View Full Version : Part one of a new look.

The Muri
11-11-14, 06:56 PM
I plan on giving Kaida a new outfit, but the plain clothing I plan on getting as a spoil. Meanwhile, there is some cosmetics that could provide armor protection in combat, so...

Could I please get the price for if I sell:

a single, large, iron plate for her right shoulder which covers all the way down to her elbow of which she took up from her father for her “ultimate battle”. The entire thing is strapped down by Velcro. She also has an iron plate for her right arm that covers the lower back hand all the way up to her elbow.

iron plates for her ankle, lower legs, and knees which she also inherited from her father for her rising time.

And what would the prices be on for,
- One artic leather jacket.
- Sleeveless, steel chainmail and shirt short skirt that can be worn under other clothes.
- Steel lower leg and feet plates?

Thank you! :)

11-14-14, 08:06 AM
You will receive 210 GP for trading in all that iron plating.

I assume when you say Arctic Leather Jacket, you mean normal leather lined with fur, and not Arctic Beast Leather? If so, 75 GP. If Arctic Beast Leather, it'll be 450 GP.

The Chainmail Shirt will be 225 GP

The Steel Plates will be 300 GP.

The Muri
11-17-14, 12:41 PM
I ment the Arctic Beast Leather.

I'll sell the iron plates and get the leather. Between the strength of iron and steel was it? I'll take it! I'll also take the new steel leg armor. This all comes down to 750. (707 + 210 = 917, so that leaves me with 167 GP... unless I did the math wrong, as always...)

11-17-14, 06:21 PM

You sure you wanna do this?

The Muri
11-17-14, 06:53 PM
Yupperoo! After slaying more threads I'll get the chainmail (and other things xD)

Go on ahead with the transactions! :)

11-21-14, 07:15 AM
The Muri receives 210 GP for her sold items, and is to have 750 GP deducted from her account.

11-21-14, 01:52 PM

Link where needed.