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11-02-14, 12:09 AM
Name: Gavner Nahs
Age: 114 (human equivelant 21)
Race: full-blooded vampire
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: red
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 160 lbs
Occupation: vampire general

Personality (Optional): Gavner is a humble, yet confident creature of the night. He is loyal to his friends, and his pride is his most valuable possession. He respects those who show respect to him. He believes it is honorable to die in combat, rather than flee from a battle he has started

Appearance: Gavner is 6'6" and approximately 160 lbs. He has a mess of tomato red hair that covers the top half of his ears and sharp, glowing red eyes. He has a medium length face with an angular cut jaw. His nose is smaller on his face and his ears are normal sized. He had a long scar starting just above his right ear going across his cheek down his neck and ending at the base of the left of his neck.

Combat without using a weapon:
Gavner is extremely skilled in combat without weapons. He is a master in vampire martial arts which is a lore mainly focusing on weak parts in soft tissue and armor, and utilizes the strong nails of the vampire. Gavner is skilled in this martial arts while fighting armed foes, or unarmed foes.
Knifes: gavner has trained for years, and is greatly feared whenever he uses knifes. He has deadly precision while throwing them and is equally skilled while wielding dual knives, or a singe knife in hand to hand combat, but he seldom carries them on his person due to traveling purposes


Vampric Strength (3x): At age 14 Gavner Nahs was blooded into a full vampire. Vampires have strength which is supernatural to that of a normal human. Gavner has 3x the strength of a human. He can headbutt enemies and cause minor concussions, and on rare occasions, unconsciousness. His jaw is strong enough to bite cleanly through steel and his fingers, hands, and arms are strong enough to force his nails through solid steel, slicing through the metals cleanly as well. Gavner can hold a handstand position for 30 minutes straight and 15 of the thirty minutes can be on his fingertips because he does not neglect core or finger strength. He can lift up to 130 lbs and break bones with full force attacks. He can hang from buildings, poles, or ropes easily and can play around with his weight with ease. Gavner can kick a man back several steps, and jump 10/13ths his own height at a standstill. With a running start of at least 10 feet he can jump mostly onto a one story building. He can long jump 34.666666(repeating) feet with a running start of at least 10 feet.

Vampric Speed (x3): Vampires naturally have speed which is greater than that of humans. Gavner's speed is advanced for a vampire of his age, and is 3x that of a human. He can run a 4:30 mile and quickly dodge sword blows and knife assaults. With no weapons he can strike an enemy 4 times in one second. Vampires have the ability to flit, or move at a supernatural speed (approximately 100 mph) ONLY to travel places. This can NEVER be used in ANY battle or battle thread, and can NEVER be used to gain any sort of advantages. This does NOT affect any other character in any way shape or form (unless permitted to carry them on his back while flitting to get somewhere faster), it is simply a method of transportation.

Intermediate Hearing: Vampires have heightened senses, and hearing is Gavner's strongest sense. His hearing is 3x more sensitive than that of a human, and he can pick up on sounds way easier than others. He can hear normal talking from 150 yards away, soft talking from 125 yards away, and whispers from 100 yards. He can hear through thick walls when standing right next to them, and he can hear through thin walls from up to 250 feet away.

Tooth and Nail: Vampires have teeth and nails which are very strong. Gavner's black teeth and nails have the strength equivalency of steel and can gouge the metal when scratched or leave deep teeth marks when bitten. They can slice or cleave through anything weaker than steel.

Equipment: Gavner currently carries no weapons. His black fingernails, and his sharp black teeth are his main weapon. He uses his teeth to sharpen his nails. He is usually garbed in a long black traveling coat and a cape that is black on the outside, but the inside and the collar is red. He wears black boots but it is not uncommon for him to go barefoot with his tough feet

Familiars (optional):

Name: Eva
Age: 2 years
Race: Wolf Cub
Hair Color: Grey and white
Eye Color: Black
Height: 1 foot tall on all fours.
Weight: 3lbs and 4oz
Occupation (Optional):

Personality (Optional): Eva is a baby wolf who is always bursting with energy and life. She is always curious of things but is extremely loyal to Gavner, whom she loves more than anything or anyone in the entire world. She always loves being with him, and hates being separated.

Appearance: Eva has short white fur covering her entire body with a longer grey coat coming in. She is 1 foot tall on all fours and approximately 3lbs and 4oz.

History: After her family was killed by an evil vampire, Gavner took Eva in and cared for her. They now share a great emotional attachment, and friendship.

Wolf Fighting: Even though Eva is 1 foot tall she was taught by her father, Amoux, how to fight with wolf techniques. Their style is clean and deadly, but Eva is not old enough to kill anyone.
Instincts: Eva can look at someone's appearance and make a judgement if the person is trustworthy, or if she should be leery of them.


Intellect: Eva is very smart, especially for a wolf cub. She is able to be taught, and she is always learning. Eva has developed a telepathic link which she can only talk to Gavner with. She speaks more with images, feelings, smells, sounds, emotions, and tastes. She can send or receive one or two words with her own power but that is the extent of it.

Claws- claws. Hers are normal

Familiars (Optional): Eva is a familiar of Gavner. She has no familiars.

11-02-14, 12:18 AM
Name: Matthew Kuchcinski
Age: 16
Race: human
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: blue
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140
Occupation (Optional): musician

Personality (Optional): Matthew is abnormally weird for a 16 year old. His mind wanders to extremely crazy things on a regular basis and has a huge imagination. He hates bananas with a burning passion because he is allergic to them, and he loves music. He enjoys doing funny things to random people and sometimes says very random things.

Appearance: Matthew has beautiful fluffy brown hair that is very short. It is almost buzzed on the sides and the back and the top is a bit longer. His hair is of medium thickness. The sides of his face are flat from his temples to the tops of his cheekbones. That's where his slanted jaw begins and angles down. He has blue and is 5'6". Most of his weight is muscle but he isn't that buff.

History: Matthew was a relatively new writer on Althanas, a website that his friend Tyler invited him to. They lived on the planet earth. One day he was traveling and he found a cave that led deep into the earth. Going home and grabbing a book bag he stuffed a pair of shorts, a white tee, and a pair of shoes in it. He put on another white tee, a grey hoodie, black cargo pants, and a US Army combat jacket that he picked up from an army surplus store. He also took yellow safety glasses and an airsoft pistol. Setting out he ventured into the cave. After walking about an hour he reached a drop off and wasn't willing to turn back so he stayed there for awhile. Just as he was about to leave he looked over the edge but he leaned too far. He fell down into the drop off and into a wormhole. The wormhole took him to the world of althanas where his story begins.

Music: Matthew has exceptional skill with musical instruments. He is excellent on saxophones and the piano, and he is proficient at brass instruments. He can play just about any instrument by ear and can depict the notes from many tunes by ear

Sarcasm: Matthew can be sarcastic when he wants to be, but for some reason if he says something offensive with sarcasm nobody yells at him for it, or is offended. They either laugh or ignore it.

Metabolism: Matthew has a high metabolism and can eat lots of food without gaining weight. What little he does gain he either deficates or burns off.

Quacking: Matthew raised many ducklings on earth and after awhile they taught him how to quack. He uses a simple sleight of air pressure in his mouth to make a very loud quacking noise.

Acrobatics: Matthew has interest in acrobatics. He watched a video on YouTube and learned how to do frontflips. He also watched videos on sideflips and backflips but hasn't mastered them. His school has rings, and he has practiced swinging from ring to ring for periods of time and can apply the skill to vines, ropes, and things to that nature.

Parkour/freerunning: Matthew has knowledge of vaults and techniques that fit into parkour. He enjoys doing parkour and freerunning in his spare time


Equipment: matthew has a backpack, yellow safety glasses that block out uv rays, and a CO2 airsoft pistol

11-02-14, 12:41 AM
Name: Tyler
Age: 16
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150
Occupation (Optional):

Personality (Optional): Tyler is a very strong person, physically and morally. He will always stand up for what is right, and never judges anybody by anything other than their actions. He always knows what is important and never loses sight of it. No matter the situation, he will always make the right decision. He is loyal and true to all of his friends.

Appearance: Tyler is tall and made of solid muscle. His hair is short and black and he has a long ruddy face. He has brown eyes and light skin.

History: To be determined


Speed x2: Tyler is one of the fastest teenagers you will ever find. He can outrun just about anybody his age and even medium to slow people who are older than him.
Hard Hitter: Being on the football team Tyler knows how to smash people. He can hit people with his fists, or his whole body 2 times harder than any normal human could.

Familiars (Optional): none

11-02-14, 09:44 AM
(ARMY COUNT 200; squadron clear for registration)
Count: 200
Race: 199 symphonic, 1 angel
Squadron leader: Synthos

SYNTHOS (level 3) (#1)
Chosen by: Mavrik
Race: angel
Appearance: blonde hair, yellow eyes, looks like a 17 year old male
Equipment: Weapon- Synthos has a Damascus katana that is imbued with the power of lightening. When someone is impaled with the sword, they feel minor electrocution, strongest in the area impaled and weaker in areas far away from the stab. Victims have blisters and red skin (second degree burn) in the area where impaled, from electrocution. When experiencing gashes the victims only feel electrocution in that limb, and they experience blisters and red skin (second degree burn) in the gash. Armor-
Insidious melody: When Synthos sings, his voice disturbs the foes which hear. By singing a cruel and malevolent melody, Synthos enacts a powerful enchantment upon the foes mind, causing them to partially lose focus, or temporarily lose interest. If heard for over a minute the melodies will cause minor, up to moderate headaches pain level depending on the amount of time the melody is heard (slight annoyance to a throbbing; NOT enough to effect his/her action patterns). These minor headaches last for a minute or so and may recur. His melodies can also result in a SLIGHTLY lowered state of focus, as his foes can become hot and agitated if they hear the melody for over three minutes. Effective up to how far his voice will travel, 15 feet radius maximum. Since Syntho's vocal chords are rather fragile he can only sing for 5 minutes at a time with 15 minute breaks in between.

Uplifting melody: Just as Synthos sings to bring down his foes, he also sings assist his allies. His singing gives an overall boost in morale and confidence, and an increased willpower to fight. His melodies give them a slight adrenaline rush, and can even boost their endurance by 0.25. Effective up to how far his voice will travel, but has stronger effects closest to him, and weaker effects the farthest away. Allies gain confidence, will to fight, morale boost, adrenaline, and 0.25 endurance boost up to five feet away. Allies gain confidence, will to fight, morale boost, and adrenaline at 10 feet away, and they gain confidence, will to fight, and morale boost at 15 feet away. 15 feet is the maximum reach of his voice. Since Synthos's uplifting melodies require concentration he can only sing them when he is not engaged in hand to hand combat, and can only sing for 5 minutes at a time with 15 minute breaks in between.

SQUADRON EQUIPMENT STANDARD ISSUE: Padded leather armor, shortsword

SQUADRON SKILLS (including Synthos): Swordsmanship, First Aid

Symphonic Race: A hybrid race of half human half elf beings that specialize in musical talent.
Squadron Abilities- 199:
Harmony: When symphonics hum a low tone in unison they cause metal (the strength of iron) to vibrate, and make a rattling noise. This disorients men with helmets on and irritates those with armor as they have vibrating metal on their skin. They have to grip iron swords harder to keep the metal from vibrating. Effective up to 15 feet from the edge of the group, and takes 50 symphonics at minimum to use this ability. Can only be used once every thirty minutes (per group).
Harmonic healing: Symphonics run on music. Music is life to them, and it is also health. When a symphonic sings, or is sung to, their voice can heal minor flesh wounds and bruises; 5 cuts or bruises a day. They can staunch the bleeding of gashes but cannot do anything for any worse injuries
Speed: speed 2x

Count: 200
Race: 200 Full blooded vampires
Squadron leader: Shae Willis

SHAE WILLIS (level 3) (#2)
Chosen by: Gavner Nahs
Appearance: Shae has longer brown hair that she keeps up in a bun during battles. She is six feet tall and is muscular for a female.
Equipment: weapons- dual Damascus knives; 1 imbued with fire enchantment (blade appears to be on fire when unsheathed, stab wounds give second degree burns to wound, gashes give second degree burns to the gash). 1 imbued with ice enchantment (frost on blade, stab wounds give acute frostbite to skin contacted, gashes give frost burns to half inch of surrounding surface of skin and gash). Armor- a one piece suit of moskin (a rare material which is flexible and light, like leather, but has surface strength of steel in vital areas such as heart, stomach, lungs, etc.)
Strength: strength 4x
Speed: speed 5x
Tooth and Nail: Shae's teeth and nails are as strong as steel
Telepathy: Shae can telepathically pair with those she has shared her mental frequency with only.
Advanced hearing: 4x hearing of a normal human.

SQUADRON EQUIPMENT STANDARD ISSUE: Weapons- steel longswords (50), steel axes (50), steel pikes (50), dual steel knives (50). Armor- Thick padded leather suits that block out the harmful rays of the suns. Face masks that block out sunlight to protect their faces.
Squadron abilities-
Strength: strength 2x
Tooth and Nail: teeth and nails strong as steel
Speed: speed x2

Count: 200
Race: 199 shapeshifter 1 seraphim
Squadron leader: Nikki Schnider

NIKKI SCHNIDER (level 3) (#3)
chosen by: Michael
Race: seraphim
Appearance: Nikki has the normal alias of a 22 year old female with brown hair down to her shoulders. She usually keeps purple irises and smooth skin and she is 5'10. Out of her back comes two white feathery wings that are blue at the tips of all the feathers.
Equipment: Weapon- nikki wields a Damascus general's sword with a black steel hand protected. The sword is enchanted to never dull and radiates with energy. Armor- nikki has steel chainmail armor with a lightweight enchantment cast upon it. She wears chainmail leggings and leather combat footwear given to her by her father, they morph with her form to fit perfectly.

Transcendent Appeal- Nikki, as a Seraphim, has the capability to morph her shape into other humanoid forms. This is used to cover her identity and come across as weaker than she actually is.
Seraphim Flight: With her two wings, Nikki can take flight and attack in the airfield, or land and fight on the battlefield. She can fly at speeds up to 25 mph or less.
Concussion Assault: Concentrating on an enemy, Nikki can attack the inner walls of their mind. Nikki must first break past their mind's natural barriers, but whence in Nikki breaks through she can directly lash out at a target's mind. She "batters them" mentally, causing minor physical pain in the head, and headaches after she withdraws. Attacks can cause lapse in concentration and focus.
Strength: strength 4x
Speed: speed 5x
Swiftness: agility 4x

SHAPESHIFTER: Shapeshifters are unique creatures that can change their form to any wild beast they please, or to a single fixed human alias.

Equipment: Weapons- Each shapeshifter is equipped with a steel longsword and sheath that is enchanted to shapeshift with them. When they are in beast form their sword morphs into their body so they are only a beast. When they morph into their human alias it comes out, sheathed on their belt. Armor- Each shapeshifter is equipped with leather plates of armor when in human alias. Naturally the armor is providing little pierce or slash damage, only minimal blunt protection. The armor is enhanced with an enchantment to morph to their body when they morph into beast form just as the sword described above is.

Shapeshifting: Shapeshifters can morph into whatever form of beast they please, taking a time of 30 seconds. After morphing they must wait at least 5 minutes before morphing or demorphing. They may morph instantly into their human alias, provided they have waited 5 minutes since their last morph.
Energy: Shapeshifting takes energy, and it does not take many morphs for weak shapeshifters to become fatigued. For this reason shapeshifters eat special food that gives them 2x the energy of normal humans.
Endurance: Shapeshifters undergo long training and have 2x the endurance of a normal person.

count: 200
Race: 200 superhuman
Squadron leader: Jeffrey Kraemer

JEFFREY KREAMER (level 3) (#4)
Chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
Race: Superhuman
Appearance: Short black hair, squarish face, buff and muscular, 6'4" 275 lbs
Equipment: Zweihänder- Jeff has a Damascus Zweihänder with a lightweight enchantment that reduces it to the weight of a longsword. Armor- Jeff has steel shoulder plates, breast plates, and thin armor protecting his stomach, sides and back. All steel is padded underneath giving support and reinforcement to blows that are taken. Jeff's armor has a lightweight enchantment cast upon it, and he wears steel gauntlets under chainmail gloves. He wears black combat shoes.
Gorilla Strength: Jeff has 5x the strength of a normal human
Gorilla Regeneration: Jeff's body will gradually heal it's minor wounds and bruises over time (2-3 minutes depending on how minor the wound). The bleeding of gashes will be staunched after about 30 seconds, and healed after 7 when left alone with no medical treatment. Bleeding of major wounds will be slowed down after 3 minutes and staunched after 9 with no medical treatment. Jeff's body cannot fully heal major wounds without medical treatment. Jeff is very mortal, and CAN bleed out in battle if too many wounds are received.
Gorilla endurance: Jeff has 4x the endurance of a normal person.
Gorilla Rage: Usable once every 20 minutes, duration 5 minutes. Jeff goes into an all out rage, strength and endurance increased by 25% and he gains huge adrenaline rush; goes into a mass berserk. Regeneration speeds up by one minute for duration of rage. Usually stimulated when Jeff is angered by the death of his own men.
Gorilla speed: Jeff is fast for a being of his size. He has 2x the speed of a normal human.

