View Full Version : Secrets Are Deadly and Some Should Never Be Found

11-30-14, 11:06 PM
Salem was on the rode once again. His at best spur of the moment idea had turned into a long and dreadful long and twisted rode. Walking about on road just outside of the city limits of Ettermire. Salem had spotted a trading post just just up a head. Hearing all sorts of conversation happening. He did speak the elven language although he was not completely great at understanding all dialectics that seemed to change from region to region; but he did okay.

the metal and stone mix of gravel like roads seemed odd but what did one except from the outskirts of Ettermire a city of outstanding tech and metal made contraptions always rushing about. No wonder it made its way into the environment.

As all this spun its web of thought in his mind as he took it in; Salem had been walking closer and closer to take a gander or two to see what there was being sold.

Using the common tongue because he was fairly sure even a dark elf was able to understand him with his line of work being a sells men. Salem spoke up as he eyed the first of the two dark skinned males saying hello as he eyed their wares. Oddly enough their was bits and bops he had never seen before. A few different gadgets he did know of as well. As warlock he did not like technology.

With his hands rested in the enter pocket of his hoodie as he fingered his golem figurine that looked like a toy to most. He Smiled as the host of the post told him of his wares and other bits. This metal made shake begun to disturb him the longer he stood here. He didn't want to start a show but he wasn't sure how to bring up " In a long list of pictures I have that made money off my family so long ago". The guys scare on his right cheek gave away what thought as well...

"So what are those?", He pointed to the tin of random pieces of metal of random objects much like charms. He could feel the slight bit of magic radiating off them. " Just bits of jewelry, those bracelets everyone likes.. ya those things" was his reply. Salem didn't have time for this.

And he was abot to make a fool out of himself and maybe even a wanted man but his cause was worth in his mind. Releasing a minimal amount of magic into his golem he threw it from his pocket to ground. And out of no where he yanked up the elf with his right hand and with his left releasing his wizard flame with his left. " YOU SOLD A COLLECTION OF OLD LEATHER BOOKS ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO WITH THIS CREST ON THEM", adjusting his right hand to show his ring with his family's crest. It was actually funny because he didn't look all that tough. Salem's attire was mostly a lazy persons type of dress. With his sweat pants funny looking yellow and black shoes and a black and yellow hoodie. This wasn't one of those I'm a one bad dude, more like a scrawny kid look.

Wouldn't you know it at that exact moment Salem got decked. As the other male tried to run off luckily his golem standing at roughly seven foot tall made of solid stone. Dumb as a box of rocks but still helpful in a time of need. "Look I have a friend or two on the way and they are much better at this sort of thing than I am, plus I would like too get this over with."

12-01-14, 04:08 AM
“Books. Bloody books. Why the hell am I looking for books?”

Hu Tian, Private Investigator extraordinaire, stared upwards. She was not sure what time of day it was, but she felt ready for bed. Since she woke, she had trawled the alien streets of this otherworld in search of a series of tomes directed as her next source of income.

“For him,” she hissed.

Continuing on through the smog of Ettermire, Hu folded her arms across her chest to try and fight the cold. At the back of her mind, she identified the various things she would need to purchase with her finder’s fee. A cloak. A thicker blouse. Perhaps some boots. Her heels clicked ominously against the metallic platforms and gangplanks that bore her closer and closer to her destination. A book shop.

“Excuse me,” she asked a passer-by.

The disgruntled dark elf shunted her to one side, snarling with disdain for anyone but himself. Hu repeated herself in common, until she realised she was speaking English. The many dialects of the world she was in were a constant source of frustration, even for her.

“Oh, sorry,” she corrected herself in elven. Though she had yet to master Aleran, the elf immediately thawed to her presence. “Where can I find Silurian Grey?”

The wanderer pointed back the way he had walked, along a street bristling with like-minded zealots and xenophobes glad in brown, soot, and sadness. The street broke open into a square at its end, the gateway to which was two tall cog work towers, steaming odiously, propping up the overhead railway that carried coal from mine, to furnace, to factory.

Hu looked back to her aid, but he was long gone into the teeming masses. She frowned.

“Thank you, elf-sama,” she said begrudgingly.

She continued on, blue satin dress resplendent amidst the drabness. When she rose, her skin was unblemished. Now, her nose was soot stained and her cheeks blackened. If she did not reach the book shop soon, she would wind up in an accidental disguise. The only thing more unforthcoming than the thought of scrubbing herself red in an iron bath was the meeting to follow with someone she was quite certain was a psychopath.

12-01-14, 02:09 PM
Ioder walked on a long strip of road just outside the town on his way to meet up with a comrade he hadn’t seen in some time. Alfe Acordia a dark elf whom Ioder had recruited into his personal army he had sought to rise some time ago. Alfe was on strict order to travel back to his home nation and seek out others whom he trusted to further bolster the ranks of Ioder’s guard. But since the last time Ioder and Alfe talked and discussed business Ioder’s ideals have changed.

