahlios: Listen Kitty Bitch you wont do shit
[19:24] maiakristel: Posting
[19:24] maiakristel: Taunt in a sec
[19:28] SethDahlios: Don't forget the nut shot...
[19:28] maiakristel: Bah
[19:28] maiakristel: I won't
[19:28] maiakristel: But no one's quite as fast as Leon remember =P
[19:28] maiakristel: Not that it'll help him at all
[19:29] SethDahlios: You also got a downward and a sideways sword blow, good luck
[19:29] maiakristel: I feel bad for doing this
[19:29] maiakristel: took care of them with the coat again
[19:29] maiakristel: DAMN I love that thing
[19:29] SethDahlios: Hurry if you do I can write my escape
[19:30] maiakristel: HEh
[19:30] maiakristel: YArn will follow
[19:30] maiakristel: And trippings are hard to see coming from behind
[19:31] maiakristel: Mind if I do soemthing really annoying for Drus?
[19:31] SethDahlios: depends
[19:32] SethDahlios: In terms of storyline I always need to get away...
[19:32] maiakristel: I know
[19:32] maiakristel: But Make some of her shirt to yarn to trap her for a short bit
[19:32] maiakristel: You use the null stone and escape
[19:32] maiakristel: and Leon clutches his balls and thanks the heavens
[19:33] maiakristel: Just, her sleeve or something is goen
[19:33] SethDahlios: Her shirt is linned not wool
[19:33] SethDahlios: *linnen
[19:34] maiakristel: I've broken the boundry before =P
[19:34] SethDahlios: Just post
[19:34] maiakristel: Yarnball it is
[19:34] maiakristel: don't kill it please =P
[19:34] SethDahlios: Right
[19:35] maiakristel: Bunny it wrapping around?
[19:36] maiakristel: Or just a post?
[19:36] SethDahlios: Nah
[19:36] maiakristel: kk
[19:36] SethDahlios: Just post
[19:36] SethDahlios: It'll leave us a bit of time to post
[19:36] maiakristel: posted unspellchecked
[19:45] SethDahlios: Posted, post your conclusion
[19:46] maiakristel: already working on it
[19:53] maiakristel: about to post
[19:53] SethDahlios: congratulations
[19:54] SethDahlios: five minutes early
[19:54] maiakristel: yep
[19:54] maiakristel: what
[19:54] maiakristel: 7 posts
[19:54] SethDahlios: Something liek that
[19:54] maiakristel: hour and 8 minutes?
[19:54] SethDahlios: yep
[19:55] maiakristel: Congratulation my good man
[19:55] maiakristel: You still have it in you
[19:55] SethDahlios: Ive done one night battles
[19:56] maiakristel: I know
[19:56] maiakristel: But I haven't seen one in a while from either of us
[19:57] SethDahlios: Yeah, true
[19:57] maiakristel: Moreso glad to know WoW hadn't kille dthe quick writing
[19:58] maiakristel: ?
[19:58] maiakristel: And yesh
[19:58] maiakristel: YEsh I am
[19:58] SethDahlios: Damn girl was probably a reject from whatever creepy assassin school she went to, and figured if she could have killed enough people she could come back to her order. The boy's smile stayed him as magic began to work its way on his body. It was a comforting thought to know he only infuriated a drop-out even more.

[19:58] SethDahlios: I fucking hate you...
[19:58] maiakristel: Haha
[19:58] maiakristel: I'm tired, sorry
[19:58] SethDahlios: Cheap shotting bastard
[19:59] maiakristel: bah
[19:59] maiakristel: I play a cat boy who uses yarn as his main weapon
[19:59] SethDahlios: Heh
[19:59] maiakristel: Have at me!
[19:59] SethDahlios: Kitty bitch about to die
[20:00] maiakristel: I said I'd eat you
[20:00] maiakristel: And I will
[20:00] SethDahlios: We'llhave to settle it somewhere without interference
[20:00] SethDahlios: perhaps a true torunament
[20:00] maiakristel: Haha, maybe
[20:00] SethDahlios: cause she will not stop till your dead or she is otherwise
[20:00] maiakristel: HEh
[20:01] maiakristel: I could see her like Mecha godzilla, constantly coming back better and better
[20:02] SethDahlios: Ha ha ha
[20:02] SethDahlios: Her battle cry "VIIIIIIIIIITH!"
[20:02] maiakristel: *Leon runs into town screaming bloody murdeR*
[20:02] SethDahlios: ReDRUM! REDRUM!

03-20-07, 05:54 PM
Jan:although I must admit, our generation cannot take much stress.
A little bit of stress and it's like: HOMG! *emo emo slit slit*
Aesculus: that is true
Jan:Sad, really. D:
Aesculus: O_o;;; I can attempt to handle stress...
Jan: lol
Jan: I won't say I can handle a lot of stress...but I can take a lot more than emo kids.
Jan:Then again, I shouldn't compare myself to them. lmao.
Aesculus: XD
Jan:If it's going emo, I've been there already. (Minus the slitting wrist business)
Aesculus: XD hee
Jan:Afterall, I'm Ki-chan's creator xD
Aesculus: Yes you are XD
Jan:His personality had to come from somewhere...o_o
Jan: And yes, my characters personalities are based off a part of mine. DX~
Aesculus:I noticed

Aryr de Morte
03-22-07, 12:09 PM
My friend is an idiot. Took out the times so it's easier to read, it was around 5 CST.

hihihi00: Kristallnacht!
austrianskierF88: Do you even know what that means?
hihihi00: mhm, it's French for "dinner at night"
austrianskierF88: No, it's not.
hihihi00: what then??
austrianskierF88: It's German y'know... Google it.
hihihi00: no, just tell me plz
austrianskierF88: You know what the Holocaust is, right?
hihihi00: ya think? who doesn't u stupid blond?
austrianskierF88: Kristallnacht means "crystal night" or "night of broken glass"
hihihi00: huh? dan told me it was french
austrianskierF88: It refers to when the Nazis first stormed the Jewish ghetto... they didn't want to call pogroms by that name out of fear. They broke shop windows and beat/killed/harassed Jews.
hihihi00: prove it, your lying
austrianskierF88: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht
hihihi00: ...wtf?
austrianskierF88: I know German, obviously. Why would I lie about the meaning of the word?
hihihi00: your german?
austrianskierF88: I'm from Austria..
hihihi00: yeah, dont u speak austrian?
austrianskierF88: We speak German in Austria.
hihihi00: wow... u do?
austrianskierF88: Yes.
hihihi00: dan told me it was french though, he;s in french level 4
hihihi00: he's*****
austrianskierF88: I've known German since I was born? He's probably playing a trick on you.
hihihi00: wtf i'm calling him now

10 minutes later

hihihi00: omg that fag tricked me <.<
austrianskierF88: Obviously.
austrianskierF88: Like I said today at lunch, you're gullible.
hihihi00: ...

03-22-07, 12:35 PM
And apparently not very good at history...not to mention that nacht just SOUNDS German.

Ask him what language he speaks...English or American? :p

03-23-07, 06:59 PM
AngelicMalice15 (7:55:03 PM): You said your dick could take down siege towers.
AngelicMalice15 (7:55:26 PM): You have Lorenor's penis.
Tvoja Zvijer (7:55:32 PM): I have Lorenor Penis MKII
AngelicMalice15 (7:56:01 PM): MKII?
Tvoja Zvijer (7:56:47 PM): Mark II, as in the successor of Lorenor's Penis. A better, improved, more subtle version.
AngelicMalice15 (7:57:12 PM): Stealth dick? Why would you want a penis the girl wouldn't even feel?
Tvoja Zvijer (7:57:36 PM): If it's stealth, it doesn't mean that she doesn't feel it. Just that she doesn't see it coming.

03-27-07, 12:33 AM
This was between myself and Urei tonight, and it was funny.

Loquelf (1:22:48 AM): I've already read this.
Krakashen (1:22:52 AM): okay, good.
Loquelf (1:22:57 AM): last week when I should have been doing homework.
Krakashen (1:23:04 AM): Oh, you twit!
Krakashen (1:23:14 AM): So you already decided to play without telling me?!?
Krakashen (1:23:15 AM): haha
Krakashen (1:23:17 AM): Meanie!
Loquelf (1:23:18 AM): I am NOT a pregnant goldfish!
Krakashen (1:23:27 AM): Omfg...
Krakashen (1:23:29 AM): OMFG...
Krakashen (1:23:30 AM): ...
Loquelf (1:23:31 AM): Lol.
Krakashen (1:23:33 AM): are you serious?
Loquelf (1:23:36 AM): Twit = pregnant goldfish
Krakashen (1:23:43 AM): i know...
Krakashen (1:23:45 AM): you're...
Krakashen (1:23:46 AM): the first...
Krakashen (1:23:48 AM): person...
Krakashen (1:23:49 AM): ever...
Krakashen (1:23:50 AM): to know that
Krakashen (1:24:02 AM): I love you.

Yay, I'm loved. ^_^

Aryr de Morte
04-01-07, 09:45 PM
austrianskierF88: sexual bottom = ?
AngelicMalice15: Observe!
AngelicMalice15: 8=> - Top
AngelicMalice15: O - Bottom
AngelicMalice15: 8=> - - - - O
austrianskierF88: That diagram is hilarious and extremely informative, thank you.
AngelicMalice15: I can draw more.
austrianskierF88: I think that does it actually
austrianskierF88: If you draw more I'm posting this in the IM convos!
AngelicMalice15: 8==========================> - Me
AngelicMalice15: :> - Rest of male population

I told you I would!

04-03-07, 08:05 PM
AngelicMalice15 (8:47:13 PM): Would you rather fight a drunken or sober opponent.
bruneishirt (8:47:18 PM): I guess it depends on how each of us is armed
AngelicMalice15 (8:49:45 PM): ...
AngelicMalice15 (8:49:49 PM): What the fuck?
AngelicMalice15 (8:49:56 PM): Did you expect Rapiers?
bruneishirt (8:49:47 PM): what weapons we have
bruneishirt (8:49:51 PM): if I had a gun
bruneishirt (8:49:52 PM): who the hell cares
bruneishirt (8:49:56 PM): whether he's drunk or sober
AngelicMalice15 (8:50:28 PM): I take it you're voting republican come next election?
bruneishirt (8:50:23 PM): haha

04-05-07, 03:03 PM
This is what happens when the people in my head get to speak their mind. :p


[01:16] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: Say, you know what?
[01:16] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: It's about time you give us unique names. Asuka this, Asuka that is getting pretty confusing.
[01:17] RoninNineTails: and tails
[01:18] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: Ehhh~???
[01:18] RoninNineTails: Yami would be really cute with some kemonomimi
[01:19] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: Why, thank you! *Beams*
[01:19] Raven Adventwings: {M}: Don't you put that thing on me. I prefer normal human form, thank you.
[01:19] RoninNineTails: ^^
[01:20] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: What kinda kemono I should be? *Excited*
[01:20] RoninNineTails: fox, goes well with her hair
[01:21] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: Hey, that's a good idea. ^_^
[01:21] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: Hey, and what about my sis!
[01:21] Raven Adventwings: {M}: I told you, I don't want one...
[01:21] RoninNineTails: wolf^^
[01:22] Raven Adventwings: {M}: ...Wolf?
[01:22] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: Oh! Oh! The Okami! Right? Right?
[01:22] RoninNineTails: yup
[01:22] Raven Adventwings: {M}: ...And I would have... a wolf's tail?
[01:22] Raven Adventwings: {M}: ... *indecisive glance*
[01:22] RoninNineTails: yup
[01:24] Raven Adventwings: {M}: Gah. Whatever.
[01:26] RoninNineTails: ^^
[01:26] Raven Adventwings: [Y]: Hey, a wolfie is cute! Especially on you!
[01:26] RoninNineTails: yeah
[01:27] Raven Adventwings: {M}: ...I don't wanna look cute. *glances away*
[01:27] Raven Adventwings: Fufufu... Is that hesitation I hear, lassie? ;)
[01:28] RoninNineTails: [DK]*swishes her tails*
[01:28] Raven Adventwings: {M}: ... *nervous glance*
[01:28] Raven Adventwings: {M}: ........................
[01:29] RoninNineTails: [DK]^^ tails re fun and help balance
[01:29] Raven Adventwings: {M}: .................................................. .................................................. .............................. darn
[01:30] Raven Adventwings: {M}: .................................................. ..............you win..............


So as to relieve any confusion, I am myself. [Y] is Yamihara Asuka. {M} is Murakama Asuka. RoninNineTails is Reiko and [DK] is Doji Ki.

...Yes, this happens everytime those two get to speak up for themselves. :p

04-05-07, 03:07 PM
Yeah...it's fun when you can get 6-8 people going in one chat. But 4-5 is a good start.

04-06-07, 05:26 PM
Loquelf (6:19:51 PM): *Has wee marshmallow chickens to eat*
nekobooi (6:19:59 PM): Bah
nekobooi (6:20:05 PM): Gotta microwave em
Loquelf (6:20:31 PM): I like 'em raw.
nekobooi (6:21:04 PM): I like mine smoking
nekobooi (6:21:05 PM): http://www.peepresearch.org/smoking/peep10.jpg
nekobooi (6:23:12 PM): Still
nekobooi (6:23:32 PM): Roasted peeps, Nuclearated Peeps, Raw peeps
nekobooi (6:23:41 PM): They're like Nature's Omniprey
nekobooi (6:23:45 PM): err
nekobooi (6:23:48 PM): Omega Prey
nekobooi (6:24:28 PM): I figure they'd be low in the candy world
nekobooi (6:24:40 PM): With Caramel and Choclate near the top
nekobooi (6:26:07 PM): Then going down the line to the lowly peep
nekobooi (6:26:19 PM): The Kobold of the Candy World
Loquelf (6:26:30 PM): Poor thing.
nekobooi (6:28:18 PM): I would guess that make up for it with their complex tunnel systom
nekobooi (6:28:56 PM): Only on the surface when they are just born as quintiplets before going into the caves of their species
Loquelf (6:29:45 PM): Heh. I suppose it's the fact that they're just born, and ARE quintuplets, that make them easier to catch by any and all predators.
nekobooi (6:30:18 PM): Exactly, much like the octopi, they are born in great numbers so only a few survive
Loquelf (6:30:53 PM): I wonder if they prey on themselves in the wild.
nekobooi (6:31:26 PM): Possibly
nekobooi (6:31:32 PM): This requires more study
Loquelf (6:32:15 PM): Except it's hard to FIND them in the wild, because the ones smart enough to survive know how to not be found.
nekobooi (6:33:09 PM): Plus if my tunnel theory holds true, we'd never find them in the earth's crust
nekobooi (6:33:59 PM): Combined with a birning desire to redeem their honor at the loss of their brothers and sisters
nekobooi (6:34:09 PM): The peeps must be planning a full scale invasion!
Loquelf (6:34:49 PM): But if they prey on EACH OTHER (and what else would they prey on), then I don't think they much care about their brethren that were captured for slaughter by the humans.
nekobooi (6:35:36 PM): I think you might be right
nekobooi (6:35:42 PM): Unless they had a leader
Loquelf (6:35:58 PM): If they had a leader, still not to worry.
Loquelf (6:36:34 PM): They're armed with little pebbles at best, and are still small and sweet tasting. People with dogs could let those mutts eat sugar to their hearts' content.
nekobooi (6:37:34 PM): Hahaha
nekobooi (6:37:46 PM): So long as Voltron Peep is never completed, we can rest easy
Loquelf (6:38:50 PM): If Voltron Peep is created, we can make a Crash Dummy an international hero, by having him ram into it with a car. Suicide, yes...but it is the Crash Dummy way.
nekobooi (6:39:45 PM): But the Peeps would be soft, and could assimulate the Crash dummy, turning him against us!
Loquelf (6:41:35 PM): The crash dummy's head is either solid, meaning he can't be assimilated due to the fact that they can't get into his head, or empty, meaning he can't be assimilated because he has no independent source of motor control anyway. And marshmallow is not strong enough to move joints.
nekobooi (6:43:27 PM): But we're talking about a voltron peep. I think streingth in this case isn't much of an issue for him
nekobooi (6:44:00 PM): Her
nekobooi (6:44:04 PM): Peep Thingy
Loquelf (6:44:34 PM): But there's only ONE voltron peep. He'd be too big, and need to retain his Peepness, other wise Crash Dummy/Voltron Peep would be mistaken as a human by the Peeps, but not the Humans, and be attacked from both sides.

Artifex Felicis
04-07-07, 11:40 PM
Artifex says:

Artifex says:
it hurts

¿really? says:

Artifex says:
Not that much

¿really? says:
Oh fine, I'll keep my hands to myself then!

Artifex says:

¿really? says:
Who's dirty now?!

04-07-07, 11:41 PM
That sounds a little wrong...

Massacre, he's MY KITTY!

Aryr de Morte
04-07-07, 11:44 PM
But I love kitties. :(

04-07-07, 11:45 PM
He's mine. You have one.