SQUADRON EQUIPMENT STANDARD ISSUE: Steel Longswords, two steel throwing knives, thin steel armor reinforced with padding
Squadron Abilities-
Gorilla Strength: strength 2x
Gorilla Speed: speed 2x
Gorilla Mind: pain resistance 2x
Gorilla Energy: endurance 2x
100 men- gorilla strength, gorilla speed, gorilla mind
99 men- gorilla strength, gorilla speed, gorilla energy

count: 200
race: 200 superhuman
Squadron leader: Tyler Tyoh

TYLER TYOH (level 3) (#5)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
Race: superhuman
Appearance: Tyler is 6'2" with a longer face and short brown hair on the top. The sides of his head are buzzed and he has deadly brown eyes.
Equipment: Weapons- Tyler has a suspended blade that is attatched to his left forearm and held in place by a heavy duty arm brace. The blade starts halfway between his wrist and elbow and extends out two and a half feet from the end of his fist. It is the width of his forearm. The Damascus blade is imbued with an enchantment that prevents the blade from dulling. On his left hip, attatched to his belt is a sheathed steel combat knife that Tyler uses in case he is engaged in extremely close hand to hand combat. Armor- Tyler has steel shoulderplates and leather armor covering the rest of his body. Underneath the chainmail he has cloth padding to soften blows, but not too thick to the point where it hinders his running and mobility. Steel chainmail gauntlets protect his hands from piercing attacks. He has custom made running shoes to maximize running speed.

Running- Tyler was born with the natural talent of running. At a run he can reach 25 mph, and at dead sprint his top speed peaks at 45 mph. This is not speed, he can only use his arms at the speed of a normal human.
Endurance- Due to intense training and preparation, Tyler has 4x the endurance of a normal person.

Equipment: Weapons- Each runner has a steel blade the size of Tylers, except they extend 2 feet past their fist. Each is also equipped with a steel knife for close quarter combat. Armor- The squadron has the same armor as Tyler does.

Running- Each runner can run faster than normal humans, their top speed peaks at 25 mph
Endurance- Each runner has 2x the endurance of a normal person.
Pain resistance- The runners train their minds to a supperior state so that they have 2x pain resistance than a normal human

count: 200
race: 200 superhumen
Squadron leader: James Nowikowski

JAMES NOWIKOWSKI (level 3) (#6)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: superhuman
appearance: Mr. Nowi is about 5'10" with greying hair and metal framed glasses. Mr. Nowi has an aged appearance but foes must not be fooled by it. He is only 33 years old.
Equipment: Nowi wields a Damascus Zweihänder with a lightweight enchantment that reduces it to the weight of a longsword. It is enchanted to never dull. Armor- Nowi has steel shoulder plates, breast plates, and thin armor protecting his stomach, sides and back. All steel is padded underneath giving support and reinforcement to blows that are taken. Mr. Nowi's armor has a lightweight enchantment cast upon it, and he wears steel gauntlets under chainmail gloves. He wears black combat shoes.

Nowi's Voice: When Mr. Nowi is angry or agitated he will yell commands or threats into the battle that can be heard from a 30 foot radius. The sound of his shouting instills fear into the hearts of every man of low willpower not only to the enemies, but to his own squadron as well. His own men do not nessicarily fear for their own life in battle, but fear being hurt or injured by Mr. Nowi. By shouting commands he can restore order to chaos, and command any of his squadron to follow any of his commands blindly. Side effects in enemies may include: Lack of confidence, overall decrease in morale, focus shifting from their target to the shouting Nowi, and to some of the extremely weak of will, cowering and whimpering.
Nowi's strength: nowi has 5x the strength of a normal human. He is able to pick up, and throw young cow 15 feet.
Nowi's wrath: When Mr. Nowi is infuriated, either by injustice done to himself, or the murder of men of his squadron, Nowi's abilities are doubled in his wrath. His focus instantly switches to the one/ones that have done the injustice to him and he rages until they are vanquished. Nothing can stop him until he is petrified, or they are killed. He does not attack anybody other than his targer, or those who get in the way so his rage does not last long. Rarely does he go into a rage like this but when he does, look out.
Nowi's Stare: glaring viley at the enemy, Mr. Nowi enacts a powerful enchantment upon the foe. Striking utter terror into the weak minded the victim will freeze, utterly paralyzed with fear. The victim will remain paralyzed until eye contact is broken, after which they will be stunned for five seconds. Those who do not freeze in fear are caused to feel overwhelming doubt. Targets will second guess their actions, and are likely to turn away perfectly good ideas for fear of the failure they undergo in their mind's eye. Those with strong willpower will notice the change and can resist urges to give up.
Nowi's Stance: When the battle heads south, Nowi will take a heroic stance with his hands on his hips and his gaze slightly above the horizon. During his stance, Mr. Nowi gives confidence to all who see him, and will allow them to resist morale lowering attacks such as enemy battle cries and things of the sort.
Nowi's Death: When Mr. Nowi is felled in battle, all on the battlefield, friend and foe alike will pause. All struggle will be stopped for ten seconds to honor the fallen commander. After ten seconds they will continue as if nothing ever happened, this gives NO advantage to either side.

Equipment: Nowi's squadron is equipped with steel shortswords and chainmail. Their armor is enhanced with a lightweight enchantment so they will not be fatigued as quickly as those without.

Nowi's People (willpower 2x): For being followers of Mr. Nowi, they have will to fight and resist mental attacks and morale decreasing attacks.
Together We Stand: Under grave circumstances, Nowi's squadron will pull together in a huge huddle. Those on the outside will defend the group, but those on the inside will pump themselves up. They will scream encouragement, jump up and down, and even chant. This results in an increase of morale, gives them an adrenaline rush, and they return to the battle with a vengeance.
Agile Speed (speed 2x): Nowi trains his men intensively and runs them through a grueling obstacle course daily. From this they have gained 2x the speed of a normal human

count: 300
race: 300 elven
Battalion Leader: Dylan Garsin

DYLAN GARSIN (level 3) (#7)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
Race: elf
Appearance: squarish face with box cut jaw, blazing green eyes, naturally squinting with head inclined back. He is 6'2" and is very muscular.
Equipment: Weapon- Dylan has a Damascus longsword that is enhanced with a lightening enchantment. When someone is impaled with the sword, they feel minor electrocution, strongest in the area impaled and weaker in areas far away from the stab, stunning them for 5 seconds. Victims have blisters and red skin (second degree burn) in the area where impaled, from electrocution. When experiencing gashes the victims only feel electrocution in that limb, and they experience blisters and red skin (second degree burn) in the gash. Armor- Dylan has steel plate armor protecting his body which is enhanced with a lightweight enchantment.

Elven Strength: Dylan has trained in strength the hardest for his whole life. As a result he has 5x the strength of a normal human
Elven Speed: Dylan has 4x the speed of a normal human
Elven Reflexes: After undergoing months of intense combat training for the elven army, Dylan has honed his reflexes to be 4x that of a normal human.
Elven Agility: Being an elf born of nobility, Dylan has been trained in self-building excersises since he was young. He has 4x the agility of a normal person.
Elven Sense (time perception): When he was young, Dylan was taught by a wise mentor how to slow down his perception of time. With a simple sleight of the mind, and self-discipline he can see things happen as if in slow motion, but only with great concentration.

Equipment: Weapons- Each elf is equipped with dual steel longswords and sheaths. Armor- The elves are equipped with steel chianmail which has lightweight enchantment enhancing it.

Elven Speed: Elves have 2x the speed of a normal human
Elven Reflexes: Elves have 2x the reflexes of a normal human
Elven Mind: Elves have 2x pain resistance of a normal human

Count: 200
Race: superhuman
Squadron leader: Matthew Oliver Kuchcinski

chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
Race: superhuman
Appearance: Matthew has short hair on the top, that is buzzed on the sides. His face is ovular, but not extremely large. He is 5'10"
Weapons- In the superhuman colony Matthew has experimented for years, mixing his magic with his crazy inventions. He created metallic based cartridges that he can charge with elemental spells to launch powerful lethal projectiles (see below). In order to launch these projectiles he created a device utilized to launch these ballistics. After about four years of prototypes and creating these weapons, Matthew has invented the best of the best for his own personal use. It is the model of a dark silver desert eagle.
Desert Eagle- Has an extendable barrel and is fed by detachable magazines. Is NOT semi-automatic (as Lye requested) as Matthew must cock back the top before he fires each round. Ejects empty cartridge when cocked back and loads new. Matthew MUST wait 5 seconds between firing .50 cal shells, or firing pin will not reset.
Rounds- Matthew currently has three hundred (300) fully charged (see below) .50 cal cartridges, and seventy five (75) fully charged .44 magnum shells. One hundred (100) .50 cal shells are ice charged (see abilities), one hundred (100) .50 cal shells are fire charged (see abilities), and one hundred (100) .50 cal shells are lightening charged (see abilities). He has twenty five (25) of each elementally charged .44 mag shell (75 total).
Detatchable Magazines- Each .50 cal magazine can hold 7 rounds, and each .44 magnum magazine can hold 8 rounds. Matthew currently has three (3) .50 cal magazines, and three (3) .44 magnum magazines.
Others- Custom Black Vest; Matthew realized that if he went to war he would need some means of storage so he created a custom vest with slots and compartments specially designed to hold charged shells. His vest can hold up to 100 rounds. Tactical Belt- Matthew created a belt that has slots to hold shells as well. His belt can hold up to 75 shells magazines. Tactical Backpack- Matthew carries a backpack to hold the rest of his shells, and medical supplies. He holds his ammo in space conserving containment units and stuffs cloth in between them to minimize rattling.

Mage gunner:
Matthew has god-given magical ability. In the colony he has experimented with crazy inventions. He has found a way to compress his energy into a cartridge which is extremely small in comparison to the bursting energy within. When all the energy is fit into the capsule, it has an explosive charge. These cartridges can be stored for future use, or used to launch a powerful ice projectile.
Ice charging/firing-
Matthew can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. Using this energy from nearby sources of water (or converting said amount of water into pure energy) he can charge .44 mag shells in 20 minutes (400ml), and .50 cal shells in 1 hour (1Liter). When drawing from water vapor in the air he can charge .44 mag shells in 40 minutes, and .50 cal shells in 3 hours.
When firing a .44 magnum round, the chamber focuses the energy into a bolt of ice approximately 0.44” in diameter and 2.5” long. The icicle is as strong as iron and the velocity of the spell is 1,700 f/s.
When firing a .50 cal shell, the high capacity round compresses and releases a hypervelocity icicle which breaks the sound barrier upon exiting the barrel. This sound is audible from 1,000 ft away with slight delay after impact. The bolt of ice is about .5” in diameter and 4” long. The strength of which is equivalent to steel. The velocity of this spell is 2,700 f/s

Lightening charging/firing-
Energy is all around in the world, created by many things. Just as life creates endothermic energy, human activity and nature creates pure energy released in the form of static electricity. Harnessing this electricity, Matthew compresses it into pre-charged .50 cal ice shells to release this energy in addition to the ice projectile that is released. The ice projectile travels its normal speed, but the energy bolt travels a nanosecond behind the ice. Just as the ice is about to hit its target, the electricity behind it creates a negative charge and pulls the ice to a halt, making the contact of the ice feel like a tap. The electricity however, makes contact with the person. The electricity needs a "leader" to guide the bolt through the atmosphere to a target, or else the charge would just be released into the air. The ice projectile acts as the "leader" in this case.

Matthew can absorb energy from nearby sources or phenomenons that create static electricity. When he is under a thunderstorm he can charge one precharged ice shell in 20 minutes. When he is near a thunderstorm he can charge an ice shell in 35 minutes. If there is no thunderstorm, but Matthew is under cumulus or stratus clouds he can charge an ice shell in 55 minutes. When he is near a source of water he can take the positive and negative charge from the water molecules and charge one shell in 1 hour. When there are no clouds, he can collect static electricity from the moving army he is near and charge an ice shell in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

When a lightening charged ice shell is fired, it delivers an energy bolt of 1 terawatt to a single target (essentially a bolt of lightening). The lightening bolt creates a large white flash along with thunder. All of the energy is transfered into the target. Death or paralysis is inevitable. Because of the extreme charge sent into the gun, these shells can only be fired once every 20 minutes.

Fire charging/firing-
Matthew is able to control his magical ability and can harness the power of burning fires, or the sun and use it to charge shells. The time needed to charge a shell near a burning fire is twenty (20) minutes for a .44 mag shell or 1 hour for a .50 cal shell. When drawing from the sun's energy, charging time is fourty (40) minutes for a .44 mag shell or 2 hours for a .50 cal shell. Clouds naturally block out the sun, so they cannot draw energy from the sun on a cloudy day. It is possible to draw energy directly from a torch in the same timeframe needed near a burning fire (see above).
When firing a .44 magnum shell, the chamber condenses the energy into a fireball about the size of a baseball. The fireball has a 5 inch tail and has the impact strength of iron and the velocity of the spell is 1,700 f/s.
When firing a .50 cal shell, the high capacity round compresses and releases a hypervelocity fireball which breaks the sound barrier upon exiting the barrel and explodes on impact. This sound is audible from 1,000 ft away with slight delay after impact. The fireball is about the size of a peach pit and has no visible tail. The strength of the fireball is equivalent to steel. The velocity of this spell is 2,700 f/s. The explosion is strong enough to put a hole in a stone wall with a 2 foot radius, contact with human flesh would be devastating, survival from such impact would be slim. Shells are ejected at extremely high temperature of which would give second degree burns to human flesh. After firing this round, the gun must have a five (5) minute cooldown before firing another round.

Equipment: Weapons- Matthew has created 199 revolvers for his squadron of extraordinary humans. These revolvers are only capable of firing magically charged projectiles (see below). Each revolver has a 6 round cylinder, each of which accepts one (1) .357 mag cartridge. Upon firing, the cartridges release charged energy in the shell, ONLY the shells meeting the criteria listed below. No person can use these weapons, other than the ones with the ability to fire them. They cannot use any weapon that shoots a more powerful caliber than the one their abilities specify (they cannot use Matthew's Desert Eagle). Shells- Each unit is equipped with twelve (12) .357 rechargable cartridges to load into their revolver. They each have one spare 6 cylinder speed round clip. Armor- Each soldier has leather armor that protects from blunt blows, and light steel chainmail to protect from piercing blows.

Vigilance: Matthew's squadron is skilled at spotting incoming ballistics and in turn they can avoid such things at 2x the rate of a normal human.

Magical Conduit:

The men and women under Matthew's control in his squadron are superhuman. They have harnessed their magical ability and specialized it in controlling the energy in the natural world. This allows them to “pull” energy from their surroundings and “store” them into cartridges specially designed by Matthew to which can be “fired” from uniquely invented prototype weapons. The process of charging one of these specialized cartridges is dependent upon desired effect, strength and element:

Water/Ice (Charging):

Matthew's squadron can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. The time needed to charge one of their revolver shells is two (2) seconds per shell while drawing from a nearby body of water or five (5) seconds per shell if drawing from humid air, or clouds above. It is possible for her to directly convert five milliliters (5ml) of water into pure energy in the same timeframe needed near a lake (see above).

Water/Ice (Firing Effect):

.357-M (Revolver):
When fired, the chamber focuses the energy into a bolt of ice approximately 0.357” in diameter and 5” long. The icicle is as strong as traditional ice and the velocity of the spell is equivalent to that of a short bow (280 f/s). The maximum effective range is approximately 60 yards.

Fire (charging):

Matthew has taught his men how to harness the energy of fire, and energy of the sun and use it to charge shells. The time needed to charge a revolver shell is two (2) seconds per shell while drawing from a nearby burning fire or five (5) seconds per shell if drawing from the sun's energy. Clouds naturally block out the sun, so they cannot draw energy from the sun on a cloudy day. It is possible to draw energy directly from a torch in the same timeframe needed near a burning fire (see above).

Fire (firing effect):

.357 (revolver):
When fired, the chamber focuses the energy into a fireball approximately the size of a golf ball. The fireball has a 4 inch tail and leaves black marks in iron. The fireball has the impact strength of iron and the velocity of the spell is equivalent to that of a short bow (280f/s). The maximum effective range is approximately 60 yards.

count: 500
race: 500 dwarven
battalion leader: woodan

NOTE: Non-combatant battalion. The Seabee Battalion is what makes the army go round. They transport supplies when the army is on the move and take care of the supplies when the army has set up camp. They create temporary buildings for the army and whatever sort of miscellany the army needs.

WOODAN (level 3) (#8)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: dwarf
appearance: Woodan is three feet tall with scragly red hair down to his shoulders and a long red beard. His tough dwarven face is longer and wider than average but great kindness is visible in his eyes.
Equipment: Defenses- Woodan has a special magical disk that is approximately 1 foot in diameter and has leather arm straps on one side. This special piece of equipment was personally given to him by the king. The disk is extraordinarily magical and holds many special properties because of the unknown magic bestowed upon it. When Woodan places his arm into the arm straps he activates the magical properties and the disk enlarges to a 5x4 foot barrier that defends substantially from physical and magical attacks. Woodan only uses this when he is ambushed or attacked on duty in the front lines. Armor- Woodan wears steel chainmail with a strengthening charm increasing its physical and magical defense by 25%. Others- Master Construction Tool; Woodan is equipped with a dwarven construction hammer which is enchanted to transform into a construction saw, mortar spreader, and a long stick to mix construction ingredients. This was given to him by the master builder of Al Kitar. Dwarven Pack- Woodan carries a pack in which he has 200 steel nails, 200 uncharged .50 cal shells, and medical supplies.

