View Full Version : To Build a Citadel with Magics

12-05-14, 09:20 PM

The Citadel.

A place to find honor and battle... or horror and blood. It was a place of pleasure... or pain.

It was also where new members of the new group P.A.L.E. were signing up.

This new group was dedicated to peace and justice, whatever the cost, across Althanas. P.A.L.E. was set up and organized by a young woman named Ashla Rose Icebreaker. She was the former duchess of a ruined country, a surviving member of a lost lineage, an avenger, and a mother. This young woman, born from the Icebreaker clan of Eiskalt, had so much drive for justice against evil... and peace for the innocent. That was why the ex-duchess had created P.A.L.E. She so badly wanted to mend the sick, thayne forsaken world she was born into. She wanted a world where she, her companion Julius Tabor, and their upcoming child could live in peace. As well as the rest of world. Why should the world suffer? Ashla knew something had to be done... thus, P.A.L.E. was born.

Work had to be done, even for an eighteen year old five months pregnant with a baby. Ashla was the one and only leading member of P.A.L.E. She was the queen. It was a sweet title, but bending over backwards to only get new members in was a massive pain. The fighting alone was bad enough, but top that with swelling and nausea and things just got five times worse.

Ashla was now in different clothes than usual. A simple, black shirt with fluffed ends, large and comfortable enough to wear while carrying a child, was what she wore for a top. The Icebreaker had black, stretchy pants that also were safe and comfortable for pregnancy. She had her beautiful hair, usually down and thick, tied back. She had her cloak on her neck, drooping down her back and legs, as well as her long shawl hanging off her waist. She thought she looked ridiculous.

Covering herself, and her sloppy looks, with her cloak as much as possible, the tired young woman was inside yet another Citadel arena. This arena pretty much summed up where she wanted to be right now... a toasty warm inn that served massive, juicy steaks.

Or was it trout Ashla was in the mood for? She usually didn't enjoy chicken, but Ashla would have liked chicken too...

Icebreaker pulled her cloak over herself even more and shuffled over to a cozy looking campfire, she couldn't help herself and pulled an oak chair over. She huddled inside herself, only her bare hands outstretched to feel the warmth of the flames.

It was a fairly small inn. It was an empty place with only a few chairs and tables, alongside with that cozy fire. Ashla closed her eyes, embracing the heat. Suddenly though, at the sound of the door to the inn - or arena - opening, her relaxed face froze. Her hooded head snapped towards the door.

12-05-14, 10:15 PM
Ashla knew he was applying as an alchemist and not a warrior, but she still thought: Wow...

He was dressed in a black tuxedo, it was a basic suit better fit for a ball than a fight. His long, black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, which was supported by a bow. He had a single cutless on him. It was a steel weapon trimmed with gold. Ashla stood up cautiously, for once in her life ashamed of her sloppy looks. He may not have been dressed for battle, but this man was quite snazzy.

Before Ashla could speak, the man properly bowed, "Daisuke Bridge, alchemist at your service, M'lady."

Ashla had to admit, she enjoyed the accent. As the man eased his own bow, Ashla mustered up what governing Eiskalt had taught her and returned the bow. "Ashla Rose Icebreaker, queen of PALE." Ashla smiled, "Thank you so much for applying for PALE!"

Daisuke nodded, "I believe your group will be a good opportunity for me, ma'am..." He then just seemed to notice Ashla's stomach, his face scrunched up like he'd just eaten something sour. "M'lady, your stomach is swollen with child..."

12-05-14, 10:35 PM
"I wish people would stop bugging me with that!" Ashla literally stomped her foot, "Yes, I know, carrying a baby and fighting isn't a great idea, but I'm not fighting! I'm sparring." Ashla folded arms together, closing her eyes, it was as if she knew it all. "I initiate battles in the Citadel for a reason..."

Daisuke chuckled, as if he thought she was funny. "I see, m'lady, of course... Shall we get started?"

It took Ashla several moments to process that he was waiting on her first move. Ashla mentally scolded herself and quickly pulled her Damascus broadsword out, holding it offensively. Daisuke, meanwhile, swiftly drew his own blade and held it elegantly up in front of him, maintaining a close to proper posture. Ashla tilted her head, He's got posture, obviously showing he's trained... but can he fight?

