View Full Version : P.A.L.E. Peace At All Expenses - Registration!

11-06-14, 01:14 PM

Image by Hysteria.

Peace at all Expenses is a group simply devoted to recreating peace, order, and justice to the world.

- Who Are We?
A group of warriors dedicated to destroying evil for the sake of peace. We live to punish the wicked and help the weak - at any and all costs.

- Why Join Us?
We are one. We are united. If you join us, we will protect you. But you must protect us too. We work as a team, leaving room for social and emotional growth. Our main purpose is to maintain peace in this world. Hate evil? Tired of seeing innocents suffering and dying? This is the place for you. We offer training matches with each other (Citadel or friendly in the training room) to improve our strength and skills in combat.

- What Do We Need From You?
Just as much as we protect you, we want you to protect us. Once again, we are a team. Given so, we ask that you all behave nicely with each other on our grounds. We also require you to do the job we hired you for: vanquishing evil and protecting the oppressed.


Our code is the following:
- Please respect and assist each and every member. We are united, we are one.
- Destroy evil at any and all cost.
- Protect innocents whatever it takes!
- Please keep any private group information private.
- Respect your fellow members, especially your leaders!
- Respect the laws and order of any border you are in.
- You may always have a say in group rules and actions, and you have the right to question, but the group leaders make the final decisions in the end. Your voice will always be considered, but not taken as an order.
- Keep world peace and order at any and all costs.
- You may break any of these rules only when absolutely necessary.


Leadership and Members:
These are the following group member rosters:

- The queen/ king: The ultimate ruler and decision maker of the group. Their wish is their command. They are the one member responsible for group meetings, events, clan wars, everything. However, the person in position do need help from any and all group members.
- The duchess/ duke: The second in command. This person will fill in for the king/ queen when he/ she is unavailable and will always be found helping in the major things a king/ queen would usually face alone. This person is the prime minister, the vice president, of PALE.
- The general: the war lord who handles everything on the front lines of things. Clan wars, new member recruitment (the king/ queen or duck/ duchess also would be able to take recruitment threads), clan spars, you name it. This person does take orders from the king/ queen and duke/ duchess who are working behind the scenes, but this guy or girl takes care of everything in the face of conflicts.

- Warriors: These are the group of members dedicated to fighting for justice with the sword, spear, or wand. They are working on the front lines, doing the dirty work, and representing this entire group at large. They will be the ones to find the most adventure and challenges.
- Spies: These are the behind the scenes folks. They work undercover, gathering any and all information needed to help PALE make the next move. They also will break into enemy bases to aquire enemy plans.
- Assassins: Like the spies, assassins must be stealthy and smart, like the warriors they should be armed with fighting skills. Their main objective is to secretly wipe out anything standing in the way. They can do it by working undercover like a spy, or waiting until it's night out and snipping them down. As long as the job gets done though, all is well.
- Alchemists/ healers: These skilled workers are the ones dedicated to potions, magics, and the arts. They are tasked with making poisons, solving any murder or sickness mysterious, and making healing potions. They should at least know how to defend themselves if the labs are breached, but these guys usually are cooped up in the lab all day. This job might get boring at times, but none the less it is extremely important.


How to Join:
Each and every member will be tested in a fight in the Citadel. How one behaves in combat reflects their true personality, alongside any competitive abilities they have. Also, please fill out this sheet:

Preferred Position (Warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist):
Why you want to join:
Link to profile:


Members List:

King/ Queen: Ashla Rose Icebreaker.
Duke/ Duchess: OPEN! (Position must be earned)
General: OPEN! (Position must be earned)

- Siegfried (Initiation Complete!)
- Sorish Mon Larsh (Initiation Complete!)
- Zeva (Initiation Complete!)

- Gold (Undergoing Initiation)
- Tobias Stalt (Undergoing Initiation)

- Empty

- Leaf (Undergoing Initiation)
- Salem (Undergoing Initiation)

11-06-14, 01:24 PM
I believe Miss Icebreaker and I have some history. I will offer my blade to the cause.

11-06-14, 04:09 PM
Sorish would like to enter your group. He also grants PALE his army for use in any clan war!

