View Full Version : The Lover

11-11-14, 06:18 PM
Okay. Here it goes.

Philomel has a pretty knife. Its a steel keris dagger, about two feet in length and has a wavy blade.
It is called the Lover and has been the final stroke for most of her assassination kills.

I would like to get a quote, if you so please, of enchanting this dagger so it returns to her hand, wherever and whenever she calls it. I don't even know where enchantments begin with this one.

After that, just to get a quote, mind, how much would it actually be to enchant the edge of the blade so it burns (mild burns) whenever it touches flesh?

As a last resort, how much would it be to upgrade this beauty to something harder. Say, like plynt then I can set the thing on fire.
Oh then I would be looking to install some sort of flammatory device into the hilt ... Like a tiny tinderbox.

Its either that, or the fire enchantment. Which would be cheaper?

Further note: Please do not rush this. I do not need it right away, I am just looking to upgrade it.

11-14-14, 08:09 AM
For the returning-to-hand enchantment, it'll be 150 GP.

For the burning enchantment, it'll be 250 GP

For upgrading it to Plynt and adding a tinderbox mechanism, it'll be 225 GP, which is cheaper than the burning enchantment. :P

11-14-14, 08:15 AM
Oh ho ho !!!

I will take both, my dear gentleman;

That being, the enchantment to make it return to the hand, and the conversion to plynt.

By my calcualtions ... that comes to 375?

With the tinderbox mechanism, I am looking for it to be tiny, with a pistol-like catch (trigger thing) under the crossbar of the hilt to make it go on fire. Does that make sense, or would something else make more sense?

11-14-14, 08:44 AM
Nope, sounds fine to me. 375 GP it is, then?

11-14-14, 09:00 AM

take my money!!*throws money*

11-14-14, 09:44 AM
*catches money*

375 GP is to be deducted from Philomel's account.

11-17-14, 10:23 AM
GP Deducted from 562 to 187.

Enjoy your "lover".

Please link thread where necessary.