View Full Version : Injury To Insult

Silence Sei
11-12-14, 09:09 PM
Concordia forest was strangely quiet. The peacekeepers of the country, the Ixian Knights were busy doing everything they could to drive out the sinister and evil forces that lived in the sea of trees. Under the renewed leadership of Anita, Emma, and Ella Orlouge, the IK was quickly becoming the go-to guard for the nation of Corone. Sei Orlouge, the patriarch of the three sisters and by proxy the ‘father’ of the Ixian ‘family’ made sure to still oversee their activities on occasion, just to make sure they did not stray from his initial vision of nine souls vying to save Radasanth.

The orange haired Mystic just so happened to be on the castle grounds today, more accurately in his chambers. In the weeks following Kyla Orlouge’s defense of Eiskalt the mute became less hands-on with the soldiers that were once his own. He started directing questions that were once meant for him towards his girls, and even the other Eight Generals of Ixia followed orders from the ‘Daughters of the Dragon’ now.

Sei looked out the window of his room that oversaw almost the entirety of the castle grounds. One of the Monster Hunting Team’s Regiments were practicing their archery skills in the courtyard. Sei could see each individual straw on the training dummies as they flew off from the impact of an arrow. Oreo Jones, one of the higher ranked soldiers on the Monster Hunting Team was the one issuing commands to ready, aim, and fire. The irony of a blind man able to teach those with vision was not lost upon the telepath. Then again, this entire army was once led by a man who could never properly ‘speak’.

The view even encapsulated a lot of the green of Concordia Forest. He could see the birds as they dived into the tops of trees to perch as well as the same leaves as they swayed off the branches into the distance. Of course, Sei Orlouge possessed vision far beyond that of a normal man, and he could even notice the termites in specific pines as they munched away at their days meal. Nothing could escape the ever watchful eye of the youngest Orlouge brother.

So then it came as no surprise when the strategist saw a familiar figure start to approach the castle, his eyes widened. The figure seemed to be making a bee line for the open castle gates, his fists clenched as if he held some sort of grudge. Sei quickly sent out a message to the mages that worked the magical barrier that protected the castle grounds ever since the Night of Debauchery.

“LOWER THE GATES, NOW!” he ‘screamed’ to his men.