Ashla scoffed and slowly started to stride up to him, her blue blade still reflecting the light of the fire. Ashla would usually apply a lot more energy into a fight but... Remember, child first! Can't let anything happen to my baby! Just can't...

12-06-14, 08:54 AM
Ashla came up to Daisuke and swung a simple swing at him to the right. He blocked without even moving his body, but simply shrugging his blade in that direction.

Ashla smirked, So far, so good. But can he block this? Ashla had a lot of speed on her, so it was easy to advance forwards (walking of course) while throwing multiple slices and stabs at him.

The man stepped back with that same elegance, the wood floor only groaning lightly under his weight. His arm never moved really, but his blade did, blocking most of her attacks. Meanwhile, her swings that missed only swung into midair. A mixture of sounds were suddenly erupting in a quiet building. The clashing of blades and whipping of objects through solid air.

Ashla sighed, lowering her blade. He's good... This man had a simple, but successful technique behind him. If Ashla pulled out another weapon and put in her physical all, she could easily outmaneuver him, but in her state of pregnancy that was impossible without endangering her child. She was impressed, but a bit cross that she couldn't hit anything as of late. She was losing energy, and Daisuke had shown enough.

"Nice work." The Icebreaker complimented the man, "You're in."

12-06-14, 09:05 AM
The man let himself smile, putting his weapon away. Only after the sound of the sword getting placed in its sheath did he bow again, "Thank you sincerely for this honor, madame. I shall work my best."

Ashla chuckled as she put her own sword away... and immediately following she felt lightheaded. Stupid pregnancy... She grasped her forehead and looked around the snuggly room for a chair. Before she could move though, she felt a sturdy but warm arm wrap around her's. Ashla glanced over to see Daisuke holding her up, "Rest, Lady Icebreaker."

Ashla hated looking weak, but she felt too groggy to complain. She let all her weight fall onto her new recruit.

"I can create a medical drink to help you, M'lady. Allow us to leave this place?"

Ashla was also feeling nauseous now, she groaned, "Yes, please... before I throw up on something..."

12-06-14, 09:19 AM
Soon enough, Ashla found herself drinking a red liquid as she sat at the edge of the Citadel's outer walls. As the soft breeze of Corone blew a light song of comfort, Ashla finished off the tasteless drink without barfing it out all over again. Standing above her, leaning against the wall, Daisuke was holding a gold trimmed bag in his hands.

Ashla looked up curiously. Daisuke looked down, "Is it working, madame?"

Ashla realized that it was. She already felt her nausea going away, and she at least she didn't feel far from the world. The grass looked clearer, and the sky didn't make her feel dizzy. She welcomed the warmth of the sun on her face, as it no longer made her feel sick.

The Icebreaker smiled weakly, "Thank you."

The gentleman reached down to pull her up, Ashla let him. As he drew her up, Ashla agreed with herself that P.A.L.E. now had a fine alchemist in its ranks. Daisuke still held her up as he spoke, "And where is PALE's base, madame?"

Ashla sighed, "Raiaera..."

12-07-14, 03:54 AM
"Oh yes," Daisuke nodded with a sense of wisdom, "Raiaera. Getting there from here should be a splendid journey to cherish." The man smiled, causing Ashla to nervously smile back. Daisuke then looked down to her stomach again, "What's the story behind that little blessing?"

Ashla chuckled... then sighed, "Julius and I... got rec-reckless I -guess" Oh yes, Ashla's betrothed. Julius Tabor was the member of another famed family from Eiskalt. This was the first time in the tiny country's four-hundred years that a Tabor and Icebreaker ever came together... this child could have the unique abilities of both family's combined! The thought was something Ashla had no idea about...

"I-I've been trying to run PALE while carrying it," Ashla continued, "But it's been quite hard with a tiny human growing inside me..." So freaking hard! And nobody catches any hints that poor me needs a break...

Daisuke nodded as he pulled her towards a diner nearby, "But should you be letting business get in the way of family?"

Ashla turned her head away from him, she'd ask that same question to her own family if any were left.

"Take a suggestion and cherish it while you can, once your baby is out of diapers he or she will be exploring the world wildly and without care!"

At the now familiar feeling of kicking inside, the young woman chuckled, "Well, I remember I was that way too. Rampaging my father's hut daily..."

