View Full Version : The Fool: Where the Journey begins

Cards of Fate
12-03-14, 10:22 PM
It was another boring day for Vincent Cain, or so he thought. At six AM his alarm clock screeched to life forcing him from his dreams into reality. At Seven ten he arrived to work ten minutes late to find his mother in the arms of a man who was not his father. At seven thirty he gets in a fight with his mother over what he had seen and cancels his dinner plans with her. During his lunch break he gets another college letter denying his admission. At this point he is numb to the disappointment that would usually follow, he hears his mother crying in the backroom afterwards. He spends the rest of the day hiding among the shelves of books in his mother's store and pretends to stock them, in reality he's avoiding her gaze. He thinks about the revolver his dad left in his inheritance slightly but pushes the thought out of his mind. By seven in the evening his mother tells him to go ahead and clock out, which he does without saying a word to her. He places an order for pizza on his way home and picks it up leaving a larger than normal tip because he thinks the girl behind the register is cute, and then heads home for a lonely night of pizza and mountain dew. I've had worse birthdays he thinks to himself as he drives home listening to the radio. He has no idea whats waiting for him. As he steps out of his clunky Toyota into the cold winter air he pauses for a moment, letting the cold sink into his bones. Of all the things he had grown numb too this is one of the few sensations that reminds him that he is still alive.

Meanwhile a woman who lives next to him leaves her shiny red Ford and waves at him "Hey Vincent!" she says passing by. Uncomfortable Vincent gives her a silent wave as he remembers he has left his pizza in the shotgun seat of his car and bends down to retrieve it. She giggles a little bit knowing that getting him to even respond was a small victory and begins to climb up the stairs to the second floor. "Oh by the way" she says stopping to turn to him He looks up from his care to catch her green eyed stare "Someone was here to drop off a package for you but you weren't here, I called the manager and he brought it into your apartment" he pauses for a moment and smiles "Errr...Thanks you" He says shyly as he looks over her. Tight jeans, long boots, close fitting tank-top, she reminded him of his high school crush for a moment, although she had never even noticed he existed. He locks his car and follows his neighbor up the stairs, pizza box in one hand and a two liter of soda in the other. The concrete seems to echo each step off of the building around them obnoxiously loud. As he reaches his door he sets down the bottle of soda and fishes through his pocket for his keys, pulling them out they jingle as he inserts on into his lock and opens his door. "Catch ya later Vincent!" his neighbor replies as he slides into his apartment "Yeah..catch you later" he replies quietly.

Once inside he kicks the door closed and tosses his keys onto his coffee table and kicks his shoes off. The room in dimly lit and smells like cigarettes from an old tenant. Setting down his dinner at the same coffee table he pauses "Oh for fucks sake.." he mutters to himself as he heads back to the door and retrieves the bottle he had set down just outside of it. Cradling the bottle of sugar and caffeine Vincent sits down on his shabby beaten up couch and sighs. "Happy birthday to me..." he sings in a slightly defeated voice. He takes a look around, aside from the couch he was sitting in and the bed in his room he didnt have much furniture, just a stale brown carpet with a variety of stains and whatever he had left laying about. Suddenly a large box caught his eye. "Oh that's right... a package." he mumbled to himself. He strode across the empty room and picked it up setting it also on the coffee table. After opening the box he finds a variety of books, a pouch that jingles when he pulls it from the bag, and a very ornate box lined with psuedo leather and fake gold trimming to make it look elegant and mysterious. At the bottom of a box was a cream colored envelope. As he pulled it out a sheet of white paper slides out which he catches. Unfolding it he sees the unmistakable handwriting of his father.

Dear Vincent,
If you're reading this now then I've probably succumb to my illnesses that have long plagued me before I saw you turn twenty-one. I am very sorry that I could not see my son become a man, but instead I leave you this gift. Its the rules for playing a game called Althanas, which I had enjoyed as a young man of your age as well. It really helped me come into my own and I hope it will do the same for you...