11-06-14, 04:47 PM
Apologies all, I didn't have time to add the registration rules before being pulled away for several hours. Thank you both so much for joining, would you be able to fill out this sheet?:

- Name:
- Preferred position (warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist):
- Why you want to join:
- Link to Profile:

Thank you! :)

11-06-14, 04:59 PM
- Name: Siegfried Alfhiem
- Preferred position: Warrior
- Why you want to join: To uphold a justice that is long overdue. Crime and bad will runs rampant all over Althanas. My home, Raiaera, has been plagued, tortured, and oppressed since the days of Xem'Zund. I vow to purify this blight if it costs me my very being down to my core.
- Link to Profile: [Click Here] (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26900)

11-06-14, 05:26 PM
Thanks, Siegfried. Initiation thread will be up soon!

11-06-14, 05:35 PM
- Name: Sorish Mon Larsh
- Preferred position (warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist): Warrior
- Why you want to join: To bring justice to the lands above the sea!
- Link to Profile: Level 3 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27450-Sorish-Mon-Larsh-(3))

11-06-14, 06:02 PM
Is the citadel thread the ONLY way of initiation?

Or can you do some sort of major deed to aid peace (Peace does not come when you force it :)

11-06-14, 06:20 PM
Well, Ashla's mentality is a bit twisted right now...

Actually, for me, a Citadel thread would be the easiest and fastest way to do an initiation thread. However, if you do want an alternative we can talk about it through PMes.

Fox Owen Xavier
11-06-14, 07:06 PM
Just wondering, is the PG strictly for characters who alignments are lawful good? It sounds like that rulebreakers (except for exceptional conditions) aren't allowed and same for characters who don't try their hardest to be 'good'.

11-06-14, 07:20 PM
You don't have to be lawfully good. You could be chaotic good, neutral, or even formally of darkness but stepping into light. Your character doesn't have to be the perfect law keeper. Ashla has a very dark mind right now, and her actions show it. It doesn't matter how you handle evil, just as long as you bring it down. Get what I'm saying? (I bet I confused you more now... :P)

Fox Owen Xavier
11-06-14, 07:58 PM
Well, just asking since I saw you were recruiting Alchemists and I thought of this character (Fox). However, I was reading more about the PG and not sure if it would suit him very well. Fox is kind of neutral or neutral chaotic. He follows laws but if they get in his way and he doesn't see that there are consequences in breaking them, he'll go ahead and break them. As for his views on good and evil, he doesn't really lean strongly to either side. He is really out for himself and he finds that helping others and making allies seem the most beneficial (at least right now). Also, he has a slightly different way of 'helping' others. If someone needs some medicine, he would consider that helping. Likewise, if they need poison for some reason, he would see that equally as helping them.

11-06-14, 09:05 PM
Name: Zeva FlameShadow
Preferred Position (Warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist): Warrior.
Why you want to join: Cause evil is bad... and it needs to be taken care of... I guess.
Link to profile: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27848-Unlucky-Heir&highlight=

11-07-14, 05:46 AM
Name: Leaf van der Terra
Preferred Position (Warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist): Probably Alchemist, though he is getting better as a warrior.
Why you want to join: To bring about peace in the world. Why waste a life in a world of conflict when peace is a possibility? - OOC: Also interesting, want to join as he is Philomel's half-brother and by her appearance into his life is attempting to come to terms with her idea of loving violence and war.
Link to profile:http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27350-Leaf-Father-Piggy

11-07-14, 01:44 PM
Welcome, Leaf! Let's leave your position for after they finish the Citadel initiation, okay? Thanks for joining! :)

11-07-14, 01:51 PM
A note to all recruits: Please accept the invites I sent out for the group's page.

Also, please PM me with any and all things you are concerned about for the initiation battles. If you have any story or setting ideas, I would love to collaborate with you on this.

Thank you! :)
~ Ashla

11-07-14, 01:53 PM
Would our previous encounter in the citadel satisfy my conditions for initiation?

Or do you desire a rematch?

11-07-14, 02:00 PM
Unless you want a rematch, I guess our battle should be perfectly fine. We just finished it after all

11-07-14, 02:04 PM
Fantastic, I will wait until you so require me to go through an initiation thread. :D

11-07-14, 02:13 PM
Excellent. Thank you m'lady.