Dwarven Construction: Dwarves are the best builders in all the land. Not only their heritage gives them construction bonus, but due to their size they can construct buildings and miscellany with extraordinary speed. Woodan can construct or help construct things 5x faster than a normal human.
Dwarven Strength: Woodan has 5x the strength of a normal human.
Dwarven Reflexes: Woodan is used to constructing things for the dwarven army and knows to stay vigilant so he can avoid arrows and ballistics. Woodan has 4x the reflexes of a normal human.
Dwarven Swiftness: Woodan busts his rear to complete his every job because he knows how important his battalion and he are to the army. He completes his every task in 4x the speed a normal person would under the circumstances.
Magical abilities-
Shell Charging (ice): Woodan uses his magical powers to charge shells in case Matthew runs out of them. He cannot use the shells, but he can charge them in case Matthew ever needs them. Woodan can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. The time required to charge a .44 mag shell in twenty (20) minutes while near a source of water, or fourty (40) minutes when drawing from humid air.
The time needed to charge one .50 cal shell is one (1) hour near a body of water. If charging a round away from a body of water, the air MUST be humid and the time needed is in excess of three (3) straight hours. It is possible to directly transition a single liter (1L) of water into pure energy in the same amount of time needed near a body of water (see above).
Shell Charging (lightening): Woodan was taught by Matthew how to absorb energy from nearby sources or phenomenons that create static electricity. When he is under a thunderstorm he can charge one precharged ice shell in 20 minutes. When he is near a thunderstorm he can charge an ice shell in 35 minutes. If there is no thunderstorm, but Matthew is under cumulus or stratus clouds he can charge an ice shell in 55 minutes. When he is near a source of water he can take the positive and negative charge from the water molecules and charge one shell in 1 hour. When there are no clouds, he can collect static electricity from the moving army he is near and charge an ice shell in 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Woodan can charge these shells but he CANNOT use them.

**Squadrons under Seabee Battalion**
(these are all the men IN the Seabee Battalion, just descriptions of them)

Count: 100
Race: 100 dwarven
Squadron Leader: Woodan
Note: This is the squadron Woodan personally leads into battle. He mainly deploys them where they are needed, or sends them back to camp to assist the 3rd Seabee Squadron (see below).

Equipment: Defenses- Each dwarf is equipped with a rectangular shield that is strapped to their forearm. It is the length of half their forearm and the width of their forearm. It is presumably an arm plate to those who don't know its magical properties. When they hit the outside if the metal, it grows to a rectangular shield that is 2 feet wide by 3.5 feet in length which has the strength of steel. When the inside is quickly struck three times the shield will shrink to original position. Armor- each dwarf is equipped with chainmail upper body armor and shoulder plates, and chainmail leggings. The armor is enhanced with a lightweight enchantment reducing the weight. Others- Dwarven Pack; Each Dwarf is equipped with a pack in which has 200 steel nails, 25 uncharged .50 cal shells, and 25 uncharged .44 shells. In each Dwarf's pack, they also carry the construction tools issued to them; 1 dwarven construction hammer, 1 mortar spreader, and 1 construction saw.

Shell Charging (lightening): Woodan has taught his squadron how to absorb energy from nearby sources or phenomenons that create static electricity. When they are under a thunderstorm they can charge one precharged ice shell in 35 minutes. When they are near a thunderstorm they can charge an ice shell in 55 minutes. If there is no thunderstorm, but the unit is under cumulus or stratus clouds they can charge an ice shell in 1 hour. When they are near a source of water they can take the positive and negative charge from the water molecules and charge one shell in 1 hour. When there are no clouds, they can collect static electricity from the moving army they are near and charge an ice shell in 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Dwarven Construction: Dwarves are the best builders in all the land. Not only their heritage gives them construction bonus, but due to their size they can construct buildings and miscellany with extraordinary speed. The dwarves in Opta's squadron can construct or help construct things 2x faster than a normal human.
Dwarven Swiftness: Each dwarf had been informed by Woodan of their importance to the entire operation of the army, all together they have agreed to work as hard and fast as they can making them able to construct buildings and miscellany 2x faster than the normal human.

Count: 200
Race: 200 dwarven
Squadron Leader: OPTA

OPTA (level 3)(#9)
chosen by: woodan
race: dwarf
Appearance: Opta is three feet tall with longer dark hair and feminine features. She gets angry with people all the time and does not like to repeat herself.
Equipment: Defenses- Opta has a black disc shield with many magical properties. The disc is strapped onto an arm brace, and the diameter is as wide as her arm. When she needs a shield to protect herself she hits the disk with her arm and it grows to a shield centered at her forearm that has a 1 foot radius. This shield is exceptionally well at deflecting piercing ballistics such as arrows and what not, and has the strength of steel. When she is in need of a larger barrier she can hit the inside of her shield and it will grow to a 2.5 foot radius disc shield. When she needs the shield to shrink she hits the inside twice quickly and it shrinks down to the one foot radius shield, or if she hits it three times it will shrink back to its original position. Armor- Opta wears steel chainmail with a strengthening charm increasing its physical and magical defense by 25%. Others- Master Construction Tool; Opta has a construction tool identical to Woodan's (see above). Dwarven Pack- Opta has a pack identical to Woodan's. (See above)

Dwarven Construction: Dwarves are the best builders in all the land. Not only their heritage gives them construction bonus, but due to their size they can construct buildings and miscellany with extraordinary speed. Opta can construct or help construct things 5x faster than a normal human.
Dwarven Strength: Opta has 5x the strength of a normal human.
Dwarven Swiftness: Opta busts her rear to complete every job she has, because she knows how important her battalion and she are to the army. She completes her every task in 4x the speed a normal person would under the circumstances.
Magical abilities-
Disk Shield Flight: When raising her disk shield above her head (at a 1 foot radius), Opta can channel her wind directly to the underside of her shield and gain basic flight ability. She mainly uses this when on the ground moving to an elevated construction site.
Shell Charging: Opta can channel her wind magic into shells just as Woodan can channel ice magic, taking 30 minutes time to charge one shell for Matthew.
Shell Charging (fire): Matthew has taught Opta how to control her magical ability and harness the power of burning fires, or the sun and use it to charge shells. The time needed to charge a shell near a burning fire is twenty (20) minutes for a .44 mag shell or 1 hour for a .50 cal shell. When drawing from the sun's energy, charging time is fourty (40) minutes for a .44 mag shell or 2 hours for a .50 cal shell. Clouds naturally block out the sun, so they cannot draw energy from the sun on a cloudy day. It is possible to draw energy directly from a torch in the same timeframe needed near a burning fire (see above).

Equipment: Defenses- Each dwarf is equipped with a rectangular shield that is strapped to their forearm. It is the length of half their forearm and the width of their forearm. It is presumably an arm plate to those who don't know its magical properties. When they hit the outside if the metal, it grows to a rectangular shield that is 2 feet wide by 3.5 feet in length which has the strength of steel. When the inside is quickly struck three times the shield will shrink to original position. Armor- each dwarf is equipped with chainmail upper body armor and shoulder plates, and chainmail leggings. The armor is enhanced with a lightweight enchantment reducing the weight. Others- Dwarven Pack; Each Dwarf is equipped with a pack in which has 200 steel nails, 25 uncharged .50 cal shells, and 25 uncharged .44 shells. In each Dwarf's pack, they also carry the construction tools issued to them; 1 dwarven construction hammer, 1 mortar spreader, and 1 construction saw.

Shell Charging (fire): Opta has taught each dwarf in her squadron how to control their magical ability and harness the power of burning fires, or the sun and use it to charge shells. The time needed to charge a shell near a burning fire is twenty (20) minutes for a .44 mag shell or 1 hour for a .50 cal shell. When drawing from the sun's energy, charging time is fourty (40) minutes for a .44 mag shell or 2 hours for a .50 cal shell. Clouds naturally block out the sun, so they cannot draw energy from the sun on a cloudy day. It is possible to draw energy directly from a torch in the same timeframe needed near a burning fire (see above).
Dwarven Construction: Dwarves are the best builders in all the land. Not only their heritage gives them construction bonus, but due to their size they can construct buildings and miscellany with extraordinary speed. The dwarves in Opta's squadron can construct or help construct things 2x faster than a normal human.
Dwarven Swiftness: Each dwarf had been informed by Woodan of their importance to the entire operation of the army, all together they have agreed to work as hard and fast as they can making them able to construct buildings and miscellany 2x faster than the normal human.

Count: 200
Race: 200 dwarven
Squadron leader: Inti
Note: when a base is set up, this squadron organizes all of the supplies and creates temporary shelter for it. They are also in charge of feeding the army and setting up army camps.
Chosen by: Woodan
Race: dwarven
Appearance: Inti is a short female doctor who has blonde hair. Her voice is soft and she speaks with carefully chosen words.
Equipment: Armor- Inti wears thick leather plates of armor that defend blunt blows mainly. She is rarely in the actual battle. Others- Inti and her Squadron are mainly specialized in camp maintenence and army supply positions so she carries little save a Dwarven pack. Dwarven Pack- Inti carries a black pack which contains canvas repair material for tents, fire starting material, and medical supplies, and rope. On her belt she carries a dwarven construction hammer.

Dwarven Construction: Dwarves are the best builders in all the land. Not only their heritage gives them construction bonus, but due to their size they can construct buildings and miscellany with extraordinary speed. Inti can construct or help construct things 5x faster than a normal human.
Dwarven Strength: Inti has 5x the strength of a normal human.
Dwarven Swiftness: Inti busts her rear to complete every job as quickly as she can. She knows how important her squadron and she are to the entire army operation. She completes her every task in 4x the speed a normal person would under the circumstances
Dwarven Work Ethics: Inti is used to stress and urgency in her work. Due to this she can work for several days straight, and still keep her work the very best on the last day.
Material Multiplication: since Inti is the quartermaster, she knows charms that increase the quantity of things by 10%. This is mainly used with food since the army is so vast.
Shell Charging (ice): Inti uses her magical powers to charge shells in case Matthew runs out of them. She cannot use the shells, but she can charge them in case he ever needs them. Inti can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. The time required to charge a .44 mag shell in twenty (20) minutes while near a source of water, or fourty (40) minutes when drawing from humid air.
The time needed to charge one .50 cal shell is one (1) hour near a body of water. If charging a round away from a body of water, the air MUST be humid and the time needed is in excess of three (3) straight hours. It is possible to directly transition a single liter (1L) of water into pure energy in the same amount of time needed near a body of water (see above).

Equipment: Defenses- Each dwarf is equipped with a rectangular shield that can be strapped to their forearm. It is the length of half their forearm and the width of their forearm. It is presumably an arm plate to those who don't know its magical properties. When they hit the outside if the metal, it grows to a rectangular shield that is 2 feet wide by 3.5 feet in length which has the strength of steel. When the inside is quickly struck three times the shield will shrink to original position. Armor- each dwarf is equipped with chainmail upper body armor and shoulder plates, and chainmail leggings. The armor is enhanced with a lightweight enchantment reducing the weight. Others- Dwarven Pack; Each Dwarf is equipped with a pack in which has 200 steel nails, 25 uncharged .50 cal shells, and 25 uncharged .44 shells. In each Dwarf's pack, they also carry the construction tools issued to them; 1 dwarven construction hammer, 1 mortar spreader, and 1 construction saw. **IMPORTANT**- all of the squadron items listed above are on STANDBY in their quarters. Often times Seabee squadrons 1 and 2 will send troops in from the battlefield to take a break. In this case, units from Seabee squadron 3 will suit up in their quarters and venture out to the battlefield as the incoming units will take their place in camp.

Shell Charging (ice): Each dwarf in Inti's squadron can use their magical powers to charge .50 cal shells for Matthew if they run out. They can charge them but cannot use them. When near sources of water, dwarves can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. The time needed to charge one .50 cal shell is one (1) hour near a body of water. If charging a round away from a body of water, the air MUST be humid and the time needed is in excess of three (3) straight hours. It is possible to directly transition a single liter (1L) of water into pure energy in the same amount of time needed near a body of water (see above).
Dwarven Construction: Dwarves are the best builders in all the land. Not only their heritage gives them construction bonus, but due to their size they can construct buildings and miscellany with extraordinary speed. The dwarves in Inti's squadron can construct or help construct things 2x faster than a normal human.
Dwarven Swiftness: Each dwarf had been informed by Woodan of their importance to the entire operation of the army, all together they have agreed to work as hard and fast as they can making them able to construct buildings and miscellany 2x faster than the normal human.

count: 400
race: 1 human, 399 elven
battalion leader: Mr. Sarvor
Note: non-combatant Battalion

MR SARVOR (level 3) (#11)
Chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: human
appearance: sarv is 6'4", has short greyish hair on top, and almost buzzed sides. He wears spectacles that are enchanted to stay on his face unless he takes them off. He had kind brown eyes and a normal face. Even in the midst of war he always finds something to smile about.
Equipment: Defenses- Sarv has a primitive steel shield that he carries if he goes out onto the battlefield. He can hit the inside of the shield to elongate it, creating a stretcher for injured allies. Armor- when Sarv has steel chainmail in his quarters for if he goes out onto the battlefield. The chainmail is enhanced with a lightweight charm. Others- Medical Belt: Sarv has medical tools and utensils on his belt for performing surgeries, stitching wounds, and cleaning wounds. Backpack- In his quarters Sarv has a backpack filled with medical supplies for on-field first-aid.

Intermediate Healing- Sarv can heal his patients with his experienced hands and the magic capability within him. He can heal cuts and bruises immediately, and scab over gashes. He can bind the insides of deep gashes, but they will remain open wounds and it takes a minute. He can staunch the bleeding of major wounds and severed limbs, but it takes three minutes.
Infection Killer- Sarv can kill all bacteria and infection in a wound or utensil with concentration, which could take anywhere from 1-6 minutes (depending on the size).
Let Me Take Away The Pain- Sarv can create a liquid that will take away pain from an inflicted wound on a patient. He has three syringes that he fills with the liquid to inject into patients.
Don't You Die On Me- If Sarv retrieves a body of an important unit that has fallen in time, he can revive the person back into the world. After being revived, they will remain unconscious for an hour, too weak to move in the second, and recovering on the third. If taken care of, the unit can return to the battlefield after the fourth hour. This takes a mass amount of energy from Sarv, and he can only revive one important person every two hours.
Sarv's Words: When Sarv speaks, he always speaks uplifting and positive things. Upon saying these things, he enacts an enchantment on the wounded where their body healing process speeds up by 25% (has no effect on Don't You Die On Me).
Stitch 'em Up: if Sarv can't heal a wound completely, he will stitch it together. After he stitches the wound he can heal the skin together so it will hold when tension is exerted on it, and remove the stitches.

Squadrons under Red Cross Battalion
Count: 200
Race: 199 elven, 1 human
Squadron Leader: Mr. Sarvor

Equipment: Defenses- Sarv's squadron has steel shields that they carry if they go out onto the battlefield. They can hit the inside of the shield to elongate it, creating a stretcher for injured allies. Armor- Sarv's squadron has steel chainmail in their quarters for if they go out onto the battlefield. The chainmail is enhanced with a lightweight charm.

Stop the River: Men in Sarv's squadron are gifted with medical abilities. With any wound they can stop the bleeding while concentrating, but this can take between 1 and 10 minutes (depending on the size of wound, 1 being shallow gash 10 being severed limb).
Have at Thee, Bacteria!: Men in Sarv's squadron can kill bacteria in wounds and ward off further bacteria or infection. This can take between 1 and 10 minutes (depending on size of wound, 1 being shallow gash 10 being severed limb).
Medical Swiftness: Each man is called upon by a medic's urgency and has 2x the speed of a normal human.

Count: 200
Race: 200 elven
Squadron Leader: Kelcie Pinky

KELCIE PINKY (level 3) (#12)
Chosen by: Mr. Sarvor
race: elf
appearance: Kelcie is 5'10" with curly brown hair. She keeps it up in battle, and has a thinner but round face.
equipment: Defenses- Kelcie carries an enchanted shield that she uses to make runs on the battlefield. She carries the shield in her hand and hits the inside of it to make it grow into a stretcher. When the patient is on the stretcher she can strike the side of it to create a protective barrier over the patient. Armor- Kelcie is equipped with steel chainmail and shoulderplates, with cloth padding underneath. The chainmail is enhanced with a lightweight charm. Others- Backpack: Kelcie carries a backpack filled with medical supplies for on-field first-aid.
Intermediate Healing- Kelcie can heal his patients with her experienced hands and the magic capability within her. She can heal cuts and bruises immediately, and scab over gashes. She can bind the insides of deep gashes, but they will remain open wounds and it takes a minute. She can staunch the bleeding of major wounds and severed limbs, but it takes three minutes.
Infection Killer- Kelcie can kill all bacteria and infection in a wound or utensil with concentration, which could take anywhere from 1-6 minutes (depending on the size).
Let Me Take Away The Pain- Kelcie can create a liquid that will take away pain from an inflicted wound on a patient. She has three syringes that she fills with the liquid to inject into patients.
Don't You Die On Me- If Kelcie retrieves a body of an important unit that has fallen in time, she can revive the person back into the world. After being revived, they will remain unconscious for an hour, too weak to move in the second, and recovering on the third. If taken care of, the unit can return to the battlefield after the fourth hour. This takes a mass amount of energy from Kelcie, and she can only revive one important person every two hours.
A Healer's Strength: The urgency of saving soldiers gives Kelcie the strength she needs. She has 4x the strength of a normal human
A Healer's Speed: The urgency of saving men and women makes Kelcie complete tasks with the utmost speed. She has 4x the speed of a normal human.

Equipment- Defenses- Kelcie's squadron each carries an enchanted shield that she uses to make runs on the battlefield. They carry the shield in her hand and hits the inside of it to make it grow into a stretcher. When the patient is on the stretcher she can strike the side of it to create a protective barrier over the patient. Armor- Kelcie is equipped with steel chainmail and shoulderplates, with cloth padding underneath. The chainmail is enhanced with a lightweight charm. Others- Backpack: The squadron each carries a backpack filled with medical supplies for on-field first-aid.