Vincent frowned and looked at the stack of books that seemed to be in great condition. "A gift from after death and it's a Dungeons and Dragons knock off?" he sighs. He graps a slice of pizza and begins to nibble on it as he pulls one of the books to him and begins to read. Time seems to pass him by as he sinks into his read learning about the creatures and nature of the land, before he realizes it he's read three books and four hours have passed him by. Half of his pizza is gone and the bottle of soda is barely a quarter full. He frowns. "Well where are the rules to this game?" he mused aloud flipping idly through anther book. Suddenly the box catches his eye. COuld they really fit in such a small box? He wonders as he reaches over to grab both it and the pouch. Pausing he stops and opens the bag to see a full polyhedral set of dice. "So there is dice rolling" he mutters as he opens the box. One card slides out, the rest empty. Vincent pauses for a moment before picking it up and turning it over. On it a man dressed in mottly dances over a skull, with a scroll like frame with a simple message on it. "0-the fool" Before he could really register anything about the card a cacophany of voices ring through his head in unison. WHERE THE JOURNEY BEGINS suddenly Vincent found himself falling backwards. "What!" he exclaims as he tries to turn midair only to see nothing but black. His apartment is no longer there, in fact he's falling through nothing but darkness.

"You've got to be fuckin-" but before Vincent could finish his sentence he landed face first into a large body of water. Panicked he struggled to the surface and glanced around finding that he was in a small ponds and quickly swims to the shore. All around him seems to be a grass field, and right on the ground by his dripping shoes were two simple things. The box with the Fool card sitting there, and a simple twenty sided ivory dice with scarlet colored numbers.

Cards of Fate
12-03-14, 10:41 PM
Vincent glances around frantically. Where on earth could he possibly be? All around him is nothing but grass and open fields. The sky is dark and the stars shine brighter than he has ever seen them before. He bends down to grab the box and dice, and suddenly his vision blacks out. Instead he sees an incomprehensible amount of images flooding through his minds. A pond, a small town, a large cathedral like structure in the middle of nowhere, a beautiful woman were the only images he could grasp and comprehend. Again he heard the voices Go out and take the first step to becoming what you will be

Vincent staggered back and landed ass first in the mud disoriented. His stomach felt sick, he rolled over and vomit spewed from his pale lips as he purged all of the food from his guts. He convulsed slightly, and after he was done he returned to his feet looking warily at where he had dropped the items he had just picked up. Carefully he squatted down and took the dice and the box and slid them in his pocket. Gingerly he grasped the card between his thumb and his pointer finger and lifted it from the ground. No voice, no vision, Vincent let out a sigh of relief as he pocketed the card. He turned and waded into the water for a moment and glanced down into his reflection. Blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, a fair face, nothing about his physical appearance had changed. Taking in a few mouthfuls of water to rinse out the taste of vomit Vincent waded back out of the pond. His feet felt heavy and suddenly something struck him. He looked down to find that he had leather boots on, but he had been shoe-less when he had fallen. Likewise his clothing in general had changed to a black tunic and leather trousers, looking something out of a renaissance fair. "What the..." he began but then stopped. "I don't think I'm in Dallas anymore" he mutters to himself as he begins to walk in a direction. "Gotta be someone nearby who can tell me where the fuck I am..."

Cards of Fate
12-04-14, 02:21 AM
Vincent silently cursed his days of skipping gym as he trudged along the tall grass fields that rose to his hips. He was lost in a sea of waving green as he trudged in what he thought to be east. A cool breeze played with his hair, slightly chilling his damp body. His boots were heavy from mud and he felt absolutely disgusting caked with with remains of his pond adventure. Despite the complaints he had about his body, he couldn't help but be slightly..excited? No more than an hour ago he had been at home spending the night of his twentieth birthday alone eating pizza and drinking soda over a bunch of manuals for a table top game that 30 year old men played in their mothers basement. Now he was lost in this field with a strange magic playing card that made him see things and spoke to him. To top it off the stars were so bright he didn't even need a flashlight to see anything, and the moon was so big and full it was almost as if he could reach out and touch it. He could vaguely remember some constellations his father had taught him before he was sick and they still went camping, but as far as Vincent could gather none of the ones he knew were showing this night.