*Huggles Artifex*

04-09-07, 09:02 PM
R34l l337 1 (09:31:09 pm): I expanded on Sonata's mathematical food theory
angelicmalice15 (09:32:42 pm): His science theory that lacked sciences and had only math?
R34l l337 1 (09:33:14 pm): the one in the Erm, Uhh Sorry thread
angelicmalice15 (09:33:57 pm): Huh.
R34l l337 1 (09:36:36 pm): http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4920&page=2
R34l l337 1 (09:36:54 pm): the theory he posted there, I expanded upon it
angelicmalice15 (09:38:28 pm): Your math is suck-able.
R34l l337 1 (09:38:48 pm): thats just because it's to complicated for you to understand
angelicmalice15 (09:39:15 pm): Too*
R34l l337 1 (09:39:20 pm): I'll explain the multiplication law of derivatives if you want and it should make more since
R34l l337 1 (09:39:33 pm): which I might do anyways to counter sonata's response to my response
angelicmalice15 (09:39:41 pm): See, too* is used for an amount.
angelicmalice15 (09:39:48 pm): In excess.
angelicmalice15 (09:39:50 pm): Too much.
R34l l337 1 (09:39:51 pm): I know, it was a typo
angelicmalice15 (09:40:07 pm): Whatever helps you sleep.
R34l l337 1 (09:40:54 pm): see when F(x) = g(x)h(x) the F'(x) = g(x)'h(x) + g(x)h'(x)
angelicmalice15 (09:41:29 pm): Look, whatever helps you sleep man.
R34l l337 1 (09:41:53 pm): you didn't understand a damn thing I said in my last message did you?
angelicmalice15 (09:42:41 pm): I understood it's a cry for help.
R34l l337 1 (09:42:49 pm): god I should of used you in my last science fair project, I would have called it "Can I teach monkey's math?"
angelicmalice15 (09:42:52 pm): You need to prove you're good at something.
angelicmalice15 (09:42:59 pm): It's sad.
R34l l337 1 (09:43:18 pm): actually I'm bad at calc, I've barely got a C in that class
angelicmalice15 (09:43:24 pm): Guess mama's drinking and daddy's sexual molestation makes you feel worthless.
R34l l337 1 (09:43:38 pm): yep, you figured me out
R34l l337 1 (09:44:17 pm): when ever daddy ravishes my ass for his own drunken pleasure on top of my passed out mom I just think of X and Y
angelicmalice15 (09:44:44 pm): Well, you do live in Florida.
R34l l337 1 (09:45:00 pm): what are you implying?
angelicmalice15 (09:45:54 pm): I'm implying you like in a place known for drunken sexual exploitation of children, and calculus.
R34l l337 1 (09:46:17 pm): you like in a place?
angelicmalice15 (09:46:18 pm): live*
angelicmalice15 (09:46:26 pm): I correct my typos.
R34l l337 1 (09:46:43 pm): you didn't give me time to correct mine
angelicmalice15 (09:46:48 pm): Yes I did.
angelicmalice15 (09:46:55 pm): You were in the middle of a speech
angelicmalice15 (09:46:58 pm): A speech of math.
R34l l337 1 (09:47:24 pm): you should no better than to interrupt my long winded, pointless speeches that make little or know sense
R34l l337 1 (09:47:34 pm): interupt*
angelicmalice15 (09:47:37 pm): Know*
R34l l337 1 (09:47:46 pm): d'oh
R34l l337 1 (09:47:54 pm): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 11
angelicmalice15 (09:48:37 pm): Damn me.
R34l l337 1 (09:49:08 pm): first you insult my inteligence and then you start to hit on me?
R34l l337 1 (09:49:16 pm): you sir are a whore
R34l l337 1 (09:49:20 pm): *glove slap*
angelicmalice15 (09:49:36 pm): Intelligence*
R34l l337 1 (09:49:51 pm): go fucking die
angelicmalice15 (09:50:08 pm): There's a period at the end of every sentence.
angelicmalice15 (09:50:28 pm): Not to mention an upper case letter for the first one.
R34l l337 1 (09:50:41 pm): Fuck you.
angelicmalice15 (09:50:59 pm): Dance my monkey, dance.
R34l l337 1 (09:51:21 pm): What part of go kill yourself did you not understand?
R34l l337 1 (09:51:40 pm): Besides according to the bible it is you who is the vile monkey.
angelicmalice15 (09:51:55 pm): There were no monkeys in the bible.
R34l l337 1 (09:52:06 pm): Bullshit.
R34l l337 1 (09:52:38 pm): You've never read the bible.
angelicmalice15 (09:52:42 pm): Read it before burning it sometime.
R34l l337 1 (09:52:55 pm): Never!
R34l l337 1 (09:53:39 pm): And you should talk, you're the one god hates.
R34l l337 1 (09:54:48 pm): I wonder if I should post this conversation?
angelicmalice15 (09:55:24 pm): God hates you for not correctly typing his name.
angelicmalice15 (09:55:26 pm): God*
angelicmalice15 (09:55:29 pm): It's a name.
R34l l337 1 (09:56:00 pm): Yeah well I'm Athiest therefore in my mind he/she/it doesn't exist.
R34l l337 1 (09:56:07 pm): Loop hole bitch!
angelicmalice15 (09:56:13 pm): No...
angelicmalice15 (09:56:16 pm): It's still a name.
angelicmalice15 (09:56:34 pm): If you're an athiest, you shouldn't even acknowledge His existance.
angelicmalice15 (09:56:41 pm): But you did.
angelicmalice15 (09:56:46 pm): By saying HE hated me.
R34l l337 1 (09:57:44 pm): That's because in your mind he does exist (I assume) there for saying he hates you still fullfills the purpose of a come back by insulting you because you in turn had insulted me.
angelicmalice15 (09:58:28 pm): therefore*
R34l l337 1 (09:58:40 pm): Did I mention I hate you?
angelicmalice15 (09:58:57 pm): No; please express this hate in the form of posting this convo.
R34l l337 1 (09:59:25 pm): You think it will get me banned don't you?
angelicmalice15 (09:59:41 pm): How in fuck's name will this get you banned?
R34l l337 1 (10:00:02 pm): I don't know, I just though it was some little plan of yours to get the last laugh.
R34l l337 1 (10:00:46 pm): Besides you mods have like crazy supernatural powers to make the admins modify the rules so such a converstation could get me banned.
angelicmalice15 (10:00:49 pm): No.
angelicmalice15 (10:00:53 pm): That plan comes later.
R34l l337 1 (10:01:28 pm): Good point, besides I haven't offended anybody lately I think I will post this

Zook Murnig
04-09-07, 11:46 PM
R34l l337 1 (10:00:02 pm): I don't know, I just though it was some little plan of yours to get the last laugh.


It was worth parsing through that whole conversation just to point out another mispelling.

The Archer
04-09-07, 11:57 PM
*Beats Zook over the head with a book of Trial Records*

If you're going to waste that much time, finish up our battle, you jerk!

And get something up in Raj's thread.

04-10-07, 09:48 PM
R34l l337 1 (9:42:33 PM): besides if I get the measels from being gang raped I can always go juice another neko and cure them
R34l l337 1 (9:42:44 PM): and his account is still a mod account
R34l l337 1 (9:42:52 PM): which technically makes him staff
AngelicMalice15 (9:43:37 PM): And you're technically retarded.
AngelicMalice15 (9:43:45 PM): But it's not real retarded.
R34l l337 1 (9:43:32 PM): its just ADD
AngelicMalice15 (9:44:02 PM): That's what they said about Rainman.
R34l l337 1 (9:43:52 PM): ???
R34l l337 1 (9:43:54 PM): who?
AngelicMalice15 (10:27:56 PM): Go draw a web comic
R34l l337 1 (10:27:54 PM): I can't draw
AngelicMalice15 (10:37:39 PM): Use your penis.
R34l l337 1 (10:37:51 PM): I drawing with a penis falls under the catagory of one of your talents
AngelicMalice15 (10:39:20 PM): I drawing with a penis? Maybe you're not just "Technically retarded."
R34l l337 1 (10:40:05 PM): Shut up, I apparently didn't completely erase the previous sentence I had written.
R34l l337 1 (10:40:26 PM): Besides I'm doing three things at once.
AngelicMalice15 (10:41:33 PM): Masturbation and looking at porn counts as one.
R34l l337 1 (10:41:58 PM): That wasn't what I was talking about, I did all that earlier before I started talking to you.
AngelicMalice15 (10:44:01 PM): Besides, multitasking is no excuse for doing one thing badly.
AngelicMalice15 (10:44:12 PM): With your attitude, we would've lost the war.
R34l l337 1 (10:44:07 PM): Which one?
AngelicMalice15 (10:44:38 PM): All of them.
R34l l337 1 (10:44:45 PM): You couldn't have come up with a less predictable response than that?
AngelicMalice15 (10:45:35 PM): I was going to make some witty remark, but there are tall people behind you.
R34l l337 1 (10:45:35 PM): I'm alone
R34l l337 1 (10:45:37 PM): .

04-17-07, 01:14 PM
I'm sorry, Reina. I just couldn't help it. *Snickers*

[01:05] loquelf: Going, now.
[01:05] loquelf: You, sleep.
[01:05] WingsofAdventure: [M]: Are you listening to me?!
[01:05] loquelf: NO!
[01:05] WingsofAdventure: ...I'm going to sleep...
[01:05] WingsofAdventure: [M]: Sonna dame da! Kiita sa!
[01:05] WingsofAdventure: ...Going...
[01:05] *** "loquelf" signed off at Wed Apr 18 01:05:58 2007.
[01:06] WingsofAdventure: [M]: Grrrrrrr~!!!!
[01:06] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
[01:06] WingsofAdventure: ...Reina...
[01:06] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
[01:06] WingsofAdventure: She's already offline...
[01:06] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
[01:06] WingsofAdventure: [M]: I KNOW THAT!!!
[01:06] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
[01:07] WingsofAdventure: [M]: AND THAT'S JUST SO KUZODAMENI DAME DA!!!
[01:07] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
[01:07] WingsofAdventure: ...Whatever...
[01:07] *** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on

[M] - Reina Mikami, otherwise known as the Akashiman Gadgeteer.

Man, if she was a real person, she'd be dead-darn scary when she gets angry. :p

04-17-07, 03:24 PM
Lol. You guys are silly.

04-22-07, 12:09 AM
SaluterNijj66 (9:56:25 PM): "Pimp Juice - If this can't do it, fuck man, you're screwed!" Brought to you by Pimp Juice Distributors, Ya'll a bunch of Fo-shitz who ain't got shit to live with!
SaluterNijj66 (10:00:50 PM): haha...
SaluterNijj66 (10:00:51 PM): so
SaluterNijj66 (10:00:52 PM): anyway
SaluterNijj66 (10:00:55 PM): never had that stuff before
SaluterNijj66 (10:00:59 PM): just thought I'd poke fun at it
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:00 PM): ...
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:00 PM): yay
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:02 PM): fingers
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:03 PM): moving
antisane000 (10:01:04 PM): lol
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:07 PM): on own accord
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:11 PM): is a fun car
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:14 PM): when it's not broken
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:19 PM): like glass
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:21 PM): shattered
antisane000 (10:01:22 PM): I have a civic
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:28 PM): the opposite of civil
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:36 PM): disorder, like chaos
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:39 PM): only a little more contained
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:47 PM): unlike contiminated
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:51 PM): where you're all screwed
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:53 PM): with a nut
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:56 PM): minus the bolt
antisane000 (10:01:58 PM): actually civic is related to civil isn't it?
SaluterNijj66 (10:01:59 PM): run for it
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:06 PM): perhaps
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:09 PM): never cared to check
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:09 PM): mate
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:12 PM): the end of your game
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:14 PM): like life
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:20 PM): only without extra lives
antisane000 (10:02:26 PM): lol is it random thought trail tonight?
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:49 PM): unlike tomorrow
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:54 PM): it's maybe yesterday
SaluterNijj66 (10:02:57 PM): i forgot to see
SaluterNijj66 (10:03:01 PM): i'm blind
SaluterNijj66 (10:03:02 PM): this rag
SaluterNijj66 (10:03:04 PM): lol, hag
antisane000 (10:03:23 PM): dude..... I talked to someone in a different time zone on the internet once... and we were talking in different days
antisane000 (10:03:26 PM): it was wierd
SaluterNijj66 (10:03:32 PM): like wired
SaluterNijj66 (10:03:36 PM): only spelled differently
antisane000 (10:03:39 PM): okay stfu

Me = SaluterNijj66

Sorahn = antisane000

04-23-07, 09:19 PM
Loquelf: Anyway...
Loquelf: *dies*
SethDahlios: ?
SethDahlios: You can't DIE
SethDahlios: There's no DYING in Althanas
Loquelf: *Is dead*
SethDahlios: No no no
SethDahlios: You can't do that
Loquelf: *Did*
SethDahlios: you little brat
SethDahlios: you're worse than Karu

~ This was just too funny

04-28-07, 06:23 PM
bruneishirt: what was that joke
bruneishirt: in the movie
bruneishirt: about the dirtiest joke ever
SighterGoliant: Aristocrat joke?
bruneishirt: yeah
bruneishirt: what was it
SighterGoliant: Like, it has a bazillion variations.
bruneishirt: okay homie
SighterGoliant: But the gist is that a family goes into a talent agent's office and say, "We have this act, it's a family act."
SighterGoliant: And then they start fucking in the most grotesque way possible.
bruneishirt: hahahaha
SighterGoliant: And then, like, the dog comes in and shits on them and they eat the shit then vomit on one another and then stick the baby head first into the mother's vagina then fuck the baby's ass while it's in the vagina.
bruneishirt: I'm glad that you told me the actual joke instead of some bowdlerized version
bruneishirt: hahahahaha
bruneishirt: what the hell?
SighterGoliant: And then they say, "What do you think," and the agent says "I LOVE IT! What do you call it?" And they say...
SighterGoliant: "THE ARISTOCRATS!"
bruneishirt: hahah
bruneishirt: I don't really get the punchline

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 06:33 PM
bruneishirt (7:30:34 PM): I'm gay
bruneishirt (7:30:38 PM): Don't tell anyone
SighterGoliant (7:30:46 PM): No way, I'm posting this shit.

04-28-07, 06:33 PM
SighterGoliant: One wonders why all these Mexicans are allowed into the country. As if they haven't destroyed our culture enough.
bruneishirt: huh?
SighterGoliant: You know, Nordic Aryan culture?
bruneishirt: um NO
SighterGoliant: Another race traitor I see. Go consort with your negro friends.
SighterGoliant: Disgusting.

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 06:35 PM
bruneishirt: I am planning to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge
bruneishirt: I bought the blowtorch today
SighterGoliant: Here comes Gonzales

04-28-07, 06:36 PM
SighterGoliant: Jihad jihad jihad. Qur'an Muhammed 9/11 Israel Mossad bomb C4 assassinate infidels al Qaeda bin Laden insha'allah al-Quds machine gun

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 06:39 PM
bruneishirt: I will bring Althanas to its knees by posting so many terrorist buzzwords that the NSA will shut us down.
SighterGoliant: that's not nice

04-28-07, 06:41 PM
SighterGoliant: The Bush dance is kind of a turn on.

04-28-07, 06:47 PM
LMFAO. Wow, you people have some odd conversations... lol

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 07:09 PM
Yeah, we do. It's almost like we just made them up!

04-28-07, 08:24 PM
SighterGoliant: I'm not an elitist!
SighterGoliant: Now where's my gold encrusted dildo?

04-28-07, 09:32 PM
AngelicMalice15: You're an elitist.
AngelicMalice15: And gay.
AngelicMalice15: And rich.
AngelicMalice15: And have sex with your mother.
AngelicMalice15: Don't try to slip any allusions past me, I have Wikipedia and Dictionary.com open on my desktop 24/7.
AngelicMalice15: Did I mention I'm poor and gay?

04-28-07, 09:49 PM
bruneishirt: I wish vaginas spoke english
AngelicMalice: Wtf?
bruneishirt: well they cant very well speak mandarin!
bruneishirt: retart

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 09:53 PM
bruneishirt (10:49:55 PM): hahaha redeemer posted a response to me

bruneishirt (10:49:58 PM): bruneishirt: I wish vaginas spoke english
AngelicMalice: Wtf?
bruneishirt: well they cant very well speak mandarin!
bruneishirt: retart

bruneishirt (10:50:01 PM): I was like ".... what"

SighterGoliant (10:49:07 PM): Ahahahahahaa

bruneishirt (10:50:36 PM): AngelicMalice15: No.
AngelicMalice15: You wish vagina spoke english.
bruneishirt: hahah I wish vagina did huh

bruneishirt (10:51:04 PM): see his joke was really great
bruneishirt (10:51:13 PM): because it involved sex
bruneishirt (10:51:20 PM): and included his knowledge of chinese languages
bruneishirt (10:51:30 PM): but was crafted in a way that made me look stupid

04-28-07, 09:55 PM
bruneishirt (10:49:44 PM): I don't get it
AngelicMalice15 (10:50:04 PM): Because you're retarted.
bruneishirt (10:50:04 PM): hahahah
bruneishirt (10:50:08 PM): I wish
AngelicMalice15 (10:50:23 PM): No.
AngelicMalice15 (10:50:29 PM): You wish vagina spoke english.
bruneishirt (10:50:32 PM): hahah I wish vagina did huh
AngelicMalice15 (10:53:15 PM): That's what the IM conversation says.
bruneishirt (10:53:28 PM): I doubt vaginas would have much to say that we'd want to hear
AngelicMalice15 (10:53:47 PM): Well not with you.
AngelicMalice15 (10:53:52 PM): They'd just laugh.
bruneishirt (10:53:54 PM): ouchers

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 10:02 PM
AngelicMalice15: hardy har I love research
SighterGoliant: Wikipedia is not research
AngelicMalice15: I know so much about Shakespeare
SighterGoliant: I think I would like to see if it's true / that jokes about jizz are all you can do.
AngelicMalice15: nice iambic pentameter
SighterGoliant: those weren't iambs

04-28-07, 10:05 PM
SighterGoliant: I remember the old days of Althanas, or Tanthalas as we called it.
SighterGoliant: We had to walk 15 miles, BAREFOOT, in the snow to post!
SighterGoliant: And we didn't have your fancy "computers."
SighterGoliant: We had to carve our posts into our flesh.
AngelicMalice: ...

Sighter Tnailog
04-28-07, 10:06 PM
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
AngelicMalice15: .......
SighterGoliant: Excuse me, do you have something productive to say?