11-07-14, 02:45 PM
You're welcome, Lye!

I would prefer all initiations to take place soon as possible. Please get to me with any and all ideas soon!

12-08-14, 02:53 PM
We have a good amount of warriors, but all the other slots are blank! Recruitment is still, and always, up!

12-08-14, 03:04 PM
I'll throw my gas mask up for this PG. The Pestarzt is a pretty lousy traditional hero, but any means usually includes the easiest way to get things done.

I'd prefer a warrior, but I can totally work as a very heavy-handed assassin.

Name: Alex Alfons (The Pestarzt)
Preferred Position: Warrior (or Assassin, or whatever)
Why you want to join: To stop evil at my leisure.
Profile is linked in my signature.

12-08-14, 03:06 PM
Name: Timothy Gold
Preferred Position (Warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist): assassin
Why you want to join: You are in need of an assassin and I can just teleport in and out of an area when need be. A trait that is good for an assassin.
Link to profile: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25787-Timothy-Gold-(0)

12-08-14, 03:22 PM
You're both in!

Sulla, you might do better as a warrior, but the final decision is up to you.

Initiation threads coming soon. Thank you both so much for joining!! :)

Tobias Stalt
12-10-14, 04:18 PM
Profile link: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28401-Returned-from-a-World-Away-(Tobias-level-4)&p=240167#post240167

12-10-14, 04:45 PM
Tobias, thaaaank yoooouuuuuuuu! Initiation thread will be up soon! If you have any distinct initiation thread ideas feel free to PM.me or post in our group forum.

12-25-14, 01:54 AM
- Salem
- Alchemist
- Salem dislikes wrong doing not a like a joke or cruel like fun but outright evil doing to another.
- My profile is linked " Points to his left"

12-26-14, 10:57 AM
Welcome aboard, Salem! Please accept the group invite and PM me if you have any specific ideas for an initiation.

12-26-14, 02:40 PM

Please read and reply this discussion on important revisions to the initiation system:http://www.althanas.com/world/group.php?discussionid=70&do=discuss

Thank you!
~ Ashla

02-03-15, 05:58 PM
Attention members,

It's about time we've become more active! Please drop off any ideas on where to begin in this group thread: http://www.althanas.com/world/group.php?discussionid=65&do=discuss

Thank you! I look forward to hearing all your awesome ideas,
~ Ashla

Blessed Wings
02-10-15, 11:48 AM
Hello Ms. Icebreaker. As a Justicar and Spymaster of the High Overwatch, I would like to contribute to your cause. Though some of your methods may be unorthodox, I've noticed an unbalance due to the Crimson Hands. A balance that needs to be corrected.

Would you have me?

Name: Vyrei'thia Adiranna Valentine (Adrianna is fine)
Preferred Position: Spy/Assassin
Why you want to join: To maintain world order.
Link to profile: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28301

02-10-15, 12:04 PM
Jump right in, Wings! Please accept our member invite. I currently have stopped doing initiations for several reasons, so you just have to join the group page as of now.

Thank you for joining P.A.L.E.! :)
~ Ashla.

Max Dirks
02-10-15, 12:10 PM
Name: Max Dirks
Preferred Position (Warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist): Spy
Why you want to join: A long time criminal haunted by guilt seeks redemption
Link to profile: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26055-Dirks-9-0

02-10-15, 12:16 PM
Welcome, Dirks! We've discussed everything in chat, so we're all set! :)

04-03-15, 04:23 AM
Preferred Position (Warrior, spy, assassin, or alchemist): Spy
Why you want to join: I am currently exploring Alignments and finding which one suits my best interests. I see fit that PALE is the one that I best fit under for this particular side of the spectrum of Morales and guidelines. Along with I wish to offer my Abilities to those it may or may not be needed.
Link to profile: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29147-Zelrius-Vesuvius-Morgan-(or-M-)-BlackFyre

04-03-15, 06:14 AM
Welcome aboard, Zel! Would you please join us here? http://www.althanas.com/world/group.php?groupid=34 It's where we hold our group discussions and information. Thank you! :)

~ Ashla.

04-29-15, 02:14 AM
I hearby resign from PALE.