As he walked his legs began to get sore, and his mouth dry. Glancing around he noticed a building off in the distance. A tall tower like building silhouetted by the moon. Seeing nothing else Vincent decides that this tower is his best bet of finding any help. After a bit of walking he finds himself at the foot of the tower but up close it looks abandoned. Vines have begun to snake around the base in a thick wall until about halfway up where the vines begin to thin. Unsure of what to do Vincent walks around the tower looking for some form of entrance that's been obscured by these vines. Finally he finds something that appears to be a wooden door covered in the growths. Sighing he begins to try and peel the vegetation away. Slowly he begins to make some visible progress. After having to take a couple breaks he finally gets the door open and slides through. Pulling it closed behind him he waits for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. The room is dark and the scent of dust long undisturbed burns at his nostrils. All there is a staircase that leads upwards, and as he begins to ascend it the stairs begin to glow. As he reaches the top its a simple open chamber made of stone tiling and class walls that meet the roof seamlessly. In the center lies a grand telescope like Vincent has never seen.

As he approached it he heard a figure clear its throat behind him. Startled Vincent turned to see an ancient man in a silver robe. To say he looked like a bag of skin draped over a skeleton would be an understatement, the man looked older than the tower they were standing in. "Oh uh..." Vincent paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. Fuck fuck fuck there's an old man here? How? How did I not see him coming up its not like there was anywhere he could have been hiding? Oh shit I'm a burglar, one phone call and my ass is in jail for breaking and entering. Vincent seized up and the old man laughed, "You remind me of another young man who found his way here a long time ago..." He paused for a moment. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am old man Tarot, and you seem to be in possession of something I made...a long time ago." He motions and suddenly the card in Vincent's pocket floats up and splits the gap between them. "Ah the fool...you're journey has just begun. You will face many hardships...but you will reap many rewards." he pauses. "How have I come here from my home? Where is here?" Vincent asks. Old man tarot grins a knowing smile. "You're far from home and this realm will be nothing like you've ever faced..." He walks towards Vincent. "You are in Scara Brae, a small island nation. This world is most likely not as advanced as your world in science, but makes up for it by having what you might call...fantasy elements. Magic is common in this world and you will likely have to adjust." Suddenly he fades into dust and reappears next to Vincent with the Fool card in hand. "This card and each card you pull from that box will give you a challenge unlike any you've ever faced before. It will give you clues and show you what you need to do or where you need to go. Once completed it will reward you in some manner, then you may draw another from the deck. Once you have completed them all you will be given a choice...your answer to that choice will shape your very destiny." He places the cad in Vincent's palm and closes his fingers around it. "Take care young man, you will face great perils." The man finishes as he fades into dust. "Wait what the fuck?" Vincent calls out after the man. "What are these cards? How do I go home?" He shouts clawing at the dust the man had turned into.

Suddenly he wakes up in the middle of a field, the sun almost halfway up the sky clutching a large pack. Unsure he opens it up to find a spare set of clothes, a bedroll, a map, compass, and some dried meats and fruits to eat along with a decent amount of water. Confused more than ever he throws the pack over his shoulders and sighs. At least he wont starve.

Cards of Fate
12-04-14, 05:41 AM
Vincent silently cursed and thanked the old man as he began his walk. It had been winter at home but it was most likely early summer here in Scara Brae leaving the field he was in slightly uncomfortable. His pack was bulky and a weight he was unused to carrying, and it slowed him greatly. As the day went on his shoulders screamed at him and he found himself often dropping the pack and taking a quick break and plundering at his supplies more often than he felt he should. Every time he watched the sun. Midday came and went early in his trek, and soon the sun began to sink lower and lower into the horizon as the sky began to grow red with the setting sun. Vincent's tunic was soaked in sweat, he hadn't been out in the outdoors like this since he was young and was having quite the hard time. By the time the sun had gone down completely he had found a dirt road. Exhausted and tired Vincent found quiet nestle of grass that was tall enough he couldn't be seen from the road and laid out his sleeping pack. He was so exhausted sleep came quickly but it was a restless sleep. He tossed and turned as the visions from when he first picked up the card swarmed though his mind like leaves in a storm. He recognized the pond as the one he landed in, and the cathedral like structure was more of a tower and must have been the one he met old man Tarot. So it stood to reason if he found the town and the woman he would resolve this cards mission...which was what?

