View Full Version : Peace or War?

10-03-06, 10:35 PM
A couple general questions, but if you get the gist I am trying to convey, then maybe you can expand on it maybe and start a real discussion here.

Most books include fighting somewhere in the book, yes, of course. The majority do. How many books, that are good, do you find are emphasized on the battle itself. I'm not talking about war books here, I am talking about books that their entire plot line depends on slashing through hordes of nameless monsters simply for the sake of describing a character fighting. Seems more like an egobooster then anything else.

Okay, that was a bit of a cut, but fortunately I have read that few Althanians do exactly that. Yet, close enough, I have random threads on Althanas in the Crystal Ball and found every single one geared towards the same thing: fighting. Battle is an everpresent motif of Althanas and I think it might have some inner-rage problems becoming evident on the side of the members. New rules of society kenning in the fight half of flight or fight.

Besides the point, again. My question is, why is Althanas based around fighting. I understand that it is designed as a "harsh and uncivilized world filled with monsters" but that doesn't help me much.

I would like to make a character that isn't designed around the level of ability he has to be able to smash an orc's skull in. I have great ideas for one, with to the thankful guidance of those whom have given me advice so far refining it into a plausible character, but I wonder if the society created here almost requires him to either have or eventually receive 'powers' or fighting skills of some sorts.

Whilst, mind you, much much less than half the population of any world, any era, any "harshness", doesn't know how to fight.

Please, do not take this in offense, it is simply my opinion so far. If I am wrong and someone can shed light on what I have missed, please do so. There is still valid questions to be inferred from what I have asked, and would kindly put forth a request for some answers, if you so please.

10-03-06, 10:44 PM
I totally agree. If you want any inspiration, I reccomend Frank Herbert's dune. Not a whole ton of fighting, really. The entire series is geared around politics and economics.

As far as "why is althanas based around fighting," it seems that's simply one of the easiest genres to write about. We play video games where there is fighting. We see films in which there is fighting. The fighting doesn't have to just be violence. It can be symbolic. It can actually mean something, apart from the parties involved.

10-03-06, 11:01 PM
Hulk Smash!!!

I'll leave out battles since I really find that I don't like them.

I think you're overreacting to fighting being the heart of all stories. It's true that it's common since it is the most basic of conflicts and the easiest to portray so it is common that it's the most common. But most members have stories beyond hacking and slashing. There are love stories and intrigue, though political intrigues tough to do without stepping on the toes of the Region writers. Yes fighting is the most common but it isn't as bad as you say.

10-04-06, 12:03 AM
Yeah as Ithermoss and meow said, not all are about fighting, its just what comes easiest, me, I like to add in things such a comedy, random ninja attacks and such, i dont like things to be too serious unless that is the point of the story im trying to convey. on the other hand a long while back, i think it was like 2 or 3 years ago i had a very extenuous love story going on as well as a number of political and exploration stories. there was fighting but it was maybe a paragraph or two long at most.

10-04-06, 12:18 AM
My ongoing solo quest storyline, generally speaking, addresses the question of why violence is so important on Althanas, what that means for the individual, and how they cope with it.


Max Dirks
10-04-06, 01:11 AM
Many of us are taught that stories take a general form in middle school. There is an introduction of the characters, development of a conflict, a climax and a solution. Perhaps fighting/violence is the easiest way to convey a conflict as it sets clear boundaries between the protagonist and the antagonist.

You'll be hard pressed to find a story without a conflict on Althanas, but there are still plenty of non-violent ones if you look hard enough. The others provided good examples of where to look for them.

Cyrus the virus
10-04-06, 05:25 AM
Winter, there's really no reason for you to feel pressured to give your character any combat abilities whatsoever. Even just having some insight or attention to detail would add a lot to a typical questing group. He could always stand back while the others had their fun.

There are a lot of quests with no fighting in them, but this is a fantasy setting. When we think of that, we think of swords, magic, and dragons! That's all I'm here to write about. Nobody's forcing me to do it but me.

10-04-06, 06:24 PM
You all have very good points.

Ithermoss; my stomach squeled with joy when you mentioned my favorite saga. You stated first, though not any better than anyone else, what the general theme of the answer became. You made me understood, and everyone else emphasized it with their own opinion and personal experiences...except Leopold who seems to have absolutely no say in this thread at all...*annoyed*.

