View Full Version : The Lily, The Guild, The Ladies' Guild, The Gilded Lily - Recruitment Page

11-07-14, 08:59 AM
Officially the Group is called the Gilded Lily Inworldly and the Ladies' Guild Outwordly. See below for explanation.

Background and History:

The Realisation:
When Philomel van der Aart was twenty-seven years of age, she discovered the truth of the world. The truth that no gift is ever brought on a silver platter, and for one to gain what one wants, one must seek it it out and take it for oneself. Althanas is a harsh, brutal tragedy, where almost all people own a knife of some kind and have even minor skill in cutting open a throat. Whether it be for pure defense or for the purpose of wrecking havoc, violence is never a step away.

The Power of The Ladies of the Night:
This is no more worst seen in the many brothels across the face of the regions, where man and woman alike seek to gain a night's peace from the violence from a tender night with a Lady of the Night. The goodwill and optimism of Althanas rests almost souly in the hands of the prostitutes who gain a living through others belief in love. It is the best prostitutes who give the most fake belief in love, and of those in the cities Philomel van der Aart is perhaps one of the most famous, as the Faun of Radasanth.


This Power Group, loosely in conversation called "The Guild" takes place on two levels, officially, what we call Outworldly, and unofficially, what we call Inworldly.

In the Outworld, i.e. the public face of the Guild, the name of the Guild is known as the Ladies' Guild.
In the Inworld, i.e. the inner workings and true face of the Guild, the name of the Guild is the Guilded Lily.

Goals and Purpose:

The official purpose of this Guild is to connect the prostitutes of the world, and give them the recognition they deserve for the power they hold and what they do for the 'good' of Althanas. The secondary official purpose is to create a structure of connections from city to city and region to region, to protect these ladies from any unnecessary violence and create a community of like-minded individuals, hence the secondary name, the Ladies' Guild.

These purposes are what the Ladies' Guild hold to on a public face, and if asked any member of the Ladies' Guild shall speak of.

Inworldly, the Gilded Lily is similar to a superb spy network of the ultimate fashion. Its ultimate purpose is to create a web of connections across the face of Althanas, of which no other can defy. Whores, being what they are, are privy to perhaps the most revealing of secrets that could tumble empires, and by using these to the best use the Gilded Lily will obtain power. Other purposes that the Guild can be used for are to be rid of any people getting in their way of power, for minor assassinations when the Crimson Hand, for instance, cannot perform. Anyone contacting the Gilded Lily, who has a particular problem, is able to hire their services in order for spying and/or assassination, though the Gilded Lily aims to work with other Power Groups, until they gain enough power for their Ambition.


The Ambition of the Guilded Lily is ultimately to reveal itself as a power able to defy that of other Power Groups, for example, Sei, that of the Ixian Knights, of governements and other particuarly world-dominating societies. It will create a safe haven for any whore, focusing on that issue of its Outwordly purposes, and also form a global power, infiltrating every city and region for the safety of its members. Its purpose is information, and its ambition is to create the most powerful spy network in Althanas.

It also has an ambition to seek alliances with other Power Groups, especially those of similar nature.

Location and Head Quarters:

The Guild is located purposefully in brothels. This is where the main scope of Guild members work from and inhabit, being themselves mostly prostitutes or respected clients. Expansion of the Guild will work from brothel to brothel through cities.

Currently the Guild is centered around Radasanth. The burnt remains of the Lucky Tiger is rumoured to be the original birthplace of the Guild, a brothel which burnt down around a year ago. Now the Guild is partly run from the Fire Hall of the All-Religious Cathedral. Behind the walls of the garden, where this Hall is situated, is a public house and brothel, by the name of the Sultry Satyr, where rooms are currently being rented for the purposes of the Guild.

The idea is, however, to eventually own our own ship which will be a Head Quarters, and a portable one. It will be Althanas' first portable brothel. The Matriarch herself is currently working with the Black Sails Armada and aiming to rise through their ranks to purchase such a ship. Once purchased it will run within the Black Sails' rules, but will hopefully be independent (negociations to come).