As he awoke he thought about the card. It had called itself The Fool, and the first time he heard the voices they had told him "Where the journey begins". If these cards were leading him on some form of journey as old man Tarot had said, then it made reasonable sense that this cards goal was to well...start. This idea matched his second voice in his head. As he sat up he heard a noise and he quickly ducked into cover and tried to peak through the grass to see what it was. A group of men on horse were riding toward him. They slowed down at the gesture of one of the men just before Vincent's little grass nook. He strained his ears and listened to the best of his ability. "Hey boss why'd we stop?" one of the men asked. "There's someone in the grass" the man replied dismounting his horse and drawing his sword. Vincent freaked out at the sight of the blade, Holy fucking shit that is a god damn sword I am about to get stabbed if I don't get the fuck up and show them I'm not a bandit. Vincent leaped up and shouted "Wait don't stab me I'm not a bad guy I swear!" before realizing that he could be in fact talking to bandits.

He took a quick second to analyze the situation, three men, two mounted on their horses and one on the ground sword drawn. He was a wimp with no weapon or armor to speak of. He didn't even have money to bribe them with or anything. Panicked he rose his hands over his head in a sign of surrender. The three men, all in chain mail froze at the sight of the young man leaping from the grass before laughing. The captain who the other voice had referred to as "boss" was howling with laughter to the point of which he almost fell over. "Its just a boy!" he roared between guffaws. The other guards began to chip in "He doesn't even look armed," "How could he possibly have gotten this far from home?" Vincent lowered his arms to his sides and sighed. Finally when the laughter subsided the captain managed to regain his composure. "Alright boy, ya don't look like a bandit so we're not gonna hurt ya." He paused and looked over Vincent "In fact ya don't look a whole lot of anything aside from lost." he said smirking.

"Whats yer story? Young man tired of town life looking to make his way to the big city for a more glamorous life of adventurin and guild joinin? Because let me go ahead and burst your bubble, those are stories." The man said walking up to Vincent. Vincent froze as the man walked towards him, but forced himself to relax and take in a deep breath. "My name is Vincent, and I'm looking for the nearest town..." he paused for a moment. "I was riding my horse and it bucked me...I took a blow to the head and I don't remember too much..." he added in a hopefully convincing tone. The captain changed tones quite quickly "Ye hurt yerself?" He quickly grabbed Vincent by the collar and examined him. "Ya don't look dreadfully beat up but if ya don't know where yer goin its easy to get lost and turned around in these fields." Vincent panicked at the mans grab but realized he was simply trying to make sure he was ok. After letting the young man go the captain spoke once more "Well the names Roddrick, and the one eyed man to my right is Gork and the bald one to my left is Harold. We're a band of mercenaries who tend to go town to town looking for easy work." He rubbed his chin looking at Vincent. "You don't look like much of a fighter but I can't leave a lost pup like you running around the roads to get stabbed by some brigand. We're a short ride from the nearest town and we'll give ye a lift"

Roddrick strode over to his horse and mounted while Gork rode forward and lifted Vincent off of his feet and onto the back of his saddle. He reeked of body odor and the back of his tunic was stained in blood but for the first time in a while Vincent felt somewhat safe. The trio rode off and suddenly Vincent realized that he did not like traveling by horseback. The bumping and jostling was something he didn't feel like dealing with. When they finally reached the city gates the group dropped off Vincent before heading to a tavern. Lost in the town Vincent realized he was in the town from his visions. A small burg with a small plaza, yet so many choices about how to proceed. All he had to do was find the woman in his vision...