Stop the River: Men in Sarv's squadron are gifted with medical abilities. With any wound they can stop the bleeding while concentrating, but this can take between 1 and 10 minutes (depending on the size of wound, 1 being shallow gash 10 being severed limb).
Swiftness of a Healer: Due to the high demand and urgency of their job, healers complete their task 2x faster than a normal human.
Speed of a Healer: Due to them being an elven healer, the squadron has 2x the speed of a normal human.

count: 200
race: 200 superhuman
squadron leader: Kayla Kieth

KAYLA KIETH (level three)(#13)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: superhuman
appearance: Kayla is a beautiful young woman the age of nineteen, who has brown hair that is well past her shoulders. She wears it up in battle, with no strands lose. Although her eyes are grey, they are blazing with rage on the battlefield. Her shorter feminine face has a dead pan serious face teeming to the brim with concentration. You would not want to cross her in battle because most who do soil their armor. She is 6 foot and weighs 175 lbs with all of her armor and weapons.
equipment: Weapons- Kayla carries one leather bag of shurikens on both of her hips (2 total), each fastened to her combat belt. Each bag contains sixteen retrievable steel shurikens and are easily accessible by crossing her arms across her stomach to reach the bags. Slung across her back is a black bow wrought of yew and shpirk string, and a quiver of fiveteen retrievable steel tipped arrows, and five which are made of Delyn, as it breaks, it explodes the enchantment. The Enchantment in it has a burning effect like fire. For close quarter combat she has a combat knife sheathed on her belt. Armor- Kayla is equipped with steel shoulderplates and breastplates, enhanced with a lightweight enchantment. Chainmail protects the rest of her torso and is reinforced with padding, kept lose to maximize mobility. Her lower body is protected with chainmail leggings that possess a lightweight enchantment, and she wears thin padded knickers underneath to soften blows to the legs. The padding runs thin near joints to maximize jumping capability. On the bottom of her shoes she has sharp 2 inch jumping spikes that help her jump, and are used as a weapon. Coming down from jumps she spikes people in the face, or the chest, fatally wounding them, or even killing them.

Jumper Height- Jumping is Kayla's main ablility. It is what she does best. She can easily jump ten feet in the air with minimal effort, and after accelarating past a jog the peak of her jump can even reach twenty five feet.
Landing- Kayla's legs are very strong. She can jump in the air as high as she can, and land on her feet at the starting elevation and not be injured. If she jumps off of high points to low points such as buildings and trees, her legs can support a substantial amount of force before being injured. She can land from 30 feet at maximum without injuring her legs, and if she embraces tactics to break her fall (such as rolling) she can jump from higher.
Jumper Speed- Kayla has 5x the speed of a normal human
Jumper endurance- Kayla has 4x the endurance of a normal person
Jumper reflexes- While in midair Kayla can spot oncoming ballistics and dodge them. She can dodge at 4x the speed of a normal human.
Superhuman- All superhuman were born with unique abilities, supernatural to that of a normal human. Kayla was born a jumper. Because of this, jumping takes 40% less energy than it would take from a normal human.

Shuriken Accuracy- Kayla has trained with shurikens since she was very young. Throwing shurikens comes second nature to her, and she can instantly target vital areas to mortally wound or even kill her opponents. She can be deadly accurate with up to three shurikens in each hand.
Bowmanship- With a bow, Kayla has deadly precision. She can knock an arrow and send it through someone's face in a matter of seconds, and is just as accurate with a bow in the middle of her jump as she is on the ground.

Equipment: Weapons- Kayla's squadron carries one leather bag of shurikens on both of their hips (2 total), each fastened to her combat belt. Each bag contains sixteen retrievable steel shurikens and are easily accessible by crossing their arms across her stomach to reach the bags. Each jumper also has a yew bow and a quiver of 20 steel tipped arrows. For close quarter combat they are equipped with a combat knife sheathed on their belt. Armor- The jumpers are equipped with steel shoulderplates and breastplates, enhanced with a lightweight enchantment. Chainmail protects the rest of their torso and is reinforced with padding, kept lose to maximize mobility. Their lower body is protected with chainmail leggings that possess a lightweight enchantment, and they wear thin padded knickers underneath to soften blows to the legs. The padding runs thin near joints to maximize jumping capability. On the bottom of their shoes they has sharp 1.5 inch jumping spikes that help them jump, and are used as a weapon. Coming down from jumps they spike people in the face, or the chest, fatally wounding them, or even killing them.

Jumper Height- Jumping is this squadron's main ablility. It is what they does best. They can easily jump their own height with minimal effort, and after accelarating past a jog the peak of their jump can reach up to 17 feet.
Jumper reflexes- While in midair Kayla's squadron can spot oncoming ballistics and dodge them. They can dodge at 2x the speed of a normal human.
Superhuman- All superhuman were born with unique abilities, supernatural to that of a normal human. All the men under Kayla were born as jumpers. Because of this, jumping takes 20% less energy than it would take from a normal human.

count: 200
race: 200 angels
squadron leader: DRAKE

DRAKE (level three)(#14)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: (half)angel
appearance: Drake Has the appearance of a 19 year old. He is not buff but he isnt a toothpick either. He has short dirty blonde hair, and a medium length face with a angular cut jaw. His irises are glowing blue with a dot of glowing orange in the center of his pupil, the color of an ember. His medium sized arms lead to small wrists and long slender fingers. His skin appears as a Caucasian's does, and he usually wears a white T-shirt with a black overcoat. He wears a leather padded vest underneath his shirt, and a padded leather girdle underneath his pants. He has two golden wings with blue feather tips that he can reveal at will, or fold behind and against his back so they are not damaged.
Equipment: Weapons- Like his father, Drake wields a 7 foot katana whose blade emanates a beautiful, soft golden light when unsheathed, and made of a special metal known to angels (strength properties of Damascus) and is imbued with an enchantment that never allows the blade to dull. This blade is wickedly sharp and can easily slice through flesh. The katana has a 4 foot sheath that is enchanted to fit the katana in completely. Armor- Drake is equipped with steel shoulderplates, chainmail, and chainmail stockings. All of which has a lightweight enchantment enhancing it, and he wears cloth padding underneath to protect from ballistic (piercing) and weapon (slashing) blows. Others- Drake wears combat boots that are reinforced with straps that keep them on even in flight and landing. The boots are enchanted to spread the stress of landing all throughout his body rather than just his knees, so it is not as stressful on them. Others- Cross necklace of the hierarchy: This necklace was given to Drake upon his acceptance to the Ninefold Celestial Hierarchy and it holds many unique properties. He wears it on his neck at all times and it cannot come off unless he takes it off.

Intermediate Flight: Drake is blessed with two beautiful golden wings with blue on the tips of his feathers. He is able to fly at speeds up to 35 mph, and can fly and land at will.
Intermediate Dodging: Drake has trained his eye and mind to spot and sense oncoming ballistics such as arrows, crossbow bolts, and even artilary fire. He can dodge these with 5x the presision of a normal human.
Angelic Speed: Drake's angelic heritage gives him 4x the speed of a normal human.
Call of the Angels: Upon his acceptance into the Ninefold Celestial Hierarchy, Drake was given a special cross necklace that has many special properties. This necklace is of the Ninefold Celestial Hierarchy, and is used to communicate with allies, and those of it. By concentrating, Drake can summon Angels of the Ninefold Celestial Hierarchy, and allies of it (see characters below).
Angelic Regeneration: Drake's body will gradually heal it's minor wounds and bruises over time (2-3 minutes depending on how minor the wound). The bleeding of gashes will be staunched after about 30 seconds, and healed after 7 minutes when left alone with no medical treatment. Bleeding of major wounds will be slowed down after 3 minutes and staunched after 9 with no medical treatment. Drake's body cannot fully heal major wounds without medical treatment. Drake's body is very mortal, and CAN bleed out in battle if too many wounds are received
Angel of the Hierarchy: As an Angel of the Ninefold Celestial Hierarchy, Drake has mastered astral projection. Astral projection is when Drake retreats to a secluded area and exits his body with his consciousnesses. He probes the physical world on the Astral Plane with his astral body. While doing this, he cannot actually physically harm anybody's body, but he can attack their astral body in turn draining energy from them. In extreme cases, he can cut somebody's astral cord. This separates their consciousness from their body for several minutes at least, and they must rejoin with their body before they can control it once more. This in turn makes their physical body fall to the ground with a blank look, staring off into space. This makes them very vulnerable at this point, and survival is slim. Cutting somebody's astral cord takes an immense amount of energy from Drake, so he rarely does this. If Drake's physical body is killed while he is astral projecting, his astral cord is severed (as everybody's is when they die) and he can no longer attack people from the astral plane, he simply spectates the battle.
Telepathy: Drake can telepathically communicate with any ally he wishes. His power is strong enough to the point where he can allow others who don't have telepathic abilities to communicate with him off of his telepathy, and he can even create a mental "chat room" of up to 10 allies. He can speak to enemies, but stronger willed foes can block him out.

NOTE: These characters count as CHARACTERS who are PART OF THE ARMY. They are NOT familiars.

(drake's father)
chosen by: Drake
race: archangel
appearance: Matthew is tall and handsome with brown hair that was about the length of Drake's, and glowing blue eyes. His face is medium length with a smaller nose and he wears a soft expression. His cheekbones protruded slightly but not too much. He is garbed in angelic armor, and on his belt a normal length katana sheath is fastened. From his back, two beautiful feathery wings glowing with powerful golden light extend. Each was about nine feet long and were about three feet wide. Matthew looks like he could be twenty one years old, and the muscles in his arms are very easily seen. He wears brown sandals, and all of his skin seems to be radiating the beautiful golden light that Drake could stare at for days. The moment one lays eyes upon Matthew, he knows that Matthew is a warrior. He has been to battle many times, yet he bares no scars and his face or expression is not toughened from it.
equipment: Weapon- Matthew wields a 12 foot long katana that radiates with golden light. The katana is made of a strange material only known to angels, and has the strength properties of titanium. The sword is imbued with a lightweight enchantment, and even further enhanced so that it will never dull. The sword is among the sharpest in the land and can easily slice through whatever weaker element is placed before it. Armor- Matthew is clad in armor of the angels. He had the opportunity to be clad in the armor of the Ninefold Celestial Hierarchy, but he chose to go to battle with the armor style of a normal angelic soldier. His two shoulderplates support a large breastplate that comes down just above his belly button which has the natural muscle lines etched into it. On the outside of his arms are several plates protecting his outer arm at the base of his shoulder. On the outside of his forearms he has metal guards protecting him from extreme blows of weapons and ballistics. On his hips, reaching his knees are 4 plates linked together, protecting his major arteries and legs from piercing blows. He has shin guards similar to his forearm plates, and he has several plates on his boots protecting his feet. Underneath his plate armor, he wears chainmail to protect any other exposed areas, all of which are the strength of steel and have lightweight enchantments.

Intermediate Flight: Matthew is blessed with two beautiful golden feathery wings that glow with power and authority. He is able to fly at speeds up to 35 mph, and can fly and land at will.
Intermediate Dodging: Matthew has trained his eye and mind to spot and sense oncoming ballistics such as arrows, crossbow bolts, and even artilary fire. He can dodge these with 5x the presision of a normal human.
Angelic Speed: Matthew's angelic heritage gives him 4x the speed of a normal human.
Angelic Regeneration: Matthew's body will gradually heal it's minor wounds and bruises over time (2-3 minutes depending on how minor the wound). The bleeding of gashes will be staunched after about 30 seconds, and healed after 7 minutes when left alone with no medical treatment. Bleeding of major wounds will be slowed down after 3 minutes and staunched after 9 with no medical treatment. Matthew's body cannot fully heal major wounds without medical treatment. Matthew's body is very mortal, and CAN bleed out in battle if too many wounds are received
Telepathy: Matthew can telepathically communicate with any ally he wishes. His power is strong enough to the point where he can allow others who don't have telepathic abilities to communicate with him off of his telepathy, and he can even create a mental "chat room" of up to 10 allies. He can speak to enemies, but stronger willed foes can block him out.
Angel of the High Order: As an Angel of the high order, Matthew has harnessed the ability to pass between dimensions. In his physical body, he can pass from the physical plane to the astral plane. He can also pass to the nobilis plane, and the humilis plane. While in the astral plane Matthew cannot hurt anybody's physical body, nor can he be hurt BY anybody's physical body. When in the nobilis plane he can receive energy and aid from angels, and while in the humilis plane he can lure demons into the physical plane.
Call to Arms: As commander of The Boss's Army of Angels, Matthew can summon ten angels to fight alongside him for ten minutes. 5 are mages, and 5 are warriors.

chosen by: Drake
race: angel
appearance: Seraphina is an angel of healing. She has curly blonde hair and is insanely gorgeous. Her thin face is more on the longer side and is narrower than Drake's, with soft glowing skin and extremely feminine features. She has rose pink eyes that cast a substantial glow that was not obnoxious, but stronger than Gabriel's or Matthew's. Her beautiful white wings do not glow golden, but emanate a soothing white light that washes a sense of peace over those who look upon them (even enemies). She has a gorgeous appearance that looked similar to the age of Gabriel and Drake, and a slim figure that is garbed in the standard angelic armor.
equipment: Weapons- Seraphina has a beautiful bow wrought of an unknown wood, teeming with extreme power and divinity. Slung across her back is a quiver of 20 Akashima redwood arrows with several angelic tips of angelic metal. 10 of the arrows are tipped with jarmsol (an angelic metal with the properties of Delyn). The very tip of the metal has a tiny bit of mythril, so when the arrow makes contact with something hard, the mythril breaks the jarmsol and it releases its energy explosively. When lodged into something softer, it is enchanted to catch any burnable material on fire and spread quickly. 10 of the arrow tips are Damascus, and are imbued with several types of magic. 2 are imbued with the power of fire, burning the victim for every second the arrow is lodged into flesh. When the arrow enters, small prongs eject from the tip lodging into surrounding flesh. In 2 seconds, the arrow gives the victim 2nd degree burns, in 5 seconds the arrow gives the victim 3rd degree burns, and in 10 seconds the arrow gives 3rd degree burns to 1/2 an inch of the flesh surrounding the wound. For every 5 seconds after that, the burn grows by 1/2 an inch. 2 of her arrows are imbued with the power of ice. The arrow ejects prongs similar to the fire arrow, and freezes flesh. In 2 seconds, the arrow gives the victim frostnip to all areas touched. In 5 seconds, the arrow gives worse frostnip to the effected area. In 10 seconds, the effected area is frostbitten. If the arrow is left in for 15 seconds, the area will be severely frostbitten. 6 of her arrows are imbued with the power of lightening. This arrow has prongs similar to the arrows mentioned above. When the arrow enters, it shocks the victim in affected body part (pain level slight annoyance). After 5 seconds, the pain and irritation grows to the point where it is moderate pain to move the effected area, and the shock is evident. After 10 seconds, they become sluggish when moving the effected body part, and their entire body is under moderate pain. after 15 seconds they are stunned. Ground targets convulse, air targets cease flying and fall to the ground. The arrow shaft and fletchings are enchanted to never burn or blow apart, making them retrievable. Seraphina has many spare arrow tips to replace when needed.Armor- Seraphina is clad in the standard angelic armor, except hers (like Matthew's) is silver colored with gold trim. On the outside of her arms are several plates protecting her outer arm at the base of her shoulder. On the outside of her forearms she has metal guards protecting her from extreme blows of weapons and ballistics. Thick shoulderplates support a breastplate that has been crafted to support her curves, ending just above her visible belly button. Two plates curve into her thighs and each hip has four plates that lead down to her knees, protecting her major arteries and muscles. Shin guards similar to matthew's protect the lower parts of her legs, and a very unique footwear protects her feet. Seraphina wears combat boots with pink socks, and plate armor on the outside of her boots to protect her feet. However, her socks, boots, and plate armor have a transparency enchantment cast upon them so they appear invisible. Serpahina appears to be wearing no footwear, and walking around in bare feet. When she walks on the ground she appears to be walking several inches off the ground in her bare feet, because her boots are not visible. She paints her toe nails pink and her feet are visible from her ankles to her toes.

Intermediate Flight: Seraphina is blessed with two beautiful white feathery wings. She is able to fly at speeds up to 35 mph, and can fly and land at will.
Intermediate Dodging: Seraphina has trained her eye and mind to spot and sense oncoming ballistics such as arrows, crossbow bolts, and even artilary fire. She can dodge these with 5x the presision of a normal human.
Angelic Regeneration: Seraphina's body will gradually heal it's minor wounds and bruises over time (1-2 minutes depending on how minor the wound). The bleeding of gashes will be staunched after about 20 seconds, and healed after 4 minutes when left alone with no medical treatment. Bleeding of major wounds will be slowed down after 2 minutes and staunched after 7 with no medical treatment. Seraphina's body cannot fully heal major wounds without medical treatment. Seraphina's body is very mortal, and CAN bleed out in battle if too many wounds are received
Telepathy: Seraphina can telepathically communicate with any ally she wishes. Her power is strong enough to the point where she can allow others who don't have telepathic abilities to communicate with her off of his telepathy, and she can even create a mental "chat room" of up to 10 allies. She can speak to enemies, but stronger willed foes can block her out.
Angel of the High Order: As an Angel of the high order, Seraphina has harnessed the ability to pass between dimensions. In her physical body, she can pass from the physical plane to the astral plane. She can also pass to the nobilis plane, and the humilis plane. While in the astral plane Seraphina cannot hurt anybody's physical body, nor can she be hurt BY anybody's physical body. When in the nobilis plane she can receive energy and aid from angels, and while in the humilis plane she can lure demons into the physical plane.
Angel of Healing: Serpahina's main purpose is healing. The only reason she was created was to be the healer of all angels. Healing is her specialty, and she can heal cuts, bruises, and shallow gashes immediately. She can heal the insides and scab over deep gashes, and bind together large wounds but they will remain open. She can staunch the bleeding of major wounds and severed limbs but it takes time. Any wound she tends to will never become infected, and Seraphina does not limit herself to only healing allies (she will heal enemies as well).
Angel of Mercy: As an angel of healing, Seraphina has been given a unique ability to look into any person's life who she has physical contact with. She is able to "read their story" and help them come to terms with all hardships and struggles they have encountered. From this action she creates energy through positive emotions such as love, peace, joy, and hope. She is able to harvest this energy and store it in her cross necklace. She can use this energy to restore life unto those who have fallen in battle, and heal their bodies. She uses this mercy technique for friend and foe alike.

chosen by: Drake
race: angel
appearance: Gabriel has short brown hair that suits his younger looking face well. He looks like one of the same age as Drake, about nineteen, and has green eyes that glow with passion. He has feathery golden wings that were about five feet long and three feet wide and glow with a softer light than Matthew's. Just as Matthew, he is garbed in a standard angelic armor, but has a leather tube strapped to his belt.
equipment: Weapon- Gabriel is rarely engaged in battle with weapons, but he carries a simple weapon; a muskateer rapier. Out of all weapons to chose from, Gabriel chose this one because it is a weapon commonly used by mankind for evil more often than not. Because this sword is commonly used for evil he wanted to put it to use towards righteousness. Its simple design is only enhanced with an enchantment which never allows the blade to dull or wear. The blade will never corrode or deteriorate either. Armor- Gabriel has armor identical to Matthew's. Others- On his belt, Gabriel wears a metal tube whose full power is unknown. Gabriel uses it for an ability listed below.

