View Full Version : HEART (Registration)

Miss Relt
11-09-14, 12:25 AM

HEART is a new group that was made specifically to help others without asking for anything in return. Korra saw how many people suffered on land. Until now her main goal has always been to find Sorish and bring him back to become king. Now that he has taken up the role she now looks towards helping those who need it the most. However, she knew she would need help to do so. That is where HEART came in. She created HEART in order to build teams to help those who needed it most. She has quite a few commoners working for her, but the more famous adventure seems lacking. She hopes that many would join in her cause to help those who need it the most.

To save as many lives as they can whenever disaster strikes

There are multiple purposes for HEART.

To provide relief in a natural disaster zone.
To find and rescue any missing person, especially children.
To provide food, shelter, and care for those living in poverty.

Headmaster - The Headmaster is the one that leads the group and decides what the policies are for different situations. She is also the one who officiates teams as well as monitors the other Masters. She also takes up the position of any EMPTY master slot.

Requirement: Handed position by previous Headmaster.

Humanitarian Master - The Humanitarian Master hands out Humanitarian Missions. These missions usually consist of going to a city and opening or helping out at a HEART Center where poor people can eat, sleep, and even get medicine. There is usually a new one of these missions daily so anyone who takes this spot will probably be working overtime for it.

Lots of time on their hands
Team Captain
Picked by Headmaster

Search Master - The Search Master hands out Search Missions. Search Missions are where you search for a missing person. These can sometimes get violent, especially when it involves a kidnapping. It is also the second most popular Mission Request.

Lots of time on their hands
Team Captain
Picked by Headmaster

Relief Master - The Relief Master is the one who hands out Relief Missions. These missions are where you go to a disaster zone and help the people there as much as possible. This usually means feeding them, getting them clean water, helping the rebuild their homes, and even remove bree. These missions only happen once in a while.

Lots of time on their hands
Team Captain
Picked by Headmaster

Team Captains - The leader of the Missions, The Team Captains must be good at organizing and commanding their team. They get to choose their team and what missions they go on.

Must pass the Team Captain's Exam given by Headmaster.

Recruit - All other members are Recruits. They do as the Team Captain says and are the ones that get chosen by the Team Captains

The Code

We are the HEART, we circulate aid for the mind. Come to us if one is missing and feel peace knowing we will find them.
We are the HEART, we circulate aid for the body. Food and shelter can be found in our doors.
We are the HEART, we circulate aid for the soul. bring us any troubles and we will help solve them.
We are the HEART, without us many will die. We shall give relief to those struck by disasters for they are in great need.
We are the HEART, we shall bring the waters of life!

IC Rules

No starting wars. If there is ever a war it shall be because we were attacked first.
Bring down any kidnapper for they do not deserve our mercy.
Help those in need, anyone who ignores the needy are scum. This group is all about helping. Even in your personal quests, helping those in need is a must.
Help your teammates, If your teammates need your help with something, help them. You are all their for the same reason, helping them is helping yourself.
Try to complete missions as efficiently as possible. It must be thorough and quick for we have many lives to change.
Respect Team Leaders, they have been chosen for a reason.
If in another group, use your position to help others.

OOC Rules

Always give the code at the start of each HEART thread.

Miss Relt
11-24-14, 09:11 PM
Complete... Sorry for the wait.