View Full Version : Dashing With the Cold...

11-19-14, 05:18 PM
... With a one, fully awesome blade.
Towards the kill we go.
Slashing all the way!

Hello! Like my song? xD No? Aw, okay... Could I please get a pricing for this enhancement on my damascus broadsword?

- The blade is naturally cold. When touched, or when it touches something else, the feeling is freezing like the snow.

Also, another check

- When the blade slices through someone's skin, their entire body lowers in temperature to 36 °C (97 °F).

Thank you! :)
~ Ashla

12-02-14, 11:00 AM
Might you be able to link me the thread in which these were purchased?

Also, I would consider the enchants to be one in the same. Cold to the touch, but lowers the core temp of the afflicted by 1 or 2 degrees if cut.

Find me the original thread and I will get you a price.

12-02-14, 08:16 PM
Here's where I got my mighty sword: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27007-(Price-Check)-Oh-Boy-New-Toys!&highlight=

Also, I was putting the enchants as seperate ones due to price. If one was too expensive I could always go for the other, however I can take your suggestion. Combine them and let's go!

12-02-14, 08:41 PM
Well, for the enchant combined, it's 925 GP.

For the original, the first is 463.

The second is 925.

The first one literally rolls into the second one. I would imagine if it cut you and lowered your body temp, it would also be cold to the touch. Unless we're talking some kind of poison here. Then you'd have the poison effect to lower body temp & the cold to the touch enchant. In that wording they would be two additions and the total would be 1,388 GP.

Just trying to save you some coinage.

12-02-14, 08:51 PM
925 GP... wow...

I'll have to save up some money, the P.A.L.E. initiations and one or two quick solos should do it. Given that'll take forever, let's close this thread until I get the ka-cheen for this?

12-02-14, 09:04 PM
You got it gurl. Just link this guy when you want to make the purchase.

No transaction made.