“It must be just up here under the-” Ioder caught himself talking to no one… Was he feeling nervous to meet Alfe once more or was it to disappoint Alfe that made his insides churn.

Ioder was clad in his now trade mark leather jacket with his beautiful white wings resting through the slits of its back. His Damascus full arm gauntlet on his left arm and his bladed gauntlet equipped to his right, if one was to deal with dark elves effectively one must look the part.

Then the Seraphim arrived at the spot Alfe marked on his map, written were the words ‘Under the Oak Tree’. Alfe was anything but cryptic as there was only one solitary tree on this stretch of road yet Ioder didn’t see his friend. Even as Ioder arrived under the shade of the tree there was no sign of Alfe or anyone for that matter.

Alfe this better not be a joke. Ioder thought to himself after waiting the better part of an hour sitting against the base of the tree. You know I don’t play… Ioder thought now getting frustrated with his correspondent. Farther down the road there was a rundown trading post where Ioder could see a few people coming and going like any trading post. May perhaps anyone there might have seen the elf he was looking for.

After picking up his stuff he had just thrown on the ground Ioder began to walk towards the trading post just as one man started to attack the trader. Even from his distance Ioder could see that the man in yellow meant business and it would be good for the shop keeper if no stepped in. So quickly Ioder jumped up and his wings pushed him into the air; flying into the heat of trouble like he always did.

Ioder got to the scene just as the man in yellow received a punch to the face and the shop keep began to run. Ioder landed right in the middle of the group of men and golem that had been summoned. Ioder forced all the dust and light gavel into the air as he landed making a slight dust cloud around the group.

“Hold!” Ioder said as he drew his bladed gauntlet and pointed it to the man in yellow and in is other palm grasped a glowing sphere of light magic aimed for the shop keep and golem. “What is all this about? There is to be no needless blood shed here.” Ioder said as his arrival must have startled the group.

12-01-14, 07:34 PM
Salem was losing control of this encounter. Its not that he didn't plan on his tactics or lack thereof causing an issue. Honestly he could had just burned the other to nothing but a crisp and been okay with the outcome. However, the situation got even more so weird; as someone dropped in out of nowhere.

Debris flying everywhere; rocks and dirt smacking him in the face. The guy looked like a walking light bulb just a bit. All that was missing was a back drop of shadows and bam you a have angel on a Christmas tree. But reality struck as he heard the new comers words, “What is all this about? There is to be no needless blood shed here.”

“This SNAKE sold my family’s grimoires”, actually Salem knew it was mostly not a underhanded deal and probably bought and sold them fair and square not knowing that they were stolen in the first place but oh well. None the less nearly all elves know of his family because of their shared history and most are not a fan of his family in the least. Who can blame a race for feeling used when they are killed for the magical essence of their blood that it mixed into human wizards.

“Here, this is my issue he spoke”, as e pulled a record of sell from his pocket along with a black and fold up photo. The bill of sell stops with him. Pointing at the dark skinned elf. “AND HE … is refusing to actually tell the truth of where my belonging are”. A bit shaken up and losing his cool. Salem had to calm himself before he started sounding to much like a child, but in truth he was barely older than a teenager.

Looking at the newcomer with a bit of vengeance. He sized the newcomer up and the first impression was that no one would jump in a scrap of multiple being without the mindset that he could hold his own even at such odds. Salem couldn’t help but still like at the wings though. They were odd not in a way that he would shun said person for his appearance Salem just never seen anything like them.

Salem’s mind keep going back and forth from the newcomer and the task at hand finally getting to the point that his curious nature would have to wait. Releasing his flame but the not allowing his golem to drop the other elf yet. Showing manners is one thing but just rolling is not something he would do. He couldn't Salem had made too many deals both far and wide after he found these priceless books. His future as a warlock depended on it.

12-03-14, 05:17 PM
Now Ioder was no fool, he already knew Salem must have a lot riding on this situation. And why wouldn’t he? The seraphim lowered his bladed gauntlet as the warlock quelled his flames, yet his light magic still readied to fire and destroy the golem.

“I understand…” Ioder mumbled softly. Salem leaned in further as if he didn’t hear.

“What was that? And anyway why are you interfering with use this is of no concern to you?” Salem lashed out with his tongue. He was still cautious as he sized up Ioder.

“But you may not go around and simply do as you wish!” Ioder said louder making his orb of light shine even brighter aimed at the warlocks Golem. Then he moved his aim to Salem himself. “I will not allow any blood to be spilled. Release him now!” Ioder said and this was to be his last warning.

Salem studied the angel for a moment before saying anything back. “Will you simply allow him to go free?” The warlock said.

“No, he owes you an explanation for his deeds. And after ward you may decide what is done to him.” Ioder said being as fair as he could. He would lower his magic as Salem released the man.

