View Full Version : Bite Down On This.

Zack Blaze
11-07-14, 04:46 PM
He waqlked into the store, though it was more fashioned out to be a gym. On each side were his guards, dressed in their black suits and making sure the criminal did not get far. As if the handcuffs were not enough to hold Zack Blaze. The fighter approached the counter to the gym-shop, walking around the boxing ring and punching bags in the process.

At the counter sat a trim young an in a wife beater tank top. He was busy curling a weight in his arm as he looked to the warrior, his jaw nearly dropped at the appearance of the notorious degenerate.

"I've heard that this place specializes in custom fighting gear," Zack said, "I've also heard that you can enchant said custom gear for a bit of an extra fee. If this is true I require three mouth guards. Two made to fit human teeth, and one to fit the teeth contour of a tiefling. I'm assuming just by looking at me you know who I am, so you probably know that I can pay you handsomely for this. Oh, and also, I need a price on how much it would cost to make all three mouth pieces to create a human sized shield around itself that nullifies all poisons and diseases."

Quentin Boone
11-09-14, 10:41 PM
"Zack Blaze. In here. The boss won't believe it!" The young man put the weight on the floor beside him and leant forward, placing his elbows on the counter. He moved his left fingers against his right thumb in a complex pattern while his eyes drifted towards the ceiling.

After a couple of minutes, his fingers stopped moving and his eyes returned to meet Zack's. "For the mouthguards, you're lookin' at fifty each. The extra protection won't be cheap, though. We can work in a couple minutes' protection for three fifty. These things aint easy to work, ya understand?"

He scratched his nose idly then added, "Any longer, the price gets pretty steep."

The enchantment will work for two minutes, or three posts, whichever is sooner.

12-04-14, 04:29 AM
Closed. Please PM someone if you want to move it back (I know your threads changed so I assume this is no longer needed).