View Full Version : Forrals Flying Fortress (Registration)

Silence Sei
11-06-14, 08:38 AM
It loomed over Berevar like concrete angel, silent and unmoving. People gathered to look at the large island that seemed to hover over the country. The castle floated in the air, large towers on each of the four walls that guarded it. Those who could gain an overhead view would see a large moat that surrounded the castle itself, a rushing torrent of clean water that slid off into a small waterfall into the ocean below. The forest around the castle was surrounded by a great manner of powerful beasties; chimeras, cockatrice, manticores, even the occasional sphinx was seen roaming the lush greens of the castle grounds.

Then, tragedy struck.

The tourists who had come to see the spectacle known as Forral's Fortress looked on in horror as the monsters jumped off from their home, and found solace and snacks in the bodies of the onlookers. Those that tried to escape were gunned down by the goblin guards that manned the watch towers. All in all, over two hundred people were dead in the span of five minutes. Forral's Foretress had gone feral.

The tribes of Berevar released a cry for help. They witnessed the slaughter from afar, and knew that in time, the castle would move further inland. the monsters retreated back to the castle grounds after they made their kills. Heroes would answer the call, but who would be able to survive the horrors that awaited inside Forral's castle?


This is an open call for the first ever Power Group Boss Battle!

There are a few rules for this battle, that I expect those that register to adhere to.

(1) Each PG can pick a represenative. Only Registered PGs can participate in the boss battle.

(2) If the represenative dies, another represenative may be chosen to take their place.

(3) Only 1 rep for each PG may be active in the battle at one time. This means the Order can not swarm the Fortress with its members.

(4) If the account participating belongs to multiple PGs, they must choose which PG they will rep in the battle.

(5) The person that delivers the final blow to defeat the boss will earn their PG a headquarters! Furthermore, the person who scores the highest (Thats right, you will all be scored individually) will also earn an HQ for their group!

(6)Should the high score and final blow rep the same PG, the next highest score will gain the third PG slot.

(7) There will be a 48 hour posting time for this battle. If you fail to meet this deadline even by a minute, I will kill your character in my next post.

(8) Likewise, if you powergame or break standard Althanas policy, I have the right to kill your character.

(9) The Ixian Knights are not allowed to participate in this battle, unless of course they belong to other PGs of course.

(10) To register, simply state your characters name, and the PG they represent, and finally the word 'Registered'

(11) Registration will be open for one week, and then we will take this mama jama off!

If there are any more rules I can think of, I will post them later and let you guys know.

Good Luck!

11-06-14, 09:03 AM
I'll volunteer for the Order, if no one has any objections.


Erikar, Order of the Crimson Hand, Registered.

11-06-14, 09:39 AM
It's all you 'kar. Don't let us down!

Silence Sei
11-06-14, 09:44 AM
Multiple reps can enter, you guys, they just can only -fight- one at a time.

Also, Kar is not registered yet until he does so as instructed to in the rules.

11-06-14, 10:03 AM
Lye Ulroke, Second to Register for The Order of the Crimson Hand.

Alyssa Snow
11-06-14, 11:51 AM
Alyssa Diane Snow - Queen of Pentacles for The Tarot Hierarchy


"This is for you Leona-sama!"

11-06-14, 11:59 AM
Depending on when this runs, I will try to get up a Power Group soon ...

The Inventor
11-06-14, 04:07 PM
Invetisto of The Trading Company registered!

Fox Owen Xavier
11-06-14, 06:57 PM
Fox for Tarot. (Was really split between that and Chronicle. Please someone show up for Chronicle, I know you guys have a lot of great writers...)

11-08-14, 11:37 AM
Flint. The Black Sails Armada. Registered.

Irate Pirate
11-08-14, 12:01 PM
Dimitri, The BSA's desperate plan B. Registered.

11-08-14, 04:08 PM
Elthas Belthasar, leader of The Trading Company is registered (And aiming to participate the heck out of this thing lol!)

11-09-14, 10:19 AM
Ioder- Tarot Hierarchy King of Cups REGISTERED

11-09-14, 01:59 PM
Philomel van der Aart, Matriarch of the newly established Gilded Lily ... registered.

Silence Sei
11-11-14, 01:22 PM
Just a reminder; two days left until registration is closed and thread is up!

Silence Sei
11-13-14, 12:41 AM
Thread is up! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28247-Forrals-Fortress&p=238260#post238260)

Anyone listed in that first post is the first people repping their HQs! Lets make this a boss battle to remember guys!

11-13-14, 04:53 AM
By my count the two day limit is still going...?