04-28-07, 10:11 PM
SighterGoliant: Excuse me, do you have something productive to say?
AngelicMalice15: Yes.
AngelicMalice15: Horizontal stripes are not your friend.
AngelicMalice15: Nor is gravity.
AngelicMalice15: You might also wanna get that cyst on your ass looked at.
SighterGoliant: You don't know what my ass looks like.
AngelicMalice15: Yeah I do.
AngelicMalice15: You sent me a picture.
SighterGoliant: That was my dog...
AngelicMalice15: Oh.
AngelicMalice15: Ok, you're going to get a picture in the mail..and it might be illegal.

Sighter Tnailog
04-29-07, 04:19 PM
SighterGoliant: I think you just make such statements out of a neo-Freudian desire to transcend the base realities of your confining geopolitical situation. In many ways, you are trying to re-deconstruct a framework of existence that has been dissolved once in the melange of post-industrial systems of thought. Although reestablished and given new function by Wittgenstein, the principles of Derrida and Foucault have so thoroughly deconstructed and self-deconstructed this divining light that the only place to turn is to a pattern of universal destruction predicated on your own adherence and understanding of the internal modeling of intrinsic substance.
SighterGoliant: I'll wait while you look that up

04-30-07, 03:55 PM
SighterGoliant: So...
bruneishirt: soooooo
SighterGoliant: A homeland security investigator just came to our apartment.
bruneishirt: haha really
bruneishirt: why
SighterGoliant: Ostensibly b/c he was running a background check on our neighbors across the hall.
bruneishirt: hahahah
SighterGoliant: But we're probably under watch now b/c of all that shit you said online the other night.
bruneishirt: ahahaha
bruneishirt: love it
bruneishirt: so
bruneishirt: how about blowing up the queen mary 2?
SighterGoliant: ahahaha, fuck you

04-30-07, 09:57 PM

SighterGoliant: Generally, I think that people who own Tolkien characters should speak in complete sentences and use capitalization and punctuation.
SighterGoliant: Especially if the character you use is a son of Finwe.
bruneishirt: oh well
bruneishirt: a son of Finwe?!?
bruneishirt: good mercy
SighterGoliant: Ahahaha, what?
bruneishirt: well I mean
bruneishirt: I don't know what the hell that is
SighterGoliant: It's one of the heirs to the second of the great three houses of the elves.
bruneishirt: hahaha
bruneishirt: what about the great tree houses?
bruneishirt: do they get nothing
SighterGoliant: Fuck you.

Goth Culture Reference
04-30-07, 10:00 PM
AngelicMalice15: Awaken.
Ark Ether: I'm here
AngelicMalice15: Wow...
AngelicMalice15: Now...now get naked.
Ark Ether: *strips*
AngelicMalice15: Alright.
AngelicMalice15: Now kill yourself.
AngelicMalice15: Put spread your legs while you do it.
AngelicMalice15: But*
Ark Ether: *cuts throat*
AngelicMalice15: Sweet, another hole.
Ark Ether: lmao, wow
Ark Ether: you're one sick, perverted being
AngelicMalice15: You won't be saying that when I'm fucking your slit throat.
AngelicMalice15: Actually.
AngelicMalice15: Maybe "I can get someone else in on this now.
AngelicMalice15: Alright, so I know someone else who wants in. Do you think you could cut your penis down the middle?
Ark Ether: nah, I kinda need that
AngelicMalice15: Not when you're dead

04-30-07, 10:12 PM
I'd like to highlight one part of that.

AngelicMalice15: Awaken.
Ark Ether: I'm here
AngelicMalice15: Wow...
AngelicMalice15: Now...now get naked.
Ark Ether: *strips*
AngelicMalice15: Alright.
AngelicMalice15: Now kill yourself.
AngelicMalice15: Put spread your legs while you do it.
AngelicMalice15: But*
Ark Ether: *cuts throat*
AngelicMalice15: Sweet, another hole.
Ark Ether: lmao, wow
Ark Ether: you're one sick, perverted being
AngelicMalice15: You won't be saying that when I'm fucking your slit throat.
AngelicMalice15: Actually.
AngelicMalice15: Maybe "I can get someone else in on this now.
AngelicMalice15: Alright, so I know someone else who wants in. Do you think you could cut your penis down the middle?
Ark Ether: nah, I kinda need that
AngelicMalice15: Not when you're dead

Cyrus the virus
05-01-07, 03:44 AM
My conversations used to be common in these threads :( I have become el boringo.

05-01-07, 10:36 AM
SighterGoliant: Have you ever wondered about how computer viruses are in a way more alive than computers themselves, in the sense that computer viruses are designed to, and indeed do, reproduce themselves?
Sukoda Fox: Not really, the only thing i tend to care about is how to get them off my computerbefore they do too much damage.
SighterGoliant: Hehehe, well, I mean, that makes sense.
SighterGoliant: But philosophically, I think it's an interesting point to ponder.
SighterGoliant: Computer code as its own form of self-replication, provided it has enough resources (i.e. computers) to continue replicating.
SighterGoliant: Sort of frightening to think that in the world of AI, the closest thing we have to humanity are computer viruses.
Sukoda Fox: sort of frightening to think that in the real world, we are the virus upon the earth destroying pretty much everything we come across and throwing the balance of nature greatly out of wack.
SighterGoliant: True. Although that viewpoint strikes me as a bit speciesist.
SighterGoliant: Operating on the philosophical assumption that human beings are somehow separate from and not a part of nature.
SighterGoliant: I'm sorry to subject you to this, Megan.
Sukoda Fox: we're the only species on the planet that destroys everything around it instead of acting in a natural way.
SighterGoliant: I'm in a very philosophic mood right now.
Sukoda Fox: I can tell
SighterGoliant: I don't know, there is substantial evidence to say that locusts, for instance, completely destroy everything around them, and the only reason they haven't destroyed the earth already is because of natural population dynamics keeping them in check...and I think we're probably subject to those same natural laws to, we just haven't reached the carrying capacity of the planet yet.
SighterGoliant: But, since we have the capability to do so in ways that use nature, the danger is that when we reach that capacity, we'll have engendered a downward spiral that renders us doomed, not just to lose a part of the population, but to lose the entire population.
SighterGoliant: But I have no doubt that Ants, were they privvy to the types of power humans have, would be equally devastating to the planet.
SighterGoliant: The human difference is not one of nature, it is one of means.
Sukoda Fox: It is one of intelligence. We believe ourselves the smartest creatures on the planet, the onlyintelligent beings on the planet and thus it is ours to do with as we please. So what if we wipe out a few dozen species in the process, we didn't need them, they couldn't think for themselves, therefore it's not big deal.
SighterGoliant: Very true. But with intelligence also comes the ability to comprehend higher ethics and deep ecology, so it is just as incumbent on a being with advanced intelligence to try to understand that mere intelligence is not a license to destroy -- and, in fact, unchecked destruction may be the most unintelligent thing to do.
SighterGoliant: But I agree with your general point -- I'm afraid it's the unfortunate side effect of the Cartesian view of the universe.
SighterGoliant: Newton and Bacon and all those heroes of early scientists were brilliant men, but I am afraid they set in motion a mechanistic view of the universe that does science and philosophy no favors.
Sukoda Fox: In the end it doesn't matter because we've allowed outselves to be put on a path that is the eventual destruction of this planet. We're depleting oil to polute the air with it's vapours, we cut down trees to fill the landfills with our garbage and drain away the freshwater to stuff it into bottles. Not to mention we score the land for our many farms. I'm not against farming, I know it's something unavoided, but it still does it's damage. If only we could get away from pesticide use.
Sukoda Fox: Everyone is so worried about the planet now yet no one will make any big steps to take the drastic changes necessary because they do not want to step on the feet of the multi-million dollar corporations, as they are the ones that put money in the coffers of the government.
SighterGoliant: You're right, of course. I dig me some populist rhetoric.
Sukoda Fox: It's sad, but if we don't start doing something soon we're going to kill ourself and the entire planet all because of a human invented thing such as money that has taken over our lives. The planet and it's resources should be more important then stamped coins and painted bills.
SighterGoliant: At the same time, capital development has some great potential to produce the environmentalist dimensions of globalizations in ways that are unforeseen -- the problem is that it is equally likely to produce waste and environmental inefficiency. Good government, consumer movements, and regulatory action can do a lot to direct stamped coins and painted bills into channels that can bring real environmental positives to bear.
Sukoda Fox: That's true, but they don't. With a small change, American and probably Canada as well, can run on cars that have the same gas mileage as in the UK, if you did that there would be no need to import oil from other countries and go to war again. Because everyone knows that a partial reason for going to war with Iraq was oil.
SighterGoliant: Hehehe, this is very true. And it's sad the extent to which consumers who want full-electric vehicles can't get them, even if the consumer is not the kind of person who needs a car that can go long distances and just needs it for city driving.

05-01-07, 05:06 PM
nekobooi (5:55:09 PM): *pokies*
Loquelf (5:55:31 PM): *Poke*
nekobooi (5:55:34 PM): *poke*
Loquelf (5:55:44 PM): *Poke*
nekobooi (5:55:53 PM): *poke*
nekobooi (6:00:21 PM): *lick*
Loquelf (6:00:40 PM): ...
Loquelf (6:00:44 PM): *backs away slowly*
nekobooi (6:00:46 PM): You were quiet!
Loquelf (6:00:58 PM): ...
nekobooi (6:02:21 PM): mew?
Loquelf (6:02:34 PM): You're scaring me...
nekobooi (6:03:04 PM): AHA!
nekobooi (6:03:08 PM): The tables have turned!
Loquelf (6:03:24 PM): *curls up in a ball and cries*
nekobooi (6:03:36 PM): *dances on michelle shaped ball*
Loquelf (6:03:55 PM): *Just cries more*
nekobooi (6:04:30 PM): *afixes little conquering flag in elbow crook*

05-01-07, 08:46 PM
SighterGoliant: I want a bumper sticker that says "Praying for Rapture: Maybe Then the Fundamentalists Will Leave Us Alone."
bruneishirt: hahahah
SighterGoliant: Actually, I want a bumper sticker that says Rapture? Hope the blacks enjoy all the shit we leave them behind"
bruneishirt: okay Himmler
SighterGoliant: Or "In Case of Rapture This Care Will Be Fine."
SighterGoliant: Car, sorry.
bruneishirt: disgusting
bruneishirt: get one of those for your jewish friends
bruneishirt: see if they appreciate it
SighterGoliant: Ahahaha, no, that one is for "In Case of Rapture This Car Will STILL BE EXPENSIVE."

05-04-07, 12:58 AM
This is why randomly IMing me is hazardous. I may start off in languages you don't know.

Ark Ether (1:49:07 AM): boo
Ark Ether (1:49:10 AM): how's it going?
Loquelf (1:50:12 AM): Na mealtainn Karuka obair...
Loquelf (1:50:16 AM): *falls over dead*
Ark Ether (1:50:33 AM): zwha?
Loquelf (1:51:00 AM): *Is dead*
Ark Ether (1:51:29 AM): *is confused
Loquelf (1:52:37 AM): obair oir oil-thigh...na mealtainn Karuka...
Ark Ether (1:52:45 AM): oil-thigh?
Ark Ether (1:53:05 AM): I'm completely and utterly kerfuzzled

Like Gaelic. (I'm also known to start in French, Drow, or occasionally throw in words of Romanian, Japanese, Elvish, or Klingon. Or Ancient Egyptian, in one memorable circumstance.)

Artifex Felicis
05-06-07, 09:38 AM
nekobooi: Still have, like, 20 hours
nekobooi: no, bout 18 and 1/2
nekobooi: HOLY CRAP
nekobooi: You sound scary
nekobooi: Yay!
nekobooi: Still, this is weird now
nekobooi: True, and you could get cory in the same swing!
nekobooi: And thanks
nekobooi: touche
nekobooi: Weird, I'm not hearing t for some reason
nekobooi: Nevermind, got it
nekobooi: And creepily enough, I know where Ian lives
nekobooi: I blame my heaphones running out of batteries
nekobooi: Yeah
nekobooi: They're spiffy!
nekobooi: And they still work alright, but the battery cuts out outside noise a lot
nekobooi: And when you're sister happens to love the killers. at full volume
nekobooi: And then switches to Pink in mid-song
nekobooi: It gets annoying
nekobooi: Innnuendo!
nekobooi: And still, I listen to 45 seconds
nekobooi: Cutoff
nekobooi: "The Only one who could EVER teach me wa the son of a preacher man!
Loquelf: Raven sounds cool.
Loquelf: Heh.
Loquelf: Cher.
nekobooi: Of course raven sounds cool
nekobooi: It's required
nekobooi: and yeah
nekobooi: It's more so not getting ALL the song
nekobooi: *goes to IM convo thread*
nekobooi: But, I LIKE the whole song!
nekobooi: I mean, not listening to a whole song is like looking at part of a painting
nekobooi: Nice accent by the way
nekobooi: Yeash, still, good stuff
nekobooi: That it is
nekobooi: And the whole, you know
nekobooi: Awesome history it comes with
nekobooi: touche!
nekobooi: Yeah

Conversations with me rock!

05-06-07, 09:57 AM

nekobooi: Then you be subjected to my skueeeky voice!
nekobooi: Still, I tend to shift my voice when I talk
nekobooi: For emphasis a lot
nekobooi: I mastered the Bubble Talk!
nekobooi: ENLGISH
nekobooi: There is no verbal babelfish!
nekobooi: ...
nekobooi: Bugger

05-06-07, 10:09 AM
It must look weird if people don't know what's going on, haha. :p

05-06-07, 10:36 AM
My conversations used to be common in these threads :( I have become el boringo.

The thing you gotta do, Matt, is be more interesting. :) You could always IM me and I'll say something weird/witty, and you can post it and voila, everyone loves you again!

05-06-07, 10:50 AM
The thing you gotta do, Matt, is be more interesting. :) You could always IM me and I'll say something weird/witty, and you can post it and voila, everyone loves you again!

That's cruel, getting his hopes up like that. We all know that nobody in their right mind would ever love Matt. ;)

Slayer of the Rot
05-06-07, 11:13 AM
Hey, Matt is my Canadian brother from a different mother and I will not have you speak about him in such a tone!

05-06-07, 11:15 AM
You can speak about him in such a tone yourself then, heh.

After all....brothers fight.

05-06-07, 11:24 AM
Unless they were both Indians (The American ones), in which case they would band together and build a large casino to make millions of dollars.


05-06-07, 11:58 AM
me: *strokes your fur* so soft...
Raven: Nyu~
Raven: Gyah.
Raven: I just got out of the rain a few hours ago, ya know. XD
me: *pulls brush from hammerspace* don't worry kitty! well get you all dry!!
me: *pulls towel from hammerspace*
me: dry time!!
me: (^_^)
Raven: Ack
Raven: *Gets all poofy and fluffyish it's scary*
me: *takes brush and...brushes Raven*
Raven: Nyu~
me: aww...kitty's happy! (^_^)
Raven: Myao~
me: Rith just logged...*is still brushing*
Raven: Logged out?
me: yup
me: *brush brush brush*
me: *notices wad of hair stuck to brush*
me: hmmm?
me: *sees small bald spot*
me: eepp!!!!
Raven: O_o
Raven: Wut happened?!
me: eh....Nothing!! Nothing at all!!!
Raven: ...*Sees the wad of hair*
Raven: ...Oh... It's ok...
me: *hides brush with hair on it*
me: Nani?
me: what's ok?
me: I've no idea what you speak of
me: *still hiding brush*
Raven: I hit my head on a window pane yesterday, so I was expecting something like that to happen....
me: na~ni?
me: O_o......?
Raven: Yeah, but its not that bad
me: *head suffles back and forth*
Raven: It's only about an inch long. ^_^;
me: but what does hitting a window pain have anything to do with fur loss?
Raven: I hit my head on... wait-
Raven: ..It was the corner of a window frame. Wood and all.
Raven: Smack in the middle of my head... >.<
me: ....*fails to connect*
Raven: Let's just say, there was plenty of blood caked to my head, Nya~
me: geh...O_o *faints*
Raven: Nya~?!
Raven: Hamnat- are you alright?
me: nyu~..
me: blood....
Raven: O_o


me: I think my inner kitty has been reawakened
me: nyao~
me: *puts hands over mouth*
me: mew....
me: GAH!!!!
Raven: Oy
Raven: XD
Raven: Everyone has an Inner Kitty, Nya~
Raven: Well, either that or another Fursona under the human guise. XD
me: I have a very big kitty....mew....
Raven: Myao Myao~
me: mew nyao
me: Nyu~?

why me? Cause I want to, that's why!

05-06-07, 12:02 PM
About Raven's head getting split open on a window frame... Not kidding.

The blood part - slightly exaggerated, but there was a good amount of blood nonetheless.


05-06-07, 02:23 PM
AngelicMalice15 (3:17:53 PM): If you could be any superhero, who would it be?
RestitutionSpork (3:18:07 PM): Catwoman
AngelicMalice15 (3:18:19 PM): She doesn't even have powers.
RestitutionSpork (3:18:28 PM): She's got claws and a whip.
AngelicMalice15 (3:18:37 PM): So do you.
RestitutionSpork (3:19:05 PM): Yep, but I don't have a lucrative career as a psychologist, or as a cat burgler, nor do I have a skintight leather suit.

AngelicMalice15 (3:14:28 PM): If you could be any superhero, who would it be?
AlcoholicSlayer (3:22:28 PM): catwoman.

05-06-07, 02:55 PM
Bahaha, that cracked me up there Lucien.

Cyrus the virus
05-06-07, 11:34 PM
Cool, I got attention.

The only people who love me are cheating whores who are too stupid to function properly in an adult society. Other people like me, but most of them are fucking twits.


Except Empy, she rules a little.

05-07-07, 12:11 AM
You mean a lot, hon.

Also, the first time I looked at that, I thought you had typed "ASS SHOES."

I always get the weirdest imagery from you people.

Cyrus the virus
05-07-07, 02:09 AM
Thanks dear :) Now to be relevant... I'll IM someone.