Intermediate Flight: Gabriel is blessed with two beautiful golden feathery wings. He is able to fly at speeds up to 35 mph, and can fly and land at will.
Intermediate Dodging: Gabriel has trained his eye and mind to spot and sense oncoming ballistics such as arrows, crossbow bolts, and even artilary fire. He can dodge these with 5x the presision of a normal human.
Angelic Regeneration: Gabriel's body will gradually heal it's minor wounds and bruises over time (2-3 minutes depending on how minor the wound). The bleeding of gashes will be staunched after about 30 seconds, and healed after 7 minutes when left alone with no medical treatment. Bleeding of major wounds will be slowed down after 3 minutes and staunched after 9 with no medical treatment. Gabriel's body cannot fully heal major wounds without medical treatment. Gabriel's body is very mortal, and CAN bleed out in battle if too many wounds are received
Telepathy: Gabriel can telepathically communicate with any ally he wishes. His power is strong enough to the point where he can allow others who don't have telepathic abilities to communicate with him off of his telepathy, and he can even create a mental "chat room" of up to 10 allies. He can speak to enemies, but stronger willed foes can block him out.
Angel of the High Order: As an Angel of the high order, Gabriel has harnessed the ability to pass between dimensions. In his physical body, he can pass from the physical plane to the astral plane. He can also pass to the nobilis plane, and the humilis plane. While in the astral plane Gabriel cannot hurt anybody's physical body, nor can he be hurt BY anybody's physical body. When in the nobilis plane he can receive energy and aid from angels, and while in the humilis plane he can lure demons into the physical plane.
Brutally Honest: By looking on a foe, Gabriel can see into their future. He chooses the extreme hardships the person will face, and shares it with them. By default Gabriel cannot tell a lie, and he tends to project that notion so everybody knows. Upon hearing the certain doom in their lives, victims feel an overwhelming sense of doubt and an overall lower morale level. When Gabriel chooses a specific target to keep attacking, he will pull out a message from his container. When reading this to the victim, he reveals more doom they will face in their lives. The longer the victim hears this message, the more paranoid and doubtful they become. Ultimately this will result in schizophrenia and hallucinations of future evil to come.
With the Speed of a Messenger: Gabriel was created to be a messenger. Being a messenger is his sole purpose, so it only makes sense that he would have the speed of a messenger. In the astral plane, Gabriel can travel 4x faster than a normal being in the astral plane.

(okay so just making this clear. This squadron's count is 200 INCLUDING drake, matthew, seraphina and gabriel. So this part is describing the other 196 angels in this squadron)
Equipment: Weapons- Each angel in this squadron is equipped with the weapon of their choice. Some wield spears, some wield longswords, some wield dual axes and some even wield katana. 75 angels wield bow and arrow. Armor- Each angel has the same armor as Matthew does (standard issue armor) except this armor is bronze colored with silver trim to show they are normal angels.

Basic Flight: Each angel has a pair of unique wings. With them they can fly up to 20 mph, or remain stationary.
Basic Dodging: Each angel is aware of the dangers of a battlefield, with oncoming ballistics and what not. They can dodge these things with 2x the speed of a normal person.
Telepathy: Each angel in 82nd airborne can communicate with each other without using words. This gives their section of the battlefield an eerie silence, and is a strange phenomenon. When communicating with those who are not angels they can speck telepathically to those within a 15 foot radius. Stronger willed foes can block them out.

count: 400 (due to mounts)
race: 200 human, 200 firedrakes
Battalion Leader: Isaiah Bartleigh

ISAIAH BARTLEIGH [Ike] (level three) (#18)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: human (mage)
appearance: Ike is 6'2" and has a rectangular face. On top of his head is a bright orange crop of short hair.
Equipment: Weapon- Isaiah is a mage, but he hates staffs. He instead prefers a simple sabre with which he can lead his squadron into battle. His sabre is enchanted to channel his magic and help him be more accurate when attacking people. Armor- Isaiah is equipped with elven plate armor and cloth padding underneath to soften blows. Others- Isaiah has a necklace with a mysterious gemstone on it. The gemstone has the power to store souls, and use them for many different things.

Punching Bag: Isaiah knows how to take a hit. He can take 5x the amount of damage a normal person could and still keep going (only talking about blunt damage and pain)
Ginger Fireball: Isaiah can create and launch a fireball the size of a baseball. He can channel this magic through any object he is holding and launch it out of the end of the object, as well as the palm of his hand.
I'm a Ginger: Being an adept mage, Isaiah can cast powerful magic to steal peoples' souls. Pointing his sabre at somebody he can shoot a fireball the size of a baseball. If this fireball hits them in the torso or the head, it will sometimes separate their soul from their body and attract it to Isaiah. When it is close enough, Isaiah will reach out his hand and steal the soul, storing it into the mysterious gemstone around his neck. The souls will then be stored for future magic capabilities. This is a phenomenon and does not happen all too often
Soul Healing: Souls are very powerful, and valuable things. Isaiah's gemstone can convert souls into pure energy and use that energy to heal a person's body. One soul can heal all minor wounds and bruises, several large gashes, one major wound (example torn open stomach), or regrow one severed limb. The limb will be limp for thirty minutes before usable.
Soul Revival: Using the unique gemstone on his necklace, Isaiah can revive fallen warriors on the battlefield. One soul can revive one person, but they will be very weak. Two souls will restore them to full strength.
Soul Rejuvination: In the event that Isaiah is killed in battle, if he has a soul stored in his necklace it will automatically revive him.
Soulstorm: If Isaiah stores 10 souls in his gemstone, he can rain down hell on a set location. A cloud 20x20 feet will appear, raining down small orbs of light. These orbs burn skin, make metal extremely hot, and cause blindness and chaos. This lasts for 3 minutes.

SADIE: ISAIAH'S MOUNT (level 3) (#19)
race: firedrake
appearance: Sadie has the appearance of a Dimetroden, and is red with green spots. She has a bony "fan" on the bottom of her neck leading to the base of her tail. She has red eyes and extremely sharp teeth
Equipment: Sadie has a special saddle at the base of her skull for Isaiah to ride on. Her bony scales and plates act as armor, and have the strength properties of Damascus.

Razor Teeth: Sadie's teeth are extremely tough, and sharp. They can chomp through Dehlar and anything weaker, making soldiers tasty treats.
Firedrake Strength: Sadie has 5x the strength of a normal being. She can jump 8 feet in the air, and easily chew through metal armor and artillery. She uses her powerful tail to swipe soldiers' feet out from underneath them and beat them to death.
Scale Armor: Although Sadie's teeth are stronger than her Dehlar, her scales are just as hard as Dehlar.
Firedrake: Sadie, being a firedrake, can breathe a jet of fire through her firelung. The jet is white at her mouth, blue farther out, and orange the rest of the way and can easily engulf soldiers in unforgivable flames.
Fireball: Sadie can shoot fireballs the size of baseballs from her mouth, causing second degree burns on exposed flesh.
Fire Spit: When sadie spits, her saliva has special elements that cause it to be on fire. The fire will not stop until the liquid molecules in the saliva are broken down.
Firedrake Legs: Sadie, being a firedrake, can run 5x the speed of a normal mount.

Equipment: Weapon/defense- Each man in the squadron wields a steel longsword and a kite shield. Armor- Each man is equipped with steel plate armor with cloth padding underneath. Others- Each man's firedrake has a saddle which is fastened to the base of his/her skull.

Evasive Manuver- Each man, despite his bulky armor, can evade magic spells and ballistics with exceptional accuracy. They can evade with 2x the success of a normal human.
Ginger Fireball- Each man, being a ginger has harnessed the power of fire. They can launch fireballs the size of golf balls from their palms, or channel the energy through objects they are holding. These are low level magic, of which will cause minor second degree burns, or serious first degree burns. If hit in the eyes, can induce heat blindness.
Ginger Fire: Each man can shoot a jet of fire from their hand or channel the energy through their sword. The jet is of medium heat and is 3 feet long.

Scale Armor: Each firedrake has armor the strength of steel.
Razor Teeth: Each firedrake's teeth are as strong as steel, and are extremely sharp. They can easily dispatch soldiers.
Firedrake: Each firedrake can breath a jet of fire through their firelung. This can give second degree burns to soldiers within an 8 foot radius.

count: 400 (due to mounts)
race: 200 human 200 icedrakes
Battalion Leader: Nolan Birdsly

NOLAN BIRDSLY [baldy] (level 3) (#20)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: human (mage)
appearance: Nolan is 6'2" and has a thin ovular face. His hair is completely buzzed and he has a large nose, representing a bird somewhat.
Equipment: Weapon- Nolan is a mage, but he hates staffs. He instead prefers a simple sabre with which he can lead his squadron into battle. His sabre is enchanted to channel his magic and help him be more accurate when attacking people. Armor- Nolan is equipped with elven plate armor and cloth padding underneath to soften blows.

Ice Ball: Nolan can shoot an ice ball out of the palm of his hand, or channel the energy through his sword to launch it out of the end. The ice ball explodes on impact, sending shards of ice as strong as iron everywhere
Deep Freeze: Nolan can channel his energy through his palm or his sword to send a 3 foot blast of freezing air at people. This air can cause frost bite, pneumonia, and the common cold.
Evasive Manuver- Despite his bulky armor, Nolan can evade magic spells and ballistics with exceptional accuracy. He can evade with 4x the success of a normal human.
Reflexes: Nolan has 4x the reflexes of a normal human. He can pull back from enemy blows and notice oncoming danger before it even comes close to him.

PEPPER: NOLAN'S MOUNT (level 3) (#21)
race: icedrake
appearance: Pepper appears as a giant lizard, but is completely blue with a white belly. She has dark blue eyes and extremely sharp teeth
Equipment: Pepper has a special saddle at the base of her skull for Nolan to ride on.

Razor Teeth: Pepper's teeth are extremely tough, and sharp. They can chomp through Dehlar and anything weaker, making soldiers tasty treats.
Icedrake Strength: Pepper has 5x the strength of a normal being. She can jump 8 feet in the air, and easily chew through metal armor and artillery. She uses her powerful tail to swipe soldiers' feet out from underneath them and beat them to death.
Scale Armor: Although Pepper's teeth are stronger than her Dehlar, her scales are just as hard as Dehlar.
Icedrake: Pepper, being an icedrake, can release a cloud of freezing air through her icelung. The air can give frostbite, and in some instances, cause the freezing of a body part.
Iceball: Sadie can shoot fireballs the size of baseballs from her mouth, causing second degree burns on exposed flesh.
Ice Spit: When pepper spits, her saliva has special elements that cause it to freeze into solid ice after 10 seconds. It can encase an entire soldier in solid ice.
Icedrake Legs: Pepper, being an icedrake, can run 5x the speed of a normal mount.

Equipment: Weapon/defense- Each man in the squadron wields a steel longsword and a kite shield. Armor- Each man is equipped with steel plate armor with cloth padding underneath. Others- Each man's icedrake has a saddle which is fastened to the base of his/her skull.

Evasive Manuver- Each man, despite his bulky armor, can evade magic spells and ballistics with exceptional accuracy. They can evade with 2x the success of a normal human.
Shrapnal Ice Ball: Each man knows a spell which they shoot a ball of ice which explodes on impact (the explosion cannot hurt anyone) and sends shards of ice all through the surrounding area. The shards are as strong as traditional ice.
Blizzard: If the entire squadron teams up and puts their ice powers together, they can cause a temporary blizzard. Temperatures will be 0 degrees Fahrenheit and visibility will be 40 percent. The blizzard can last up to 5 minutes with great concentration.

Scale Armor: Each firedrake has armor the strength of steel.
Razor Teeth: Each firedrake's teeth are as strong as steel, and are extremely sharp. They can easily dispatch soldiers.
Icedrake: Each icedrake can breathe a cloud of freezing air out of their icelung, causing drastic lowering of body temperature, shivering, and even the common cold.

count: 200
Race: 200 dwarven
Squadron leader: Ozmark
Note: This is a rare combatant squadron that has a main purpose to assist the army. They are integrated with the entire army, and support with extra ammunition, medical supplies, and protection arts.

Ozmark (level 3) (#22)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
Race: dwarf
Appearance: Ozmark is taller than most, and built with a greater muscle mass than the average dwarf. One can take a look at him and see that he is experienced in battles.
Equipment: Weapon- a black yew bow with Fiveteen steel tipped arrows for long range assist, and a sabre for close range. Armor- Ozmark wears plate armor with cloth padding underneath, enhanced with a lightweight enchantment. Others- Ozmark has a large pack that holds many spare medical supples for medics, and those trained in first aid. Ozmark carries 25 fully charged .44 magnum ice shells, 25 fully charged .50 cal ice shells, 25 fully charged .44 magnum fire shells, 25 fully charged .50 cal fire shells, and 25 fully charged ice shells that have been charged with lightening. He did not charge these shells, he carries them in case Matthew needs an ammo refill. He also carries 3 desert eagle magazines, and he carries 3 quivers of 15 arrows.

Dwarven Strength: Due to his intensive combat training, Ozmark has 5x the strength of a normal human. He rarely uses this in combat, as his squadron is not meant for battle.
Dwarven Swiftness: Ozmark busts his rear to complete every job he has, because he knows how important his battalion and he are to the army. He completes his every task in 4x the speed a normal person would under the circumstances.
Ground Strength: Ozmark can cast a spell to channel energy into the ground. His energy strengthens the ground underneath the army so nothing can penetrate their ranks from underground. Casting this spell will cause 2 feet of ground in a 20 foot radius to become as strong as Delyn, and 2 feet of ground in an additional 30 foot radius to become as strong as damascus. In the entire 50 foot radius, 8 additional feet deep, the ground will be as strong as steel. On demand he can strengthen one 5x7 foot area in 30 seconds.
Channeling Detection: Ozmark can probe a 10 foot deep area of ground in a 50 foot radius, a 15 foot deep area of ground in a 40 foot radius, a 20 foot deep area of ground in a 30 foot radius, a 30 foot deep area of ground in a 20 foot radius, and a 40 foot deep area of ground in a 10 foot radius. As he probes the ground he creates a mental image of disturbances such as tunneling units, and can detect which areas of ground to strengthen first.
Minesweeper: Ozmark can detect any element or substance which has any sort of explosive properties underground. If he sees movement of explosive elements he will instantly work on hardening the area around the explosive elements. He can harden 1 foot of surrounding ground to the strength of iron as deep as he can detect, but the deeper he detects the longer it takes.
Magnera: Ozmark can create an extremely powerful magnet charm 70 feet overhead. This magnet is only effective on ballistics such as artillery fire, and crossbow bolts. When clan anoterish army is fired upon by these ballistics, and the object is underneath the magnet, the magnet will exert an extreme pull on the projectile and attract it in midair. As the momentum carries the projectile and the magnet gives the projectile a second arc in the air, it continues and overshoots the army by far. If the projectile is fired above the magnet, the negative charge will push the projectile farther up in the air, making it overshoot the army. If the projectile is aimed directly at the magnet, and it goes through the charm, the charm will spin it around the end and use the momentum to hurl it back at the artillery that fired it. (takes two ability slots)

Equipment: Weapons- Each dwarf is equipped with a yew longbow and 15 steel tipped arrows for rare support. Each is also equipped with a steel dwarven hammer for close quarter combat (which is *rarely* seen). Defenses- Each dwarf has a rectangle of steel which is strapped to the outside of their forearm, and is the length and width of it. When they hit the outside of it, it enlarges to a shield the length of their forearm and a 2 foot height on either side of their arm. Armor- Each dwarf has steel chainmail with cloth padding underneath to soften blows. Others- Each dwarf carries a pack identical to Ozmark's.

Ground Strength: Ozmark's men can cast a spell to channel energy into the ground. Their energy strengthens the ground underneath the army so nothing can penetrate their ranks from underground. Casting this spell will cause 5 feet of ground in a 50 foot radius to become as strong as steel.
Magnera: When 5 dwarves come together they can cast a magnera charm identical to Ozmark's. (takes 2 ability slots)

11-02-14, 09:45 AM
count: 200
race: 200 elven
Squadron Leader: Shawn Jaymes

SHAWN JAYMES (level 3) (#23)
Chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: Elf
Appearance: Shawn is 6'3" tall and has short black hair. His face is shaped as an upside down triangle and he has sharp teeth.
Equipment: Weapons- Shawn fights with dual longswords made of Delyn. Armor- Shawn wears chainmail enhanced with a lightweight enchantment.