Cards of Fate
12-05-14, 12:12 AM
It didn't take Vincent very long to realize how big of a task he was charged with when it came to finding one woman in a town of this size. Sure it wasn't particularly large, but there were still a lot of people and he was not a social butterfly. He tried remembering what he could about the woman but try as he might it just didn't really come to him. He felt like he had seen her before, perhaps somewhere on earth, but that couldn't be right. He hair was..dirty blonde? Or was it brown? These thoughts kept swirling through his mind as he tried to navigate the somewhat crowded plaza glancing from face to face. The smell of sweat and dirt from the unwashed masses was begging to get to him so he stepped out of the crowd to a side alley to take a breather. As he did he noticed a sign "Halgroms Books" being familiar with text he decided the best place for info was to read up on some things.

As he stepped in the familiar smell of text hit him like a wall. This was a particularly wonderfully smelling shop, some of the tomes must be particularly old and using actually leather bindings, the stuff bookworms dream of. The shop keeper, an old silver haired man who was so short Vincent assumed he must be a dwarf of some kind, glared at the young man through spectacle. "The tavern is across the plaza young man, this is a bookshop." He grunted. Vincent paused for a moment, only a few steps into the building. It was small but crammed with books of all shapes and sizes. Each wall was covered with various bookcases of different shapes and sizes, some stacked on each other to fill up every inch of wall space, all crammed with scrolls and tomes. Tables were strewn about stacked beyond belief with tomes of various thicknesses. The whole thing seemed, well, chaotic.

Stunned for a moment Vincent cleared his throat, "Im aware of where I am sir..." he said rather meekly. "But I need to find some information...I'm lost and the best place to find knowledge is in text..." he finished. The dwarf who Vincent assumed was named Halgrom, be it his first or last name he didn't know, stared the young man down. "You mean to tell me a man of your age is looking to read through some of these tomes just to find out something?" he asked looking rather incredulous. "Half the people in this town can't even read, and few enough do it other than to write letters, yet you expect me to believe you're here to read a book?" Vincent looked rather shocked at the Dwarf's reply. "Of...course?" He motioned to the mess of books cluttered about. "But I wouldn't even know where to start with all of this...have you even tried organizing any of it?" He asked looking rather sheepish.

"I know where any book I own in this shop is at any given time" the dwarf huffed indignantly. "But how are your customers supposed to find what they're looking for?" Vincent replied feeling slightly more confident. The dwarf stopped for a moment and frowned. "And how would I do that?" He asks rather grumpily. "Well you gather up books writeen by the same person in a group...or maybe by what they're covering...?" Vincent replies. The dwarf looks at the piles of books then at the young man. "I'd never really thought about it like that. I just sorta sell my collection to those who pass by. I don't normally let people browse my wares before purchase...but if you help me out here I'll give you a bit of gold and let you do your reading...sound fair?" He asks. Vincent's heart skipped a beat. I'd forgotten about money! I'm flat broke! He grins "Sure thing sir" he said closing the gap between him and the dwarf offering a hand to shake. The dwarf took it and grinned.

Cards of Fate
12-05-14, 05:42 AM
The two began work immediately, Halgrom began to clear books from their old residence and organize them based off of topic, and Vincent helped until all of the shelves were clear and began to return books to the shelves in a more organized and reasonable manner. In the process a massive amount of dust was kicked into the air, burning Vincent's nostrils and coercing him into coughing fits on more than one occasion. The work was slow, tedious, and incredibly taxing on Vincent's frame. Some of these books were thick, heavy, and cumbersome. Some were ridiculously sized even for Vincent's wildest imaginations. By the time the two had gotten halfway through the books the sun had already set, and Vincent's muscles were screaming in pain. The dwarf however, did not seem to mind the work one bit. His short and stocky frame seemed to handle carrying stacks of the largest books with ease.

Eventually with about three quarters of all the books done the dwarf stepped into the back room and came out with the rolls of bread, some jerky, and a wheel of cheese. "Lets take a break for dinner young man!" The dwarf exclaimed walking into the room. Vincent, who had been busy trying to alphabetize the dwarfs extensive collection of erotic literature, was grateful for the distraction from books like "King of the Codpieces." As the sat and ate by the dwarf's desk Vincent suddenly realized how much space the two of them had opened up. Before there had been stacks of books everywhere, but neatening things out seemed to have opened more space. He could see the wooden floors, although they could use a bit of polish on them. He could actually determine the room was about twenty feet wide and about forty feet deep. About three quarters of the room was taken up by books, but the front quarter by the door and dwarf's desk was clearer and actually functional as a space. As he nibbles on the roll he notices a slight herbal taste, but is too distracted by his observations to really taste the food he's eating. It's kinda like home...in a messed up high fantasy way... he thinks to himself.