12-04-14, 11:36 AM
Salem with a nod showed he understood the gest of the reasoning behind the newcomer’s words. Inside he was actually laughing but on his face there was nothing. With a stern nod to the elf that did mean busy about wanting the truth and nothing less but he would not speak onward about an already known fact. Salem would kill the elf if he lied or at least if he believed such as well. With a brisk wave of his hand the Turk released the captive.

Standing there with a showing persona about himself of calm body and sound mind or as much as he could must at this point. He would listen hear what tell was about to spew forth form this being. Truth being told that he had no idea what was about to be said. The story could be as a simple as selling his family heirlooms at a sold yard sell to getting rich being auction… However; he was gifted in language and not just of the spoken words but Salem could also read ones actions from body gestures as well and would know of the truth when he heard it.

“Huh… That’s a myth”, he said yet Salem received no reply.

The hound hunt as it is referred to as such. Every true warlock or head of the family once the coming of age and put to vote was to undergo a task that could get him killed. Salem is to leave Alerar to wilderness were he would conduct a spell known as the calling. No one could hunt a hell hound but summon them from the depths of the underworld. And then you would be found not the other way around. Salem would have to take on the said beast only to point of defeat and no more. Taking a single viel of blood and no more. This acting as a right of passage to every head of the family.

If the one chosen was successful that he or she would have access to their family’s grimoires along with the other three family heads because yeah there are four in his family. Salem never understood why but whatever. Anyway, there it was. And with that he given a map and a list of instructions. After all was said Salem stood dumbfounded.

“Bull Shhh….”, Salem actually could not prove that he was lying, yet it felt unreal. But after hearing the tell being told from the elf as he paired this information with every scrap of knowledge he had of his family; he didn't really know how to take it.

This was only something he heard as bed times stories like all Astraga children. He pulled from his person a map. Watching as he unfolded it section by section. As he was told tells of the Astraga line and birth of true wizard’s fire. Thinking yes, yes everyone knows that wizard’s fire is an additive base of magic that causing the drastic change what they don’t tell in their stories is about the black magic that is required to learn and obtain said gifts. By using the blood of said beasty in order for the ritual to happen.

Salem only had one question after all was said and done. Looking to the new guy, “ What do you make of all this”?

12-04-14, 01:19 PM
With intrepid and cautious steps Hu advanced down the street to her objective. Head held high, she carried herself with conviction. She had been in Alerar for only a week and yet had learned that self-belief was everything in a country of sycophants and egotists. She grew up in between the aristocracy of London’s elite, and the slums of Chengdu. ‘White Cloud’ would not be laid low by sneers and jeers.

The shop front was a welcome respite from the steel backdrop of Ettermire. Colour crept into the city between bulwarks as varied in their shade of drab brown as their size and purpose. Steam hissed from vents innumerable elsewhere, but here – trade and prosperity and antiquity reigned supreme. Hu had to admire the window display, for what little her knowledge of its contents was worth.

“Not too late to turn back Hu,” she said to herself. Her voice was chipper, but her heart, hand closing on the doorknob, fluctuated. Her initial impression of her client was haunting her common sense.

She turned the handle.

Her immediate gut instinct was to step back away from the shop and run. She did not know where she would run to. When the door came to, she appeared to have interrupted a conflict, as ever she did. In the course of her duties Hu often ‘stumbled’ into things the people of Shanghai would rather she didn’t.

“Err, hi?” she said hesitantly. In the last of the day’s radiance, she appeared almost angelic. When she stepped into the shop, too late to turn away, she darkened. Her dress, dancing in a dark sky’s colour and her satchel took on a mantle of sincerity and seriousness. Her eyes were all that remained of her radiance, and she added a smile to her glowing pupils.

“I have good news, sir,” she said. Her knowledge of how to speak in a fantasy world were limited to Game of Thrones re-runs and The Lord of the Rings fan fiction. Her grasp of the elven tongue was poorer still. “Would you care to hear it?” She glanced at the others in the room, and then back to her client.

Green Gwendolyn
12-09-14, 07:05 PM
I'm so sorry this took so long!

Alerar was a dangerous place for a high elf. The dark elves loathed them with a passion... So why was Gwendolyn Stormhollow, a young high elf, here?

If there were two things she cared for more than her life, it was one: her cousin Ashla, two: the Trading Company. Her home was in the TTC, she was willing to do anything for them... even go into a natural enemy's territory.

Yes, "Gwen" was here on official TTC business. What business that is is not for untrustworthy ears, thus shall not be stated yet.

The cloaked elf looked down from the top of a building. She watched as a short fight broke out of nowhere. Gwen was here for a reason, but she had to wait until the noise died down.

Suddenly though, she was forced not to wait. It was here she had to jump down. A skilled user of stealth, the high elf remained close to the walls and shadows until no attention could be seen on her. She pulled her blue cloak over her ears and walked out into the open. Her bow and arrows were hidden under her cloak. Her knives were hidden in her usual spot and her slingshot was slung on her belt. The elvish girl attempted to sway away from the crowd... but then recognized an old client.