Strength: Shawn has 5x the strength of a normal person. His strength allows him to wield his swords with ease, and jump his own height because he does not neglect leg strength. He can easily pierce, and destroy armor, and decapitate soldiers.
Speed: Shawn has 4x the speed of a normal person. He can swing his swords and get in 2 hits in under 10 seconds. He can run up to 35mph
Endurance: Shawn has 4x the endurance of a normal person, he can run and fight for longer than the average person without tiring, running for 5 minutes and fighting for 10 without breaking a sweat.
Reflexes: Shawn has 4x the reflexes of a normal person. Shawn has trained his reflexes to the point where he can sense hostile disturbances in the atmosphere that are directed at him. He can notice these and his natural reflexes have him turn toward the attacker to face whatever is coming at him head on.
Sight: Shawn's sense of sight is sharper than most. He has 4x the eyesight of a normal person. He can see in the dark, and fight exceptionally well in darkness.
Time perception: Shawn has taught himself a sleight of mind to so he can slow down his perception of time. When concentrating, he can see attacks, arrows, and magic spells coming at him at 1/2 the speed that they are coming at him in.
Reaction Time: As soon as Shawn senses an attack coming his way he poises and launches a block with one of his swords, while preparing a counterattack with his second.

Equipment: Weapons- This squadron has 150 units that wield dual steel longswords, and 50 in the rear ranks which wield pikes for defense. Armor- Pikemen (50) wear steel plate armor and longswordmen (150) are equipped with steel chainmail, padded underneath with cloth.

Strength: Each man has 2x the strength of a normal human
Speed: Each man has 2x the speed of a normal person
Reflexes: Each unit has 2x the reflexes of a normal person they can see attacks coming sooner than a normal human can, and react to it.

count: 200
race: 200 vampires
squadron leader: Austin Lutzy

AUSTIN LUTZY (level 3) (#24)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: vampire
Appearance: Lutzy is 6 feet tall and has short brown hair. He has an upside down triangle figure face and has visibly muscular arms. His large hands give him great grip on his large combat axes that he never lets leave his sight.
Equipment: Weapon- Lutzy wields dual battle axes made of Delyn, enchanted to never dull. Armor- Austin wears damascus chainmail enchanted to weigh less than it actually would.

Strength: Austin has 5x the strength of a normal person. His strength allows him to wield his axes with ease, and jump his own height because he does not neglect leg strength. He can easily pierce, and destroy armor, and decapitate soldiers.
Speed: Austin has 4x the speed of a normal person. He can swing his axes and get in 2 hits in under 10 seconds. He can run up to 35mph
Endurance: Austin has 4x the endurance of a normal person, he can run and fight for longer than the average person without tiring, running for 5 minutes and fighting for 10 without breaking a sweat.
Reflexes: Austin has 4x the reflexes of a normal person. Austin has trained his reflexes to the point where he can sense hostile disturbances in the atmosphere that are directed at him. He can notice these and his natural reflexes have him turn toward the attacker to face whatever is coming at him head on.
Sight: Austin's sense of sight is sharper than most. He has 4x the eyesight of a normal person. He can see in the dark, and fight exceptionally well in darkness.
Time perception: Austin has taught himself a sleight of mind to so he can slow down his perception of time. When concentrating, he can see attacks, arrows, and magic spells coming at him at 1/2 the speed that they are coming at him in.
Reaction Time: As soon as Austin senses an attack coming his way he poises and launches a block with one of his axes, while preparing a counterattack with his second.

Equipment: Weapons- This squadron has 150 units that wield dual steel longswords, and 50 in the rear ranks which wield pikes for defense. Armor- Pikemen (50) wear steel plate armor and longswordmen (150) are equipped with steel chainmail, padded underneath with cloth.

Strength: Each man has 2x the strength of a normal human
Speed: Each man has 2x the speed of a normal person
Reflexes: Each unit has 2x the reflexes of a normal person they can see attacks coming sooner than a normal human can, and react to it.

count: 200
race: 200 human
squadron leader: Devon Ersik

DEVON ERSIK (level 3) (#25)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: human
appearance: Devon has a completely buzzed, thin round head. He is 6'2" and is thin, but his legs are muscular.
Equipment: Weapon- Devon wields dual battle axes made of Delyn, enchanted to never dull. Armor- Devon wears damascus chainmail enchanted to weigh less than it actually would.

Strength: Devon has 5x the strength of a normal person. His strength allows him to wield his axes with ease, and jump his own height because he does not neglect leg strength. He can easily pierce, and destroy armor, and decapitate soldiers.
Speed: Devon has 4x the speed of a normal person. He can swing his axes and get in 2 hits in under 10 seconds. He can run up to 35mph
Endurance: Devon has 4x the endurance of a normal person, he can run and fight for longer than the average person without tiring, running for 5 minutes and fighting for 10 without breaking a sweat.
Reflexes: Devon has 4x the reflexes of a normal person. Devon has trained his reflexes to the point where he can sense hostile disturbances in the atmosphere that are directed at him. He can notice these and his natural reflexes have him turn toward the attacker to face whatever is coming at him head on.
Sight: Devon's sense of sight is sharper than most. He has 4x the eyesight of a normal person. He can see in the dark, and fight exceptionally well in darkness.
Time perception: Devon has taught himself a sleight of mind to so he can slow down his perception of time. When concentrating, he can see attacks, arrows, and magic spells coming at him at 1/2 the speed that they are coming at him in.
Reaction Time: As soon as Devon senses an attack coming his way he poises and launches a block with one of his axes, while preparing a counterattack with his second.

Equipment: Weapons- This squadron has 150 units that wield dual steel longswords, and 50 in the rear ranks which wield pikes for defense. Armor- Pikemen (50) wear steel plate armor and longswordmen (150) are equipped with steel chainmail, padded underneath with cloth.

Strength: Each man has 2x the strength of a normal human
Speed: Each man has 2x the speed of a normal person
Reflexes: Each unit has 2x the reflexes of a normal person they can see attacks coming sooner than a normal human can, and react to it.

count: 200
race: 200 vampires
squadron leader: Brandin Tinko

BRANDIN TINKO (level 3) (#26)
chosen by: Mavrik
race: vampire
appearance: Tinko has very short black hair on his rounder face. He has a pointed jaw and is 6'4" with muscular legs.
Equipment: Weapon- Tinko wields dual combat knives made of Delyn, enchanted to never dull. Armor- Tinko wears damascus chainmail enchanted to weigh less than it actually would.

Strength: Tinko has 5x the strength of a normal person. His strength allows him to wield his axes with ease, and jump his own height because he does not neglect leg strength. He can easily pierce, and destroy armor, and decapitate soldiers.
Speed: Tinko has 4x the speed of a normal person. He can swing his axes and get in 2 hits in under 10 seconds. He can run up to 35mph
Endurance: Tinko has 4x the endurance of a normal person, he can run and fight for longer than the average person without tiring, running for 5 minutes and fighting for 10 without breaking a sweat.
Reflexes: Tinko has 4x the reflexes of a normal person. Tinko has trained his reflexes to the point where he can sense hostile disturbances in the atmosphere that are directed at him. He can notice these and his natural reflexes have him turn toward the attacker to face whatever is coming at him head on.
Sight: Tinko's sense of sight is sharper than most. He has 4x the eyesight of a normal person. He can see in the dark, and fight exceptionally well in darkness.
Time perception: Tinko has taught himself a sleight of mind to so he can slow down his perception of time. When concentrating, he can see attacks, arrows, and magic spells coming at him at 1/2 the speed that they are coming at him in.
Reaction Time: As soon as Tinko senses an attack coming his way he poises and launches a block with one of his axes, while preparing a counterattack with his second.

Equipment: Weapons- This squadron has 150 units that wield dual steel longswords, and 50 in the rear ranks which wield pikes for defense. Armor- Pikemen (50) wear steel plate armor and longswordmen (150) are equipped with steel chainmail, padded underneath with cloth.

Strength: Each man has 2x the strength of a normal human
Speed: Each man has 2x the speed of a normal person
Reflexes: Each unit has 2x the reflexes of a normal person they can see attacks coming sooner than a normal human can, and react to it.

count: 200
race: 200 human
squadron leader: Mike McAlly

MIKE MCALLY (level 3) (#27)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
race: human
appearance: Mike is about 6'2" with strawberry blonde peach fuzz and short blonde hair on top. He has a larger, more square but slim face. He is buff and muscular.
Equipment: Weapon- Mike wields dual sabres made of Delyn, enchanted to never dull. Armor- Mike wears damascus chainmail enchanted to weigh less than it actually would.

Strength: Mike has 5x the strength of a normal person. His strength allows him to wield his axes with ease, and jump his own height because he does not neglect leg strength. He can easily pierce, and destroy armor, and decapitate soldiers.
Speed: Mike has 4x the speed of a normal person. He can swing his axes and get in 2 hits in under 10 seconds. He can run up to 35mph
Endurance: Mike has 4x the endurance of a normal person, he can run and fight for longer than the average person without tiring, running for 5 minutes and fighting for 10 without breaking a sweat.
Reflexes: Mike has 4x the reflexes of a normal person. Mike has trained his reflexes to the point where he can sense hostile disturbances in the atmosphere that are directed at him. He can notice these and his natural reflexes have him turn toward the attacker to face whatever is coming at him head on.
Sight: Mike's sense of sight is sharper than most. He has 4x the eyesight of a normal person. He can see in the dark, and fight exceptionally well in darkness.
Time perception: Mike has taught himself a sleight of mind to so he can slow down his perception of time. When concentrating, he can see attacks, arrows, and magic spells coming at him at 1/2 the speed that they are coming at him in.
Reaction Time: As soon as Mike senses an attack coming his way he poises and launches a block with one of his axes, while preparing a counterattack with his second.

Equipment: Weapons- This squadron has 150 units that wield dual steel longswords, and 50 in the rear ranks which wield pikes for defense. Armor- Pikemen (50) wear steel plate armor and longswordmen (150) are equipped with steel chainmail, padded underneath with cloth.

Strength: Each man has 2x the strength of a normal human
Speed: Each man has 2x the speed of a normal person
Reflexes: Each unit has 2x the reflexes of a normal person they can see attacks coming sooner than a normal human can, and react to it.

count: 200
race: 200 symphonic
squadron leader: Shawn Penfield

SHAWN PENFIELD (level 3) (#28)
chosen by: Michael
race: symphonic
appearance: Shawn is 5'11" and more of a stocky build. His ovular face is usually red, and his green eyes are crystal clear.
equipment: Weapon- Shawn has a silver magical trumpet that he uses as a weapon. Armor- Shawn wears a maroon and gold uniform, gold thread where the white of the uniform should be. The uniform is made of a special cloth which has the strength of Delyn. The uniform is very dense, and is heavy for a uniform. VERY heavy.

Trumpet Sound Attack: Shawn uses his trumpet as his weapon. He plays a series of notes with specific frequencies and volumes that have different effects. The most common of his attacks is loud short tones with sound waves which feel like light to medium punches. Can only be directed towards a single target.
Deafening Frequency: Shawn can play a specific high pitched frequency, that when heard for 5 minutes will cause permanent deafening. Can only be directed towards a single target.
Blinding Frequency: Shawn can play a frequency which is a tad lower than the deafening frequency. When heard for 5 minutes, the frequency will cause permanent blindness. Can only be directed towards a single target.
Stunning Frequency: Shawn can play a frequency a bit lower than the blinding frequency. Upon hearing this the victim is stunned for 5 seconds. Can only be directed at a single target.
Brain Pain: Shawn can play a note which is a bit lower than the stunning frequency and can cause pain in the head. If the note is heard for 5 minutes it causes moderate headaches. If heard for an additional 5 minutes, migraines will be induced. Can be directed towards 5 targets.
Stomach Pain: Shawn can play a tone pitched just below brain pain which stimulates a reaction in the brain. If the note is heard for 5 minutes, the brain will stimulate moderate stomach aches. If heard for an additional 5 minutes, pain will be extreme, inducing vomiting. Can be directed towards 5 targets.
Brown Sound: Shawn can hit a note so extremely low that the frequency stimulates a certain reflex in the brain. If the brown sound is heard for 5 minutes, the victims will involuntarily crap themselves, 9/10ths effective. The sound travels from his trumpet in a conic path effective up to 35 feet away.

chosen by: Shawn Penfield
race: Symphonic
appearance: Sammy is a short young woman born into the noble family of the symphonics. Symphonics are by nature prideful, graceful beings, but the nobles are among the most respected. Although Sammy is about the age of 18, she has been credited with the position of Drum Major. She is about 5'8" with long blonde hair well past her shoulders. She has a longer face and long slender hands with which she grips her baton with all her life.
equipment: Weapon- Sammy has a magical conducting baton with which she directs the entire marching band. It was passed on through the band which every Drum Major has used since the beginning of music. When the point is turned to her mouth she can speak into it and amplify her voice for the entire band to hear. Armor- Sammy wears a maroon and gold uniform, gold thread where the white of the uniform should be. The uniform is made of a special cloth which has the strength of Delyn. The uniform is very dense, and is heavy for a uniform. VERY heavy.

Baton of Leadership- Sammy wields a special baton with which she can restore order to chaos simply by conducting. She can conduct everybody in an orderly fashion and lead them in whichever show she would like. She can also have units surrounding the band move without telling them, but waving her baton at them. She can set tempos and even make the band stand in their tracks while playing.
Baton of Protection- As the wielder of the baton, Sammy's conducting enacts a powerful enchantment on enemies' minds which makes them not want to attack Sammy. Those who fight this and attack her have to answer to thousands of their own soldiers who will be enraged by the enchantment at he who attacked her.
Hypnotic Motions- Sammy has a method of conducting the show in which she can hypnotize troops against their army. If an enemy stares at this type of conducting for 1 minute, they will become hypnotized to attack their own troops for 5 minutes. Each person can only be hypnotized once.
Lulling Motions- Sammy has a method of conducting the show which she can put enemy troops to sleep (living or undead). The living troops will fall asleep if they have watched Sammy conduct in this fashion for 3 minutes, and the undead will die for good after watching this for 1 minute.
Head Splitting Motions- Sammy has a method of conducting which is vigorous and disturbing to those unaccustomed to it (the enemy army). For those stupid enough to watch her conducting under this method for 1 minute, they will get a moderate headache, hindering actions due to pain. For those stupid enough to continue watching her for another minute, they will get a migraine severely effecting their actions.
Stomach Retching Motions- Sammy can conduct in a way when, if watched for 2 minutes will cause moderate stomach pains. If watched for another 3 minutes, the victim(s) will have severe stomach pain/cramps and vomiting will be induced.
Emotion Inspiring- When Sammy conducts, all who hear the band play (not from amplifiers) feel the emotions the song inspires (friendly units have reaction from positive songs, enemy units have reaction from negative songs). Example: if the band plays "My songs know what you did in the dark" by fall out boy, the friendly army feels motivated and powerful, but the enemy army has no effect. If the band plays "terrible things" by mayday parade, the enemy army will feel a wave of depression.

Equipment: Weapons- Shawn's entire squadron is equipped with instruments that are sound-based weapons.
Saxophones- there are 12 sopranos 8 altos 3 tenors and 2 baris. Each player carries 5 extra reeds on them lest one breaks. Each unit also has a neck strap.
Clarinets- There are 25 clarinet players in the Clan Anoterish Marching Band. Each player has 5 extra reeds.
Flutes- The band marches 25 flutes.
Mellophones- 25 mellophone players march in the band. Each player has a burp and an extra mouth piece in case one is dropped.
Baritones- 25 baritones march in the band. Each player has a burp and an extra mouth piece.
Trumpets- 24 Eb trumpets players play in the band. Each player is equipped with a burp and an extra mouth piece.
The marching band includes a percussion ensemble of 50 units.
Bass Drums- 10 members play bass drums, 2 of each varying size. Each player has two mallets in each hand and four extras in slots on top of their drum.
Snare Drums- 10 units play snare drums in the band. Each snare drum has a black sleeve on the side of the drum which can hold 5 extra pairs of sticks less a pair is lost or broken.
Tenors- The drum line marches 5 tenors, each of which has 5 extra pairs of mallets, some of different size and shape.
Marimbas- The pit has 2 players who have marimbas which are enchanted to levitate and move where the player desires.
Xylos- The pit has 2 players who have xylophones which are enchanted as the marimbas, to levitate and move where the player desires.
Symbol line- The pit has a symbol line of 10 players who march symbols.
Amplifiers- There are 5 units who march amplifying systems. The amplifying systems consist of a wooden box imbued with sound amplification.The amplifyers take the sound waves and exponentially increase their volume with the distance traveled. The waves are inaudiable for those who are in range of the band's sound waves, and audiable for those who are out of range. As the range increases, so does the sound. Due to these units the band is able to be heard throughout the entire battlefield for the duration of the battle. The amplifiers carry the sound waves, but no ill effects that the instruments cause.
Armor- Each band member is equipped with a uniform made of a special material which acts as steel chainmail. Their uniforms are maroon, white, and gold.

Note: The sound of the Marching Band travels 200 feet not including extra range extension.