The dwarf is silent, but is intently analyzing Vincent. "You're not from around here are you?" The dwarf asks. Vincent is brought from his thoughts with a slight jump. "Err...yeah..." he replies nervously. The dwarf nods, his brow creased. "You're too pale to be a farm boy and too soft to be a smiths apprentice. No missing fingers so you're probably not a millers boy...." he trailed off. "So you must be a student from somewhere right?" The dwarf asked calmly. "Er sorta" Vincent replied. "My family owns a bookstore a couple towns over..." he replied. The dwarf pauses for a moment. "I guess that makes sense..." he muttered. He walks into the back and comes back with too metal tin cups filled with wine. He hands one to Vincent and begins to drink his. "Well if your family owns a store why are you out in these parts?" Halgrom asks. Vincent pauses and gathers his words, "I got in a fight with my mom after my dad died..." he responded quietly. He takes a sip of his wine and cringes, Ick its so bitter. he thinks to himself.

Leona Stevvains
12-08-14, 08:25 AM
The top of the door gently pushed against the bell to alert the shop keeps that a customer entered. The young woman slowly crept through, her steps careful as though she were afraid to set off an explosion if her foot hit the ground too hard. Her eyes slowly scanned the store, viewed the various tomes that sat neatly, although very dusty, upon the shelves. Every so often, her eyes would shift back down to the square shaped holder at her hip.

“Are you sure?” the woman asked, and as if the holder spoke some sort of silent language, the case surrounded itself with a blue aura. She nodded to the inanimate object and began to walk around the store. Other than the two people behind the counter that watched her come in there did not seem to be anybody else in the store. Leona Stevvains preferred having a small audience as she worked; it made her job that much easier.

“Can I help you, ma’am?” Halgrom asked as he began to get up from his seat. He was quickly cut off by Leona waving the shop keep off as though she did not need his assistance. It took several minutes before the strange girl wandered her way over to the two men finally. Her eyes shifted between the two of them for a moment, then looked down at her silent card holder once more.

“What’s her problem?” Vincent whispered loudly into his employer’s ear. At the boy’s words, the holder glowed a scarlet red hue that seemed to blind the girl with its radiance. Leona shielded her eyes as she looked over to the whisperer, a solitary finger pointed at him.

“Yes…the Hierophant. I understand, thank you,” her conversation was once again to nobody in particular until the crimson aura began to die off, “Vincent Cain, I have a job for you.”

Cards of Fate
12-08-14, 08:59 AM
Vincent was slightly amazed by the ringing of the bell as the woman walked in. She seemed oddly familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before. As she walked and looked around at the work they had just done Vincent felt a slight tinge of pride, but something about her felt off. The way she spoke seemed to make Vincent hang on every word she was saying. Who was she talking to? Was she crazy? These thoughts ran through his head with relative speed as he watched her intently. Halgrom had made a move to stand but the woman waved him off. Something didn't seem right. She seemed less interested in the books, and more focused on her monologue. Then the holder at her hip glowed blue and Vincent began to worry. She wandered over to the two of them looking between the two and

"Whats her problem" he said trying to whisper but ending up being way too lord for his own good. The holder began to glow a brilliant scarlet and both Leona and Vincent were blinded but for different reasons. Visions flooded Vincent's mind, an incomprehensible flurry of colors and shapes that might made him nauseous, but it was the voices that truly made him feel sick. A chorus of whispers filled his ears, voices sinister and pure mixed together. His skin grew cold and clammy and suddenly a single voice rang through his head. Thou hath taken the first step had he been paying attention he would have noticed his pocket glow as the Fool card shimmered out of existence.