Cyrus; You are right, nobody is 'making' me make my character fight, but I didn't think many people would ever recruit a character who isn't made for fighting. I feel like I am getting picked for a basketball team, the weakest one being chosen last and everyone groaning when I get forced onto their side. That never really happened, per say, because we didn't have unwilling sports in my school but you get the point. It isn't being forced, just pressured.

Would an alchemic character as the one I am planning truly be any use when confronting the hordes of the dark? What good is a few herbs and wisdom against brutal unforgiving violence? Okay, those two weren't really questions, here is the question I am asking you Cyrus, would anyone 'recruit' me for their threads if I wasn't a battler?

Vampiric Angel
10-04-06, 06:46 PM
Okay, sorry to answer the question for Cyrus, but I wanted to add my two cents.

I agree whole-heartedly. Although I am an fantasy action fan at heart, I also have a love for traveling and sight-seeing. I've even thought of making a character that just traveled the world of Althanas and took notes on what he saw. Like a The Last Samurai thing, just with no massive battles. Writing in a journal of what he observed. Of course, you have to think of your readers as well, so I would add a little spurt here and there where he's getting attacked and he tries to run away.

But the point I'm trying to make is that, Althanas is a place for people no matter where you turn that's all you're gonna get. So to it's core, Althanas encourages the abnormal, or the 'non-battler'. Just because someone isn't good with a sword doesn't mean they aren't good with their brain, which is in fact another form of weaponry.

So I'd say yes, PGs would recruit a non-battler if that battler had something to offer that made the PGs wet themselves with excitement. Of course that was exaggerated but you got what I meant. An alchemist would be even more valuable. Being able to make different potions, or melting a big hole into a cell wall to escape would be awesome. So I say you just make you character and let the people think what they may. Because no matter what, you'll still have readers.

10-04-06, 07:00 PM
That was very uplifting, thanks.

10-04-06, 09:10 PM
I've had several non-combat characters in the past. Things like a child, a minstrel, a healer... you get the idea. While having a character without any fighting skills does tak away slightly from the Althanas experience (due to our battle forums, Theatre of War and tournaments), it will force you to be extra creative while roleplaying with all of us battleheads.

I use this character (who is primarily an h2h fighter) to develop the theory and thinking processes of the martial arts which I practice in real life. The truth is, almost anything can be done on Althanas. I once had a character who could turn into water vapour. The best plan is to give your character traits and skills you will enjoy writing about.

10-04-06, 09:41 PM
You all have very good points.
Would an alchemic character as the one I am planning truly be any use when confronting the hordes of the dark? What good is a few herbs and wisdom against brutal unforgiving violence? Okay, those two weren't really questions, here is the question I am asking you Cyrus, would anyone 'recruit' me for their threads if I wasn't a battler?
I think more people would want you because you're not a battler and it makes for interesting reads when there's more than just fighting and an alchemist would be awesomely useful in many situations and fun to play. Heck some of the best fantasy writing has little to do with violence, though if you want a good example of what a noncombative character can do in a blood thirsty fantasy world, check out Magic Kingdome for SaleSold! It shows a lawyer who gets a magic kingdome and must use his wits to claim it when he doesn't have the power to force the people think when that's what they are used to listening to.

There have also been some good non-combat characters on Althanas, I really like Damon's Pop Cult REf character who had no combat abilities at all. They were fun reads and worked well with althanas.

Cyrus the virus
10-05-06, 06:34 AM
I'll answer even though it was answered already. I can't resist responding to things that have my name in them, seeing as I'm incredibly vain.

Simple answer: Yes, people will still recruit you. Once you've been on Althanas for a while, you get this motivation, so to speak (maybe willingness) to bring along different characters during your adventures. I can imagine that some new players might turn you down because they want to slay some goblins, but just about all the high level folk would love to have a non-fighter along. It makes for creative quests.

I personally find it fun to stick 'weak' characters into sticky situations.

Believe me, Althanas isn't focused on battle as much as people say it is. People often can't resist throwing in a few duels, of course, but that doesn't mean a non-fighter is worthless.

10-05-06, 05:13 PM
Thanks you guys. I'm going to be posting a profile sometime soon. This has helped me get over my worries.