Talen Shadowalker, registered for the Red Six!

Silence Sei
11-13-14, 07:00 AM
It was actually up, but because you have whacky Aussie time, I'll allow your entry.

Now go make an intro post in the thread you late SOB.

Silence Sei
11-16-14, 10:41 PM
I will have my next post out tommorow folks. Great job keeping up.

Except Erikar, he missed his deadline so he will be taken out in my next post. That means Lye, you're up for the CH after my post.

11-16-14, 10:46 PM
Oh boy... going to run me ragged here. This is my best shot at the HQ's so I have to give it my all.

Do we have an estimate on the intended length of this thing?

Silence Sei
11-17-14, 11:00 AM
My hope is 2 weeks time, this'll be wrapped up. You guys are doing awesome being creative and whatnot though, so it may be sooner, or I may get to having such fun torturing your characters, it may be a week later!


11-18-14, 01:41 PM
You folks have until tomorrow morning to get your posts in! Better get them in today!

11-21-14, 01:07 AM
Less than 24 hours left to make a post! Deadline is Friday late afternoon. (Roughly 20 hours from time of this post)

11-21-14, 02:49 AM
Lye, I took some liberities and had Philomel join the men. Hope this is fine. xx

Silence Sei
11-21-14, 03:08 AM
Also, Warpath, you're needed in the MizBiz Triple Threat thread.... >.> <.<

11-21-14, 04:25 PM
Hey guys. At what point in the process do you intervene if your group representative can't continue? Do we just automatically switch places, or is there some other process involved? Thanks for the info in advanced. I might have to start acting on behalf of The Trading Company pretty soon cause of Inventor's last post. So let me know what information I need to keep representation for The Trading Company going strong! Oh and good luck everyone involved!

Silence Sei
11-21-14, 04:46 PM
If I kill Invetisto in my next post, you can come in. He's allowed a death post so long as he doesn't die from inactivity, but you're more than welcome to jump in once I kill him.

Silence Sei
11-25-14, 10:20 PM
Apologies for being so late on my reply guys, had a lot of stuff to take care of.

Pavel, you're up. Go rep TTC buddy.

11-26-14, 03:18 AM
Sei ... I thought we were well away from the kraken by now.

And how come Warpath isn't messed up?!

Silence Sei
11-26-14, 04:43 AM
I never said being in the courtyard kept you safe from the kraken. In fact, in my previous post, he took down a wall to the castle, insinuating that he could indeed reach the courtyard. He is still very much a threat and his range extends all the way to the castle itself. Now, once you guys get in there, it won't be able to get yall.

As far as Warpath goes, you need to be patient. As it stands, he is physically the most powerful out of all you guys. He's the proverbial Hulk to your Avengers, so its gonna obviously take more for him to be messed up.

11-26-14, 01:28 PM
So how are we handling the holiday weekend? Tomorrow is Turkey Day and I can imagine others have preparations for it tonight. Is this 48 hour rule hard and fast or do we have some leeway over this weekend.

11-26-14, 02:12 PM
I am gonna be around tomorrow evening and I am always ready to post. Will be gone in the day time though :) .

Silence Sei
11-26-14, 10:31 PM
So how are we handling the holiday weekend? Tomorrow is Turkey Day and I can imagine others have preparations for it tonight. Is this 48 hour rule hard and fast or do we have some leeway over this weekend.

It's a hard rule. Some of the participants don't even celebrate Thanksgiving, so it seems very impractical to not continue on. Even if I were to extend the deadline a day, we would be pushing into Black Friday which wouldn't be fair to those who may have to work that day and would miss out on the advantage.

12-02-14, 01:49 PM
Hey is everything still going okay Sei? Making sure the thread is still getting worked on lol. Not sure what the hold up is, but hopefully its NOT something serious. Anyway mate, let us know whats the good word and if you are good to go still with us :D .

12-02-14, 02:39 PM
A heads up for those involved. Barring whatever the GM has in store, I plan on using Alyssa to make a stone bridge with her magic from the tower to the main castle exterior. Philomel or The Juggernaut will use their abilities to bust the wall down. The remainders will contend with whatever is inside. I was thinking an orc king and two orc vanguards (full plate wearing bastards). The DM may give us something else.

Regardless, we can either work our way up or down depending. Hopefully nip this in the bud soon.

Also, if there is a way to work it in, Lye can fix Phi a field antidote with his special flask and some of that stinger. Should at least stop her from dying from poison.

12-02-14, 02:45 PM
I am very happy to help take down the wall. Lots of earthquaking for the shaking!