"Vincent Cain, I have a job for you." The young man without realizing it had hunched over, and turned up to look at the woman pointing a silent finger at him. Vincent gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to vomit on Halgrom's already dirty floor. "How do you know my name?" He asked confused. Who was this woman with her strange gaze and mystic aura. She felt like someone Vincent could trust, it struck him that the card had shown her to him, or perhaps had led her to him. Either way it seemed no strange coincidence. "And what exactly would I be doing for you?" he felt strangely confident at this time, as if his whole little ordeal had led up to this moment.

Leona Stevvains
12-08-14, 10:05 AM
“My name is Leona Stevvains,” she said as he finger receded into her palm and flicked her wrist. Like a low-level magician, a card was suddenly in her hand. The holder glowed once again, first blue and then scarlet before the spectrum died off. The card in the girl’s hand depicted a faceless man atop a throne with two people looking on. The seated man wore a crown and held a staff.

“You are my Hierophant,” she said, her words still a cryptic message to the boy, “I am part of a select group known as the Tarot hierarchy. I seek out special individuals like myself to perform special tasks that only they can accomplish. I am in search of some particular items that I think you would be best at helping me retrieve.”’

She looked around the bookstore once more and turned her back to the man. She walked over to a specific dusty shelf and pulled a book down as though she knew ahead of time what she wanted. She approached Vincent once more and laid the book before him. “I wish to purchase this tome and give it to you as a gift. It will aid you upon your journeys, Vincent Cain, my brain trust.”

Her tone came off as though she already knew the boy’s answer. She extended a hand to him to make it seem as though fate was not guiding his hand as well as her own. “Come with me if you want to truly experience life, to gain knowledge beyond what any simple book store can teach you. Join us on your quest and I promise you that your life will most likely be one filled with splendor and glory far outweighing the despair and tragedy.”

Cards of Fate
12-08-14, 11:11 AM
Vincent had no possible way to describe what he was feeling at the moment. Shock or awe didn't seem to do the moment justice. So much was happening at once, arriving at this world, the meeting with old man Tarot, this bookstore, and now her. The card had told him he had taken the first step, it had guided him here just as something else seemed to have guided her. The book she set down in front of him seemed foreboding and ominous. "I'm your...brain trust?" He didn't feel up to it, there was no way that he could do it. But at the same time he felt a tug, something compelling him forward. He could.

Halgrom smiled and patted Vincent on the back "I think your fates callin you boy" And with that Vincent rose and took her hand. "I'm not sure what everything you just said means, but if you think I'm up for the task I'll gladly give it my best." Leona grasped his hand and shook it. Reaching into her pocket she left the money for the tome with the dwarf, and the two departed, Vincent clutching the tome like a newborn baby. He had no idea what he had just gotten himself into, but he was excited to find out. It seemed like he was in for an adventure. "So where are we going exactly?" Vincent asked as the walked out. "Raiaera" she said curtly she paused for a moment and added "Home" The two walked out the door and Vincent realized the sun was begining to set. Two days and I'm already on an adventure...

(Well this thread is complete, but kinda short! It's my first completed work on this site in a long time!

Completed card of Fate: The Fool- the deck box that Vincent draws the cards of fate now allows him to draw playing cards that have a sharp edge with the strength of Iron. Similar to throwing stars these cards can be thrown to cut an opponent. However due to their nature they are flimsy, easily swatted aside, and not very effective thus far as a weapon. He can only draw 52 a day, and it recharges every night at midnight.

Mysterious Tome: A book Leona seemed to have previous knowledge of, given as a gift this book will contain important information for Vincent to serve as Heirophant.)

12-15-14, 02:32 PM
Thread: The Fool: Where the Journey Begins
Judgement Type: Condenscened Rubric
Participants: Cards of Fate and Leona Stevvains

Please PM the judge (Philomel) if you have any questions.

