View Full Version : The Briarheart Black Library

11-06-14, 11:31 AM
The Briarheart Black Library

The Premise -

The Briarheart Black Library is a collection of books, scrolls, snippets of ancient knowledge, whispers on the wind, and the gathered remnants of long-lost truths and myths lorded over by The Bookwyrm

The Briarheart Black Library's purpose is not to acquire and hoard these tomes; on the contrary, its serves the purpose of gathering and distributing these rare items filled with spells, records, and information to those who require them.

Whether the Library's patrons use this information for good or for evil, however, is none of the Bookwyrm's concern.

The Promise -

The Library promises adventure and gold for those who become its collections agents, and a wealth of forbidden knowledge for those who research its works. If you're looking to delve into dangerous dungeons, sneak into the foreboding keeps of sorcerers and necromancers to acquire tomes they no longer need (as determined by the Library's clientele), or embark on a path of enlightening research, the Briarheart Black Library is the place for you!

Rules -

The rules of being an agent for the Library are simple:

- Never treat a fellow agent from any department of the Library with ill will. This is strictly enforced, and punishable by the acquisition of all your memories (we'll wipe your memory cleaner than a formatted hard drive sunshine, and no mistake).
- Never leave a Library book behind--for if forbidden knowledge ends up in the hands of the unworthy, who knows what sort of horrors might happen.
- Do not steal anything from the Library. The Archivists keep obsessive records of everything and everyone that walks in and out of the Library. Those who violate this rule will be relentlessly hunted and suffer the fate of many a dangerous book--that is, they will be burned alive.

Structure -

There is no real seniority or power structure within the Briarheart Black Library; all members across all departments are equal, but answer equally to The Bookwyrm, who is the Head Librarian.

There are two divisions with the Library, and they are as follows -

Acquisitions - These agents are thieves, adventurers, merchants, and even the odd assassin or two who travel the world and use their unique sets of skills collect rare and unique tomes, tablets, scrolls, and artifacts that would prove beneficial to the Briarheart Black Library and its clientele.

Research - These agents pore over the limitless information and items within the Library and verify their authenticity. This includes experiments, spellcasting, field research, and other such collaborative efforts. Researchers also search for potential clientele for the library without directly approaching them, noting the person or group's goals and suggesting items to The Bookwyrm that may be of interest to them.

Archivists - This division is populated entirely by high-leveled NPCs versed in stupidly-powerful ink- and paper-based magic. These agents are charged with keeping tabs of everything that has entered and left the library, and will sometimes assist Acquisitions and Research agents in their duties (depending on the situation). The Archivists are also tasked with tracking down and executing those who would betray the trust of The Bookwyrm and the Library.

At the head of the organization, there is The Bookwyrm. The Bookwyrm is a mysterious individual hidden by a mask and cloak who approach potential and established clientele with items from the Library that they may be interested in, in order to help achieve their goals... at a price.

Criteria for joining -

None, son. Alignment, other affiliations, past and present do not account for potential employment in the Library. Members will be expected to complete a quest related to the division they desire to be a member of. Upon completion, they will be injected with a small droplet of special ink, which will allow their movements to be tracked by the Archivists, and then welcomed to the Briarheart Black Library.

Founder -

Madison Freebird, The Bookwyrm

Silence Sei
11-06-14, 12:09 PM