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View Full Version : A Salvar Thread

11-20-14, 02:27 PM
Hey everyone.

I feel like I'm working too much on a solo, and when I thought about a new thread to start it came to mind that I could do a precursor to the solo I'm working on... but I don't want to write alone. Lol. Time to get some community involved if you're interested.

So, what I have in mind (and this is open to change however necessary to get a person or two involved as long as the end result works its way into my solo):
Ranger is a prophet of the Thayne and I'm going to kill him off and resurrect him. I was trying to think of why the Thayne would allow him to die. Trying to make something logical with mythology on Althanas can be a headache. Hah.

What I came up with is that gods tend to have streaks of jealousy and anger quite often in myths of ancient times often enough that I could try that. Maybe Jomil (who's up in Berevar) has a bit of an area in the far North of Salvar that she thinks of as hers, more or less, since it's so close to her home base. V'dralla - the beautiful sister goddess who Jomil in envious of - has a priestess/follower in the North of Salvar. As a result a small mining hamlet/village is caught in the middle of the sisters. Jomil withering the vegetation to punish the people for accepting V'dralla... V'dralla bickering back with an earthquake and a disease (Rot Eye) because people favor or fear Jomil more.

Basically want to maybe try and get some sort of understanding between the two sides (the priestess' of either goddess) so that the town isn't harmed anymore. Cure and heal the sick, bring back the vegetation, and then have Ranger start the journey to Icehenge in Berevar where the solo I have is going on.

Any idea's that help flesh this out, or maybe change it so it flows/works better as a story are appreciated -whether you'd like to join or not - and any interest to potentially join in would be great! =)