View Full Version : Gilded Lily Inititation: For Your Entertainment

11-25-14, 07:40 AM
Closed to After Sin and Lady.

It was dark night. The black clouds of a stormy Radasanthian sky had long since rolled over, with the sunless horizon showing the dull moon as a lonely orb. Firelamps lit the highways and the streets of the aristocratic sector and the rest was left to whatever light they could find. Public houses and restaurants had their own ways to bring brightness to the dark, and a few groups of walking fellows had a mage amongst them to give a flame or two. What was not surprising, however, was that the best well-lit part of the entire city was the heaving Red Light District, where many of the brothels were situated and a certain faun was standing in a street with a small young boy, gazing up at the sky.

With her hand on his shoulder, Philomel stood by him, smiling as in a patch of unclouded sky a comet whizzed past. She raised her arm, and pointed at it. The youg boy's eyes moved, looking over and he pulled his lips back in a grin, revealing nothing but three rows of large pointed teeth. A passerby stopped for a moment at the sight of the two of them, staring at the boy's face, before hurrying over to the other side of the street and running past. The faun-whore just ignored him, slowly lowering her arm before speaking.

"Is it not beautiful?" she murmured.

The young boy closed his mouth and nodded.

"Yup!" he agreed quite happily, "I love it! But shame about the clouds."

"An oncoming storm on a shooting star night," Philomel chuckled, "How marvellously ironic."

"But still beautiful," the boy agreed, tilting his head.

They waited a few minutes more, but no more comets blasted past the Althanas atmopshere, at least in a space that was visible. Looking back to the street, and then to one another, the two of them paused for a moment before shrugging.

"So brother says you are looking for recruits," the boy finally said, continuing the conversation.

Philomel nodded, removing her hand from his shoulder. She moved it to her waist, where it wrapped around the hilt of her only current weapon on her, her keris dagger. Her eyes washed over the dirty blonde hair, the red lips, his pale skin before settling on his heterochomic eyes. He blinked, first the red eye and then the white, looking so similar, yet so different to his half-human half-imp half-brother Felix, whom she had long for so long.

"I am, Elias. The Lily must bloom."

The imp-demon smiled at her, reaching out to gently take her hand. He carressed it underneath a cold finger before turning and starting down the street. Philomel followed with him, somewhat eagerly, always willing to be with the small young boy who was already so intelligent at only seven years of age.

"I think there will be some luck in these houses," he said, looking at the brothels as they passed. "Each one has rooms of desperate ladies and hungry men, of broken hearts and crying souls. I can hear their tears and feel their heartbeats as they call out for recompense. In there," he pointed a finger to a red-lit second floor room, "There is a married man having an affair. In there," he pointed to an attic shrouded in a strange white mist, "There is a mage losing his virginity. And in there," he pointed down the street, to a quieter and smaller brothel, where only one old woman stood outside, breasts full on show. "There, there is a peace that no one knows yet, but that you might be able to manipulate."

Philomel raised an eyebrow slightly, keeping pace with his small bare feet. Her smile drifted across her face from ear to ear and she looked straight at the quiet whorehouse that was simply entitled, WOMEN.

"Peace is often where we find our biggest enemies," she told him, "And where people with the saddest, most desperate hearts lie."

"That is very true," Elias agreed, sensing her desire to head there. "That is very true. Who knows what type are so desperate as to go there."

The idea from here is for you to introduce yourselves. In the brothel called "Women" there will be a rape, soon, that Philomel hears about and she will set about bringing the perpetrator to justice. It would be great to have Kushino and Lady help with that.

After Sin
11-25-14, 01:42 PM
As Philomel walked up the brothel a shadowy figure lurk upon the roof top watching her. Golden eyes piercing through the ever expanding darkness of this cloudy nigh; Kushina stood atop ‘Woman’ keeping the peace, protecting the whores. She moved her hand cross her breast and then onto the hilt of wazashi poking out of her kimono.
Never seen a faun before, she thought watching Philomel eye up her brothel, her sisters. What may she be after in a place like this.

Kushina reached into the folds of her kimono grasping at two shuriken. She would never kill a woman in cold blood-

“Come here you little bitch!” a man yelled as he grabbed the young girl’s hair pulling her back to the bed she just jumped up from. She was screaming for any kind of salvation from this moment in hell.

She was a pleasure girl, a whore by any other name.

“No!” She yelled praying for anyone to help her, for anyone to even hear her. The man reared back his fist then punched the girl in the face.

He just broke the first cardinal rule of the Akashiman brothels. Never touch the girl’s pretty face…

From the shadows of the room the moon reflected against a pair of piercing red eyes. “Now that was a no no…” a sultry voice whispered from the shadows just loud enough to catch the man’s attention. He turned and saw the demon eyes now intently glaring at him.

As quick as a strike of lightning the man’s head was severed from his body, and the demon eyes vanished. Never break the rules when around a Kunoichi of Clan Hebi.

Kushina was like any other kunoichi, she protected the lives of all whores and woman alike. Might this faun below fallow the same path as she? Might they meet?

All in time, all in time.

11-29-14, 02:49 AM
OOC: From here we are just going to go you and I, After Sin, as Lye is a little busy to use his alt, Lady. He will join when he can.

As they approached the front door of "Women" Philomel gave a kind smile to the old whore at the front. She coupled it with an incline of her head, and moved her hands from her weapon to cup them in front of her billowing blouse - though the cloth did hide a half-breastplate of dragonscale armour beneath.

"Greetings, Madam," she faun-whore said with a polite tone to her voice.

Beside her Elias pressed his lips together, knowing better to hide his devilishness before scaring off a possible ally.

"I am the Nightingale, of the Sultry Satyr. Who are you if I may ask?"

The grumpy old prostitute stared at the faun and the imp, for a moment smacking her lips together before shrugging and lifting her tankard to her mouth. Grunting she swilled back what remained in it before slamming it on the table next to her and drunkenly shifting to her feet.

"This ish myyy spot, young hot-thing. These folksh be mine, okay?"

Philomel rose from her bow, a soft smile on her face. Her eyes glinted with a deviousness that only Elias saw, but else she exhumed a power of promising gentleness.

"Of course, Madam," she replied, "This is your place, as the Sultry Satyr is mine. I am wondering if you know of any other young ladies who come here? I am not working tonight, as you can see," she gestured to her unrevealing clothing, "And I promise no compeition in that area."

"Ach, your too pretty notsh to wantsh to come 'ere and steal our men," the whore grumbled, falling back into her chair. There was a clear look on her face that said 'despair'. "Aye there is another younger woman, but shesh muches prettier than me." She hiccuped, sadly. "So I, Matilda, will not be in work for muches longerrr. Poorr Matilda. Poor, poor, Matilda."