DraconianCyrus: Tits.
ArtisticxStatic: Ass

Then I sign off, ha. What an ass I am!

05-07-07, 03:41 AM
Matt the virus says:
But both my conf 2 battles are won, so.. yay. Too bad I didn't earn either victory.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Iain = no show. Patois = *BAMF*
Matt the virus says:
I love Nightcrawler. +2 cool points for you.
Matt the virus says:
Izvilvin will never soon!!!!
Matt the virus says:
Matt the virus says:
level soon.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Matt the virus says:
Are you fearful yet?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Can't much say that I am.
Matt the virus says:
Why not!?!
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Because I don't feel like it.

05-07-07, 04:53 PM
Nice, Karuka! (^_^)

05-07-07, 10:38 PM
Short and sweet...

me: whats the pont of school...
friend: uhmmmm.
friend: variety in sleeping patterns?

05-08-07, 07:30 PM
Observe pro spelling technique!

Artifex says: how i mine 4 fish?
Emma says: r u dum?!
Emma says: u hafta take da speer n st4b it! lol omg!!
Artifex says: u sux. i waz jus wonderin. i nvr ply this prof b4
Emma says: r u srius?!
Emma says: omg u r so dumb lolol!!111
Emma says: y u dum?
Artifex says: i dun knw. y r u ghey?u r a fag!
Emma says: im a gurl... M I RITE?!
Artifex says: omg!! u r a grl? a/s/l? hv pix?
Emma says: lol r u stoopid? im 14/f/4l4sk4!!!! lol, u r so dum!!!
Emma says: i hav sum pics uv my kat lol
Artifex says: u r not a grl. ur just g4y. go play sum othr gam noob
Emma says: lol y r u so meen? i gota kry now omg...
Artifex says: rolflmfao g4y

That's right, you mine for fish by stabbing them with a spear, also, Artifex wins for spelling "wondering" ALMOST correctly. :p

05-08-07, 09:27 PM
AngelicMalice15: Fuck me?
SighterGoliant: No.


AngelicMalice15 (10:31:19 PM): Censoring art should be illegal.
SighterGoliant (10:31:32 PM): If you think this is art, you're more postmodern than Jacques Derrida.
AngelicMalice15 (10:31:51 PM): So's your face.
SighterGoliant (10:32:07 PM): Ahahahaha
AngelicMalice15 (10:32:20 PM): Wait, I've got a better one.
AngelicMalice15 (10:32:32 PM): Your mom's postmodern.
AngelicMalice15 (10:32:42 PM): Ohh!
SighterGoliant (10:33:16 PM): Man, you got me.

05-09-07, 10:48 AM
[21:37] Kaymiril: !
[21:37] Kaymiril: laundry!
[21:37] Kaymiril: *runs*
[21:38] Raven Adventwings: Whoops. :p
[21:53] Kaymiril: there!
[21:53] Raven Adventwings: You forgot you were doing laundry, Nya~?
[21:54] Kaymiril: I had to grab it out of the dryer and fold it.
[21:54] Raven Adventwings: Man, that's so easy!
[21:54] Raven Adventwings: I envy you wealthy Americans. ;)
[21:55] Kaymiril: Do you have to hang yours outside, after hand washing it?
[21:55] Raven Adventwings: Yes and no.
[21:55] Raven Adventwings: We do have coin-operated washing machines, you know. :p

05-09-07, 07:27 PM
We have those too. :p

For those who can't afford or don't have the space for one, mostly college students.

05-09-07, 07:57 PM
Me and my little sister.

Me: *Pokes one...two...twenty seven and a half times*
Her: *pokes twice as fast and twice as many times*

05-10-07, 05:18 AM
[03:06] SethDahlios: Do you think Colin (raelyse) Just gave up on the tournament and was only seeing how far he could go off inactivity?
[03:06] DraconianCyrus: I don't even think he's doing that much
[03:08] SethDahlios: Looks like I'll get far with Drusilia then..
[03:08] SethDahlios: Might even get level 2...
[03:09] DraconianCyrus: Word, son!
[03:09] DraconianCyrus: Level 2 is when you start getting respect, 4 realz.
[03:10] SethDahlios: Nah level 2 is when you get noticed
[03:10] SethDahlios: level 3 gets you groupies
[03:10] SethDahlios: 4 is god
[03:10] SethDahlios: and 10 is like, pirate ninja
[03:11] DraconianCyrus: You know, pirates are not as badass as ninjas.
[03:11] SethDahlios: But one cannot defy their suave exterior
[03:12] DraconianCyrus: Truth, but ninjas have that AND mad skillz.
[03:12] SethDahlios: Unless theres a bunch of them
[03:12] SethDahlios: Have I ever told you my theory of ninja skill?
[03:12] SethDahlios: There can only be so much ninja skill in any given area
[03:13] SethDahlios: Hence why a group of ninja's is cannon fodder
[03:13] SethDahlios: but one ninja is a badass
[03:13] SethDahlios: Think about it, the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles spread out when they fight, so each of them is almost a fully powered ninja
[03:15] DraconianCyrus: This theory is brilliant
[03:15] DraconianCyrus: I will kill you and adopt it as my own
[03:15] SethDahlios: Right up there with the theory of the Pinja
[03:15] SethDahlios: or the Nirat
[03:15] SethDahlios: *Nirate
[03:15] SethDahlios: depending on antionality and which side of the divide you watch from
[03:16] SethDahlios: however that must be for another day.
[03:16] SethDahlios: for I must sleep
[03:17] DraconianCyrus: Enjoy that, California boyee

05-10-07, 08:18 AM
Raven Adventwings says:
I'm not here. :p
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Could have fooled me.
Raven Adventwings says:
No, really. I'm not here. XD

You have just sent a nudge.

Raven Adventwings just sent you a nudge.

Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Yes, you are.
Raven Adventwings says:
No, I'm not "here"
Raven Adventwings says:
I'm at the Dorm. XD
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
You're still on the internet. Meaning you're here.
Raven Adventwings says:
I'm at the DORM. XD
Raven Adventwings says:
And what is it by you mean "Internet"?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
So? If I were in Fiji, rather than in Virginia, I'd still be "here."
Raven Adventwings says:
No, really?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Raven Adventwings says:
So... where's Here?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
At the computer. On the internet.
Raven Adventwings says:
Hullo~? Are you "there"?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Yes. I'm "here."
Raven Adventwings says:
Where's "here"?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
At the computer.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
On the internet.
Raven Adventwings says:
But if I'm "here", I should be at your computer, on your internet.
Raven Adventwings says:
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
"here" is a relative pronoun of place.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
For you, "here" is at a computer on the internet while physically located in Thailand.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
For me, you are "there."
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
For me, "here" is at a computer on the internet while physically located in Ashland.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
For you, I am "there."
Raven Adventwings says:
But what and who dictates the concept of "here" and "there"?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
It's relative, meaning an individual determines what here and there is for themselves.
Raven Adventwings says:
And what about those who exist solely in the vast network that makes up the world's lines of communication?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
I've never met one of those before.
Raven Adventwings says:
"Here" and "There" could be anywhere!
Raven Adventwings says:
You should have, at one time or another.
Raven Adventwings says:
But then again, how do we define "who" is "what" in existence within the Internet?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
I don't consider bots to be people. So they aren't "who" they are "what."
Raven Adventwings says:
But "What" is "Who" for those whose personality exists purely within the realm of Cyberspace?
Raven Adventwings says:
So many people have alternate personalities after the anonimity of Internet Chatrooms and such has granted them immunity from real world physical shortcoming.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
But those exist within a person located at some point in the real world that they only choose to release while online.
Raven Adventwings says:
But... do they exist within the "person" as a suppressed side, or an entirely different entity which casually uses the "person" as a means of expression?
Raven Adventwings says:
Some people are not aware of such "thing" until expressed within the Internet.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
That's due to a suppressed desire to be something and someone else.
Raven Adventwings says:
But does one know that side exists had one no access to Internet?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Probably, manifest in feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness with themselves and their life.
Raven Adventwings says:
Ah, so is this an intentional manifestation or would you call it something else?
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
I'd say intentional manifestation, yes.
Raven Adventwings says:
...You're no fun to discourse.

Let me say...I was kept on my toes the entire time. :p

05-10-07, 09:42 AM
Me = FarFarello
Corey = Sullen Killer

FarfareIIox (9:24:39 AM): BOOOGGGAA F*CKING BOOGA.
SullenKiller (9:23:28 AM): lol
SullenKiller (9:23:29 AM): Lovely
FarfareIIox (9:25:22 AM): ..
FarfareIIox (9:25:24 AM): <______<
SullenKiller (9:24:48 AM): My Ex called me last night
FarfareIIox (9:26:18 AM): ...
FarfareIIox (9:26:20 AM): Cool.
FarfareIIox (9:26:22 AM): ^^
SullenKiller (9:25:07 AM): I guess
SullenKiller (9:27:11 AM): o_O
SullenKiller (9:27:16 AM): How was your lay down?
FarfareIIox (9:28:49 AM): ..
FarfareIIox (9:28:51 AM): I masturbated.
SullenKiller (9:27:33 AM): ;Twitch;
SullenKiller (9:27:34 AM): Really now
FarfareIIox (9:29:08 AM): YUP.
FarfareIIox (9:29:09 AM): o......o'
FarfareIIox (9:29:14 AM): I can't stop.
SullenKiller (9:27:50 AM): Lovely
FarfareIIox (9:29:15 AM): I try.
SullenKiller (9:27:56 AM): ;Clears his throat;
FarfareIIox (9:29:30 AM): I'll be sitting there, twitching and thinking about ponies and then ..all of a sudden..
FarfareIIox (9:29:37 AM): BAM!!!!. "BRITTANY STEAK IS ON!"
FarfareIIox (9:29:41 AM): ..<_< See, what I mean?
FarfareIIox (9:29:42 AM): o....o'
SullenKiller (9:28:18 AM): oO
FarfareIIox (9:29:47 AM): I could smell if from the kitchen.
FarfareIIox (9:29:55 AM): And I kept getting fidgety.
FarfareIIox (9:30:00 AM): My mom told me to go to my room.
FarfareIIox (9:30:03 AM): I was freaking out.
SullenKiller (9:28:41 AM): o_O
SullenKiller (9:28:43 AM): What?
FarfareIIox (9:30:12 AM): - Droooools. -
SullenKiller (9:28:48 AM): o_O
SullenKiller (9:28:52 AM): Wow
SullenKiller (9:28:59 AM): Tell yer mum I says hey
FarfareIIox (9:30:41 AM): YEAH.
FarfareIIox (9:30:47 AM): ^___^
SullenKiller (9:29:28 AM): o_O
SullenKiller (9:29:29 AM): Whoa
SullenKiller (9:29:44 AM): im making a pirate character
SullenKiller (9:29:45 AM): Care to join me?
FarfareIIox (9:31:14 AM): No.
FarfareIIox (9:31:17 AM): I hate pirates.
SullenKiller (9:29:54 AM): Alright then
FarfareIIox (9:31:20 AM): ..Actually.
FarfareIIox (9:31:23 AM): - Takes that back. -
FarfareIIox (9:31:27 AM): I lubbbeeeee pirates.

05-10-07, 06:40 PM
Midwinter really doesn't use IMs that often, I had to run down the basics for her LOL.

silvastang98: so whats up
SecretApocalypse: I dunno. I'm just checking out the features of this "instant messenger" technology. XP
silvastang98: haha
SecretApocalypse: Hey I haven't been mobbed by anyone yet.
silvastang98: seeeeeeeee
silvastang98: i told you
silvastang98: omg
silvastang98: sounds like something i would do
SecretApocalypse: Eh this stuff happens to me all the time.
SecretApocalypse: It just fwapped of the counter top and landed on me! XD
silvastang98: did it stab you?
silvastang98: like chop your toseys off?
SecretApocalypse: Nope. As I said, not a scratch.
silvastang98: oh
silvastang98: i thought you ment as in...it didnt scratch me...it severed my toes
SecretApocalypse: =P
silvastang98: haha
SecretApocalypse: NIce. Would I be so open about it if it had severed my toes?
SecretApocalypse: And besides surgery can reattach them now
silvastang98: lmfao
silvastang98: OMG
silvastang98: BRB
silvastang98: POPPERS
silvastang98: brb
silvastang98: okay back
silvastang98: those things are so fun
SecretApocalypse: What does LMFAO mean?
SecretApocalypse: And what was fun?
silvastang98: you really dont use messengers...
silvastang98: LOL
silvastang98: lmfao is short for...
silvastang98: roflmfao
SecretApocalypse: which is?
SecretApocalypse: XD
silvastang98: Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Fucking Ass Off
SecretApocalypse: Oh
silvastang98: there's variations of ROFL
silvastang98: LMAO
SecretApocalypse: Who thought of this one? XD
silvastang98: LMFAO
silvastang98: umm
silvastang98: just about everyone knows that lol
silvastang98: except you
silvastang98: because you dont use IM's :-P, but that's okay youre excused
SecretApocalypse: Aww I feel so out of touch!
silvastang98: hmmm
silvastang98: nm
SecretApocalypse: So BRB is be right back, right?
silvastang98: yes
silvastang98: oh lord
SecretApocalypse: kwa?
silvastang98: huh?
SecretApocalypse: Kwa? You don't know this? its chatspeak!!! XD
silvastang98: no lol
silvastang98: ive been using IM for 8 years
SecretApocalypse: I kid.
silvastang98: nevre heard that one before
SecretApocalypse: Kwa is what in french
silvastang98: gah
silvastang98: u know what nm is?
SecretApocalypse: no
SecretApocalypse: never mind?
silvastang98: never mind OR not much
silvastang98: its like i live and that show's live
silvastang98: same concept as nm you have to figure out which one is which
SecretApocalypse: hmm
silvastang98: haha and it's pretty easy
SecretApocalypse: This is a whole new subculture that I've never considered before
silvastang98: lmfao
silvastang98: lol = laugh(ing) out loud
SecretApocalypse: I know that!
SecretApocalypse: XP
silvastang98: tyvm = thank you very much
silvastang98: ty = thank you
silvastang98: bbs = be back soon
silvastang98: bbl = be back later
silvastang98: wb = welcome back
silvastang98: ttyl = talk to you later
silvastang98: lyl = love you lots
SecretApocalypse: Do you plan to make a dictionary for this?
silvastang98: cya = see you later
silvastang98: OR
silvastang98: my favorite for cya is cover your ass
silvastang98: hahahaha
SecretApocalypse: nice
silvastang98: hmmm
silvastang98: what else is there
silvastang98: wtf = what the fuck
SecretApocalypse: FTW and WTF
silvastang98: wth = what the hell
SecretApocalypse: oh
SecretApocalypse: =)
silvastang98: FTW = for the win (i think)
SecretApocalypse: I know!
SecretApocalypse: I know that one!
silvastang98: oh, so it is that?
SecretApocalypse: I'm good!
silvastang98: hahaha
SecretApocalypse: =D
silvastang98: i assumed thats what i ment
silvastang98: never asked lol
silvastang98: what else is there
silvastang98: omg = oh my god
silvastang98: haha
silvastang98: omfg = oh my fucking god
SecretApocalypse: oh yeah
silvastang98: bs = bullshit
silvastang98: w/e = whatever
SecretApocalypse: w00t
silvastang98: ttys = talk to you soon
silvastang98: b/c = because
SecretApocalypse: Thanks!
silvastang98: wbu = what about you
SecretApocalypse: I think i now could take a comprehensive exam on chatspeak
silvastang98: i think that about covers the basics
silvastang98: lmao
SecretApocalypse: Yay!

05-11-07, 03:39 PM
Me and my other sister...so funny...

