View Full Version : Paw Prints of Blood

The Muri
11-28-14, 12:37 PM
Closed to LycorisX.

"Yes! Battle! The excitement! The thriiiillllllllll!!!"

A seemingly... not normal... girl ran head first into another door at the Citadel. Blond hair, partially dyed dark blue. She wore a(n artic) leather jacket. As well as a short, pink, slightly fluffed skirt she had over grey leggings. Boots plated with steel clunked against the Citadel's stone floor, the girl carried a backpack and various weapons for disposal. And last, but certainly not least, she wore a smirk on her face that said nothing but determination...


Well then, who will I be facing today? A wizard, a toxic genius, an elf? I was so excited! Yet another Citadel battle today. I was so happy...

At first, the arena felt cold against my skin, then slowly a world developed around me. I loved the Citadel not only for the fighting or revival after death, but for the arenas. Creativity was at hand here, the mind controlling the matter. I so anticipated on what I could blindly come up with this time. It was, it was...

... "Cuteness!!!"

I was standing on a giant platform colored light blue, shaped* like a paw. All around, oh it was so precious, stuffed kitty and puppy toys! I could have raced right over to them and squeezed every stuffed toy of cuteness, but the sound of footsteps caused me to sharply turn to face who would be my opponent.

11-28-14, 01:09 PM
Vindlyn walked towards the citadel chamber with slow, confident steps. She had heard of the citadel and been intrigued for the chance to test her mettle against other with practically no real risk. It would be an excellent way to train her abilities she was sure.
She walked into the pre-prepared citadel chamber… and stopped dead still.
Was all she could think as she surveyed the scene of her coming battle. It was a gigantic light blue… paw print. A gigantic paw print littered with what appeared to be stuffed animals.
Why would somebody want to have a battle her? She wondered if she accidentally had been put into battle against a small child or something. A very immature child at that, she had certainly never bothered with such foolishness when she was young.
She finally noticed her opponent; she did look like she was older than ten at least. Her hair was dark blue and she had a ridiculous wide grin on her face.
“So you are the one I am supposed to fight” Vindlyn stated coldly. Refusing to be anything but utterly calm and collected in case this was some sort of bizarre ploy to get her to be caught off guard.

The Muri
11-28-14, 07:05 PM
I smirked at my new opponent. A white haired woman with light blue eyes. I instantly slipped my hand into my throwing knife pack and pulled out one of my five, serrated beauties. I twirled it with accuracy and speed in my nimble fingers, still trying to get my mind off kitties and trout. "Yup! My name's Kaida Lacey May." Like the awesome person I knew I was, I leaned on one leg and pointed my free thumb towards myself. "Aka, 'the Jet.' A pleasure to meet you. Ready to fight? Great!"

I snapped into position, pulling my knife behind my neck and aiming towards my opponent with perfection. With all my arm power, I threw the knife towards the woman... just then realizing I never got her name.

Eh, who cared? The fight already began, right?

11-28-14, 11:15 PM
The strange girl went from smiling to throwing a knife at her at frightening speed, leaving Vindelyn just a split second to throw herself to the side and barley dodge it. She could feel the air current of the weapon pass her cheek.
Well, seems this was going to be interesting after all.
She called up an illusion of a ring of fire around the girl, Kaida she had said her name was, and threw an ice spike at her aimed for her chest.

The Muri
12-04-14, 05:22 AM
Fire... The fire was all around me. It was odd though, I could see it... yet I couldn't feel its warmth. So caught up I was in fire, I barely caught a spike of ice fly through it with ease. In my excellent agility and speed, it took nothing to snap away from it. As the ice flew away, I decided to test something out. It was odd how a fire was going, yet the ground wasn't scorched. It could have been the odd physics of the Citadel, or...

I pulled my hand down to my skirt and pulled a small piece off, I threw it in the flames. It didn't burn. Nothing but an illusion, huh? What of that ice spike though? Was that real, or had I dodged nothing? I instantly knew though that I'd have to be careful here...

I looked up at my opponent, standing at the other side of the fake fire. To avoid any more confusion, I guessed I should just plow through her first. I pulled out my greatsword Calcator with two hands off my back. I turned the chainsaw function on. I would only let myself have one shot at this. One fail to slice and dice her with Calcator I would switch to other methods. Shouldn't waste energy on trying to get to another speed fighter like that, if she was one...

12-08-14, 02:43 PM
The girl ducked the ice spike with worrisome speed but the fire illusion startled her. Not wasting a moment Vindelyn called up a spell of invisibility and quickly stepped aside, leaving an illusionary copy of herself in place. It seemed she would have to get close to this strange girl to have a chance at hurting her.
Her illusion had come up not a moment too soon, as soon as the girl figured out the flames were illusionary she leapt out, brandishing a frankly ridiculous large sword and swung it at the illusion. Of course, it had only been an image and the sword went right through it.
Seizing the opportunity, Vindlyn called up massive illusionary ice spikes and let them rain down over the entire strange arena. Seeing the girl distracted she then swung her own, far more elegant, sword at her.

The Muri
12-09-14, 07:34 AM
More incoming icicles at three o'clock! But were they real or fake?

For now, I was able to easily dodge them up until I reached my opponent. Here came the plowing...

I blocked one of her blows she threw at me with her own sword. With the ice still falling around us, I snapped into action! I threw the block off, having plentiful skills with my sword Calcator. I then threw several swings at the illusionist, each one aimed to maim her before she could throw another illusion at me... wait, so the ice spikes really [I]are]/I] real, or no?

This entire thing had me confused...

12-09-14, 08:51 AM
Her opponent was getting confused, good. She was obviously skilled with that gigantic sword of hers and a lot stronger and faster than she was. Therefore, Vindlyn slowly retreated bawards, fighting defensive while constantly sending illusions of ice spikes and fireballs at her opponent. They would keep her too distracted with dodging to take advantage of her greater speed and strength, hopefully.

Vindlyn was tiring however from the constant use of magic while sword fighting as well. Obviously, she needed to train more at multitasking. At the moment she needed a way to get her opponent even more off-balance. So she started a second type of illusion spell, one entirely mental, and staring straight into her opponent`s strange purple eyes she threw a charm of confusion and aggression. It should augment what she was already feeling and so go undetected, giving Vindlyn a better opportunity to seize the initiative and strike for real.