Sopranos (12)-
Hearing Damage- The soprano saxophones have a special note that they can hit which causes 75% hearing damage in the victims' ears, and a ringing for 20 minutes following the hearing of the note with 85% efficiency. Range: 20 foot radius, only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When 5 soprano saxophones all play the hearing damage note in unison, their range will increase by 30 feet and is 80% effective. The range increases by a 5 foot radius for every additional soprano saxophone which joins the group.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Altos (8)-
Head Aches- The alto saxophones can reach a special note which causes moderate headaches in victims with 75% efficiency. Headaches persist for 20 minutes after hearing last note. Range: 20 foot radius, only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When 4 alto saxophones all play the head ache note in unison, their range will increase by 30 feet and is 65% effective. The range is increased by a 5 foot radius for every additional alto saxophone which joins this group.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Tenors (3)-
Vision Damage- The tenor saxophones can hit a special note which causes damage to foes' vision with 90% efficiency. Temporary blindness persists for 20 minutes after hearing last note, and victims lose 80% vision. Range: 25 foot radius, only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When 2 tenor saxophones play the vision damage note in unison, their range will increase by 20 feet. When the other tenor sax joins in, their range is increased by 10 feet (50 total).
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Baris (2)-
Stomach Aches- The bari saxophones can reach a note so low in which it will induce stomach aches in enemies with 90% efficiency. Stomach aches are moderate, and this note has a range of a 25 foot radius. It is only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When both bari saxes are playing their special note in unison, the range will increase by 20 feet, and the stomach aches induced will be intense, inducing vomit.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Clarinets (25)-
Heart Failure- The clarinets have a special note they can hit which will induce heart attacks. This note works with 25% efficiency and the heart attacks are usually deadly. Range: 20 foot radius. Only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When at least 15 clarinets are playing their special note in unison their range will increase by 30 feet. For each additional clarinet that joins in their range will increase by 1 foot.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Flutes (25)-
Knockout- The flutes can hit a special note in which will induce unconsiousness. This note works with 40% efficiency and unconsiousness can range anywhere from 2-15 minutes. Range: 20 foot radius. Only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When at least 15 flutes are playing their special note in unison their range will increase by 30 feet. For each additional flute that joins in the range will increase by 1 foot.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Mellophones (25)-
Upper Body Cramps (stomach and chest)- The mellophones can reach a note which will induce upper body cramps in enemies. This note can cause minor, moderate, and severe cramps. Minor cramps have a 75% chance of being induced, when they are an extreme annoyance. Moderate cramps have a 50% chance of being induced, when they hinder actions. Severe cramps have a 25% chance of being induced, but they severely effect actions of enemies. Range: 20 foot radius. Only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When at least 15 mellophones are playing their special note in unison their range will increase by 30 feet. For each additional mellophone that joins in the range will increase by 1 foot.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Baritones (25)-
Fatigue- The baritones can create a sound in which will induce minor fatigue, moderate fatigue, and severe fatigue. Minor fatigue has a 75% chance of being induced, where enemies feel a bit tired and experience recurring yawning. Moderate fatigue has a 50% chance of being induced, when the victim feels drained and is exhausted soon. Severe fatigue has a 25% chance of being induced, Range: 20 foot radius. Only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When at least 15 baritones are playing their special note in unison their range will increase by 30 feet. For each additional baritone that joins in the range will increase by 1 foot.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Trumpets (25)-
Blare- Trumpets have an extremely annoying way of blowing as much air into the horn as they possibly can at once. It makes a super obnoxious noise and in turn feels like somebody punched the victim in the face. Can only be directed at one target. Range: 20 feet max. Only effective on enemies.
Section Unison Bonus- When at least 15 trumpets blare in unison, they form a loud obnoxious beacon of sound which travels through the enemy army with no mercy. When the sound hits enemies they feel as if they are being punched moderately in the stomach, punched in the face, and slapped in the face. Its range is 60 feet and is only effective on enemies. When all 25 trumpets blare in unison, an additional punch is felt, which is a low blow. Its range is reduced to 40 feet and is only effective on enemies.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Drum Line:

Bass Drums-
Rhythm- As bass drums play with the beat, their drum can sometimes get enemies' hearts to beat with the drum. This has an effect on the enemy, as they will be exhausted if the drum is beating fast, and fatigued if the drum is beating slow. This has a range of 25 feet because it is a percussion instrument.
Section Unison Bonus- Although this does not happen all too often, there are times when the bass drums play in sync. When this happens the range of rhythm increases by 25 feet to have a total of 50 foot radius. Only effective on enemies.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Snare Drums (10)-
Edge- The snare drums have a note which is played on the edge of their drum. This creates a loud noise which can stun enemies for 10 seconds upon hearing. This sound can be heard from a 25 foot radius.
Section Unison Bonus- When snare drums all play the edge together, their sound channels a powerful stun wave which stuns victims for 1 minute. Range: 50 foot radius, only effective on enemies.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Marimbas (2)-
Marimba Run- The marimbas can run all the notes, and when this happens they can make enemies' hearts race and give them anxiety. This has a 20 foot radius.
Section Unison Bonus- When both marimbas run in unison, their range is double and the runs can sometimes cause fainting in enemies.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Xylos (2)-
Octaves- The xylophones play their show in octaves, causing all friendly units who hear to gain confidence in their army, and restoring morale. This has a 25 foot range, and is only effective on friendly units.
Section Unison Bonus- When both xylophones play octaves in unison their range doubles and they can sometimes give adrenaline rushes to friendly units.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

Symbol Line (10)-
Crash- In the show, symbols have several notes. Out of the notes, the players can crash the symbols together, influencing nervous breakdowns which can cause chaos among enemy ranks. Range is 30 feet. Only works on enemy units.
Crash of Doom- When all symbols crash in unison, many enemies will experience panic, some will suffer nervous breakdowns, and some will even die from heart attacks (10% chance). The range is 60 feet.
Sectional Unison Bonus- When the entire marching band plays their special note in unison, the entire band's damaging range will increase by 10 feet.

count: 200
race: 200 superhuman
squadron leader: *shared leadership* Christopher Yot and Jonathan Degro

equipment: Defenses- The entire squadron wears shin protectors, and gloves which protect from ice ball energy, and fire balls. Their special cleats are resistant to the ice ball energy and fireballs as well. Their uniforms are resistant to ice and fire damage as well.

count: 100
race: 100 superhuman
platoon leader: Christopher Yot

Note: This platoon is composed of 10 soccer teams of 10 players. They play with a ball of ice energy which freezes when it comes in contact with an enemy. The goal of the team with every ball they play with, is to kick it into an enemy's face. When the energy hits an enemy's face it instantly freezes and encases their head in a ball of ice. If it hits any other part of them, the ball is equivalent to a ball of steel hitting them at the kicked velocity.

CHRISTOPHER YOT (level 3) (#30)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
race: superhuman
appearance: Chris is about 6 feet tall and has an ovular ruddy face with blonde hair that fwoops up.

Ice Ball Energy- Chris can create a ball of ice energy the size of a soccer ball from the palm of his hand. The ball will remain as an energy ball until it comes in contact with an enemy. This ball can be kicked, passed, or shot by members of the Morbi squadron, but if it touches a friendly unit it will disintegrate with no harm.
Running- Being on a soccer team, Chris has been conditioned to run for long periods of time without tiring. He can run for 4x the time a normal human could without tiring.
Precision- Chris has been at this for his entire life, hence he is very accurate when he plays and makes shots. Chris is 4x more accurate than a normal human.
Speed- Chris has 4x the speed of a normal person.
Squadron Leader- Being a co-leader of the squadron, Chris has a 30% accuracy bonus and his kicks are 50% more damaging to the victim.
Kick of Judgement- When Chris closes in for a final kick after creating a 5th ice ball, he focuses all of his energy on the ice ball he is kicking. As he closes in for the final kick, the ball glows blue and supercharges as he kicks it. When it makes contact it has enough momentum to continue through 5 soldiers and turn all 5 soldiers into a block of solid ice (2 ability slots).

Platoon organization
Chris is the team captain of 1 team of 10 units. The rest of the squadron consists of 9 more teams of 10 units. Each team has one level 3 team captain.

PLATOON ABILITIES [team captains] (9 units)(level 3) (#31-39)
Ice Ball Energy- Team captains can create a ball of ice energy the size of a soccer ball from the palm of his hand. The ball will remain as an energy ball until it comes in contact with an enemy. This ball can be kicked, passed, or shot by members of the Morbi squadron, but if it touches a friendly unit it will disintegrate with no harm. The ball will disintegrate if not touched by the morbi squadron for 10 seconds.
Running- Being on a soccer team, the team captains has been conditioned to run for long periods of time without tiring. They can run for 4x the time a normal human could without tiring.
Precision- Chris chose team captains who have been at this thier entire life, hence they are very accurate when they play and make shots. Team captains are 4x more accurate than a normal human.
Speed- Team captains have 4x the speed of a normal human.
Bicycle Kick- After creating 5 ice balls, team captains can kick the 5th ice ball in the air, and bicycle kick the ball directly into the enemy's face. This kick is 4x as powerful as a normal kick, and often breaks bones on contact.

PLATOON ABILITIES [team players] (90 units)
Running- Units in the squadron have been training for this battle for a very long time. They can run for 2x as long as a normal human can without tiring.
Precision- Chris has trained his units to be super accurate when kicking. They make 2x more accurate shots than a normal human.
Speed- Each member of the teams have 2x the speed of a normal human.

race: 100 superhuman
platoon leader: Johnathan Degro

Note: This platoon is composed of 10 soccer teams of 10 players. They play with a fireball which explodes when it comes in contact with an enemy. The goal of the team with every ball they play with, is to kick it into an enemy's face. When the fireball hits an enemy's face it instantly explodes in their face, causing third degree burns and loss of sight and hearing. If it hits any other part of them, the ball is equivalent to a ball of steel hitting them at the kicked velocity.

JOHNATHAN DEGRO (level 3) (#40)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
race: superhuman
appearance: John wears very short black hair. His skin is dark (almost mulatto, but trace of two Caucasian parents) and his long round face is thin. He is about 6 feet tall and is visibly muscular.

Fire ball- John can create a fireball the size of a soccer ball from the palm of his hand. The ball will remain as a fireball until it comes in contact with an enemy. This ball can be kicked, passed, or shot by members of the Morbi squadron, but if it touches a friendly unit it will disintegrate with no harm. If kicked into a field of dry grass the ball will disintegrate and catch the field on fire if not touched by a member of the morbi squadron within 10 seconds.
Running- Being on a soccer team, John has been conditioned to run for long periods of time without tiring. He can run for 4x the time a normal human could without tiring.
Precision- John has been at this for his entire life, hence he is very accurate when he plays and makes shots. John is 4x more accurate than a normal human.
Speed- John has 4x the speed of a normal person.
Squadron Leader- Being a co-leader of the squadron, John has a 30% accuracy bonus and his kicks are 50% more damaging to the victim.
Bicycle Kick of Doom- When John closes in for a final kick after creating a 5th fireball, he focuses all of his energy on the fireball he is kicking. As he closes in for the final kick, the ball glows with white flame and supercharges as he bicycle kicks it. When it makes contact it has enough momentum to continue through 5 soldiers and turn all 5 soldiers into a pile of ash where they stand (2 ability slots).

Platoon organization
John is the team captain of 1 team of 10 units. The rest of the squadron consists of 9 more teams of 10 units. Each team has one level 3 team captain.

PLATOON ABILITIES [team captains] (9 units) (level 3) (#41-49)
Fire ball- John's team captains can create a fireball the size of a soccer ball from the palm of thier hand. The ball will remain as a fireball until it comes in contact with an enemy. This ball can be kicked, passed, or shot by members of the Morbi squadron, but if it touches a friendly unit it will disintegrate with no harm. If kicked into a field of dry grass the ball will disintegrate and catch the field on fire if not touched by a member of the morbi squadron within 10 seconds.
Running- Being on a soccer team, the team captains has been conditioned to run for long periods of time without tiring. They can run for 4x the time a normal human could without tiring.
Precision- Chris chose team captains who have been at this thier entire life, hence they are very accurate when they play and make shots. Team captains are 4x more accurate than a normal human.
Speed- Team captains have 4x the speed of a normal human.
Bicycle Kick- After creating 5 fireballs, team captains can kick the 5th ice ball in the air, and bicycle kick the ball directly into the enemy's face. This kick is 4x as powerful as a normal kick, and often chars limbs to ash on contact.

PLATOON ABILITIES [team players] (90 units)
Running- Units in the squadron have been training for this battle for a very long time. They can run for 2x as long as a normal human can without tiring.
Precision- John has trained his units to be super accurate when kicking. They make 2x more accurate shots than a normal human.
Speed- Each member of the teams have 2x the speed of a normal human.

count: 1000
race: 1000 savior
battalion leader: Mike Bealieu

Note: This is a squadron of men who are so devoted to the cause to the point where they sacrifice themselves to save their army. They are called saviors. They specifically target units of terrorism which run themselves into armies with explosives, or any type of kamikaze unit. They absorb the complete blow which could have taken out a portion of the army. This is a NONCOMBATANT battalion.

Equipment: Each member of the battalion is equipped with a special suit which has several functions. The suit detonates all explosives on contact, no matter what method of detonation is normally used, and the suit transfers all explosive force directly into the body of the savior, and the kamikaze like, or self-sacrificing unit. They are both blown to bits.

chosen by: Mavrik
race: savior
appearance: Mr. Bealieu is a man of 5'10 and broad build. He has a longer face with dark hair and brown eyes.

I can smell the danger: Mr. Bealieu can sense all of the explosives on the battlefield in his mind. He can tell whether it is explosive powder used for artillery, or if it is explosives strapped or attached (in any way shape or form) to a kamikaze or kamikaze like unit. He can sense if there is any type of self-sacrificing intentions in a unit.
You can see the danger: Mr. Bealieu can project a map of the entire battlefield showing both armies from both of his palms. His main purpose with this diagram is to show explosives, and kamikaze or self-sacrificing units which show up in red.
I can stop the danger: If Mr. Bealieu sees a kamikaze or self-sacrificing unit which causes a huge threat to the army, or any generals, he will sprint and teleport directly in front of that unit so he has enough momentum to tackle the unit and detonate the explosives when he teleports. He will sacrifice himself for the greater good of the army.
Summon the Corpse: When Mr. Bealieu is out on the field and he sees a savior has been blown to bits for the greater good of the army, Mr. Bealieu can summon the parts of the corpse in to place, so the whole body is in the area.
Mend the Corpse: When Mr. Bealieu has summoned together the bits of a savior's blown body, he can mend it together so it is whole once more.
Restore life unto the corpse: When Mr. Bealieu has mended the corpse of a savior together, he can restore the original life of the savior to the body 75% of the time. He can only revive a savior once, if they die again he cannot save them.
Cheating Death: If Mr. Bealieu is killed by sharing the shock of explosives, his body will gather the pieces together, mend his body, and revive him. This only works once and does not work if he has been killed by a sword blow or an arrow.

I can smell the danger: All saviors can sense all of the explosives on the battlefield with their minds. They can tell where explosives are strapped or attached (in any way shape or form) to a kamikaze or kamikaze like unit, or where artillery is. They can sense if there is any type of self-sacrificing intentions in a unit.
I can stop the danger: If saviors sense a kamikaze or self-sacrificing unit, they will sprint and teleport directly in front of that unit so they have enough momentum to tackle the unit and detonate the explosives when they teleport. They will sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the army. If there are no self-sacrificing units, they can teleport once anywhere on the battlefield to search for artilary or damaging siege equipment and attempt to destroy them.
This target is mine: Every savior locks on to a specific kamikaze or self-sacrificing unit (should they exist), and once they lock on all other saviors know, that target is taken. This prevents two saviors from targeting the same unit.

count: 400
race: 400 elven
battalion leader: Jenny Plater

Note: This is a battalion of highly trained and skilled units who camouflage themselves to the point where they are undetectable. They station themselves on the very edges of the battlefield flanks which are unprotected and cover a specific amount of area so the whole edges are protected, and they watch for stealthy intruders. Nothing gets past them whatsoever, they can see it all. Even foes which can appear to be invisible will not hide from their eye, and they create a cloud of biochemical substance which changes the very pigments in armor, skin, and hair, changing the intruders pigments to a bright fluorescent color and foiling their stealth with invisibility. The pigment even changes color of the ground, but the ground is not visible through the pigment cloud. Can only be reversed by an additional pigment change.

JENNY PLATER (level 3) (#51)
chosen by: Matthew Kuchcinski
race: elf
appearance: Jenny is 5'10" with longer brown hair that she keeps up in battle. She has a thin rounded face and a smaller nose.
equipment: Jenny has a kit of camouflaging equipment. She doesnt need it to camouflage herself, but it takes her significantly less time to camouflage herself with the kit than it would using her surroundings. Her body, hair, and clothing is immune to pigment clouds naturally because she creates the stuff.

See in Darkness: Jenny can see in darkness just as good as she can see in the peak of day. She can detect anything which is protected by the blanket of darkness.
Echolocation: Jenny has a technique in which she releases a sound completely inaudible to any living (or dead, or undead for that matter) or nonliving thing except herself. The soundwaves come back and she can detect any mass whatsoever, it doesnt matter if they are invisible.
Pigment Cloud: As soon as Jenny reaches her location she expels a cloud of liquid from the palms of her hands which looks like fog. The cloud can become so dense that the ground is not visible unless one is several inches from it shining a light directly on the ground. The pigment clouds are completely white and look like fog, but the liquid changes the pigments of anything it touches. Jenny will change pigments to flourescent green, yellow, pink, orange, sometimes even blue red or white. She can change it to any color, and make it glow in the dark at night. Friendly units are aware of the dangers of these clouds and in turn they stay out of them. There is no way to protect from this.
Wind: Jenny can harness the power of wind, and manipulate the surrounding air. She can blow pigment clouds to and fro, or she can channel all the air around the borders to be still, so no pigment clouds can be moved or effected by wind. She can also push pigment clouds high in the air so the pigment clouds are effective on high and low flying units.
Fog: Jenny can create fog anywhere her troops are stationed, to decrease the visibility in areas enemies might be. She lays down fog thickest where her troops are so the spot where they are camouflaged will be near impossible to detect them.
Save the Drama for your Llama: Jenny has the power to create llamas. She creates a ball of energy and throws it at the ground. As it makes contact with the ground, a llama appears where the ball was. Jenny creates all kinds of llamas. Big ones, small ones, short ones, tall ones, fat ones round ones, skinny ones, and narrow ones. She can even create baby llamas.
The llama whisperer: All llamas love jenny. It doesn't matter if she created them or not, all of the llamas love her. They cant get enough of her! They always go near her and cuddle up to her, and they never spit at her. These llamas are in no way violent, and wouldnt hurt a fly. Jenny can communicate with the llamas, and they always listen to her. If she creates a big enough herd, she will send them away from the army to graze in the surrounding fields.

equipment: Jenny's battalion all have a kit of camouflaging equipment. They don't need it to camouflage themselves, but it takes them significantly less time to camouflage themselves with the kit than it would using their surroundings. Their body, hair, and clothing is immune to pigment clouds naturally because they create the stuff.