Karu'sKidSister: hey chelle
Loquelf (4:33:48 PM): Hey.
Loquelf (4:33:52 PM): Whatcha want?
Karu'KidSister: look i have a question and it's for homework
Loquelf (4:34:12 PM): Okay?
Karu'sKidSister: do you have hairy fingers

Skie and Avery
05-12-07, 12:57 AM
RestitutionSpork: I went on a date with a gay man on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I didn't turn him. The strength of your side is too strong!
SighterGoliant: Yes, we are strong.
RestitutionSpork: It's a terrible thing, Madison.
SighterGoliant: Yep.
RestitutionSpork: Dude, he is so sexy.
SighterGoliant: Hehehehe, Letho or Hiram Washbone?
RestitutionSpork: They aren't the same person? }=D I meant Mssr Washbone of course.
SighterGoliant: Hehehe, Hiram Washbone and Saxby Corningham are dopebeatz character, which is Frank.
RestitutionSpork: I love Frank.
RestitutionSpork: One day I shall grope him for this.
RestitutionSpork: Wait... he's straight right?
SighterGoliant: Yes.
RestitutionSpork: Good. I don't want to get bitchslapped by a boyfriend when I grope.
SighterGoliant: Ahahahaha
SighterGoliant: You might get beaten up by Kathryn.
RestitutionSpork: Oh. Well damn. When were the good old days when Althanas boys were assumably single?
SighterGoliant: Hehehe, true.
SighterGoliant: Back when we were in highschool, haha.
RestitutionSpork: It would be funny if Findelfin boinked Skie too. Two generations of Moontae royalty!
SighterGoliant: Hehehe, yes it shall.
SighterGoliant: And that would be a bit like fucking your daughter.
SighterGoliant: Even though it wouldn't be, it would feel like it.
RestitutionSpork: rofl. It would be what Fin always wanted, someone who was part Natamrael, part Devon! You know he fancied both! =P I'm teasing you.
SighterGoliant: Well, he did!
RestitutionSpork: XD
RestitutionSpork: At least she doesn't have her pheremones anymore, or this could turn into "Orgy in Suikan's Haven"
SighterGoliant: Ahahahaha
RestitutionSpork: XD
RestitutionSpork: That'd be hawt.
RestitutionSpork: LoL
RestitutionSpork: It's an older sister thing. I would happily fight all Ryan's battles, if he wasn't such a pot smoking pacifist.
SighterGoliant: I love pot.
RestitutionSpork: Confucious say, "Man who stand on toilet, high on pot!"
SighterGoliant: Ahahahahaha
SighterGoliant: Actually, you're supposed to call it pizza electronically.
SighterGoliant: So the feds don't catch you.
RestitutionSpork: Yeah, because the gonvernment finds all my conversations excrutiatingly interesting. Maybe the one where I told my sister about Rob. "OMG, did she really say he had a tiny dick?" "Yes!" "Holy crap, send that one to the Pentagon!"
SighterGoliant: Ahahahaha, I have to show you something. One sec.
RestitutionSpork: Okie day
SighterGoliant: http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=63179&postcount=107
RestitutionSpork: *cralick!*
SighterGoliant: http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=63180&postcount=108
SighterGoliant: bruneishirt: I will bring Althanas to its knees by posting so many terrorist buzzwords that the NSA will shut us down.
SighterGoliant: that's not nice
SighterGoliant: http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=63190&postcount=111
SighterGoliant: http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=63200&postcount=112
SighterGoliant: That's pretty much the round of them, the core of that conversation-inventing night from the buzzwords section onwards.
RestitutionSpork: rofl. Gonzales is a buzzword?
SighterGoliant: No. Gonzales is the attorney general.
RestitutionSpork: I did not know this.
SighterGoliant: Hehehe, that's okay.
SighterGoliant: Anyway, the DAY AFTER.
SighterGoliant: And I mean the DAY AFTER we posted all this stuff.
RestitutionSpork: I lost XM radio, so no more news. =( Yes, tell me about your morning after pills.
SighterGoliant: A homeland security investigator came to our apartment.
RestitutionSpork: LOL Really?
SighterGoliant: And told us he was "doing a background check on our neighbors for security clearances."
SighterGoliant: Yeah fucking right.
SighterGoliant: He was checking to see if we were Albanian.
RestitutionSpork: XD You shouldn't be talking to me, I have an uncle from Iran.
SighterGoliant: Ahahaha, really?
RestitutionSpork: Yup! He's awesome crazy. His name is Fereidun. My cousins are named Bryan Hussein and Jordan Khadehjah. I used to call Bry "Husseiney!" when we were growing up.

05-12-07, 08:40 AM
Emma says:
"And where in Hel had the soldiers, just returning, gone off to?"
Emma says:
Just thoguht I'd point it out.
Emma says:
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Well, your post said they were just returning...as did Osato's...I wanna know where they'd gone.
Emma says:
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Emma says:
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
Karu buys into the Nordic version.
Kaymiril/Karuka says:
For her, it's Hel.
Emma says:
Emma says:
Nevermind then >_>

Gotta love cultural differences.

05-12-07, 06:09 PM
Emma says: Woot, new trees!
Witchy says: coolies! *steals a tree*
Emma says: *crumbles, crying*
Emma says: M... m.. my treeeee!
Witchy says: awww... but I'm gonna take good care of it, I just wanted it for the backyard...
Witchy says: [Grrrr....!
Emma says: Pff, fine.
Witchy says: Yay! *does a happy dance around her new tree*
Emma says: *grabs a lighter, contemplating*
Emma says: Cool tree!
Emma says: Can I touch it?
Witchy says: ...no.
Emma says: *runs toward tree*
Witchy says: *sticks out foot to trip you*
Emma says: *trips*
Emma says: Damn it!
Witchy says: Tee hee ^^
Emma says: *spontaneously combusts*
Witchy says: cool *watches you burn*
Emma says: *screams in agony*
Emma says: Heeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeee! *echo*
Witchy says: Hmm... all right. *throws water on you*
Emma says: *crawls toward your feet, then kisses your foot and lights your pants on fire*
Emma says: Haha!
Emma says: *crawls away*
Witchy says: ohhh... well isn't that a bugger. *throws water on her pants*
Emma says: Cheater! *flees*

Took most of Witchy's name since it's always so damn long. :p

Cyrus the virus
05-13-07, 11:31 AM
Emma says:
mm, I'm heading out pretty quick, say your last words before you go to sleep!

An Austrian threatened me!

Cyrus the virus
05-13-07, 04:10 PM
AngelicMalice15: I'm going to fake IM you.

05-13-07, 04:11 PM

DraconianCyrus: Man Emma's so hot
DraconianCryus: I'd hit that *** like a ***, maybe even rub some **** on her ****
DraconianCyrus: OH! And then, I'll **** all over he bed while singing **** in her *****'s ****.
AngelicMalice: Are you going to use a condom?
DraconianCyrus: No! I'm not a freak!

Cyrus the virus
05-13-07, 04:17 PM
Wow, definately not amusing.

Artifex Felicis
05-13-07, 08:20 PM
nekobooi: Does that make Rainee a necrophiliac?
Someone Else: Ummm...I suppose so?

I knew it!

05-17-07, 03:00 PM
Fr0zens0ul (3:44:44 PM): ... i plead the 5th on that
Loquelf (3:45:13 PM): You live in Canada.
Fr0zens0ul (3:45:30 PM): so? i'm american by birth
Loquelf (3:45:48 PM): You're a Canadian now, though.
Fr0zens0ul (3:46:08 PM): nope. i'll always be american. i'm just displaced.
Loquelf (3:46:24 PM): You married a Canadian.
Fr0zens0ul (3:46:48 PM): yep, and when all of this stupid paper work is done i'll have both american and canidian citizenship
Fr0zens0ul (3:46:54 PM): *canadian
Loquelf (3:47:13 PM): Dude, I want to be a Canidian. :p
Fr0zens0ul (3:47:18 PM): marry one =P
Loquelf (3:47:58 PM): I just need to know where Canidia is. Since it's Canada that's to the north of the US.
Fr0zens0ul (3:48:31 PM): its southwest of the rainbow
Loquelf (3:48:57 PM): Dammit. I don't know how to get to Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
Fr0zens0ul (3:49:45 PM): awe... too bad. i'm sure they had a knight in armor waiting for you too
Loquelf (3:50:27 PM): When I find a way to get there, I'll look for the knight with my name etched into his crest.
Fr0zens0ul (3:51:09 PM): ^_^
Fr0zens0ul (3:53:37 PM): (13:53:44) RestitutionSpork: Ha! The crest in his PANTS!
Loquelf (3:53:47 PM): ...
Loquelf (3:54:00 PM): That's Manda for you.

05-17-07, 08:08 PM
AngelicMalice15: Rape isn't funny unless a clown's involved.
RestitutionSpork: Rape is never funny to me. It's exciting.
RestitutionSpork: Especially when there is duct tape involved!@
AngelicMalice15: Well, not with a clown it's not.
RestitutionSpork: They, there's alot you can do with a round rubber nose.
AngelicMalice15: There's a lot you could do with Ben Stein.
AngelicMalice15: Doesn't mean it's exciting.
RestitutionSpork: And it doesn't mean it isn't. I can think of alot of exciting things to do with Ben Stein.
RestitutionSpork: Use his guts to decorate the set of his retarded trivia show, for example.
AngelicMalice15: I liked that show
RestitutionSpork: There's a 13 year old boy who is wearing a shirt that says "Will buy drinks for sex" that just walked in. Should I give him your phone number?
AngelicMalice15: You don't know my number!
AngelicMalice15: And I'm 18.
RestitutionSpork: I don't?
RestitutionSpork: And no you aren't. You're 14. I've seen pictures.
AngelicMalice15: I have a rough, tiny beard.
RestitutionSpork: So does my cunt
AngelicMalice15: Unlike that, however, I lack **** - Should Cory continue. Text 1 for yes, 2 for no, or 3 for oral sex.
RestitutionSpork: 1313131313131311111!
AngelicMalice15: 1 and 3 sort've go hand in hand, what with the condition of your vagina and all.
AngelicMalice15: Sweet! I've got a trucker/vagina joke!
RestitutionSpork: There's nothing wrong with my vagina.
AngelicMalice15: That reminds me.
AngelicMalice15: What would our perfect date be like.
AngelicMalice15: If I was straight.
AngelicMalice15: And you weren't an insane road warrior/hooker.
RestitutionSpork: You'd be tied down, and I'd have a whip. You'd have a special gag so that every time you cried out in pain or pleasure, a small shock would be delivered to my nipples. After a while, I'd smother you in lemons and furiously... wait.. if I wasn't an insane road warrior/hooker?? I'd take you to bricktown, we'd catch dinner at some little place with a live band. You're crazy enough to dance with me if I asked. Then we'd probably go walking around the Riverwalk, grab some ice cream at the marble slab and feed pieces of the cone to ducks. That sounds pretty normal/sweet.
AngelicMalice15: And if you were a hot guy?
RestitutionSpork: If I were a hot guy, I'd take you to the Copa, which is a gay club in OKC and we'd make fun of the drag queens and pants people, and then end up making out in a bathroom stall. We'd get kicked out and I'd take you to my ritzy downtown apartment to rock your world.
AngelicMalice15: And if we were even bigger nerds?
RestitutionSpork: Bigger nerds than us? Star Trek convention. Lucky we ain't that bad.
AngelicMalice15: Here's how I see it.
AngelicMalice15: For the first scenario, We'd meet at my work in Harvard square where I'd finally get my fucking check so we can actually do something.
AngelicMalice15: We'd hang out there for a little while as we make fun of dirty punks who fuck outside in alleys, while shopping for CDs at Newbury comics, and making fun of the harvard students while drinking Chai from Tealuxe. We'd probably get 3 dollar tacos at Filpes but I'd get us kicked out because I'd tell a racist joke about seeing the chef in my garden.
AngelicMalice15: Later that night we'd head to hubba hubba for some goth clothes and sex toys, because imported german lube is worth the 25 dollars, and then we'd head to Xmortis and make fun of the goths trying to dance.
AngelicMalice15: http://www.newburycomics.com/ - This link works.
RestitutionSpork: rofl
RestitutionSpork: I'm still reeling with the surprise at how much you've seemed to think this through.
AngelicMalice15: We'd finish the evening off by watch Scrubs while you gave me a hand job and I fingered you.
AngelicMalice15: It's a first date, after all.


AngelicMalice15: We need pet names.
RestitutionSpork: For each other?
AngelicMalice15: Yep.
AngelicMalice15: Pudding Waffle.
RestitutionSpork: Okay, Booger Chooky.
RestitutionSpork: Or maybe Honey Bunny?
AngelicMalice15: I'm back.
RestitutionSpork: Welcome back!
AngelicMalice15: Thanks, Wet-gina!
AngelicMalice15: Yay, Petname!
RestitutionSpork: I'm only wet because you were gone.
AngelicMalice15: I was in the shower o.O
RestitutionSpork: You never told me this.
RestitutionSpork: I knew you'd lie to me, right from the start!
RestitutionSpork: It took everything you had, but you finally broke my heart!
AngelicMalice15: Sweet.
AngelicMalice15: We can have make-up sex.
RestitutionSpork: *cries* Not until you bring me flowers!
AngelicMalice15: I can't bring your virginity back.
RestitutionSpork: It's always been here! I don't know what you mean! I am not a slut!
AngelicMalice15: Yet...


RestitutionSpork: I sorry.
Sukoda Fox: it's not your fault, you didn't write the schedule. :p
RestitutionSpork: Maybe I did! XD
Sukoda Fox: Pamela!?
RestitutionSpork: Yes! HAHAHAHA! All this time, and you never knew!
Sukoda Fox: But... that doesn't make any sense! o.O
RestitutionSpork: I know. I plan on using a similar strategy to conquer the world! "Ho, now, world! I have you trapped between my toes!" "That doesn't make any sense!" "Yes! And now you fall!"
Sukoda Fox: Good luck with that, I think my plan will work better. :p
RestitutionSpork: *snort* We shall see.
Sukoda Fox: we shall!
RestitutionSpork: *tosses a gauntlet on the ground*
Sukoda Fox: *tosses a cow beside it*
RestitutionSpork: Mmm... beef. *conjurs Hounds to eat the cow*
Sukoda Fox: Good thing it wasn't one of my good cows. o.O *steals your gauntlet* ohhh... shiny.
RestitutionSpork: *finds herself with only one gauntlet* Hey.. wait.. I have one, you have one.. We must have been twins, seperated at birth by mysterious and evil circumstances!
Sukoda Fox: Wow, that would technically mean I'm a triplet, I have a twin cousin separated at birth alreadt and now you. o.O


plastiqsword: lol, i honestly might use that scary photo as my next prof. picture if you don't mind :-)
RestitutionSpork: ROFL! I don't mind, go on.
RestitutionSpork: I'm a model now!
RestitutionSpork: =P
plastiqsword: that picture is mad funny
RestitutionSpork: I know. I got it developed and was like "Goodness! I'm a Viking!"
plastiqsword: hahahaha!!!
plastiqsword: you do look like a viking!
RestitutionSpork: XD Yep. Now that my true calling has been realized, I must go conquer the world.
plastiqsword: onwerd on teh battulship! ROAR!


Alcoholic Slayer: i ate a half a bottle of aleve, i figured maybe that would help
RestitutionSpork: >.0
RestitutionSpork: You aren't supposed to take that much
Alcoholic Slayer: uh oh.
RestitutionSpork: Dammit, ass! Stay alive long enough come on the truck with me!
RestitutionSpork: Hello?
RestitutionSpork: *poke*
RestitutionSpork: If you die, I'll do horrible things to your penis!
Alcoholic Slayer: then i'll die on purpose!
RestitutionSpork: They won't be the normal horrible things that I promise with my mouth. They'll be horrible things that I'll do with a pair of brass knuckles, a scorpion stinger whip and five inch stilletto heels.
Alcoholic Slayer: ....i need to go puke up some aleve

RestitutionSpork: Aww. *snuggles* So what it Boobs that did your hair?
Alcoholic Slayer: it was indeed. i want to get her back, but she does something indecent and my mind freezes.
RestitutionSpork: What!? You're still letting her do indecent things? Did you tell her you have a fiancee who could rip her apart with bare hands?
Alcoholic Slayer: well, i haven't seen her in about a week, so she technically hasn't done anything, and i haven't managed to bring my revenge down on her skull like a bellpeen hammer.

Alcoholic Slayer:
hmm..."fucking sweet", "excellent writer", "vibrating tongue ring".
RestitutionSpork: ROFL!
RestitutionSpork: Now I know why you were up for marriage.
Alcoholic Slayer:
Alcoholic Slayer:
RestitutionSpork: How could I have not known this before! You only want me for my accessories!
Alcoholic Slayer:
the concept of the device just...astounds me. and also, as i've said to vince "manda's probably the only girl i'd marry right now without a shotgun to my head."
Alcoholic Slayer:
Alcoholic Slayer:
your last name, too
RestitutionSpork: Ha! You could be Daniel Logan! There's a romance novel I've read with the main dude with that name.
Alcoholic Slayer:
bitchin. yeah, i'd take that last name in a fucking heartbeat. i hate gosnell. and if i had logan, i'd totally actually want people to call me danial so the l's blend together.
RestitutionSpork: XD
Alcoholic Slayer:
oh yeah. i'm getting chased out of my house because of my wii again; can i fax that stuff now?
RestitutionSpork: wii? And no. x.x This truck stop doesn't have fax. *Cry*
Alcoholic Slayer:
Alcoholic Slayer:
yeah, i shipped my wii up to vince's house, so i'm just gonna go up there because i'm bored here.
RestitutionSpork: Aw........ Okay
Alcoholic Slayer:
at least now you have the phone up there, heh heh. and when it rings up that weird number you know it's not just some unknown creepy guy that's gonna breathe heavy into the headset while he's jerking it
RestitutionSpork: Aww.... you aren't?
RestitutionSpork: The idea of you breathing heavy turns me on as much as the idea of you in pain does.
Alcoholic Slayer:
i'm sure i'll be breathing heavily plenty on the truck, ho ho! unloading it is possibly hard work! reverse, schwing!
RestitutionSpork: Har har har, and you will rarely have to work on the truck.
Alcoholic Slayer:
ah, dang.
RestitutionSpork: rofl
RestitutionSpork: *petpet*
RestitutionSpork: Unless you consider "sex slave" a job
Alcoholic Slayer:
well,duh! just like, not paying. well, not paying in money.
RestitutionSpork: Oh!
RestitutionSpork: Idea!
RestitutionSpork: I can hook you out, like a lot lizard.
Alcoholic Slayer:
...and i'd do it, too. just, no dudes!
RestitutionSpork: Oh...
RestitutionSpork: Well, that would kind of set back the plans.
Alcoholic Slayer:
well, i guess rob can be the exception to the rule.
RestitutionSpork: ROFL. No, no, no, Rob's tiny penis is mine.
Alcoholic Slayer:
and it shall be mine as well....bwahaha!
RestitutionSpork: I don't want to share!
Alcoholic Slayer:
...good god, the blood loss must have affected my head. i just argued with the manda over a penis. that isn't even mine!
Alcoholic Slayer:
no more arguing over weiners for me.
Alcoholic Slayer:
now i feel weird.
RestitutionSpork: ROFL. Yes!
RestitutionSpork: Do you feel ashamed?
RestitutionSpork: Like you'd just been touched....by an angel?
Alcoholic Slayer:
an angel in the sense that a dirty homeless guy can put on costume wings. no, i won't feel like i'm touched by an angel until i get on the truck! haha! damn, i'm good.
RestitutionSpork: Who's truck are you getting on?
Alcoholic Slayer:
rob's truck.
Alcoholic Slayer:
Alcoholic Slayer:
i did it again.
RestitutionSpork: *laughs at*
RestitutionSpork: Silly rabbit.
RestitutionSpork: Should I get a french tickler for my vibrator for you, lady boy?
Alcoholic Slayer:
don't encourage my behavior!
RestitutionSpork: Why not? Should I just leave you in PA at the mercy of Boobs and her accomplices?
Alcoholic Slayer:
Alcoholic Slayer:
Alcoholic Slayer:
RestitutionSpork: It's either her or me.
Alcoholic Slayer:
in comparison, i hope boobs mcgee gets in a car wreck.
RestitutionSpork: Would you wait by her hospital bed, you moog!?
Alcoholic Slayer:
hell no. i'd dance on her grave.
RestitutionSpork: *petpet* Okay, okay.
RestitutionSpork: God that hair is stupid tho.
Alcoholic Slayer:
haha, thanks for reminding me.
Alcoholic Slayer:
sorry for the wait, i looked down and realised blood was oozing out of the soaked bandage.
RestitutionSpork: You still haven't taken it off?
Alcoholic Slayer:
no, i took it off, changed it, but i had to put a new on just now, again.
RestitutionSpork: Aww...
RestitutionSpork: *licks it better*
Alcoholic Slayer:
ewwwwww, bad idea! it's freaking caked with gore.
RestitutionSpork: I didn't say that I licked your finger to make it better.
Alcoholic Slayer:
i think you just broke the part of my brain that recognizes colors.
RestitutionSpork: Ha ha ha!
RestitutionSpork: I give you three days before you have an aneurism.

