View Full Version : The Festival of Masks

Enigmatic Immortal
10-29-14, 01:39 AM
Closed. If you would like in, please PM me first.

Jensen's hands were filled with the weight of a dozen scraps of clothing, all gathered around the castle for the children known as the Ferals in the Ixian Knight's castle. The Ferals, a group of kids that Astarelle cares for, were abut to experience a Coronian tradition of the harvest festival. Every town would gather and tell stories while the children laughed and played, and when the red moon rose there would be ghost stories and scary tales, orated behind ghastly masks. Then the candies were passed out and dancing began with the masks still on.

Some villages adopted dressing up as scary monsters for the kids, and even the adults would hop in on the festivities, but as the immortal coaxed the box to not tip from his fingertips he glanced to his companion. Her face was not filled with the thrilling look one would expect when assigned to go with the children to give them a good night. He nudged her, making her grin but she kept her arms crossed as she pouted.

"You promised me a nice dinner," she said, eyes casually glancing to his. "We made plans."

"Orders can really ruin things," Jensen admitted, a bit saddened to be honest. In truth he was looking forward to taking Astarelle out, as friends he assured himself. What she was thinking was beyond Jensen as she seemed a little bummed about this more than he was.

"I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if I could at least join you on your night watch," Astarelle was taking it rather hard that they were being separated, and Jensen grinned to her as he smirked. When he opened his mouth to speak her finger went to his lip to silence him, just a pleasurable grin on her face. "I just enjoy your company, and It's not going to be a lot of fun without you."

"Are you kidding me? It'll be a blast!" Jensen said exuberantly. "You get to pig out and go dancing, there's music! You want to give that up just to watch me look at an empty forest at the top of a tower?"

"Maybe if the stars were out..." she whispered. Jensen leaned his ear in to listen, but she pushed him away playfully, her face reddened. Jensen just grinned with a chuckle on his lips and let Astarelle open the door. The immediate sounds of children shrieking made both adults wince as Jensen tossed the box on the floor. Astarelle shut the door and leaned against it, sighing as he pouted again looking up to Jensen with pleading eyes. "I am literally thinking about doing anything to get out of this."

"Anything huh?" Jensen teased. Astarelle only lifted an eyebrow, but sighed again as she lifted her hands up to her arms and crossed them. The immortal fought the urge to lift his hand up and take hers in his, bringing her into his embrace, but he knew that was just wishful thinking. Well, that and some other wishful thoughts...

"It's not that I don't like them...I just...don't want to be with them all night alone. They are going to be so hopped on sugar it'll be a miracle not to strangle the life out of them," she said hesitantly. "Does that make me a bad person?"

"Nah," he waved his hand to dismiss the idea. "But think of it this way," he said, his hand lowering and glancing hers. She snapped her pinky to catch his before he slid away. Both faces turned red for a moment, before he continued talking. "Some of those little ones haven't had a lot of time to celebrate anything with the castle being at war. And rare times to just let go and have fun should be seen as a gift, not a curse. Besides, I won't be on all night. Maybe I can come visit you when my shift is on break."

"To walk all that way just to see me?" She teased. "A little excessive don't you think?"

"Don't get your panties in a twist," Jensen winked. "It's not even a light jog for me and you know it." She nodded in agreement. He was rather fast. "Besides, it will be safer for the kids to be escorted by two guardians instead of one." She sighed nodding her head as they released their hands before they got any closer.

"Then you promise to come meet me later?" she joked, winking to him.

"I'll be running," he said softly, a tone he wasn't sure why he used. She gave him an impish grin and continued to talk in that same pseudo confidant voice.

"And you promise it will be fun?"

"Cross my heart and hope to...I mean uh...I swear on my life that....well, hmmm," Jensen scratched the back of his head thinking it over, making the woman laugh. "It will be so long as you don't sulk. Now get going. I have work to do since some of us can't be pretty Ixian Princesses."

"There you go calling me pretty again," this time her tongue stuck out.

"You think we'd put ugly people on the public face team?" Jensen laughed, turning as he walked away, waving her off as he grinned to himself. "Play your cards right my lady, and a knight in shining armor may come tonight to save you."

"My hero," she cooed as she entered back into the wing, the screeching children silenced only by the sound of something breaking. "Bury me, please hurry." she added with a heavy sigh.