Leadership and Membership:

The Guild is organised into a series of "levels". All Levels and positions are able to be claimed by male and female members alike, apart from the position of Matriarch.
One must prove themselves as an ordinary member before claiming the title of Lord or Ladies' Maid.

Outworld Note:
From an Outworld appearance the members of this Power Group are mainly operatives of a communication aspects, ones who wish to have the protection of the Ladies' Guild, or those who believe in the purpose of the Ladies' Guild and want an active part in helping with this. They can act as escorts, as information carriers and as activists.

The Levels:

The Head:

The Matriarch:

The Matriarch is the Head of all operations within the Guild. It is her duty to keep the Guild together and to guide them in wisdom. It is also her purpose to be an active member of the Guild's operations, in being a whore herself and taking part in riding the Guild of any problems. For this she can send others to get rid of particular problems.
Ultimately, the Matriarch is the one authority in the Guild, for both the Ladies' Guild and the Gilded Lily. She stands firmly above the rest, and when the Head Quarters ship is completed will be the Commander of it - not necessarily the Captain but the Commander in name and action. She is also the public face of the Ladies' Guild and so must be skilled in acting.

The Ladies' Maids:

The Ladies' Maids are the two direct realms of authority under the Matriarch. They likewise must be knowledgeable in the world of brothels, or a skilled and practised in this world. Their duties are in carrying out the orders of the Matriarch and making sure order is kept within the Guild. They also have a duty of joy to bring to the members of the Guild, to keep up the spirit of them. Their purpose is to assist in the organisation of the Guild, and they themselves act within the realms of the Ladies' Guild and the Gilded Lily as second in commands.
They are divided between the Ladie's Maid of Blood and the Ladies' Maid of the Bedsheets. One is in charge of the Warrior and Mercenary army and the Escorts of the Guild, and the other in charge of the Informants and the Advisers.

The Backbone of the Guild:

The Advisers:

The Advisers are made up of favoured clients of the whores and also close allies who have clear purpose to be of benefit to the Guild. Their purpose is to be of advisery roles and also to act as ambassadors to and from various brothels across the face of Althanas.
They are also required to have some form of expert knowledge; this is where healers are requested to apply as well as bookworms and people of wisdom.
They are headed by the Lord of Advisers.

The Informants:

The Informants are essentially the spies of the Guild. These are the standard whores and the biggest group of the Guild. They are the every-day prostitutes who seek an active role within the Guild and wish to serve a purpose. Their duties are to pass information from brothel back to the Head Quarters, anything that might be of benefit.
They are headed by the Lord of Information.

The Warriors (and Mercenaries):

The Warriors and Mercenaries make up the army of the Guild. Though not necessarily a purpose in itself currently, the aim of this level is to make a series of warriors in times of needed violence. This includes the proper teaching (not killing) of any client of a whore who gets too violent, any person who commits rape on a whore, no matter what the circumstances, and serving as a loyal member of the army. When this gets to the extent of a murder needing to be committed an especially trained assassin from the Escorts will be called. At times of need Mercenaries also will be hired, but until such time as an entire army is needing to be called the Warriors will stand as guards and the muscle behind the Guild.
They are the headed by the Lord of Warriors.

The Escorts:

The Escorts are perhaps the widest level in terms of skills and purpose.
They are the entertainment sector of the Guild, acting ultimately as a distraction for the true purpose of the Guild to go undetected. They act part-time as informants also, and are also able to be warriors if they so wish, but their purpose is to keep the Guild looking as the Ladies' Guild and not as the Gilded Lily. They are also the secret assassins of the group, the secret keepers and the persuaders.
They are headed by the joint Lord of Secrets and the Lord of the Bothersome, who are in charge of keeping the secrets of the Guild and assassinations respectively.

