View Full Version : Episode 29 - I'll Edit This Later...

Enigmatic Immortal
11-11-14, 08:19 PM
In this week's episode we explore why Proof Reading really should just be a thing we all do, the power groups and their current state, and let the Sass-o-mancer give Paul un-ending hell for every tiny thing he gets wrong. We answer some questions, we bicker and argue, and in the end we somehow give you a show to remember! Please remember Jensen Sempai notices nobody.

Enjoy this week's Althanas Community Radio Episode 29 - I'll Edit This Later... (http://althanas.com/world/podcasts/ACR%2029%20-%20I'll%20edit%20it%20later...mp3)

EDIT: I apologize guys, breaking in a new Mic is hard, and I may be silent in some areas. :(

11-11-14, 08:32 PM

No periods allowed in filenames, except for the one (1) that goes before the mp3 bit.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-11-14, 08:39 PM
I'll edit it later

Silence Sei
11-11-14, 08:44 PM
How much is it again to buy the SS OTP (One True Podcastomancer) or the SS To Spite Paul?

11-12-14, 12:35 AM
PAUL ... the opening song!! :D

I love Flufflepuff!!!

Roht Mirage
11-12-14, 09:57 AM
The Pagoda opens up after so long... and Bloodrose is spotted.

Ohmygod! He was locked in there the whole time! No phone. No way to call for help. Only thing keeping him going was the thought that, "Tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, management will stop by and unlock the doors. They'll find me and I'll finally be free to live and run and eat things other than dead Pagoda combatants!"

Then, one day, the door finally opens. Zack Blaze is silhouetted against a heavenly pane of light. He says, "Sup. I just bought this dump. I didn't buy some old homeless man, so get out."

Silence Sei
11-12-14, 10:18 AM
Best. Explanation. For. What. Happened. To. Bloodrose. EVER!

Enigmatic Immortal
11-12-14, 02:59 PM
I agree

11-12-14, 11:10 PM
Karu what are your problems with the Pagoda? The world demands to know.

11-14-14, 05:16 AM
To remember the difference between Your and You're I always re-read it as 'you are'.

You are sword was XX
Your sword was Tick!

As for There, their, they're, 'They are' is useful but otherwise I just try and remember that 'their' is a plural posessive and there is a place. Its THERE! THERE is no hope!

There was a town
Their town was
They're part of the town

Their town, the one they're from, is over there.

I also now read my posts allowed after Karu shammed me into doing so after our battle.

In regards to the Red 6, Pav and I have been talking about getting some stuff moving again. I've jumpped into the Battle, if we get a HQ, then it will indeed be active :p

The main issue is that the Crimson Hand and Red6 were very similar.


P.A.L.E. seems like the good guy gone bad. They start out with noble intentions, but when they've started executing everyone who has thoughts of dissension, then you'll see them for what they really are.

A few examples would be the Absolute Justice Navy in One Piece who think it is better to destroy a whole island than let a pirate escape, or Magneto in the Xmen movies who thinks killing a few people in order to save the world is fine. Generally they follow a black and white moral code which can drive them to make heartless decisions in order to achieve the outcome.

Two phrases pop to mind, the first is 'The end justifies the means' and the second is 'Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.'

Max Dirks
11-17-14, 09:04 AM
Her problems with the Pagoda are probably mine as well.