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Tobias Stalt
08-20-16, 12:13 AM
Now then, since this has been stagnant for a while and we want to boost activity, we'll start up a nice new auction for the masses!


Reddish orange bled over the Dehlosian marketplace as the vendors cried out their last ditch efforts to draw in buyers. The more doubtful salesmen huddled around the darker corners of their tents and waited for the surge of window shoppers to pass before they emerged from hiding. Their wares were not for gawkers. Men and women sifted through the stalls like sands through an hourglass. The last vestiges of daylight ebbed away.

"Ah, my friends," called one of the shadier vendors as he emerged from his stand and approached the stragglers of the group. "Come, come, I have something to show you. For the right price, this can be yours..."

He pawed at a tightly wrapped, elongated object carefully before he slowly unraveled its bindings and unsheathed the skillfully crafted weapon for inspection. The silvery blade shimmered faintly in the eventide, reflecting the gentle song therein. "She came to me a fortnight ago, but I have no need of such a thing. I would love to see her in the hands of a skilled swordsman, but the gold is admittedly more important. Such is the life of a merchant, no?"

The merchant quickly slipped the weapon back away before anyone could touch it, then glanced around knowingly. "For you lot, I start bids at 500 gold. Have fun and keep it friendly, efendim."


Stygian is a Mithril longsword crafted in time immemorial by a Raiaeran swordsmith who's name has been lost to obscurity. In addition to it's natural fortitude and innate mystical proclivities, the blade holds a deeper enchantment that was sung into its craft by one of the ancient High Bards.

In darkness, it glows with a faint light that provides the bearer visibility within teen feet, and faint light outside of that for another five. This cannot be stifled.

Its song resonates from deep within, and those with magical training or understanding can hear it if they concentrate. It can be invoked thrice a day/thread by utterance of the word "nightfall." Doing this will cause anyone who has been struck by the weapon within the past ten minutes to become intoxicated by "the darkest night," a nightmarish evil from Elvish lore. This state causes them to lose their wits and become thrall to the bearer of the blade for twelve hours. They will obey any command short of something that directly endangers their life.

Happy Auctioning, Althanians.

Do I hear 500?

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
08-20-16, 01:03 AM
Shinsou rarely took any interest in blades outside of those crafted by Telgradian hands, but when rumours of Stygian's pending auction began to circulate the former emperor found his attention to be well and truly stolen.

It was a Mithril sword, one forged by the elves of Raiaera. Its properties were said to be legendary; those that could bear light for the wielder but plunge its enemies into the deepest of darknesses.

A truly special weapon.

"600 GP"

Shinsou's bid came without hesitation.

It was time for Enpera to have a partner.

08-20-16, 07:56 AM
Oh, that looks pretty.

And, more importantly, useful.

Not to mention, far less... permanent than some of my other toys.

I raised a gnarled finger into the air. "Seven fifty."

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
08-20-16, 09:28 AM
"1000 GP".

Shinsou raised his hand. He wanted that sword. Whether he paid for it now or jumped someone later was just a matter of course.

08-20-16, 10:18 AM
"Twelve fifty."

If I can't have it, I'll make whoever does get it pay out the ass for it.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
08-20-16, 12:13 PM
It was becoming a bidding war. The tug and push of the bids was getting the gathered crowd excited, but months of Brotherhood pay would see Shinsou put in his brute force bid.

"Fifteen hundred and fifty."

All in, baby

Gnarl & Root
08-20-16, 12:51 PM
Considers raising hand to go all in.

Decides not to. Sits quietly.

Tobias Stalt
08-20-16, 08:24 PM
"I hear 1,550," the merchant rubbed his hands together greedily and his rotted teeth glimmered with light enough to mistake for dawn. "Do I hear any other bids?"

(I will leave this open for another 24 hours, or until another bid is made. If that happens, consider the timer reset.)

Tobias Stalt
08-21-16, 08:13 PM
Alright, this auction is officially closed!

1550 Gold to be removed from Shinsou Vaan Osiris! Congratulations on your shiny new elven blade!

I'll have another item up soon for all you auction goers! Save up that gold and stimulate our economy!

10-02-16, 07:20 AM

"Stone Edge! A sword crafted from a mysterious stone found deep within the Twilight Mountains. Always cool to the touch, Stone Edge offers some a unique magical advantage to balance it's 'rock-hard' body! But beware! This is one tough mistress!"