The two found themselves chuckling as they entered the inn. By then, the Icebreaker felt strong enough to hold herself up. And she did just that when the doors opened.

12-12-14, 01:26 PM
It was a cozy cabin. Various people of different types. Ashla noted an arguing couple as she and Daisuke passed through and sat at a round table. The delicious smells of foods of many kinds entered Ashla's nose. She chuckled when she saw a child sitting across from her, stubbornly throwing any and all edibles his mother gave him onto the unswept floor. Ashla felt her own child move inside her again. An awkward look came across her face, but she afterward weakly smiled, Please don't let that kid's behavior be mine's as well!

She eyed Daisuke, who sat across from her. He had that same bag placed on the table. Ashla was too curious to resist asking, "What's in the bag?"

12-12-14, 08:31 PM
The laughter of several people erupted from the background, a group of gamblers. Daisuke placed his hand lightly on the bag, obviously attempting to mind his own business. His face was distinctive, he didn't like gambling. Ashla blinked kindly, I hate families, he hates gambling.

Daisuke finally spoke, "A gift of recognition to the queen of P.A.L.E." He lifted the bag and handed it to her, returning the smile. "You can fix it to whatever likeness fits you. I suggest opening it after we leave though... nifty hands hanging here." He winked.

Ashla gave him a sweeter smile, "Thank you, Daisuke. And yes, patience is indeed a virtue."

Daisuke chuckled, "It surely is, madame." He paused for a time frame of several moments, obviously caught up in space. Ashla understood that look; the blind gazing and empty but heavy eyes. She caught herself wearing it plentiful times...

"... M'lady," Daisuke slowly dragged, "May I ask you a question?"


Ashla felt worry course through her for her new recruit and friend. He was serious. As she observed that long look in his eyes, she hoped it wasn't about her fighting with a child again. She waited for him, time seemed to fly (without the fun), and minus the background full of dishes clanging and blurred people chattering, not neither made a sound. Daisuke's sudden question though, was actually quite simple. "Why did you start PALE?"

12-12-14, 08:47 PM
Ashla's head perked up a little. At first, she wondered why such a simple question required all that effort... then she realized it wasn't a simple question. An unknown backstory laid behind this man's eyes. Ashla knew it from her own self. An unsaid tragedy was locked behind him, one that must of been flashing within his poor mind. Whatever story that was though, Ashla understood it should remain hidden. The Icebreaker pulled her hands up to her chin and rested it in them. She blinked, still feeling tired after what was even a brief fight, and proceeded to answer.

"Simple. There's too much evil out there, and too little good to stand up and combat it. Someone has to step up and stop it. That someone was me. I know these things cannot be achieved by a one person army, so PALE was born."

It was laid out simple and true as possible. Daisuke blinked in slow exhaustion, "I see... Thank you, madame for sharing."

The duchess of Eiskalt smiled again, "You are welcome."

Daisuke sighed, apparently trying to get his past out of his head, whatever it was. Ashla blinked, "Shall we cast all worries away for now? I would enjoy having a simple, calming dinner for once."

Daisuke suddenly came to life, laughing, "Y-Yes, m'lady. That would be delightful."

Ashla lightly chuckled, pulling her gift bag closer to herself. "Then let this be your welcome dinner to PALE."

And thus, the two faded into the noises of a happy crowd, or a cheery inn. The two quickly having formed a friendship... but a darkness remaining hidden.

12-12-14, 08:54 PM

As a spoil, I would like to request three, midget sized claws fit for gauntlets. They are smaller than the usual claws, mainly a punching mechanism and not for slashing they are made of Lividus Chalybs.

"A mysterious metal which is pitch black and has strength little over that of steel's, has been discovered and used in various things from weapons to houses. This metal is very durable, but also extremely heavy. At first look. one would mistake this substance for any plain rock - trust me though, it's metal."

12-13-14, 09:47 AM
Submitted to Workshop for commentary.

BlueGhostOfSeaside receives:

1300 EXP
35 GP

Enough metal using the following description, to a teir 2 strength level, enough for 3 small claws (1.25 of a standard knife)
"A mysterious metal which is pitch black and has strength little over that of steel's, has been discovered and used in various things from weapons to houses. This metal is very durable, but also extremely heavy. At first look. one would mistake this substance for any plain rock - trust me though, it's metal."


12-26-14, 01:30 PM
EXP & GP Added!