RestitutionSpork: And I need to masturbate to practice my spellcrafting.
Alcoholic Slayer:
I think you just broke the part of my brain that knows half the alphabet.
RestitutionSpork: Let me help break the other. You'll be perfect for practicing practical application once I finish crafting these things.
Alcoholic Slayer:
Owwww. I can't remember the alphabet but at least I got a boner.
RestitutionSpork: *lick* Yay for Hubby!
Alcoholic Slayer:
Uh oh. I don't think blood should be focfuwsed in one spot considering all that pumped out of me. I may go erection comatose.
RestitutionSpork: Okay, I'll be nice. For now.
Alcoholic Slayer:
Hey! I don't think I was exactly complaining. If I'm gonna be comatose, I'd rather have a boner than not while I'm out.


Fr0zens0ul: oh, what did you think about my comment to dan in the picy thread?
RestitutionSpork: Uh... I don't know. I saw the comment, but I don't know what I should think about it. It was just a normal comment to me? Unless I missed something.
Fr0zens0ul: has anyone ever told you that your avatar looks kind of like Q in his judgement getup when he was trying to fry Picard and the rest of the human race?
Fr0zens0ul: thats was to dan
RestitutionSpork: OH! Yes. I did tell Dan "That damn dirty Trekkie!"
Fr0zens0ul: lol
Fr0zens0ul: i'm a trekkie. i'm so ashamed of my self
RestitutionSpork: *petpet*
RestitutionSpork: I still love you

05-17-07, 10:52 PM
This is why Dissinger is fun to talk to.

Loquelf (11:49:16 PM): If I had to choose a battle cry right now, it would be: TO DEFEAT CHEMISTRY ONCE AND FOR ALL!
SethDahlios (11:49:33 PM): FOR PONY!
Loquelf (11:50:00 PM): What? You can't use that as your battle cry!
SethDahlios (11:50:13 PM): Of course I can You have your battle cry and mine is FOR PONIES!
Loquelf (11:50:49 PM): But mine is for Literature, History, and all other non-Science and Math majors everywhere!
SethDahlios (11:51:09 PM): And mine is FOR PONY!


And one with Artifex. Before this, we were talking about how I can fit in anywhere because I'm a mix-breed, and how he can look VERY English because he's basically a pure-breed.

nekobooi (6:11:51 PM): You stupid mongrels
nekobooi (6:11:58 PM): Able to blend anywhere ><
Loquelf (6:12:16 PM): hells yeah
nekobooi (6:13:30 PM): But we purebreeds have one advantage
nekobooi (6:13:46 PM): We get to fit in WITHOUT any work in our specilized area
nekobooi (6:13:49 PM): And dinner time
nekobooi (6:14:04 PM): Steak roxxors m3 soxxorz!
Loquelf (6:14:21 PM): Go on, you mongrel-hating pureblood.
nekobooi (6:14:20 PM): I don't hate
Loquelf (6:14:30 PM): I have hot oolong tea.
nekobooi (6:14:29 PM): Lucky
nekobooi (6:14:32 PM): Now I hate

None So Blind
05-22-07, 10:36 PM
Alcoholic Slayer: Oooh, very nice use of antediluvian.
RestitutionSpork: rofl. Thank you.
Alcoholic Slayer: My fiance is very verbose, whee!
RestitutionSpork: rofl! It's true, I'm orally talented.
Alcoholic Slayer: I don't think I ever got a boner from use of a word in my life before, but there's a first for everything!
RestitutionSpork: I'm glad I could be your first.


Loquelf: Heh. Kor's got an odd way of loving himself...
RestitutionSpork: Heh heh heh. Yep. This is the most elaborate masturbation thread ever.
Loquelf: Lol. There will be a day when he doesn't need to revive his old self to get some.
RestitutionSpork: One can only hope, to dream, to wish!

05-27-07, 04:39 PM
AngelicMalice15: Why was I just pissed on?
Tvoja Zvijer: Because you're a freak that likes golden showers and watersports.
Tvoja Zvijer: Sicko

05-27-07, 05:46 PM
Tvoja Zvijer (6:45:07 PM): You're about to go through one of the coolest parts of the game
AngelicMalice15 (6:45:32 PM): You'd do emma.
Tvoja Zvijer (6:45:40 PM): You're sick. She's like... too young.
Tvoja Zvijer (6:45:46 PM): Yeah, I probably would.
Tvoja Zvijer (6:45:53 PM): :)

Death's Nephew
05-27-07, 11:45 PM
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:21:39 PM): im back... how fantastic for u
BigDogJr87 (9:24:05 PM): oh you know it
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:23:29 PM): lol
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:23:34 PM): whats new since i elft
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:23:37 PM): *left
BigDogJr87 (9:26:42 PM): well
BigDogJr87 (9:27:03 PM): in the short time u were gone
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:24:59 PM): yes?
BigDogJr87 (9:27:19 PM): i drove a bus into a church full of praying nuns
BigDogJr87 (9:27:28 PM): but only cuz they were dealing drugs to little kids
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:25:32 PM): well good thing u were there
BigDogJr87 (9:27:54 PM): yea
BigDogJr87 (9:27:58 PM): really huh?
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:25:47 PM): i`m dead serious
BigDogJr87 (9:28:17 PM): me too
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:26:08 PM): i'm glad we're on the same page then
BigDogJr87 (9:28:45 PM): good
BigDogJr87 (9:28:49 PM): cuz if we werent
BigDogJr87 (9:29:02 PM): the whole me driving a bus thing might've been a little weird
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:27:03 PM): yeah it would've
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:27:19 PM): i've never ridden the public bus
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:27:22 PM): i wonder what its like
BigDogJr87 (9:30:07 PM): oh
BigDogJr87 (9:30:08 PM): sorry
BigDogJr87 (9:30:12 PM): it was a school bus
BigDogJr87 (9:30:16 PM): with kids on it
BigDogJr87 (9:30:19 PM): and it was on fire
BigDogJr87 (9:30:42 PM): but they were all demon possessed....i think. One might've just been a brat.
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:15 PM): ohhh
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:18 PM): ok i get it
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:21 PM): was there a bomb on the bus?
BigDogJr87 (9:31:43 PM): no
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:27 PM): oh...
BigDogJr87 (9:31:49 PM): they were playing with matches
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:32 PM): i must be thinking of someone else then
BigDogJr87 (9:31:53 PM): and alcohol
BigDogJr87 (9:31:58 PM): maybe
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:40 PM): whoa
BigDogJr87 (9:32:02 PM): yea
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:46 PM): thats pretty intense
BigDogJr87 (9:32:07 PM): very
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:29:57 PM): weren't u frightened?
BigDogJr87 (9:32:19 PM): a little
BigDogJr87 (9:32:26 PM): thats why i jumped out at the last second
BigDogJr87 (9:32:37 PM): and landed on a group full of very pregnant women
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:31:48 PM): omg@
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:31:52 PM): were they alright?
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:31:54 PM): were u?
BigDogJr87 (9:34:39 PM): um
BigDogJr87 (9:34:42 PM): not sure
BigDogJr87 (9:34:46 PM): cuz i just ran up
BigDogJr87 (9:35:10 PM): and busted through a crowd full of old people holding explosives, not sure why they had them, and ran for cover
BigDogJr87 (9:35:27 PM): and thats when the explosions started
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:33:30 PM): wiw
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:33:32 PM): *wow
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:33:34 PM): then what??
BigDogJr87 (9:35:57 PM): i feel the worst about the van full of puppies that were right next to the old people...
BigDogJr87 (9:36:20 PM): i saw their tiny paws tapping at the back window...
BigDogJr87 (9:36:26 PM): and then a tiny paw in my hair.
BigDogJr87 (9:36:33 PM): after the explosion
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:34:22 PM): .....
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:34:23 PM): i'm done!
BigDogJr87 (9:36:44 PM): hahahahahhaha
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:34:27 PM): no more
BigDogJr87 (9:36:49 PM): good
BigDogJr87 (9:36:52 PM): cuz it was gonna get worse
FOREVERPiNK5 (9:34:38 PM): noooo!

05-27-07, 11:53 PM
lol thats hilarious

05-28-07, 05:54 AM
[16:36] moonrose448: *Pokes* Nyu you there?
[16:36] moonrose448: Really my sleep schedule depends on what i'm doing that day nyu.
[16:36] WingsofAdventure: Still here. XD
[16:36] moonrose448: Okies XD you just went quiet on me myao XD
[16:37] WingsofAdventure: But slightly drifting off..
[16:37] WingsofAdventure: Yeah... drifting off to sleep...
[16:37] moonrose448: Oh...um...maybe you should take a nap?
[16:37] WingsofAdventure: drifting...
[16:37] WingsofAdventure: ...drifting....
[16:37] moonrose448: *Pokes an energy drink in front of you* Wake up juice?
[16:37] WingsofAdventure: ...drifting in a Mitsubishi Lancer EVO...

This is what you get from me when I'm sleepy. :p

Skie and Avery
05-28-07, 03:22 PM
RestitutionSpork: Oh yes. rofl. He just doesn't like me because I think he's an ugly, humorless bastard. And I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm an ugly heinous bitch.
MaiaKristel: You kinda are cept for the ugly part
MaiaKristel: The evil version of heinous though. Like how Dr. Doom is heinous
RestitutionSpork: rofl. Thanks. And I really am. I only disguise myself as a nice, sweet girl. I do it to try and attract prey... I mean, a boyfriend, whose..... uh... soul... I can suck. Yeah, the only sucking being done is the soul. *cough*
MaiaKristel: Through the dick?
RestitutionSpork: How'd you know? Do alot of soul sucking, do ya?
MaiaKristel: You have a strange fixation with oral sex
RestitutionSpork: I do? Meh, I'm a very violent person. All about the warfare. Call it Adoration of the Spear. =)
MaiaKristel: hahahaha
RestitutionSpork: And I'm a devout worshipper. XD
MaiaKristel: hahaha
MaiaKristel: Dcikwhipping!
MaiaKristel: er
MaiaKristel: Dickwhipping!
RestitutionSpork: whipping? That makes it try and hide and that's not fun at all.
MaiaKristel: It's also a term I coined in Paintball
MaiaKristel: It's when the forward man rushes forward, and with no resistance from the opponent, slaughters them without much effort
RestitutionSpork: Ohhh, well there usually isn't much resistance...
RestitutionSpork: Bah. I want a man. Right now I'd even take a despicable asshole, as long as i could duct tape his mouth shut and bungee him down to the matress.
MaiaKristel: Heh, gone a while without any?
RestitutionSpork: I went an entire year after I broke up with Daniel, and had a one night stand with another driver, but that was in February. And I'm a very physical person. I'm constantly touching the people I"m around. Can't help it! It annoys alot of people, but unless I'm actively thinking about keeping my hands to myself, I'm always reaching out for arms, hands, shoulders, etc. Asses too. Boobs when it comes to Jennifer. XD
MaiaKristel: hahahaha, she warned me about that
RestitutionSpork: I think it's her personal mission to warn everyone in the world about me, now that I travel.
MaiaKristel: Really. First thing she said. "Watch out for Manda. HEr hands like to...travel"
RestitutionSpork: ROFL Oh that's not fair.
MaiaKristel: Reminds me, did she see my judgement?
RestitutionSpork: Yes, and she's still squealing in happiness.
MaiaKristel signed on at 3:00:37 PM.
RestitutionSpork: Braaaaggghhhhhahhhahh
MaiaKristel: ZOMBIE!
MaiaKristel: *rapes, then loads shotgun*
RestitutionSpork: *secretly enjoys and then submits proof of humanity*
MaiaKristel: Crap
MaiaKristel: My religion forces me to kill someone whenever I load the Holy Shotgun of Jesus
RestitutionSpork: *points to a squirrel* I saw him stealing from the poor to feed himself!
RestitutionSpork: Kill him!
RestitutionSpork: Then we can have squirrel stew when you're done!
MaiaKristel: But, he's my squirrel!
RestitutionSpork: But he's not your squirrel anymore! Not now that Satan got ahold of him!
MaiaKristel: *shoots evil doggy that didn't kill hitler when he was applying to art school*
RestitutionSpork: You weak bastard!
RestitutionSpork: You've loosed that squirrel upon us all now!
RestitutionSpork: A pox on your house!
MaiaKristel: *squirrel gives twenty dollars and burns down orphanage*
RestitutionSpork: I'm afraid I can't adore your spear ever again.
MaiaKristel: I have no spear. It is only a bananna
RestitutionSpork: What's a bananna? Does it have anything to do with the fruit known as a banana?
MaiaKristel: Sortof
MaiaKristel: A bananna is basically like a giant club. Often used by ogres to kill orphans and gobble them up
RestitutionSpork: So............you use your bananna on children? You sick perv.
MaiaKristel: eh
MaiaKristel: 18 is still a kid
RestitutionSpork: Psh. Riiiight.
RestitutionSpork: Like Lucien is 18? Really 14 in denial?
MaiaKristel: Naw. Like how people become legal at 18, when they shouldn't for a couple years
RestitutionSpork: I'm so old. I've been legal for half a decade.
MaiaKristel: Did you ride a t-rex to school too?
RestitutionSpork: Psh, no. Velociraptors are faster.
MaiaKristel: I love you! *rape*
RestitutionSpork: *struggles weakly but enjoys*
MaiaKristel: weee
RestitutionSpork: XD

05-28-07, 04:24 PM
AngelicMalice15 (5:18:28 PM): I believe meteorological patterms should be mapped out for Althanas.
bruneishirt (5:18:34 PM): hahaha oh?
bruneishirt (5:18:35 PM): do it
bruneishirt (5:18:44 PM): I dare you
bruneishirt (5:18:48 PM): first map out the weather patterns
bruneishirt (5:19:03 PM): then map out the pattern of things cyrus says to emma that are slightly creepy
AngelicMalice15 (5:19:31 PM): Could you imagine that shit on the evening news?

Chromanon Rockskin
05-29-07, 05:18 PM
The conversation that started it:

RestitutionSpork: wb!
Loquelf: Thanks.
Loquelf: *Got suddenly sick*
RestitutionSpork: That's not cool.
RestitutionSpork: You're pregnant!
Loquelf: No, Manda.
RestitutionSpork: It's true!
Loquelf: How is it true?
RestitutionSpork: You have all the signs. Weird sickness, big boobs, moodiness. Can I be the godmother? I want to make people offers they can't refuse.
Loquelf: Lol.
Loquelf: I'm not moody, I'm Latina, a large percentage of us have big boobs naturally, and it's the wrong kind of sickness.
RestitutionSpork: Psh. Syn resides in your head. The rest of the stuff... okay, so you're right.
Loquelf: Actually, Syn isn't prone to moodiness.
RestitutionSpork: I'll just have to impregnate you then.. Hrmm....
Loquelf: Karu is.
Loquelf: Give me a few more years, Manda.
Loquelf: Then I'll have three of your babies.
RestitutionSpork: Yay!
RestitutionSpork: Mandaspawn!
Loquelf: Oh dear...lol.
RestitutionSpork: Man, if I were a dude, could you imagine what my sperm would look like as they slithered hurridly down dark corridors, biting and mauling each other in a race to find the egg? I think there'd be alot of miniature voices screaming "OMG WHEE!!!!" as they burst from the penal gland.
Loquelf: lol
RestitutionSpork: I'd have some cute ass sperm!
Loquelf: Indeed...
RestitutionSpork: OMG. I'm going to WalMart today. I need fabric and some cotton and I'm going to make Manda Sperm plushies!
Loquelf: ...
RestitutionSpork: YES! And I'll take pictures when I have them done and put them on Althanas! They'll even have little evil faces... WAAAHAAAHAAAAHAAA
Loquelf: Lol.
Loquelf: *Dies*
RestitutionSpork: *revive!*
Loquelf: lol
RestitutionSpork: You aren't allowed to die yet,
Loquelf: Why nooooooooot
RestitutionSpork: I've yet to really set my plans in motion. *rubs hands together*
RestitutionSpork: Plus, you have to see my sperm plushies.
Loquelf: ...