Stone Edge
A slate grey long sword marked with an intricate geometric pattern down the middle. The mysterious stone material used in its construction is as hard as titanium and always cold to the touch. The longer the blade is drawn from its sheath the more energy it amasses. Beware however, this blade does not suffer fools. If this blade is drawn too long without drawing blood it will punish the wielder. To fulfil this requirement, Stone Edge must be the cause of the blood being drawn, either from the blade or its abilities. The time and effects are:
Post 1: Nothing
Post 2: Stone Edge can shoot two quartz (steel strength) arrows in quick succession from its tip with the force of a crossbow bolt.
Post 3: If no blood has been drawn, spikes of stone the same strength as the blade burst from the grip, impaling the hands of whomever is holding it. If the spikes fail to draw blood they will stay out until blood is drawn. The additional effects and post count of the blade are paused until this occurs.
Post 4: Stone Edge can shoot five quartz arrows in quick succession.
Post 5: Stone Edge fires two dozen arrows into the air at a target within 100 metres. The arrows arch through the air quickly and come down in a ten metre circle around the target. This only works if there is a fifteen metre clearance above the wielder and target.
Post 6: If no blood is drawn in post 4 or 5 a dozen arrows are fired from the blade at the wielder. If these arrows do not draw blood, the sword will become extremely heavy and unusable for three posts.

"Shall we start the bidding at three hundred gold?!"

10-02-16, 07:21 AM
"300!" shouted Talen

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-02-16, 11:51 AM
"Five hundred!" Shouted Shinsou

10-02-16, 06:22 PM

Silence Sei
10-02-16, 07:03 PM
"Two Thousand GP!" A voice rang out from the crowd, its source is a single cloaked figure.

10-02-16, 08:11 PM
"Thaynes dammit..." muttered Talen as he sunk into his seat.

ha! fantastic :p

Tobias Stalt
10-02-16, 09:24 PM
"Gods below," Stalt murmured as he heard the blade described in detail. "Color me entertained..."

The lifeless eyes of a mercenary obsessed with wicked weapons flickered as he considered Stone Edge, a wry smile on his pale features. "Twenty one hundred," he called out evenly.

10-03-16, 06:33 PM
Jack took a moment to wipe away the tears of joy that had sprung into his eyes. He choke back his voice, managing to strike his gavel.

"Two thousand, one hundred for this beauty going once!"

I'll leave this open for another 42 hours unless we get more bids.

Silence Sei
10-06-16, 06:31 PM
"Two thousand two hundred and thirty." The small cloaked figure rang out.

10-07-16, 06:09 AM
Jack brought the gavel down, cutting off the cloaked figure just before the offer was made.

Sorry Sei, the 48 hours is up. I'll post another sword for you shortly!

Tobias Stalt receives Stone Edge!
Tobias Stalt is deducted 2100 gold!

Please link to this post (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28224-The-Auction-House&p=268486#post268486) as proof of purchase.

10-07-16, 07:59 AM

“Fancy yourself a romantic? Perhaps looking to steal some hearts?” Jack roared to the auction house, “Well look no further!”

Sword of Hearts
The Sword of Hearts is an immaculate creation by some long dead elf. All that is known about him is his penchant for creating weaponry emblazoned with ruby hearts and giving them to those he fancied. The sword’s golden blade is an alloy of mythril, maintaining the metal’s hardness while turning it a brilliant gold colour. The SOH has one ability, made to defend those the elf cared for.

Heart of Glass – A giant (see-through) ruby heart appears in front of the wielder, as strong as mythril the heart is three times the size of the wielder. The heart lasts three posts, or until it’s shattered and can be used once a day.

“Start the bids ladies and gentlemen! 300 gold!”

10-07-16, 08:00 AM
"310 gold!" shouted Talen.

10-07-16, 08:07 AM
(Someone's been watching Stephen Universe)

"Five hundred," I said while lazily raising my hand.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
10-07-16, 09:23 AM
"Seven hundred and ninety five" Said Shinsou cautiously as he scanned the area for any rich, hooded bastards.

Cards of Fate
10-07-16, 01:28 PM

Silence Sei
10-07-16, 05:04 PM
The girl cursed under her breath at the butterfly that distracted her from her goal. The next sword seemed adequate enough, however.


10-10-16, 06:03 AM
"Going once!" shouted Jack.

42 more hours for bids! If a bit occures in the latter 24 hours of that time period, another 24 hours will be added!

10-12-16, 04:50 AM


Silence Sei is deducted 1000gp!

Silence Sei receives the Sword of Hearts!


Sword of Hearts
The Sword of Hearts is an immaculate creation by some long dead elf. All that is known about him is his penchant for creating weaponry emblazoned with ruby hearts and giving them to those he fancied. The sword’s golden blade is an alloy of mythril, maintaining the metal’s hardness while turning it a brilliant gold colour. The SOH has one ability, made to defend those the elf cared for.

Heart of Glass – A giant (see-through) ruby heart appears in front of the wielder, as strong as mythril the heart is three times the size of the wielder. The heart lasts three posts, or until it’s shattered and can be used once a day.

Please link to this post (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28224-The-Auction-House&p=268530#post268530) as proof of purchase!