Echolocation: Jenny's battalion has a technique in which they release a sound completely inaudible to any living (or dead, or undead for that matter) or nonliving thing except themselves. The soundwaves come back and they can detect any mass whatsoever, it doesnt matter if they are invisible.
Pigment Cloud: As soon as units reach their location they expel a cloud of liquid from the palms of their hands which looks like fog. The cloud can become so dense that the ground is not visible unless one is several inches from it shining a light directly on the ground. The pigment clouds are completely white and look like fog, but the liquid changes the pigments of anything it touches. Jenny's units will change pigments to flourescent green, yellow, pink, orange, sometimes even blue red or white. They can change it to any color, and make it glow in the dark at night. Friendly units are aware of the dangers of these clouds and in turn they stay out of them. There is no way to protect from this.
Sound the Alarm: As soon as units detect intruders or breaches of the flanks (they never miss any), they will alert authorities and defenses that will immediately come to defense. The targets will stick out very much, because after a breaching the flanks they will be fluorescent colors which glow in the dark, even if they were previously invisible.

count: 400
race: 399 superhuman, 1 demigod
battalion leader: Bastian Peirce

chosen by: Michael
race: demigod
appearance: Bastian is 6'2" with long greasy dirty blonde hair. It is usually sticking up or in some crazy fashion, as he never tends to it. He has a longer face with crazy eyes, and always makes weird faces at people.
equipment: Weapon- Bastian carries a Delyn trident with which he has exceptional accuracy. His trident is imbued with a protection charm which only allows Bastian to wield it, and never allows it to bend, deform, or dull. Armor- Bastian is equipped with strong chainmail and water resistant cloth padding underneath.

Son of Posiden: As a demigod Bastian can manipulate water to do his bidding. He can move it through the air from place to place, form it into shapes, and throw it at people. He cannot hold it over someone's head and drown them, as that would be against his code of ethics. He can expand water when it is in a large enclosed containment unit and break a small hole to draw water from it. When making the water into weapons, he can make them as strong as steel.
Rain: Bastian has the power to make rain in a 5 mile radius. The rain in the first mile will undergo violent rain which is equivelant to 4 inches per hour. The second and third mile of rain will undergo heavy rain which is 2 inches per hour, the fourth and fifth mile will undergo moderate rain which is 1.5 inches per hour.
Healing Water: When Bastian comes in contact with water, it can mend his and others' bodies and have special healing properties. Cuts and bruises will be healed in 1 minute, where as gashes can be healed in 3. Large gashes will be staunched in 30 seconds, but will be healed in 7 minutes. Major wounds can be staunched in 3 minutes but cannot be healed without medical treatment. Severed limbs can be staunched in 3 minutes but cannot be healed completely, as water cannot regrow limbs.
Power of the Trident: Using the special force within him, Bastian can 'pull' his trident from through the air anywhere on the battlefield to himself.
Son of Posiden+Rain: Bastian can manipulate water that falls in the rain he creates.
Rain+Healing Water: Bastian can use rainwater that he created as water to heal.

equipment: Weapon- Each man under Bastian's control is equipped with steel tridents which they wield very well. The trident has a 20 foot thin steel chain with a strengthening charm so they can pull back the trident if thrown. Armor- The battalion is equipped with strong chainmail and water resistant cloth padding underneath.

Rain: Each superhuman can create a rainstorm of 3 mile radius. The storm has a 1000 foot radius of violent rain, pouring 2.5 inches per hour. The rest of the mile is heavy rainfall, of 2 inches per hour. The rest of the storm is moderate rainfal of 1.5 inches per hour.
Thunderstorm: Bastian's units can create a thunderstorm with the same radius of a rainstorm. The rainfall is 1.5 inches per hour throughout the entire storm, and 6 lightening strikes occur per hour.
Acid Rain: Each superhuman can create an acid rain storm 2 miles in radius with .75 inches of rainfall per hour. Acid rain comes from the clouds, gradually destroying vegetation and insidiously harming soldiers. Acid rain will cause rashes and burns several hours after contact with skin is made, and will damage lungs if breathed in. Gradually decays the bodies of undead, and dead soldiers. .

count: 400
race: 400 human
battalion leader: Joelle Leik

Note: this battalion is stationed just beyond the positions of Jenny's battalion. At this point it is very easy to see intruders because they are fluorescent colored. Several members of the integros squadron are stationed nearby and they strengthen the ground to make sure no intruders sneak under the borders.

equipment: Joelle's battalion rarely see combat but on the occasion they do they are equipped with dual steel combat knives. They have leather armor, but are good at evading attacks. Each unit is also equipped with a camouflage kit to hide their appearance.

JOELLE LEIK (level 3) (#53)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
race: human
appearance: Joelle is 5'6" with long blonde hair and a longer thin face.

Echolocation: Like Jenny, Joelle can release a noise which is inaudible to anything other than herself. Using the soundwaves she can detect where units are, even if they are invisible.
That gut feeling: Joelle can tell whether a unit is friendly or hostile. She knows which units should be targeted and which should be left alone.
Telepathy: Joelle can telepathically communicate with her battalion, alerting them which enemies are coming their way.
Anti-stealth: When Joelle catches wind of an enemy she will cast a spell on them. When the spell is cast on them, they will create an extremely loud sound with every step they take. When the enemy steps down, it sounds like artillery fire, and thousands of glass bottles being broken at once. If the enemies softly or stealthily bring step or bring their feet down, the noise is still made. If they run, the noise is still made. If the enemy crawls, the noise is made any time they move. If the enemy flies, the noise is made every time 2 feet of distance are traveled.
Fog: Joelle can create clouds of fog around her and her battalion to help conceal them from enemies.

Echolocation: Like Jenny and Joelle, the battalion can release a noise which is inaudible to anything other than themselves. Using the soundwaves they can detect where units are, even if they are invisible.
Telepathy: The battalion can telepathically communicate with her each other, telling each other which enemies are coming into whose territory, alerting them which enemies are coming their way.
Anti-stealth: When the battalion catches wind of an enemy they will cast a spell on them. When the spell is cast on them, they will create an extremely loud sound with every step they take. When the enemy steps down, it sounds like artillery fire, and thousands of glass bottles being broken at once. If the enemies softly or stealthily bring step or bring their feet down, the noise is still made. If they run, the noise is still made. If the enemy crawls, the noise is made any time they move. If the enemy flies, the noise is made every time 2 feet of distance are traveled.

count: 600
race: 400 human
artillery corps senior officers:
Ford Barnet- Air Force Artillery senior officer
Mark Barnet- Ground Artillery senior engineering officer

count: 200
race: 200 human
senior officer: Mark Barnet

Note: Since the army is so heavily guarded against artillery, the defenses make no exception to the friendly artillery. Most of the time the ground artillery is stored away because all attacks will be destroyed by the defenses.

MARK BARNET (level 3) (#54)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
race: human
appearance: Mark is about 6'2" with very short red hair on the top of his head. His hair is thinning and he wears spectacles. He has facial hair, a beard and a mustache but both are kept very short and trim.
Equipment: Mark has his own laboratory that the dwarves of the army construct for him whenever a permanent location is reached. Inside he does many procedures and experiments vital to the defense industry of the army, and the offensive forces of the army. He uses knowledge of advanced chemistry and the exploitation of magic to assist his experiments and procedures. In his stores, he has many units of minerals and even just pure elements that were found in the crust of Althanas. Some elements were extracted from seas, and the air, but he creates deadly weapons and tide changing defenses in his works.

Lightening: Drawing energy from electrons in the atmosphere, elements, and objects, Mark can channel the gathered energy into objects, substances, or chemicals. This sends an electric charge of energy into whatever he directs the energy into.
Microscope: Mark has had a powerful spell cast on his eyesight to magnify things to different levels. He can switch to cell vision, where he can magnify the object to see cells. He can channel his sight into an extremely small area and magnify things to an atomic level, where he can see atoms.
Fire: Mark can channel energy from a fire spell into a single, specific area and create a highly condensed form of heat, which can create a very hot fire instantly. He only uses this for experimental, medical, or procedural reasons or firing cannons, and does not use this to burn any other character directly. The heat of the fire is equivalent to 10x the power of a blow torch (reference to earth).
Blizzard: Mark can take energy from surrounding atoms and channel it into a deep freezing magic spell. Like the fire spell mark can condense the energy for an extreme temperature, use moderate energy for lower temperatures but not extreme, or he can even lessen the energy and make temperatures just below atmospheric (in a certain area of course). If he uses the spell for 3 minutes he can create absolute zero in a 1x1x1 foot cube. He can freeze chemicals, substances, or even containment units that hold samples of chemicals.
Air: Mark can cast a spell which keeps his laboratory well circulated. He can also stoke fires on the battlefield with air, and compress air into small spaces and chambers.

Weapons- Each man is equipped with a steel shortsword.
Siege equipment-
---Each piece of siege equipment has a complex system of dials which velocity, longitude, and lattitude are put into to calculate the exact point in which the projectile (or majority of projectiles) will land. This information is put into a coordinate grid for those who opperate the machinery. This aiming mechanism does not project an image of the battlefield, but only gives coordinates for the battlefield.---
- 10 heavy mangonels (poor mobility torsion catapult). Maximum range of ~200m, effective range of ~150m. Good accuracy, effective against all standard armor grades & fortifications. Fires clusters of stone shot, canister shot, & 30lb solid stone shot. Rate of fire 1 shot per 5 minutes. 5-man crew. (50 personnel allotted.) Strong against formations & fortifications.
- 30 hwacha (good mobility volley rocket-arrow launcher). Maximum range of ~150m, effective range of ~100m. Low accuracy, effective against all standard armor grades. Fires rocket-propelled long arrows in volleys of 200 per hwacha (6,000 total volley). Rate of fire 1 discharge per 5 minutes. 3-man crew. (90 personnel allotted.) Strong against formations.
-20 Trebuchets (pivoting ability). Maximum range of ~500m, effective range of ~350m. Precise accuracy, exact longitude, latitude, altitude, and velocity are put into dials with a coordinate grid aiming system. Effective against all armor grades and phenomenal at damaging, and destroying defenses and strongholds. Trebuchets can launch Stones, Sharp wooden poles and darts, Fire Casks of Burning Tar Burning Sand, Pots of Greek Fire, Dung, Dead, sometime mutilated bodies, Disease ridden bodies, Body parts, Dead animals, Any rotting matter, and Quicklime. **Greek Fire** Mark has concocted a chemical composition which ignites with contact of water. This fire spreads easily and burns on water as well. When water is thrown on the flames it seems to fan the flames, and is most easily put out with sand, salt, urine, or magic. 3-person crew. (60 personnel alloted.) Rate of fire is one projectile per 5 minutes.

Coordinate Grid: These units can 'see' the entire battlefield in their minds' eye under a coordinate grid. They see the battlefield with a birds' eye view spotting large masses of infantry and army encampments. Artillery shows up in red to their minds' eye. In the grid the units see coordinates, and can plug those coordinates into siege equipment to pinpoint the exact location of their end target.
Speed Fighting- if the siege equipment is under attack, the units will stop firing and turn on the aggressors. Even if they are surrounded they will fight until the enemy is gone.
Don't Touch My Stuff!!!!- The units in the force can place an enchantment on any of their possessions, or the army's possesions that only allows the army to use them. Any others who try to use things with this enchantment will not be able to use them.

count: 400
race: 400 human
senior officer: Ford Barnett

FORD BARNETT (level 3)(#55)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
race: human
appearance: Ford is shorter with a more muscular build. His shoulders are broad and he has short black hair with scruff.
equipment: Weapon- Dustin wields a crossbow with 25 arrows that are enchanted to explode on impact. He has chainmail on his torso and plate armor on his legs. He wears a combat helmet which is enchanted to protect from any type of poison gas and purify any atmosphere or add oxygen sufficient to sustaining life even at altitudes with minimal oxygen.

Intermediate Flight: Being a great officer in an air force corps, Ford has learned and mastered magic that will allow him to fly. He is able to fly at speeds up to 35 mph, and can take off and land at will.
Intermediate Dodging: Ford has trained his eye and mind to spot and sense oncoming ballistics such as arrows, crossbow bolts, and even artilary fire. He can dodge these with 5x the presision of a normal human.
Speed: Years of combat and military experience has given Ford 4x the speed of a normal human.
Regeneration: Ford's body is the result of several scientific expiraments and therefore will gradually heal it's minor wounds and bruises over time (2-3 minutes depending on how minor the wound). The bleeding of gashes will be staunched after about 30 seconds, and healed after 7 minutes when left alone with no medical treatment. Bleeding of major wounds will be slowed down after 3 minutes and almost staunched after 9 with no medical treatment. While sustaining large wounds Ford can stay opperational but he must seek medical treatment or he will die.
Life Unto Thee: Ford can spread a gas throughout friendly territory which renders allies immune to poison gas when it is breathed. This gas is effective for 2 hours after breathed and then the effects wear off. The gas itself lasts 15 minutes, and then it disperses into the atmosphere.
Blitzkreg! [***FORCE SHARED ABILITY***]: When Ford shouts out the command, the entire Air Force goes into Blitzkreg. As this happens the entire air force with this ability is able to fly 65 miles per hour until they drop their cargo and return. When flying in Blitzkreg only 3 instruments of war can be dropped rather than the maximum 5. As soon as the cargo is dropped the unit must return directly back to the base where they will land and regroup.

Weapons- Each man is equipped with crossbows and 20 retrievable steel tipped arrows. Armor- Each man is equipped with steel chainmail with padding underneath to soften blows from projectiles and weapons. Misc- Each unit has a belt with slots on it, each of which can hold canisters with spells or elements in them. When a unit is shot down, all of their cargo is detonated.

Basic Flight: Each angel has a pair of unique wings. With them they can fly up to 20 mph, or remain stationary in flight.
Poison Sucker: Units in the air force work so much with poison gasses that they are immune to any poison gas that they drop, or others put on them. This only works with gasses that could cause lung damage or skin irritation.
Blitzkreg! [***FORCE SHARED ABILITY***]: When Ford shouts out the command, the entire Air Force goes into Blitzkreg. As this happens the entire air force with this ability is able to fly 65 miles per hour until they drop their cargo and return. When flying in Blitzkreg only 3 instruments of war can be dropped rather than the maximum 5. As soon as the cargo is dropped the unit must return directly back to the base where they will land and regroup.

count: 400
race: antpires (vampire ants)
squadron leader: King Ant

KING ANT (level 3)(#57)
chosen by: Gavner Nahs
race: antpire
appearance: King Ant appears with the anatomy of a normal ant except he is two feet long and weighs 200 lbs.

Ant: Ants, by their NATURAL anatomy, can lift 50 times their own weight. As is the case with King Ant.
Ant: By NATURAL anatomy, a 2mm ant can travel about 3 inches per second. In proportion to its size, a 610mm ant can travel about 915 inches per second. As is the case with King Ant.
Vampire: Being part vampire, King Ant has 2x the strength of a normal ant.
Vampire: Being part vampire, King Ant has 2x the speed of a normal ant.
King Ant: Being the king of all ants, King Ant can telepathically communicate with all ants within a 50 mile radius. All ants know he is the lord of all ants and obey him.
King Ant: King ant has the power to telepathically communicate with any being and allow them to communicate back. He can create telepathic "chat rooms" that multiple people can be in communicating to each other.
King Ant: Being the ruler of an entire species, King Ant has certain healing properties to himself. King ant can also heal 3 humans

Ant: Each and can lift 50 times their own weight by NATURAL anatomy.
Ant: Each ant can run 600 inches per second in proportion to their own body
Vampire: Each ant has 2x the normal speed of an ant

12-29-14, 09:44 PM
Name: Våren Willey
Age: 16
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: women never tell their weight
Occupation (Optional):

Personality (Optional): Våren is a teenage girl who is very good at complaining at people. She is always upset about something and gives everybody very angry looks. It is very easy to make her angry but difficult to get on her good side. She is very stiff and up tight about academics and never has time for any fun. Her homework is always complete on time though.

Appearance: If Våren were bald, she would look like this (http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/818000/818561_1314646406234_full.png). She has darker skin and long black hair with brown eyes. Her death glare is cold and dead; enough to give anybody the chills.

History: Våren's history is very mysterious, and not yet well known. All that is evident now is that she hates males of her age.

Mean-Arts: Våren is the best insulter you will ever come across. She always seems to have a put-down for everybody she comes across. All who befriend her end up regretting so later as she will surely hurt them in the end.
Suck-Up: Våren is excellent at hurting people, then turning around and seeming amazing to authorities. When talking to a teacher or a being of higher authority she speaks in a fake squeaky voice that sounds innocent and they always commend her for everything.

Evil Eye: When Våren glares at someone she can cause uncertainty in his mind. Foes will become nervous and second guess themselves and actions mainly pertaining to Våren.
Sneering Tongue: Våren is excellent at using words as a weapon. Her language stings and her words stab like a knife. When Våren is upset her eyes will turn cold and pierce the soul of her enemy, making him vulnerable to her malignant tongue. Every insult that rolls off her tongue batters her opponent, emotionally abusing him and breaking down his state of psychological soundness. When Våren insults somebody, for every remark she makes a large gash on the heart of her enemy will be visible on the body. These gashes will appear at any given place, and Våren will continue mercilessly and bitter heartedly until no opposition struggles against her.
Equipment: Being a scholar, Våren's only weapons are pencils and pens which she attacks her opponents with

Familiars (Optional): Being as deceitful as she is, Våren can not have any familiars