And then it went on to:

RestitutionSpork: I might sell them on e-bay.
Sukoda Fox: lmao
Sukoda Fox: that sounds awesome
RestitutionSpork: I'm totally going to do it. Just waiting for me to get disgusted enough with the WiFi to make a WalMart run.
Sukoda Fox: lol
RestitutionSpork: While I'm at it, I should make ovary plushies too. And a fetus! Hrmm. What else...
Sukoda Fox: ummm...
Sukoda Fox: I dunno. >.>
RestitutionSpork: I would make a penis plushy, but I think I'd get too over enthusiastic and turn it into a body pillow.
Sukoda Fox: lol, yeah, I can see that happening

And of course that turned into:

Fr0zens0ul: you what plushie i want?
Fr0zens0ul: i want a plushie of you humping gir
RestitutionSpork: What's that?
RestitutionSpork: ROFL!
Fr0zens0ul: my preeecciiiooooouus!!!!
RestitutionSpork: Yes!
Fr0zens0ul: lol!
RestitutionSpork: I knew there was a reason I loved you.
Fr0zens0ul: LotR galore
RestitutionSpork: Nothing wrong with it.
Fr0zens0ul: i know i love it!!!!!

And just because it made me giggle like a madwoman (We'd been talking about Goliath from the cartoon Gargoyles):

RestitutionSpork: I bet a gargoyle's penis is always hard. As a friggin rock.
RestitutionSpork: Which is awesome, unless the Chevy logo is chiseled there.
Fr0zens0ul: perhaps, but it is is then it would have to be tiny so it didn't show through the loincloth
RestitutionSpork: Size doesn't matter. Take a look at Robbers.

Chromanon Rockskin
05-30-07, 04:28 PM
Alcoholic Slayer: You want I should kill him in the throat?
RestitutionSpork: You should kill him right in the goiter. I bet he's got one.
Alcoholic Slayer: ...I have to look up goiter.
RestitutionSpork: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goiter
Alcoholic Slayer: Thank you. Without you, I'd be stupider.
RestitutionSpork: You complete me.
Alcoholic Slayer: .....ewww. What the hell?
RestitutionSpork: You said throat, I thought goiter. Is that so wrong?
Alcoholic Slayer: Nope. Now that I think of it, I should have known what it was.
RestitutionSpork: Wait, you don't have one, do you?
RestitutionSpork: Because that'd seriously turn me off.
Alcoholic Slayer: Ha! I think it'd be noticeable in the pictures. Also, I'd have probably shot myself.
RestitutionSpork: This is true.
RestitutionSpork: So...wanna have a masturbation race to see who can get off faster?
Alcoholic Slayer: You just wanna have an excuse to masturbate!
RestitutionSpork: And you're just afraid you'll lose. Again. Like always.
Alcoholic Slayer: Partially, yes, this may be the truth.
RestitutionSpork: I've got the fastest fingers in the West, baby.
RestitutionSpork: I should be a pickpocket.
RestitutionSpork: I could turn these things into a martial arts.
RestitutionSpork: Of sex
RestitutionSpork: Death by clit flicking!
Alcoholic Slayer: You and your fancy vagina...*grumble* "Oooh, I'm Manda! I think I'm hot shit because I'm faster than Dan! Ooooh!"
RestitutionSpork: If I were a metal band, I'd do nothing but scream "FLICK THE BEAN!" "FLICK THE BEAN, FLICK THE BEAN, FLICK THE BEAN COME OOON!" And are you mocking me?!
Alcoholic Slayer: Yeah! Dang it! It took me forever to finish!
Alcoholic Slayer: I blame my lack of sleep.
RestitutionSpork: "Oooh, I'm Dan and I'm just jealous because my clitoris doesn't work right and I've got a gay accent!" rofl. It wouldn't have taken you so long if you'd have cheated and put porn on right from the start and if I hadn't been distracting you by my moans of pleasure.
Alcoholic Slayer: Exactly! Any other time I'm fine.
Alcoholic Slayer: I should have tossed on the porn.
RestitutionSpork: You should just bet on yourself for now on. You've gotta beat me sometime, and with me continually winning your odds are going to be awesome when you finally do splooge before me.
Alcoholic Slayer: You're right! We'll race later in the evening! Perhaps after my nap.
Alcoholic Slayer: I'm still freaking tired.
RestitutionSpork: Can't. My sister's picking me up and taking me home after she gets off work.
RestitutionSpork: It'll have to wait until I get back to the truck.
RestitutionSpork: And can make more videos for you.
Alcoholic Slayer: That's another reason I could finish fast!
RestitutionSpork: Maybe next I win, I'll record my technique and send it to you. =P
Alcoholic Slayer: That might help me!
RestitutionSpork: I have no morals. I have no qualms with throwing a race.

06-01-07, 08:57 PM
Midvalley20 (9:23:21 PM): *poke*
Loquelf (9:23:27 PM): *electric poke*
Midvalley20 (9:24:17 PM): *ultimapoke lvl. 5*
Loquelf (9:24:37 PM): *Combo poke of 3vil, L13*
Midvalley20 (9:24:54 PM): oooooh
Midvalley20 (9:25:27 PM): *Knights Of The Poke Table poke, with a few Mimes for good measure*
Loquelf (9:27:47 PM): *I call upon the Twelve Gods that protect me, upon the Nine Stars that guide me and the Seventeen Forces that serve me to deliver upon my foe the Ultimate Poke of all that is Holy and Not*
Midvalley20 (9:28:09 PM): give me a few seconds... flipping the burger comes first...
Midvalley20 (9:32:32 PM): *dons the Holy Adamantium Gauntlets infused with the essence of the skies and the earth, recited the magic rites of the Three Goddesses of Power, Wisdom, and Courage, and does a Level 7 Double Index Finger Poke of Hades*
Loquelf (9:33:12 PM): A) My poke still wins. B) *whacks you over the head with a newspaper*

And then he called me a cheater. But I'm a chick, I'm allowed.

06-02-07, 06:19 PM
AngelicMalice15 (7:01:15 PM): Wait, Lorenor in a G-string.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:16 PM): Oooh. And spider web nipple tassels.

06-02-07, 06:21 PM
Unabridged Version

AngelicMalice15 (6:51:11 PM): Assless chaps man.
Alcoholic Slayer (6:51:30 PM): Ugh. Soma would never wear those.
Alcoholic Slayer (6:51:55 PM): Aw, fuck you! Now I'm imagining it!
Alcoholic Slayer (6:52:05 PM): Just gotta change it to his mom...
Alcoholic Slayer (6:52:16 PM): Ah, there we go. Hot curvy drow ass.
AngelicMalice15 (6:59:23 PM): Bull. You're thinking of Cyrus' drow.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:00:23 PM): Oh no. I'm thinking of poor dead Ghaun. You know, Soma's mother would have just been some random ass drow npc if Manda hadn't piped up and presented the idea.
AngelicMalice15 (7:00:56 PM): G-string.
AngelicMalice15 (7:01:15 PM): Wait, Lorenor in a G-string.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:13 PM): Oooh. And spider web nipple tassels.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:16 PM): Argh!
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:58 PM): Fucker, you're a fucking dick! When I move up to Boston, I'm gonna kick your balls to the roof of your smart mouth and toss your brainy ass off some dock!

06-02-07, 06:28 PM
Version that isn't just a filthy cover-up to hide Slayer's latent homo erotic feelings towards Lorenor's character.

AngelicMalice15 (7:01:15 PM): Wait, Lorenor in a G-string.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:16 PM): Oooh. And spider web nipple tassels.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:24 PM): Mmm. And he can take his tremendous, pulsating organ, stroking it vigorously with the utmost power and virility, until he releases a massive wave of Darkness all over my arched, craving being.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:29 PM): And by Darkness, I mean cum.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:34 PM): waves of hot vampire cum.
Alcoholic Slayer (7:01:44 PM): From Lorenor.
AngelicMalice15 (7:01:54 PM): ...

06-04-07, 07:30 PM
munniepenny35468 (8:27:01 PM): i like how you dont give a shit what they say to u...i get pissed and annoyed, and you dont seem to let it get to you
Midvalley20 (8:27:55 PM): yeah
munniepenny35468 (8:28:12 PM): i was laughing on the inside when she kept going
Midvalley20 (8:28:18 PM): i have bigger things to worry about... like, in her case, the terrible itch i had on my buttocks at the same moment she was going all customer on me

06-04-07, 08:16 PM
Amaranthine Past (10:39:54 AM): that and my deepy seeded lathergic traits cen destroy my will to do anything correctly
Amaranthine Past (10:40:03 AM): deeply*
Amaranthine Past (10:40:05 AM): can*
Amaranthine Past (10:40:06 AM): lmao
Amaranthine Past (10:40:19 AM): *sigh*
Amaranthine Past (10:40:27 AM): *flawless victory*

06-06-07, 08:11 PM
R34l l337 1: well you win the honor of giving me the best good bye
AngelicMalice15: Take it to heart too.
AngelicMalice15: I don't cyber.
AngelicMalice15: Ever.
AngelicMalice15: Unless I make fun of people in it
R34l l337 1: which explains all those times you asked me for sex on AIM right?
AngelicMalice15: I wanted real sex.
AngelicMalice15: Guess you don't know what that is.
AngelicMalice15: Because, unlike your previous experiences, I don't deflate afterwards.

Sighter Tnailog
06-06-07, 10:50 PM
SighterGoliant (11:40:20 PM): I should have Findelfin get a cosmetologist license at the Schools of Magic.
SighterGoliant (11:40:24 PM): And open a boutique.
SighterGoliant (11:45:30 PM): Dude, the boutique can show all-day reruns of "What Not To Wear," featuring King Edari'axa of Alerar!
AngelicMalice15 (11:47:36 PM): Puppets need not be dressed well.
SighterGoliant (11:46:56 PM): Whose puppet is he, pray tell? The High Graph's?
AngelicMalice15 (11:48:57 PM): May Balrogs eat you

06-08-07, 10:38 PM
SarcasticHole (11:37:20 PM): this i realize but just for this quest i put close since we dont want anyone else correct
Midvalley20 (11:39:23 PM): for our scara brae thread, i'll start it off and put closed in it
Midvalley20 (11:39:33 PM): unless you'd like first honors
SarcasticHole (11:37:56 PM): no no be my guest....experience before beauty
Midvalley20 (11:40:02 PM): i'd be going first regardless
SarcasticHole (11:38:10 PM): wait....what

06-09-07, 05:23 AM
[15:07] WingsofAdventure: I guess you'll just have to get sleep the hard way and keep the potpourri for the morning
[15:07] sightergoliant: Anyway, I think I finally feel some sleepiness coming on.
[15:07] sightergoliant: Which is good, that's 2 hours earlier than it did yesterday.
[15:07] WingsofAdventure: Hahha
[15:07] WingsofAdventure: Want me to help?
[15:07] WingsofAdventure: *brandishes a giant wooden mallet*
[15:08] sightergoliant: Ahhh!
[15:08] sightergoliant: ::flees::
[15:09] WingsofAdventure: Don't worry!
[15:09] WingsofAdventure: You won't feel a thing escept for unconsciousness!
[15:09] WingsofAdventure: *Runs after you with the mallet*
[15:09] sightergoliant: Ahhh ::is hit and dies::
[15:09] *** "sightergoliant" signed off at Sat Jun 09 15:09:56 2007.

06-09-07, 12:25 PM
SighterGoliant: But it's probably been adapted, too, so just be careful. Ardalambion is the true lingua franca.
Loquelf: Except it isn't French at all.
SighterGoliant: By that I mean that Elvish is truly the language of commerce and culture.
Loquelf: Then it's the Lamba Quenya, duh.
SighterGoliant: Hahahaha, of course.
SighterGoliant: We need to found an Academie Quenya.
SighterGoliant: And yes, I did try to look up Academy before I said that.
Loquelf: Well, "Lambengolmor" meant "Loremasters of Tongues." Since "Lamba" is "tongue," Lamben would be the plural of that, making Golmor "loremasters."
Loquelf: We could make a Quenyangolmor.
SighterGoliant: I like it.

06-10-07, 11:19 PM
AngelicMalice15 (10:51:15 PM): I bet at least half of Raiaera has a livejournal.
SamuelLanghorne (10:52:05 PM): I'm afraid we do, that's because a whole half of our people actually have internet access, unlike your people, who from what I hear still use smoke signals to communicate over long distances.
AngelicMalice15 (10:52:59 PM): Oh Adam, I forgot to tell you. I've decided all of Alerar's foot soldiers are armed with lightsabers and cybernetic implants that allow them to see the future.
AngelicMalice15 (10:53:15 PM): Because we're just that awesome.
SamuelLanghorne (10:53:57 PM): Hahaha, if you're making fun of me for mentioning the internet, I'm afraid you missed that I was making fun of you for mentioning livejournal.
AngelicMalice15 (10:54:22 PM): Oh no, I got that.
AngelicMalice15 (10:54:28 PM): I'm just saying, it evens things out.
AngelicMalice15 (10:54:43 PM): You have song magic, we have cyborgs.
AngelicMalice15 (10:54:56 PM): With twin hellfire missle launchers.
SamuelLanghorne (10:55:07 PM): Hehehe, well, I can see that. It might give you at least a bit of a chance.
AngelicMalice15 (10:55:16 PM): And Gundams.
AngelicMalice15 (10:55:20 PM): We have Gundams.
AngelicMalice15 (10:55:34 PM): It'll finally explain all the anime style characters on Althanas.
Static Valor (10:56:17 PM): Salvar has giant octopuses that tentacle rape elves.

06-11-07, 12:06 AM
AlexLugones says: Sometimes I wish my grandparents never existed
Streak101 says: Hey, if it wasn't for them, your mom wouldn't have been born.
AlexLugones says: So?
Streak101 says: You would've been on a piece of your dad's toilet tissue if it wasn't for her. Hahaha!
AlexLugones says: STFU
Streak101 says: *squirt* Oh my god! *cleans up* *blows nose* *throws toilet tissue away like a basketball* Roflmao
AlexLugones says: Your an asshole
Streak101 says: Yeah, but at least I'm not on a piece of thrown out tissue paper :D

06-11-07, 12:07 AM
^conversation of the week

06-11-07, 12:10 AM
whose convo are you directing to though?

06-11-07, 12:15 AM

My friend Chris can string insults with the best of them, but it's not everyday that you get called a piece of trashed toilet tissue.

06-11-07, 01:48 PM
austrianskierF88: Man, reading so many posts in a row gets hard >_<
bruneishirt: you should outsource them to india
bruneishirt: have them read it

The Barbarian
06-11-07, 02:48 PM

go go outsourcing.

Cyrus the virus
06-11-07, 04:30 PM
Austrian is the best country evar!!

DraconianCyrus: I want an Austrian accent... I think I will develop one
austrianskierF88: If you moved to Austrian and learned German, yeah
DraconianCyrus: I would love to move to Austrian!
DraconianCyrus: Sounds fun!
DraconianCyrus: TO AUSTRIAN I GO
DraconianCyrus: *gogos*
austrianskierF88: You know what.
austrianskierF88: I
DraconianCyrus: ^_^_^_^_^_^
austrianskierF88: Will
austrianskierF88: Blow
austrianskierF88: Something
DraconianCyrus: ...
austrianskierF88: up
austrianskierF88: !
DraconianCyrus: OH
DraconianCyrus: ...teehee
austrianskierF88: Oh shh!

06-12-07, 10:39 AM
This is the reason I shared the drumstick twirling incident! :p

Cyrus the virus
06-12-07, 01:46 PM
Which was significantly less embarassing than this, ha!

06-14-07, 01:16 AM
[12:56] Raven Adventwings: ...you mean, you didn't see a single thing of that?!
[12:56] Xale A. Manix: nope...
[12:57] Raven Adventwings: Ah... ha...
[12:57] Raven Adventwings: Well, enough of that.
[12:57] Raven Adventwings: Bottom line is, No YouTube for me
[12:57] Xale A. Manix: :(
[12:58] Raven Adventwings: Which is super bummer.
[12:58] Xale A. Manix: yea.
[12:59] Raven Adventwings: I want my Anime!!!11!11!1!!1!11!1!one!!
[12:59] Xale A. Manix: your not missing much... youtube isn't supporting much more anime... which sucks
[13:00] Raven Adventwings: Oh, ok
[13:00] Raven Adventwings: *slices YouTube's head off*
[13:00] Raven Adventwings: I won't be needing you anymore, or crying over your cold, rigid corpse

06-14-07, 01:27 AM
lol to the youtube....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

MichiNekoChan says:
we have 9 people working the entire place

RaidersFan says:

MichiNekoChan says:
including grace and i

MichiNekoChan says:
so yea... laid back

RaidersFan says:
yes well..."entire" kind of sums that up michi

MichiNekoChan says:
just making sure

RaidersFan says:

RaidersFan says:
kinda like "new baby"

MichiNekoChan says:
apparently tho

MichiNekoChan says:
im staying to work

MichiNekoChan says:
Dutch told me when they have a meeting next wednesday to come up with two idea that would make the shop better

MichiNekoChan says:
from what i pick up they hold meeting with everyone the wednesday of the week they get paid

MichiNekoChan says:
which is every two weeks

RaidersFan says:
i see

RaidersFan says:
one suggestion could be gun turrets

MichiNekoChan says:

RaidersFan says:
so u dont waste time telling those pesky girl scouts "No thanks."

MichiNekoChan says:

06-15-07, 07:25 PM
I love messing around with people...

Streak101(Senpai) says:
guess what?

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
chicken but!

Streak101(Senpai) says:
no not that!

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Guess what?

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
your coming to visit milam?

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
keep guessing

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
You got a 360?

Streak101(Senpai) says:
nope keep guessing

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
i give up

Streak101(Senpai) says:
you have to play the game!

Streak101(Senpai) says:
keep guessing

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
idk what?1

Streak101(Senpai) says:
its game keep guessing!

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
give me a clue

Streak101(Senpai) says:
just guess!

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Is it so hard to play a game?

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
well guess!

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
you lost your hand

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
your tooth smacked you

Streak101(Senpai) says:
nope just two more tries

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
your gonna eat chicken

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
no...and thats a dumb answer

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
your going to orlando?

Streak101(Senpai) says:
besides that!

Streak101(Senpai) says:
one more...i didnt count the chicken

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
you got a girlfriend?

Streak101(Senpai) says:
.....haha very funny!

Streak101(Senpai) says:
but no!