In general Philomel will appreciate any help with her sting problem. She will even give Lye the stinger in repayment, so he can have the rest of the posion. Also, I want to get a small animal skull from somewhere so I might through in a wretched nasty beasty for this.

Silence Sei
12-02-14, 09:47 PM
I am fine Elthas, thanks for asking

It's just we had the holidays be more hectic than they usually are for me, and then I changed the availability of my job to working during the week again. I'm off until Saturday, so I'm hoping I can whip up my post tommorow.

I apologize about the delays.

Silence Sei
12-04-14, 11:30 PM
Now we're back on track, guys!

Yall better make this next round of posting count. Depending on what is written, it's very likely somebody, if not multiple people, are going to die.

12-05-14, 12:05 AM
I got a plan guys for whoever is interested :D . Thats why I took the liberty to post first since Elthas is pretty speedy now. Anyway, Brother Hysteria, I'm logging on Skype tonight so we can talk soon hopefully.

Alyssa Snow
12-06-14, 01:40 PM
Alyssa and Lye are down and out. If you want to make the save for one of them, I prefer Alyssa. Otherwise, consider this my final post with both.

12-06-14, 02:57 PM
Right, I will reply by tomorrow ...
Now without Lye to help her get rid of the poison Philomel will be unconcious in two posts. Unless someone else has someway of helping here, with the poision.

Though, I am going to have Veridian wake up now, Sei gave me no limit on that. The fox is awesome so ... how is everyone else?

12-06-14, 03:01 PM
The time cut off is tonight at 10 something pm. Talen has some healing abilities.

Unless you want to unearth Lye and bunny him giving you an antidote. You could do that. Given the speed of the thread, there will not be much time for a healing window so that's prolly the best bet.

12-06-14, 04:36 PM
Saved Alyssa because she was near the stairs. Up to you if you want her to wake up and stay in it though, Lye.

12-06-14, 05:08 PM
Alright thanks Warpath. We'll see how the next GM post goes. Lye might be able to phase out of some of that rubble. So I may elaborate my post later without changing the events.

12-07-14, 02:20 AM
In retrospect, I will phase Lye out of that rubble. I'll try to make his the first post in the next round since I just remembered he has some bandages and healing herbs on him. Might be able to make a field remedy too with that alchemist flask.

12-07-14, 03:34 AM
I can't heal other people unfortunatly, I've just added that in his next update. The only thing I could think of was maybe if there was a goat around someone could slaughter it and get Phi a bezoar.

Silence Sei
12-07-14, 03:58 AM
Doesn't really matter now, as Phi missed the deadline to post and therefor will be killed off on my next GM post.

Still doesn't mean any of you are safe though... : P

12-07-14, 05:10 AM
Sei, we have 48 hours ... by my count that puts it until today.

Edit to Sei: the timing on my clock must have split or broken or something, as according to my time it said you posted your first one on the 6th, not the 5th. I am writing one just now, but it is up to you to agree with it. Seriously - not my fault on this one.

Edit further: It may have been due to my internet breaking on the 5th. So your post only came through on my laptop on the 6th.

12-07-14, 04:00 PM
Alright, I added a bit more meat to my Lye post. But he's still under rubble as before, and I'll have him make his comeback in the next post or at least run more interference on Squiward.

As for Lyssa, if Lye makes it to the stairs in the next go, he'll get her wounds tended as well as remedy Phi.

Alyssa Snow
12-08-14, 01:39 PM
Bugger, we have a wee problem. Elthas snuck in a post while I crafted my beast of one. Any chance you could skim it over Pavel and help work out some symbiosis between the two? Unfortunately, I went with destroy while you went with ASSIMILATE!

So, we need to figure out some happy middle ground or at least some conflicting dialogue.


12-08-14, 01:54 PM
Hey my friend I had no idea anybody else was working on their post at the same time lol.

Yeah hit me up here on Althanas through IM or on AIM or Facebook or whatever and we'll coordinate edits. I can fix up whatever is needed for the sakes of the thread and the group :D .

Alyssa Snow
12-08-14, 02:06 PM
Alright, I'll send you a message.

As for everyone else still in the running, you can bunny Alyssa's final shot whenever you like. It'll be a spear of ice hurdled at ridiculous velocity from the rifle. The way I see it, either Flint or Talen can have it in their post whoever is last. Figure out your trap nonsense or if you want, kill her off with a trap or whatever. Just make sure you bunny her pulling the trigger at some point.

Here's to hoping this is it!

12-08-14, 06:52 PM
Hey bro I'll be working on the edits you requested shortly hopefully they will work :D .

