View Full Version : Davy Jones's Locker Arena Grand Opening (Hoytti Cup - Sorish Man Larsh Vs Hsa Eulb)

11-03-14, 02:57 PM
Thousands of leagues under the sea, there sat a structure made of glass and sea lantern stones. This structure was the newly built Leviathan Arena. A dome commissioned by King Sorish to house duels and tournaments between Coralians and the "Kings of Above". This air tight dome was made out of shatterproof glass that was melted and formed in the nearby undersea volcano, Lavra, and transported to its final resting place in the middle of Leviathan Trench by 10 whales. After the dome was placed, the water inside was magically pumped out by a thousand water mages and left to dry over three weeks. It took 10 year to do all this and now it was finally ready to open.

In the middle of the arena a Coralian, with a black and white striped robe on, stood as he prepared to announce the exhibition match that would announce the opening of the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girl, Coralians and Kings of all ages. We are happy to announce that the Leviathan Arena is now open for business!" The crowd roared as the magically projected and translated voice reached their ears. The Coralian in the center of the arena held up his hand to calm the crowd. “I’m glad to hear that you are as excited as I am! Now to open this arena an exhibition match has been planned.” The Humans in the crowed jumped up and down, whopped and hollered while the Coralians looked at them but clapped never the less. This would be their first ever arena battle and so they didn’t know what to expect. “From the Northern Seas, we have the man responsible for this magnificent arena! Our King, Sorish Mon Larsh! 'King of the Seas'!” At this all the Coralians bowed their heads to keep their eyes off their king.

The humans in the crowd went wild as Sorish walked out, hands clasped behind his back as he walked regally to the center of the arena. Sorish wore his white robe that he always has. His hood was down to show his embroidered crown cap that he only wore to important meeting and anything that has to do with kingly duties. The slime on his blue and green skin reflected the lights of the sea lantern stones and gave him a shine that made him look like a celestial being. Sorish looked around the arena as he appraised the crowed. Every Coralian’s head was bowed as they showed respect for their king. The humans who didn’t care he was king cheered as they got more and more excited for the match that would open the first of many arenas to be made in his kingdom.

As he looked outside the glass dome that surrounded them, he noticed the a shadow that was definitely a whale as it passed by close enough to be seen but far enough not to be distinguished. This was the main attraction of the dome. It allowed the land dwellers to see the beauty of the see while they waited for the next fight. As soon as Sorish noticed that the crowed had calmed down a bit, he connected his voice to the magical announcement system. “All Coralians raise your heads. I give you permission to look at me!” Sorish hated that he had to say that each time he entered a room. Being deemed a god was uncomfortable for a humble being like Sorish but it was the way it was. He walked on land so now he was a god, a “King of Above”. The other “Kings of Above” also had to give them this permission though usually it was phrased, “Look at me.” “Look at me when I’m speaking to you.” or even “Why do you turn away from me? Am I not good enough to be looked at?” but the Coralians never looked at the land dwellers without permission.

Sorish came out his thoughts as he saw the last Coralian lift his head, still a little hesitant. Sorish smiled a little which was returned by the young Coralian. Sorish then schooled his face into the “What I say goes no exceptions” look. “Coralians, all battles in this arena is meant to be watched! During a battle Kings can be looked at for just by participating in a battle they have given you the permission to look at them. Under no circumstances my you disrespect them by turning away when they enter the arena! Instead cheer for them and make them feel welcomed!” The Coralians nodded in sync and bowed to their king while the land dwellers had a look of confusion on their face. Sorish watched as a wave of bows followed his eyes he watched every Coralian bow before him but with their heads up to look at him. It was the closes he would get out of them. “Now that that is over with, we shall continue on with the match! Proctor, you may continue.”

The Coralian in black and white bowed to his king before he turned back to the crowd. “Now then, coming all the way from Akashima, the challenger Hsa Eulb 'The Chibimon Trainer'!" The Coralians clapped again and tried to keep their heads up, though a few still bowed, while the land dwellers went wild with whistles, claps, and even a few squeals from girls.

Chibimon Blue
12-05-14, 07:06 PM
Hsa Eulb sat on a bench while Sorish made his great declarations. The youth could hear the crowd as they chanted his name, a cheer that would have never happened had this fight not been billed for weeks. Hsa was always treated as an underdog in his fights; a little kid who could make a savvy gambler a ton of money in the long run. Unfortunately for those gamblers, the boy’s head was not in the same place it usually was.

After a botched attempt on his life by the assassin Lichensith Ulroke, the Chibimon trainer came to the realization that all of his beloved animals were simply figments of his imagination. For years the child dreamed of living in a fantasy world, and in one night, it all came crashing down around him. The wolf he believed he grew up with was some deeply rooted psychological issue. The monster he believed he caught during the Adventurer’s Crown was some poor animal contorted to fit into his sick fantasies. His whole life was a lie.

It was the bond that Hsa formed with Sorish during the Adventurer’s Crown that brought him to the Leviathan Arena. The Coralian saw his friend in need and thought a vacation away from the dry land would do the once vibrant Has some good. The darkness beneath the sea did nothing to lighten the lad’s demeanor, however, and the boy found himself slumped into an even deeper depression. Now, he was completely surrounded by darkness, awaiting his call to arms against his friends. Sorish had performed a kind gesture for the boy; he could at least return the favor with an exhibition match for his people (most of whom had never seen a land dweller).

When he heard the roar of the crowd and the music he asked Sorish to play for his entrance surround the arena, he knew that was time. He began to walk towards the open arena, his read sneakers slapping against the cold porcelain floor below. As he walked into the arena, he shielded his eyes from the sudden light that seemed to bombard him. He could hear the gasps from the crowd, murmurs about how small the ‘hew-main’ was, and questions about the lack of coral like armor on his person.

He rubbed his eyes and opened them, taking in a deep breath as he did so. His sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders, the bill of his hat shifted to the side of his head, and his shorts exchanged for a pair of full-on jeans. Across his brown belt were six balls, though they seemed to ‘flicker’ as though they were phasing in and out of reality by some unknown force. There were six in total, but not all of them possessed some of the mythical beasts that the child obtained during his journeys.

He scratched the back of his head and sighed, his slumped body posture a sign that he truly did not wish to be here.

“Alright Sorish, I’m here,” he sighed and grabbed one of the small balls upon his belt, “let’s get this over with.”

04-22-15, 09:55 PM
Sorish looked at Hsa with a slight frown. Hsa had seemed to have had trouble with his confidence, not to mention his depression. Sorish had hoped that the sea floor would help, you know, a change of scenery, but apparently it hadn't. Sorish was hopeful that this battle would finally bring Hsa out of this slump. So, with a nod to the proctor, Sorish signaled to start the match.

"May the battle between 'The King of the Seas' and 'The Chibimon Trainer'... Begin!" The proctor then jumped back to give the two space, just as Sorish had taught him.

Sorish took his sword and shield from his back. His shield held aloft in order to protect his vitals while his sword pointed downward towards Hsa ready to strike when need be. Of course Sorish would fight one of Hsa's strange creatures that he carried with him. So Sorish stood, ready for anything to come out of the ball in the young man's hand.