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:
ok i give up

Streak101(Senpai) says:
You wanna no what it is?

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
This convo is gonna be posted on a thread on a website congratulations!

Names Don't Mean Anything There Not Importnant... says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Your going to be kinda famous!

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Because I got nothing better to do!

06-15-07, 11:55 PM
It's just so fun messin with people

Flavia says:
banda is a funny name.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
well, yeah thats a common response

Streak101(Senpai) says:
but the a's are said lke the ones in apples

Flavia says:
um yea how else would u say it?

Streak101(Senpai) says:
i know

Streak101(Senpai) says:
but there's always some retard out there who reads the a's like the ones in age

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
or uses both pronunciations

Flavia says:

Flavia says:
dats kinda stupid.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Hence the word 'retard' synonym of 'idiot' according to the dictionary is used in my sentence

Flavia says:
i no i can read da words corectly.

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
I never called you a retard

Flavia says:
i nev said u did.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
oh well

Flavia says:
does dat mean u were wrong (watch ur gonna find a way 2 say ur not)

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
i wasn't making an assertive decision when i said that

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Wasn't calling myself right or wrong, it was "Just saying" sort of thing

Streak101(Senpai) says:
a sentence out of the blue if you will

Flavia says:

Flavia says:

Flavia says:
i HATE u.

Flavia says:
i wanted 2 b right. well i just wanted u 2 b wrong.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
I know you hate me :)

Streak101(Senpai) says:
it's okay

Flavia says:
well i dont really hate u.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
And I know that

Streak101(Senpai) says:
It's called "Role-Playing"

Flavia says:
i just REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted u 2 b wrong.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
It's what I do ;)

Flavia says:
can u b wrong plz?

Streak101(Senpai) says:
*sigh* okay....

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
1 + 1 = 3

Flavia says:

Flavia says:
i just prove u wrong n it wasnt for dat math thin u said!

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Flavia says:

no it wasnt bout da math thin.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
i kow it not

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Flavia says:
u said u would always try 2 b right bout everythin n by sayin ok u were wrong.

Flavia says:
u didnt always try.

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
well i did

Streak101(Senpai) says:
but since i'm such a gentleman

Streak101(Senpai) says:
i tried to not be right

Streak101(Senpai) says:
meaning i tried but couldn't be right

Streak101(Senpai) says:
so that makes me half-right!

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Flavia says:
yes but u just gave up so i could win 4 once.

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Flavia says:
so u GAVE UP. as in U DIDNT TRY.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
i agreed to certain conditions

Streak101(Senpai) says:
i tried to be right, but you just asked so nicely and i accepted the deal

Streak101(Senpai) says:
i'm still right

Flavia says:
damn u no im right.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
your right to

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
It's a tie

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Flavia says:
im hvin a fit.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Sorry, I win, we all win!

Flavia says:
if u could c me im hcin a damm fit.

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
the mispellings are clear that you r

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Flavia says:

Flavia says:
i NEED 2 prove u wrong.

Flavia says:
n by da end of da summer i will.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Sorry, never gonna happen unless I do it on purpose

Flavia says:
or i will do everythin i can 2 try.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Or unless I grow tired of this game

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
But for now....

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Flavia says:
i need prove u wrong w/out u letin me.

Streak101(Senpai) says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
I'd like to see you try

Flavia says:
o i will try. i might not ever get 2 prove u wrong but i will try.

Streak101(Senpai) says:
Haha, I should post this somewhere...and I know where!

Flavia says:
u should post wat?

Streak101(Senpai) says:
this convo

Flavia says:

Streak101(Senpai) says:
I know

06-16-07, 01:42 AM
[02:29] Koran: Go......



Before you suddenly remember and go running, screaming into the night. :-P
[02:29] Sorahn: ..... do what now?
[02:29] Koran: ...running...into the night...screaming..
[02:29] Koran: ya know?
[02:30] Sorahn: what am I supposed to not remember?
[02:30] Koran: ...*spooky voice* Everything! ...\
[02:30] Sorahn: o.O
[02:30] Sorahn: OH EM GEE I remember everything!!!!!!
[02:30] Koran: *waves hands around a bit* You are not remembering!
[02:30] Sorahn: wait... I lost it now
[02:30] Koran: ...
[02:31] Koran: lol
[02:31] Koran: Look! *points at the sky, dragging finger across star lit night* There went the point.
[02:31] Sorahn: did it have something to with flies?
[02:31] Sorahn: or apples maybe?
[02:31] Sorahn: ..... Bob Dole?\
[02:31] Sorahn: o.O
[02:31] Koran: Bananas..
[02:31] Koran: definately
[02:31] Sorahn: Dole bananas!!
[02:31] Koran: Yes!
[02:31] Koran: Dole Bananas
[02:32] Sorahn: and they were.......
[02:32] Sorahn: um.....
[02:32] Sorahn: delicious?
[02:32] Koran: ...WRONG!
[02:32] Koran: They were black, icky and very very sticky!
[02:32] Sorahn: that rhymed
[02:32] Koran: Yes, yes it did.
[02:33] Sorahn: I once found a banana in my dorm room that was solid black and stuck to a piece of paper
[02:33] Sorahn: it was pretty gross actually
[02:33] Koran: roflcakes
[02:33] Sorahn: .........
[02:33] Koran: my hamster just stared at me for the space of six nano seconds...
[02:33] Sorahn: roflcakes?
[02:33] Koran: he's plotting something
[02:33] Koran: ...then he ran around on his wheel for a minute before disappearing under ground
[02:34] Sorahn: wait... I'm still stuck on the roflcakes....
[02:34] Sorahn: do they make roflcake mix?
[02:34] Sorahn: like betty crocker?
[02:34] Koran: You've never heard of rawfulcakes?
[02:34] Koran: They are all the cyber rage!
[02:34] Koran: Except that they give you leetomnieyetus
[02:34] Sorahn: are they yummy and delicious like their analog counterparts?
[02:34] Koran: which is a very very more deadly like condition than AIDS
[02:35] Koran: kills you in like...eight seconds flat
[02:35] Koran: I wouldn't suggest eating one...
[02:35] Sorahn: aah
[02:35] Koran: that and they tast like stale cream
[02:35] Koran: ...or so I've heard...
[02:35] Koran: Not many people survive an encounter with a rawfulcake
[02:35] Koran: None, actually
[02:35] Sorahn: someone spent the last 8 seconds of their life telling someone else what it tasted like?
[02:36] Koran: Yes. Then, they died suddenly
[02:36] Koran: It was later determined that they had a heart attack, but we still like to place the balme on the Rawfulcake.
[02:36] Sorahn: sort of like the Ring
[02:36] Koran: The tombstone looks so much more 'L337' that way
[02:38] Koran: Death by Rawfulcake. H0/\/\M13J4/\/\35. 4\/G 1994 - 539 2007 \/\/3 5H411 /\/\155 H1M 50.
[02:38] Koran: god, so how much I know that shit...I probably used it wrong too
[02:38] Koran: so=shows
[02:39] Sorahn: dude.... my headstone is just gonna say </life>
[02:39] Koran: lol
[02:40] Sorahn: ..... you know this is goin in the AIM thread, right?
[02:40] Koran: I wouldn't put it past you...
[02:40] Sorahn: I must share this triumph with the world
[02:40] Sorahn: or at least... an online role playing community

06-16-07, 02:01 AM

06-16-07, 08:24 PM
Friend (9:06:30 PM): did u hear that supposely manson says mcr copied him on his new album
AngelicMalice15 (9:08:15 PM): Well, MCR's new stuff sucks, and Manson's new album sucked big time. So yeah, they did.
AngelicMalice15 (9:08:19 PM): They copied him sucking.
Friend (9:08:17 PM): XD

Friend (9:18:25 PM): so if rock is dead then whats manson?
Friend (9:18:27 PM): XD
AngelicMalice15 (9:20:30 PM): Jesus, bringing the Lazarus of Rock back from the brink of death.
Friend (9:20:35 PM): XD

Sighter Tnailog
06-17-07, 04:09 PM
AngelicMalice15: When the next ice age hits, I'm looting like never before.
AngelicMalice15: I'll horde the world's dildo supply and sell them at double the price.
SighterGoliant: I hope you horde them.
SighterGoliant: And turn them into a bunch of barbarians.
AngelicMalice15: When did misspellings become illegal!?
SighterGOliant: Ahahahahahahaha
SighterGoliant: Since today, sonny. I'm the law in these parts!
AngelicMalice15: I suppose it's better than Dirks' law.
SighterGoliant: What's that? "Everything that can't go wrong, will?"

Moonlit Raven
07-04-07, 11:07 PM
(21:58:32) RestitutionSpork: If Godhand ever showed up at my doorstep and demanded that I let him impregnate me, I would.
(21:59:02) Nenjx: lol tell him you want a mini Andres and stat!
(21:59:44) RestitutionSpork: I know. I keep telling him.
(22:00:14) Nenjx: awe.
(22:00:58) RestitutionSpork: I really love this guy. <3 But not as much as you. *lick*
(22:01:59) Nenjx: I would like to see a child of Manda and Andres. I wonder if it would come out smoking a cigar?
(22:02:41) RestitutionSpork: ROFL
(22:02:43) RestitutionSpork: Probably.

07-05-07, 12:57 AM
Godhand: I might take you up on that sometime. Just give me time. Where do you live again?
RestitutionSpork: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
RestitutionSpork: In the middle of the plains, and yet we still have a law on the books that makes it illegal to hunt whales.
Godhand: I fucking swear to you that I will break that law.

Moonlit Raven
09-26-07, 01:52 AM
Just a few funny clips of conversations with Arti.

(15:51:01) Artifex: I must destroy you for re-introducing me to neopets
(15:51:14) Artifex: Or sternly look at your
(15:51:20) Nenjx: lol!
(15:51:22) Artifex: Or just not cuddle or something
(15:52:00) Nenjx: I'm sorry... well not really. They are just so cute!
(15:52:12) Nenjx: Cuddle them! Cuddle them until their head pops off!
(15:52:24) Artifex: I Just Might!
(15:52:39) Artifex: Do you want that on your head when you go to the grave
(15:52:48) Artifex: Thousands of cute things cuddled to death?
(15:52:51) Artifex: All your fault
(15:52:56) Artifex: So much cuteness! Gone!
(15:53:08) Artifex: /ending rant with ice cream
(15:53:27) Nenjx: ^^ She came, she cuddled, she went. How is that?
(15:53:39) Artifex: Works for me
(15:53:43) Artifex: Epic Epitath
(15:55:46) Nenjx: lol

(19:11:59) Nenjx: I could decide you make a good plushie.^^
(19:12:07) Artifex: But I do!
(19:13:03) Nenjx: *looks over appraisingly* mmmm *pokes*
(19:15:16) Artifex: *squeek*
(19:16:24) Nenjx: oooh *pokes again*
(19:16:35) Artifex: *squeek squeek*
(19:18:11) Artifex: Stoppit!
(19:19:21) Nenjx: * glomps and squeezes* woot!
(19:20:38) Artifex: *squeek* 'I wub roo!'
(19:21:10) Nenjx: ^^ lol, how cute
(19:23:47) Artifex: Gah!
(19:23:50) Artifex: Stoppit!
(19:25:28) Nenjx: * lets go* ='(
(19:25:46) Artifex: Thank you *pounce*
(19:26:44) Nenjx: eeek!
(19:26:58) Artifex: *snuggle*
(19:27:44) Nenjx: No fair! grrr, I am going to get Leon so high on soema pollen he dry humps a tree!
(19:27:55) Artifex: Hey!
(19:28:03) Artifex: It would need to be a damn hot tree!
(19:28:14) Nenjx: * grins evily*
(19:28:20) Artifex: Or at least round

A very scary conversation that Manda sent me a while back. I forgot I had this.
RestitutionSpork: Mandaspawn!
Loquelf: Oh dear...lol.
RestitutionSpork: Man, if I were a dude, could you imagine what my sperm would look like as they slithered hurridly down dark corridors, biting and mauling each other in a race to find the egg? I think there'd be alot of miniature voices screaming "OMG WHEE!!!!" as they burst from the penal gland.
Loquelf: lol
RestitutionSpork: I'd have some cute ass sperm!
Loquelf: Indeed...
RestitutionSpork: OMG. I'm going to WalMart today. I need fabric and some cotton and I'm going to make Manda Sperm plushies!
Loquelf: ...
RestitutionSpork: YES! And I'll take pictures when I have them done and put them on Althanas! They'll even have little evil faces... WAAAHAAAHAAAAHAAA

Slayer of the Rot
09-26-07, 02:52 AM
This is a convo with a friend of mine who is having troubles with her boyfriend.

endresplendence: Dan, I really need someone to talk to.

Alcoholic Slayer: Can't you see the dick in my hand? I'm busy

endresplendence: I went to the New England last night with some of my friends. Kendall, Sarah, Candi, a few others. I guess I had too many and this morning I woke up next to some black haired guy that definitely wasn't my boyfriend.

endresplence: Hello?


Alcoholic Slayer: Okay, what?

endresplendence: I cheated on my boyfriend!!!

Alcoholic Slayer: Does he liek mudkips?

endresplendence: What?

Alcoholic Slayer: Answer the question, woman.

endresplendence: Um, no?

Alcoholic Slayer: Then your boyfriend fucking sucks. Gert rid of him; maybe the guy who had his dick in your drunk ass last night lieks mudkips. There, problem solved.

Alcoholic Slayer: Hey? Yeah, you can thank me now


Alcoholic Slayer: Hey, do u liek mudkips?

endresplendence signed off at 12:45:02 AM.
endresplendence is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

mudkips lulz

09-26-07, 12:28 PM
ROFL!!! You're such an asshole.... but that is the funniest shit I've ever read.

Moonlit Raven
10-01-07, 11:27 PM
nekobooi (10:02:05 PM): hehehe
MlRaven69 (10:02:27 PM): Wrong, just plain wrong ^^
nekobooi (10:02:39 PM): We talked about how too do a High Twelve!
nekobooi (10:02:50 PM): And decided only woman could do it right
MlRaven69 (10:04:14 PM): oooh?
MlRaven69 (10:04:16 PM): do tell
nekobooi (10:04:11 PM): Well
nekobooi (10:04:15 PM): High Five is one hand
nekobooi (10:04:20 PM): High Ten is two
nekobooi (10:04:31 PM): High Twelve incorporates boobies!
MlRaven69 (10:04:57 PM): rofl
MlRaven69 (10:05:04 PM): what about a high fourteen?
nekobooi (10:05:32 PM): ?
nekobooi (10:05:47 PM): The High Thirteen involves tongues
MlRaven69 (10:06:15 PM): two girls, two sets of hands two sets of boobs
nekobooi (10:06:17 PM): French kidding~
MlRaven69 (10:06:45 PM): mmmm
nekobooi (10:06:44 PM): French Kissing*
MlRaven69 (10:07:10 PM): ....
nekobooi (10:10:02 PM): High Thirteen!
MlRaven69 (10:10:20 PM): mmm
nekobooi (10:10:22 PM): Fourteen with humping!
MlRaven69 (10:10:42 PM): rofl
MlRaven69 (10:11:42 PM): ROFL!!!
nekobooi (10:12:49 PM): Thank you ^)^

ataraxis says: *steals your wallet and your underwear*
Genevieve says: damn i'm out of coffee
Genevieve says: .... my underwear?!?
ataraxis says: Yeah!
Genevieve says: ah you can't
Genevieve says: i never wear em
ataraxis says: That's because I always steal em!
Genevieve says: oh yeah, what do they look like? huh?
ataraxis says: Lacy, black?
Genevieve says: damn
ataraxis says: With that little stain in the...
Genevieve says: nope, no stains. those are not mine
ataraxis says: Oh wait, those stains were from me.
Genevieve says: .... gross!!!!!!!!!
ataraxis says: I wear em!
Genevieve says: keep em I don't want them back
ataraxis says: It makes me feel delicate!
ataraxis says: Bah, what would you need them for anyway!^^
Genevieve says: I like having matching sets
Genevieve says: the panty has to match the bra
ataraxis says: Then I have the answer!
ataraxis says: *zips by and unhooks your bra, stealing it*
Genevieve says: no! bras are expensive.
Genevieve says: I normal pay 50 to 80 for just one
ataraxis says: Holy effing crap.
ataraxis says: I buy my boxers in bulk fro ten bucks.
ataraxis says: Silk is soft and nice, but damn, wool works just as fine!
Genevieve says: hey for the better types that last a long time to have to shell out the cash
Genevieve says: I had a boy friend that bought me a 200 dollar bra once. unfortunately I can't wear it any more. the cup size is too small now and it pisses me off. I loved that bra
ataraxis says: But just squish into it!
ataraxis says: You won't notice after the blood circulation is cut off!
Genevieve says: yes I would. my chest would be spilling out of the top.
Genevieve says: I want to look nice not like a hooker
ataraxis says: Which is hot. Think renaissance girl or pirate wench, not hooker!
ataraxis says: Or like, give it to me.
ataraxis says: Don't let it go to waste!
Genevieve says: rofl
ataraxis says: I have a collection! I'll be rich soon!
ataraxis says: ... If I ever stop sniffing them in that creepy, lovely way.
Genevieve says: mine!
ataraxis says: NOT ANYMOR!
ataraxis says: *more
ataraxis says: *swallows bra*

10-01-07, 11:30 PM
Midvalley20: hmm... do i want to work on my story... or do i want to play super mario rpg...
Oberst Christoph: Follow your heart, Andy.
Oberst Christoph: Lol.
Midvalley20: there's no babies around to microwave though

10-02-07, 02:42 PM
Why do I believe a convo like that out of you and Chris?

Slayer of the Rot
10-02-07, 04:13 PM
Alcoholic Slayer: Centipides? In my vagina?

Godhand: If you keep up with your habits, the infestation will surely get worse.

Godhand: Queer.