12-08-14, 07:03 PM
(Double post)

Okay Jack bro I did the required edits so our two posts mesh better together. Let me know if the changes I added work for you okay? I acknowledged your spoken portions of your post and that the shot was fired but I also left it that Elthas jumps into the heart in a wild attempt to...do something lol. Not sure what Calvin has planned for all of us but I was just trying to think outside of the box. Anyway bro, let me know if the edits work :) . And good luck to everybody involved.

12-08-14, 07:36 PM
Post is up, I did something pretty mean. Let me know if I missed any contradictions, I tried to take both Elthas and Alyssa's posts fully into account.

12-08-14, 09:46 PM
Both work for me. So far, Elthas's trap was jumping into the heart, yours is literally everything, and mine is whatever lurks in the pool of blood leading to the heart. Hyst is up! Then, hopefully, this'll call it quits.

12-09-14, 06:09 AM
I felt worse about Mr. Blue than Flint. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

12-09-14, 06:28 AM
Oh man, you just earned a best villain nomination from me. You monster.

Alyssa Snow
12-09-14, 09:09 AM
Mr. Blue! No! You monster..!



My view on the Ixian Knights has been swayed considerably. They may be the most evil PG on the site. D:<

Alyssa Snow
12-09-14, 11:18 AM
((Double Post))

Alright, Alyssa is done! Anyone else still going to fathom a post, feel free to bunny her revival if you like. In the last of my post, it was kind of a haze from being pulled out of there by the kraken and somehow getting on the ship. So anyone can feel free to take that position and write out the details.

I was thinking Ioder?

Anyway, huzzah! Awesome thread complete!

Hysteria is still a major jerkface.

12-09-14, 11:55 AM
Posted everyone I hope you guys really liked the idea I tossed into the mix. Was trying to just think outside of the box, given that Forral is likely still at large. Heheheheh this was a blast. Good luck to everybody who is going to continue forward. But yeah this was a ton of fun I wish I could have been in there from the beginning :D .

12-09-14, 02:16 PM
So i can post in this to recover Alyssa?

12-09-14, 02:34 PM
I believe so, but you need to at least wait for Warpath to post. Then we should be good to go I think.

Sei, correct me if I am wrong.

12-09-14, 02:41 PM
Im leaving for work in a moment. If im gone before warpath posts then I wont be able to post until like Late tonight.

12-09-14, 02:45 PM
Yeah, you need to wait for Flint according to the thread notes. Then, feel free to post. I don't know when he will be on, but no rush.

Silence Sei
12-09-14, 02:54 PM
Well, cnsidering Ioder and Fox were part of the Hierarchy with Alyssa, and since you posted with Alyssa now, I see no problem with Ioder coming in and saving your butt, and maybe Foxy healing you (in fact, thats kinda what I was thinking, Lol)

Meanwhile Dmitri is on the ship in the ocean. I figured this was a good way to have the two of you go your seperate ways without having the two of you actually do so. Now, Irate can't post until Flint does though.

12-09-14, 04:02 PM
So two questions, did someone 'win'?

Second, I've been saving my Jensen-get-out-of-jail card and will have Talen regenerate. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

and Mr. Blue was the jerk face.

12-09-14, 04:34 PM
I think the last hit can be claimed by whoever that was, but the best writer is up to the judge I think?

Are there any GP or item prizes for the others? I know I want Alyssa to claim Mr. Blue as a familiar, so you better revive his feathery little butt!

And if Flint likes the Reclaimer, he can go ahead and add that to his character sheet.

Silence Sei
12-09-14, 04:36 PM
Elthas got the last hit. The Trading company will be getting a HQ for sure. But nothing is gonna be set up until the thread is judged so I can hit up both HQs at once.

12-09-14, 05:38 PM
Both HQs?

And congrats TTC and Pav! :D

12-09-14, 05:40 PM
Yeah an HQ for last hit and another for strongest writer.

Fox Owen Xavier
12-09-14, 09:33 PM
Going to post a reply since Lye convinced me too. Just need to polish it up. I guess it will probably be posted tomorrow since I'm falling asleep here...

Silence Sei
12-09-14, 11:58 PM
Yeah an HQ for last hit and another for strongest writer.

Correct. Highest score of the thread wins their clan the last HQ spot. If for some reason the highest score is Elthas, it moves on to second highest score.

12-10-14, 04:02 PM
Grim, feel free to bunny Flint returning to your ship from one of the airships, or not if you've got a better idea, either way works. I suppose Flint is taking possession of Lye's badass greatsword if that's fine with the judge. It'll give us an excuse to write together again soon.