General Rules:

KEEP the secret of the Guild. The Outworld name is the Ladies' Guild, the true Inworld name is the Gilded Lily. Any revealing of the name by a member of the Guild to a person not deemed trusted by the Head will result in punishment of that member.
LOYALTY to the Gilded Lily is necessary, but we do accept members who have membership already in other Power Groups. The reason for this is because the Gilded Lily wishes to make connections and alliances, hence the role of Advisers accepts those who are allies.
RESPECT your elders in the Guild. Those above you are your heads. If you have a complaint about the Guild itself, you are welcome to make one to the Lord of your Level, however, it may not be taken in friendly kind, or maybe, depending on what the complaint is.
NEVER rape anyone. If any member of the Guild is found to be raping a woman or a man, whether they be a whore or a member, they will be hunted down and punished forthwith.
WHORES are not dirty bitches to be abused. If you find a person abusing a whore then please notify your nearest Lord or Ladies' Maid. You then have the authority and the duty to take the whore under your protection, this includes times of rape especially. Depending on the situation and the wishes of the whore then you may take them to another brothel to establish themselves or bring them to the Head Quarters where they will be protected.
FAILURE to keep these rules will result in punishment via the Warriors and/or the Escorts, depending on the severity of the crime.

After Note:

There exists the figurehead, the totem and the ultimate familar of the Gilded Lily. This comes in the form of an Earth Spirit in the guise of a fox. His name is Veridian Ryuusan, and he is to be respected above all. Failure to do so will result in probable death. If he dislikes you, also, upon meeting you, you will be disbanded from the Guild with no further explanation.


Use the form below:

Positon desired:
Link to page (latest character update):
Reason to join:


Current Roster:

The Matriarch:
Philomel Serkana van der Aart

The Ladies' Maids:
Lady of Blood:
Lady of the Bedsheets:

The Advisers:
Lord of Advisers:

The Informants:
Lord of Information:

The Warriors:
Lord of Warriors:

The Escorts:
Lord of Secrets:
Lord of the Bothersome:
Escorts: Lady

11-07-14, 10:58 PM
Name: Lady
Positon desired: Escort?
Link to page (latest character update): HERE (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26719)
Reason to join: I've never really had sisters. It would be nice to have a family. Plus, I have somewhat of incurable addiction for... very niche activities. Perhaps I could call this place home?

11-08-14, 07:35 AM
Lady, welcome to the Gilded Lily.
Your request for position as Escort has been approved.

I will try to figure out how to make the Power Group thing work...

Requiem of Insanity
11-08-14, 12:02 PM
The Cult of Blessed Torture would like to offer a white flag and olive branch to speak with your leaders about forming a union between our two groups. In exchange for access to your information network we will offer muscle for any deal, clients to plump your coffers, and enough resources and sway in the global world to establish your two feet.

We pledge the Dark Daughters Catherine and Aerith to assist you in your journey.

After Sin
11-21-14, 03:46 PM
Name: Kushina No
Position Desired: Lord of the Warriors, Warrior, Informant, Escort.
Character: Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28277-Kushina-No-Scarred-Shinobi-of-the-Hebi-Clan&p=238722#post238722)
Reason to Join: I have recently lost my previous Matriarch, the emptiness I feel inside is overwhelming. I posses an aptitude in your line of work and desire to show my skill in both combat and closed door operation. The values of this modern world mean little to me, may my steel serve you well.

11-21-14, 05:59 PM
My dear Kushina No.
Welcome to Althanas, firstly, and secondly, I would love to have you on board as one of our ladies.

This Guild is still in something of its infant phases, but it would be good to get you into an initiation thread, having Kushina meet Philomel. The ship, the Fiesty Fox, is the official Headquarters of the Gilded Lily, and this usually lies anchored in a cove on a small island near Radasanth. Seeing as you are Akashiman, and the Matriarch herself is of Radasanthian origin, a good introduction should get us started.

Lady, would you be interested in taking part in the initiation thread also? It will be short, with a small piece of combat and a introduction.

For now, Kushino, if you are undecided about which part of the Backbone you would like to be part of then we can figure it out during the initiation. Being a Lord of a group will come at a later time, when you have proved your loyalty to the Gilded Lily.
For now, however, accepted.

After Sin
11-21-14, 07:05 PM
Yes Madam, if you would be so kind as to start such thread ill be more than happy to participate.