Cards of Fate:

Story: 17

Overall your story is good, and it clearly tells a tale that you want to. There are climaxes and rises and falls, however in many places, particularly at the middle, the story seems very rushed and a little far too lucky. The mercenaries are very kind to Vincent quite fast and the bookseller does not ask many questions about his new employee. Within this tale there seems to only be positives, and though it is an adventure type of story it is less believable.
That being said, you do have brilliant ideas for your character, and introduce him in an interesting way. It can be particularly hard, when dealing with a character who is not originally from Althanas, and you create a sympathetic background for him - however, once Vincent is in Althanas he does not really talk of his family back home, no mention is made of it. The pacing is too fast, and there is not much detail made of setting. A way of working on these weaknesses is trying to slow down your pace a little, and break up much of your heavy paragraphs with new lines and description. This will help the reader to slowly be introduced to your character and his experiences.

Character: 18

One thing that was very good about your character was the idea of hearing his thoughts in the first paragraph of post 3, which worked really well as far as persona goes. His actions, also, are very believable. The way he acts very confused and is asking everyone what is going on is a good sign of someone lost in a new world.
However, again some conversations seem very rushed as far as their pacing goes, and there is uncertainty as to who is talking to who at times due to a lot of errors in punctuation (please see Writing below) and paragraphing. Whether Vincent is angry or not is also in question as he dramatically changes tone a couple of times, with some posts, such as post 3, consisting of a lot of swearing in speech and thought, and then others with none and instead resorting to politeness. Though it does change from scene to scene and situation it seems there is a lack of consistency here. By working through this individual parts and getting a single way of Vincent speaking you will be able to get your writing stronger. This being all said, character was definitely your strongest section.

Writing: 14

There were no obvious spelling errors, which is very easy to come across, so well done. However, as far as mechanics goes there are numerous paragraphing and structure errors that harm your clarity and way of writing.
Firstly, when you have a new person talking there should always be a new line of dialogue. Within dialogue, also, there should always be a comma or mark of punctuation before the closed speech mark. In general you could use a lot more commas in places also. Particularly in post 1 where you have: ‘he brought it into your apartment" he pauses for a moment and smiles "Errr...Thanks you" He says shyly as he looks over her.’ it should, however read, ‘... your apartment, he pauses for a moment, and smiles. “Errr … Thank you,” he says …”’
One way of really dealing with this is to read out your sentences in your head if you do not know where commas should go, and then place them down where you pause.
Unfortunately, also, you change tense a couple of times, going from present tense to past tense. This happens in post 2, where you have sections through the paragraphs, as follows (tenses are underlined); “ ….Vincent glances around frantically… and landed …he mutters”
However, one strength as far as Writing goes is that you really do have a good hold of description. You need to work on your paragraphing, as this will help the reader to read it easier, but this is very simple to sort out. You do have a strong narrative voice coming through, which can only grow stronger, so well done.

Wildcard 5:

Points here are awarded for writing a good first thread with a capturing storyline. Also, in this case, it was helped with Leona’s entrance, introducing your character to the Tarot Heirarchy and the world of Althanas.

Notes on Leona:
There are less notes here, purely for the reason that Leona only submitted to 2 posts in the thread, and Cards of Fate the majority.

Your part was small but overall you added to the story well, though your character could have used setting a little more to her description - such as stumbling over the books or similar. You manage to carry part of the story with you and bring a new light into the plot, so well done here.

Character was particularly strong, wherein you gave a clear picture of a woman in charge, who knew exactly what she wanted. Maybe there could have been a minor more amount of suggestion as to what was going on in her mind, but overall well done.

You use paragraphing excellent and everything is in order. The only thing that could have made your writing stronger here was in technique, by a use of literary forms, such as similie in your description. However, for a small part it was well done - precise and complete.

Wildcard 5: See Wildcard notes under Cards Of Fate.

Total Score:


Cards of Fate receives:
566 EXP
75 GP

Leona Stevvains receives:
162 EXP
23 GP

The deck of cards, Cards of Fate is highly powerful at this stage, and 52 throwing cards that act like ninja stars does not meet the amount of GP or EXP you gained from this quest. I would suggest going to the bazzar to see how many cards you can get for your money.
However, the book can be given for 10 GP for its particular importance in your character's future.
~10 GP taken from Cards of Fate's final GP amount.

12-26-14, 01:31 PM
EXP & GP Added!